Surveillance Robotic Car

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Menaka M1, Stella K2, Ramya D3, Sakthi Sri R4, Thirisha M5
Article History: Received: 01.02.2023 Revised: 07.03.2023 Accepted: 10.04.2023
A surveillance robot using ESP32-CAM is a system that utilizes the ESP32-CAM board
and a robot chassis to create a mobile surveillance device. The ESP32-CAM is alow-cost
development board that integrates a small camera module and Wi-Fi connectivity. The robot
chassis allows the device to move around and capture video in different locations. The system
can be controlled through a web interface hosted on the ESP32-CAM board. The web interface
allows the user to control the robot's movement, view live video streams, and take snapshots
of the video feed. Additionally, the system can be programmed to detect motion using
computer vision algorithms, such as object detection and tracking, and send alerts to the user.
The surveillance robot using ESP32-CAM has potential applications in home security,
monitoring of remote locations, and industrial surveillance. With its low cost and easy-to-use
interface, it provides a convenient solution for anyone who needs to monitor their surroundings
Keyword- ESP 32cam, motor driver, camera.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Assistant Professor,2Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India.
UG Student of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India


Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3148


I. INTRODUCTION Overall, the ESP32 CAM module is an

The development of surveillance excellent tool for creating surveillance
robots has been a growing area of interest robots that can be used in a variety of
due to its applications in various fields applications, including security, monitoring,
such as security, industrial monitoring, and inspection.
and home automation. The surveillance
robot using the ESP32-CAM is a project II. METHODOLOGY:
that focuses on developing a low-cost and
efficient surveillance robot for indoor and The ESP32-CAM is a low-cost
outdoor use. microcontroller that integrates a camera
module and Wi-Fi capabilities. In this
Surveillance robots are becoming project, we use the ESP32-CAM to control
increasingly popular in modern times due to the movement of the robot and capture video
their ability to monitor and collect and images that can be viewed remotely.
information from a remote location. The use The robot is equipped with a set of motors
of the ESP32 CAM module, which is an that enable it to move in different directions.
integrated camera module with Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth connectivity, has made it possible The methodology for developing a
to create surveillance robots that can be surveillance robot using ESP32-CAM can
controlled remotely. be divided into several steps:
The ESP32 CAM module is a small-sized Hardware setup:
camera module that can be easily integrated The first step is to assemble the hardware
into a robot. The module provides high- components required for the project. This
quality images and can be controlled using includes the ESP32-CAM module, motor
the ESP32 microcontroller. The ESP32 drivers, motors, wheels, chassis, battery, and
CAM module also has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth infrared sensor. The ESP32-CAM module is
connectivity, which allows for easy connected to the motor drivers and the
communication with remote control station infrared sensor using jumper wires. The
or a computer. motors are connected to the motor drivers,
With the ESP32 CAM module, it is and the wheels are attached to the motors.
possible to create a surveillance robot that The battery is connected to the ESP32-CAM
can be controlled remotely from a computer module and the motor drivers to provide
or a mobile device. The robot can be power to the robot.
programmed to move around a specific area Programming:
and capture images or videos of the
The next step is to program the ESP32-CAM
surroundings. The images and videos can be
module to control the movement of the robot
transmitted wirelessly to the remote-control
and capture video and images. The
station, where they can be viewed and
programming is done using the Arduino IDE
analyzed in real-time.
and the ESP32-CAM library. The code
The use of the ESP32 CAM module in includes functions to control the motors,
surveillance robots has many advantages, capture video and images, and send them to
including the ability to capture high quality a remote server using Wi-Fi.
images and videos, the ability to control the
robot remotely, and the ability to transmit
data wirelessly. Additionally, the ESP32 Testing:
CAM module is easy to use and can be Once the programming is completed, the
integrated into a robot without requiring any robot is tested to ensure that it is functioning
additional hardware. as intended. The robot is placed in different
environments to test its movement and

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3149


obstacle detection capabilities. The video ESP32-CAM. You will also need to have
and images captured by the robot are also some basic electronics knowledge, such as
checked for quality and clarity. how to connect wires and components to the
Remote access: GPIO pins of the module shown in Fig 3.5.1.
The final step is to enable remote access to There are many projects that you can do
the robot. This is done by setting up a server with the ESP32CAM, such as building a
that can receive the video and images smart security camera, a remote-controlled
captured by the robot. The server can be car with a camera, or even a face recognition
accessed using a smartphone or a computer, system. With its small size and powerful
allowing users to view the surveillance features, the ESP32-CAM is a versatile and
footage in real-time. powerful tool for makers and hobbyists.
In summary, the methodology for
developing a surveillance robot using
ESP32-CAM involves assembling the
hardware components, programming the
ESP32-CAM module, testing the robot, and
enabling remote access to the surveillance


3.1. ESP32cam
The ESP32-CAM shown in Fig.3.1.1 is a Fig.3.1.1 ESP32 cam
small-sized camera module that is based on
the ESP 32 microcontroller and OV2640
sensor. It is capable of capturing images, 3.2. MOTOR DRIVER
streaming video, and performing various The L298N is a popular motor driver IC
image processing tasks. The ESP32CAM (integrated circuit) that can control the
module also features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth direction and speed of DC motors and
connectivity, making it ideal for 10T and stepper motors. It can handle up to 2 amps
surveillance applications. of continuous current per channel, and has a
Here are some key features of the ESP32- wide input voltage range of 5V to 35V.
CAM: The L298N has two H-bridge circuits,
1. ESP32 microcontroller which are used to control the direction of the
motor. Each H-bridge consists of four
2. OV2640 2 MP camera sensor transistors that can be controlled
3. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity independently. By switching these
4. GPIO pins for interfacing with other
transistors on and off in the correct
devices sequence, the motor can be driven in either
5. Micro SD card slot for storage
6. 5 V DC power supply

To use the ESP32-CAM module, you

need to have some knowledge of
programming, especially with the Arduino
IDE, as it is commonly used to program the

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3150


An FTDI programmer in Fig 3.3.1

typically consists of a USB-to serial
converter chip from FTDI and a connector
that can be used to interface with the target
device. The programmer provides a simple
and reliable way to communicate with the
device, allowing for the transfer of data and
programming instructions between the
device and a computer.

Fig.3.2.1 L298N Motor driver

To use the L298N, you need to connect it
to your microcontroller or other control
circuitry. There are several pins on the
L298N shown in Fig 3.2.1 that you need to
connect to:
ENA and ENB: These are the enable pins
for channels A and B, respectively. You can
connect these to digital output pins on your
microcontroller to enable or disable the
motor channels. Fig.3.3.1 FTDI Programmer
IN 1, IN2, IN3, and IN4: These are the FTDI programmers are commonly used
control pins for the H-bridge circuits. By to program and debug microcontrollers,
setting the correct combination of high and such as those based on the Atmel AVR and
low signals on these pins, you can control Microchip PIC architectures. They are also
the direction and speed of the motor. used in other applications where a USB-to-
OUTI, OUT2, OUT3, and OUT4: These serial interface is needed, such as in GPS
are the output pins that connect to the motor. receivers, data loggers, and other electronic
To connect the L298N to a motor, you
need to connect the motor to the OUT pins, In addition to providing a USB-to-serial
and also connect the motor power supply to interface, FTDI programmers often include
the L298N's V+ and GND pins. additional features such as voltage
regulation, programmable clock sources,
It's important to note that the L298N can
and other features that make them useful for
get quite hot when driving high-current
a wide range of applications.
motors, so you should use a heat sink to
dissipate the heat. You should also be Overall, FTDI programmers are an
careful not to exceed the maximum current essential tool for many electronics designers
ratings of the L298N, or you may damage and developers, providing a reliable and
the IC easy-to-use method for programming and
communicating with a wide range of
3.3 FDTI programmer
electronic devices.
FTDI stands for Future Technology
i) Pin configuration of FDTI
Devices International, and an FTDI
programmer is a device used to program and
communicate with electronic devices that FTDI chips and programmers typically
use FTDI chips for their USB use a 6-pin connector called a "FTDI cable"

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3151


or "FTDI header". The pinout of the FTDI features an FTDI chip that allows it to
cable or header is as follows: communicate with a computer through a
• DTR (Data Terminal Ready) USB port using an FTDI programmer.
To interface an ESP32-CAM with an
FTDI programmer, you need to connect the
• RXD (Receive Data) FTDI programmer to the module's UART
• TXD (Transmit Data) pins. Here's how to do it:
• VCC (Voltage Supply) • Connect the FTDI programmer's
GND pin to the ESP32-CAM's GND
• CTS (Clear to send)
• GND (Ground)
• Connect the FTDI programmer's TX
Here's a brief description of each pin: pin to the ESP32-CAM's RX pin.
DTR - This pin is used to reset the • Connect the FTDI programmer's RX
microcontroller or target device. The pin to the ESP32-CAM's TX pin.
programmer sends a signal to this pin to
• Connect the FTDI programmer's
reset the device before uploading new code.
DTR pin to the ESP32-CAM's
RXD - This pin is used to receive data GPIOO pin.
from the target device. Data is transmitted
• Connect the FTDI programmer's
from the target device to the programmer
VCC pin to the ESP32-CAM's 3.3V
through this pin.
TXD - This pin is used to transmit data to
Once the connections are made, you can
the target device. Data is transmitted from
use a program like the Arduino IDE or the
the programmer to the target device through
ESP-IDF (ESP32 10T Development
this pin.
Framework) to upload code to the
VCC - This pin provides power to the ESP32CAM module. To do this, you'll need
target device. The voltage level can vary to put the module in programming mode by
depending on the programmer and the target pulling its GPIOO pin low while resetting it.
device, but it's typically 3.3 V or 5 V. The FTDI programmer's DTR pin can be
CTS - This pin is used for flow control. used to reset the module automatically by
It tells the target device when it's safe to pulling the GPIOO pin low for a short time
transmit data. when programming begins.
GND - This pin provides a common It's worth noting that the specific pinout
ground reference for the programmer and and programming process may vary
the target device. depending on the ESP32CAM module and
FTDI programmer you're using. Always
It's important to note that the pinout may
consult the documentation for your specific
vary depending on the specific FTDI
hardware to ensure you're connecting it
programmer or cable being used. It's always
correctly and following the appropriate
a good idea to consult the documentation for
programming steps.
the specific device you're using to ensure
you're connecting it correctly. 3.5 Interface between esp32 cam and 1298N
3.4 The interface between esp32 cam and The L298N is a dual H-bridge motor
FDTI programmer driver that can be used to control two DC
motors or a single bipolar stepper motor. It
The ESP32-CAM is a small camera
can also be used to drive other types of loads
module based on the ESP 32
that require bidirectional current control.
microcontroller, which includes Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth connectivity. The module

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3152


To interface an ESP 32-CAM with an L298N and the attached motor. The specific
L298N, you can use the following steps: code required will depend on the motor
Connect the ESP32-CAM's 5V pin you're using and the specific control scheme
to the L298N's VCC pin. you want to implement. For example, if
you're using a DC motor, you can use PWM
Connect the ESP32-CAM's GND signals on the ENA pin to control its speed
pin to the L298N's GND pin. and the INI/IN2 pins to control its direction.
 Connect the ESP32-CAM's It's important to note that the L298N can
GPIO pins to the L298N's control draw a significant amount of current, so you
pins as follows: may need to use an external power supply to
i. GPIOx to INI provide sufficient power to the motor.
Always consult the datasheet for your
ii. GPIOy to IN2
specific motor and motor driver to ensure
iii. GPIOz to ENA you're using them correctly and safely.
The specific GPIO pins used will depend 3.6 The power supply to be provided
on the code you're using to control the
The power supply required for an ESP32-
L298N. For example, if you're using the
CAM and an L298N motor driver will
Arduino IDE, you can use the pin-Mode()
depend on the specific motors you're using
and digital-Write() functions to control the
and their voltage and current requirements.
GPIO pins
However, here are some general guidelines
to help you determine the appropriate power
The ESP32-CAM can be powered by a 5
V power supply. The recommended
operating voltage range is 2.7 V to 3.6V, but
it can be powered up to 5.5 V. You can use
a USB cable connected to a computer or a
USB power adapter to power the ESP32-
Fig.3.5.1 GPIO Pins The L298N motor driver can be powered
by a separate power supply from the ESP32-
CAM. The recommended operating voltage
range is 5V to 35 V, and the maximum
current per channel is 2A. You should
choose a power supply with a voltage and
current rating that is appropriate for the
motors you're using.
If you're using a high-power motor, you
may need to use an external power supply
with a higher voltage and current rating to
ensure the motor operates correctly. In this
Fig.3.5.2 Part of ESP32 CAM case, you'll need to ensure that the ground of
Connect the L298N's motor terminals to the external power supply is connected to
the DC motor or bipolar stepper motor you the ground of the ESP32-CAM and L298N
want to control. to ensure they share a common ground.
Once the connections are made, you can Be sure to check the power consumption
program the ESP32-CAM to control the of your circuit and the power rating of your

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3153


power supply to ensure it can supply enough has a gearbox attached to it, which allows
power to all components. for higher torque and slower speed.
It's important to note that incorrect power To interface a gear motor with the
supply connections or voltage/current L298N, you will need to connect the motor
ratings can damage the ESP32-CAM and to the output pins of the L298N and provide
L298N or even cause a safety hazard. power to the L298N to control the motor.
Always refer to the datasheets of your Here are the steps you can follow:
components and consult an expert if you're Connect the motor to the output pins of
unsure about the appropriate power supply. the L298N. The L298N has two output
3.7. Gear Motor channels, so you can connect one motor to
A gear motor is a type of motor that each channel. Each output channel has two
incorporates a gearhead, which is a gear pins: an enable pin and two direction control
assembly that is designed to reduce the pins. Connect the motor leads to the two
speed of the motor while increasing its output pins of one channel, and repeat for
torque. Gear motors are widely used in a the other channel if you are using two
variety of industrial, commercial, and motors.
consumer applications that require precise Provide power to the L298N. The L298N
and controlled movement. requires a separate power supply to drive the
The motor in a gear motor can be an AC motors. Connect a 5 V or 12V power supply
motor or a DC motor, and the gearhead can to the VCC pin of the L298N, and connect
consist of various types of gears, such as the ground of the power supply to the
spur gears, worm gears, helical gears, or ground pin of the L298N(Refer the Fig.3.8.1
planetary gears. The gearhead is typically Description Table).
attached to the motor shaft and is designed Connect the control signals to the
to convert the high-speed, low torque output L298N. The L298N has two input pins for
of the motor into a lower-speed, higher- each motor channel: an enable pin and two
torque output. direction control pins. Connect the enable
Gear motors are used in many pin to a PWM output pin on your
applications, such as robotics, conveyor microcontroller or other control circuit. The
systems, industrial machinery, automotive direction control pins can be connected to
equipment, and many more. They are any digital output pins on your
preferred over regular motors because they microcontroller or control circuit.
provide greater control, accuracy, and Description Function
efficiency. In addition, gear motors are power Logic Voltage Power supply to the module,
generally more reliable and have a longer Input connect to 5V
lifespan than regular motors. GND Common Connect to ground.
When selecting a gear motor, it is
important to consider the application and the vcc Drive Voltage Power Supply to the motor:
specific requirements, such as the Srequired Input 4.8V to 16V.
torque and speed, the duty cycle, the 1M, IN2, Motor Control Control motors rotate
environment, and the power source. IN3, Pin direction, either clockwise
IN4 or anticlockwise.
3.8. Interface between gear motor and
L298N OUTI: Motor Connect to the motors.
OUT2, Terminal
The L298N is a dual H-bridge motor OUT3,
driver IC that can be used to drive DC OUT4
motors, stepper motors, and other types of
Ll.L2, Motor Status Indicate the status ofthe
motors. A gear motor is a type of motor that L3,L4 LED motors.

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3154


SWI Share Power ON: Share the drive power board, such as controlling an LED, reading
Source to logic power. data from sensors, and communicating with
Selected OFF: Logic power isolated other devices. The IDE provides a built-in
Switch from drive power: serial monitor to debug your code and view
ENA Motor PWM Control PWM (speed) of the the output from your Arduino board.
ENB Control pin motors.
The Arduino IDE is available for free and
Fig.3.8.1 Description Table can be downloaded from the Arduino
website. It is compatible with various
operating systems, including Windows,
Write code to control the motor. To
Mac, and Linux. The Arduino IDE is also
control the motor, you will need to write
open-source, which means that the source
code to generate PWM signals for the enable
code is available for anyone to view and
pins and set the direction control pins to
control the direction of the motor. The
specific code will depend on your The Arduino IDE (Integrated
microcontroller or control circuit, and the Development Environment) is a software
programming language you are using. tool used to write and upload code to a
variety of microcontrollers, including the
Overall, interfacing a gear motor with
ESP32-CAM.The ESP32-CAM is a
the L298N is a fairly simple process that
development board that combines an ESP32-
involves connecting the motor to the output
S chip, a camera module, and other
pins of the L298N and providing power and
components to create a versatile platform for
control signals to the L298N. With the right
building Internet of Things (IoT) projects.
code, you can control the speed and
direction of the motor to meet your specific To program the ESP32-CAM using the
needs. Arduino IDE, you will need to install the
ESP32 board package in the IDE and select
the appropriate board and port settings. You
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development will also need to install any necessary
Environment) is a software platform used libraries for your project.
to program and develop applications for
Once you have everything set up, you can
the Arduino microcontroller boards.
use the Arduino IDE to write code for the
Arduino is an opensource hardware and
ESP32-CAM and upload it to the board via a
software platform used to build electronics
USB cable. The IDE provides a range of
projects, which is designed for makers,
useful features, including a code editor, a
hobbyists, and professionals.
serial monitor, and a debugger, which can
The Arduino IDE provides a simple and help you develop and debug your code.
user-friendly interface to write, compile,
and upload code to Arduino boards. It
supports the C and C++ programming IV. RESULT
languages, A surveillance robot using an ESP32 Cam is
and also provides a range of libraries and a powerful and versatile device that can be
functions that can used in a variety of applications. Whether
you want to monitor your home or office,
be used to interface with various sensors,
keep an eye on your pets, or even use it in
actuators, and other
industrial settings, the ESP32 cam has the
components. features and capabilities to get the job done

With the Arduino IDE, you can easily

create custom programs for your Arduino

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1, Part-B), 3148-3157 3155


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