Quantum Mechanics MCqs

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Quantum Mechanics Imp MCQs

I ) The value of probability density will be

& )\ N 2 b) 1/2 c )V 22 d)( l /2)-

2 ) To solve sc tirodinger equation we need potential and

a ) physical requirements of system b ) boundary condition
c ) none of these d) both a&b

3) The application of the schrodinger’s equation enable us to

compare the predications of
a ) quantum mechanics b) classical mechanics
c ) none of these d ) both a & b

4 ) The state function yfs ) has physical dimensions of

a ) C 1/V2 ~ b ) l / i/2 c) l /2 d ) l /2-
Topic: Properties of one-dimensional motion
5) the dynamic property of single particle motion is
a ) one dimensional problems b) two dimensional problems c ) three
dimensional problems d) none of these

ti ) tn solve differential equation we use parameter

a )summation b) boundary condition c) both a& b d) none of these

7) schrodinger equation is a


tEaM kNoWlEdGe
a ) 1 st order differential equation b ) 2 nd order differential equation
c ) both a & b d ) none of these

8 ) the state corresponding to this energy range are called

a ) bound state b) unbound state c ) discrete state d) both a & e

(9 ) The energy Spectra of bound state are

(a ) Continuous (b) Discrete ( c ) Degenerate ( d ) Non Degenerate

( 10 ) Bound State Occur when particle can not move to

(a ) Infinity (b ) Maximum ( c ) Zero ( d ) Minimum

( 11 ) Boundary Condition are used to Find out

(a ) One dimensional motion ( b) Energy ( c ) Wave function ( d ) b &. e

( 12 ) In hound state have energies & potential is

(a ) E < V (h ) E > V (e) E = V (d ) Non of These

( 13 ) If E <V Schrodinger Equation will be

(a ) Continuous Spectrum (b ) Discrete Spectrum (c ) Mixed Spectrum (d)
Non of These

( 14) The graph h/ w energy and frequency is called

( a ) Continuous Spectrum ( b ) Discrete Spectrum ( c ) Mixed Spectrum ( d )

( 15) In one dimensional problem the energy levels of a bound state

system are
( a ) Discrete ( b ) Degenerate (c ) Non Degenerate ( d ) Discrete & Non

( 16) The typical example of Bound State is

(a ) Infinite square well potential
(b ) Harmonic Oscillator
(c) Finite Square well Potential
( d) a & b

( 17) For The Bound State , The Particle Energy lies b/w
(a ) Vmin & V| ( b) V> & E (c ) Vmin &. E ( d ) Non of These

For The Bound Stale to exist , The potential V(x ) must have at
( 18 )
least one minimum Which is
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
(a ) Higher than V (b) Lower than V ( c) zero (d ) Non of These

( 19) In ground stale if n =0 nodes will become

(a ) 1 (b) n ( c) 0 ( d) Infinity

(20) In ground slate if n = l then nodes will become

(a ) n- l ( b ) n (c) u-2 ( d) Non of These

Topic: Continuous Spectrum

2 L Unbound stales occur when motion is not.
A. Confined B. Constant
C.Vary D . Vertical

22 . In continuous spectrum the energy of particle is than the

energy of the system.

A. Smaller B. Equal
C. Greater ( / ) D. All of these

23 . The best example of continuous spectrum is :

A . fnfinite Square well B . Free Particle

C. Harmonic oscillator D. Finite _ Square well

24 Schrodinger Equation admits only :


A . Discrete Solutions B . infinite solution

C. Continuous solution D. Both a & c

25. Unbound states gives always

A. Intensity Graph B Discrete Spectrum


C. Continuous Spectrum D . None of these

26. In one dimensional problem we just discussed stationary states

because by using which complexity of problem?

A) increased B)maximum
C)Bectmie zero D ) Reduced

27-There are tw o energy regos where the particle' s motion is infinite.

(a ) V|>E> V2 ( b) VI <E<V 2
** E> V*
(C) Vi >E> V:& E< V: ( d ) a & b both

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
28 if the particle can move between x= x3 and x_JI 0_ then being a
( a ) quantum turning point ( b) turning point (c)classical turning point ( d )
both a & c

29 The schrodinger equation is different equation
( a ) second order ( b ) third order ( c) 1 st order (d) constant 30 Divergent

30. in quantum mechanics are

( a ) physical (b ) acceptable ( c ) unphysical (d) both a & b

31_ For the case of vi <Ev 2 the Schrodinger equation have two
( a)independent Solution ( b ) variable solution
(c) dependent solution ( d ) None of these

32_ The oscillatory solution are physically

( a ) acceptable ( b ) Divergent ( c ) Not acceptable (d ) None of these

33* For the ease of E>V2 the energy spectrum is

A) Mixed B ) continuous
C ) discrete D)all of these

34. For the case of E>V2 the energy

Particle motion is infinite in both dimensions denoted by

A)x +oo
B)x + co
C ) x + DO
D) x oo

35* Unbound states can 't ne normalized and we can’ t use

A ) Boundary Conditions B ) Normalized Value

C ) Eigen Values
D ) Both a & C

36 ) If f ( x ) =+ f (-x ) we say the function f has

a) odd parity b ) even parity c ) a & b both d ) none of these

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
37)If the function neither satisfied even parity & odd parity then
function is said to be
a ) degenerate state b ) symmetric potential
e ) indefinite parity d ) none of these

38 )\Ve say the function f has odd parity if.

a ) f(x) = f(-x) b) f(x ) = - f(-x )
c)f(x) = f(x ) d )none of the above

39 )In 1 - D the schrodinger’s equation is

a ) -lr / 2 m d 2/dx: y(x)+ v(x) y (x)= E \\i ( x )
b) y (x )= a \\J (x )
c ) (H 'P )=0
d ) none

40 ) In 1 -D problem the energy level of bound system

a ) degenerate b ) non degenerate c ) n fold degenerate d ) none

4 l )The eigen function of a degenerate spectrum is an even potential

do not have
a ) odd parity b ) even parity c ) definite parity d ) none

42)11' the P. E is even the Hamilton mil be

a ) odd b) even e ) neither even nor odd d ) none

43) There must be one to one corresponding between wave function

and energy is called
a ) degenerate state b) non degenerate state
c ) symmetric potential d ) none

44 ) Bond states gives is

a ) discrete energy level
b ) continuous energy level
c ) a and b both

45 ) Condition for unhond system is

a ) E is greater than v
b) E is less then v
C ) AV=0

46 ) V=0 for ...

a ) free particle
b ) bound particle
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
c ) none

47) In One dimension particle moves

a ) x- y plane
b) x y~ z
c ) x along x axis

48 ) Shcrodinger’s equation gives only solution for hound

a) continuous
b ) discrete
c ) both
D )none

49 ) Even function of potential is called

a) symmetric potential
b) A symmetric
C) potential step

50 ): If two or more different measurable state of momentum is

A ) degenerate
B) non degenerate
C ) both
D) no

51 ) By space inversion change of + x into -x potential energy will he

A ) same B ) different C ) none D ) zero

52 ): The wave function of box of particle is given by

A ) A sinkx
B) B coskx
C ) A sin( kx ) + B cos (kx )
D ) A sinkx B coskx

53) The schrodinger equation describes the dynamics of

A) macro state
B ) micro state
C ) both
D ) none

54 ): The potential of free particle is

A ) maximum
B) minimum tEaM kNoWlEdGe
C ) zero
D ) infinite

55 ) The spectrum formed is called

A) Non-degenerate spectrum
B) Degenerate spectrum
C ) Line spectrum
D ) Discrete spectrum

56 ) 11 we have two wave functions 1 and 2 and their corresponding

energies valves El and E2 are same then the spectrum formed is
A) Non-degenerate spectrum
B ) degenerate spectrum
C ) Line spectrum
D ) Discrete spectrum

57 ) ln quantum mechanics we can recognize the stale by their

A) speed
B ) Energy valves
C ) Momentum
D ) Both a and b

58)Energy spectrum of hound stale is

A) Discrete
B ) Continuous
C ) Mixed spectrum
D ) None

59 ) Ilamiltoman is given by
A) Difference of K.E and P .E
B ) Product of K .E and P .E
C ) Sum of K .E and P .E
D ) Square root of K.E and P E

60 )11 a milt o nian is the sum of K. E and P.E which term

of hamiltonian depends upon speed
AJK.E . B )P. E
C ) Bolh D )None

61 ) llamiltoman is given by relation

H= K .E and P. E in this relation P.E depends upon
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
A)Speed B) Mass
C )Space variation
D ) Bolk a and b

62 ) In quantum mechanics we can recognize the state by its

corresponding ?
a ) energy value b )speed c ) momentum

Topic : Free Particle

63) Free particle is an example of
a) unbound system b) open system c ) bound system d) isolated system

64 ) Which is unbound system

a )i'ree particle b ) infinite square well c) potential step d )finite square well

65 ) Potential energy office particle is

a )V(x )= 0 b ) V( x)= infinity c ) V(x)= - infinity d) V{x) = Vo

66 )The spectrum of free particle is

a ) continuous b) discrete c ) mixed d) bound system

67) A free particle is best described by

a ) wave packet b ) plane wave c) exponential form d) wave function

68)Which is subtlety of free particle ?

a ) constant probability b ) nol normalized c ) Velassical= lVwave d ) all of
the above

69 )Quantum mechanically particle is?

a)tkin the wave b) highly speedy c ) before wave d) after wave

70)For unbound system ?( free particle)

a )E >Vo b) E <Vo c) E= Vo d ) E = 0

71 ) For Tree particle which is true?

a )energy values are possible b) only some are possible
c )there are restriction on values d) there is limit

72 ) According to quantum mechanics what is the true for free


< ) Vpnntclt
* -
VVVflve b) Vparticle'1 Vway* C ) VWave ^ pniTicle
73) Free particle can ’ t be represented by
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
a )single plane wave b ) wave packet c ) probabilty density d ) potential

74 ) Free particle have Vg ( group velocity ) and ?

a ) probabilistic \ & p b ) p= A2 cj Vclassical = 2 Vwave d ) none

75 )The wave function of free particle is ?

a ) plane wave b ) standing wave c ) stationary wave d ) longitudinal wave

76 ) Bound system gives?

a ) discrete spectrum b) continuous spectrum c ) a& b d ) none

77) Unbound system gives

a ) discrete spectrum b) continuous spectrum c ) a& b d ) none

7 H ) Example of unhound system ?

a )free particle b)potential well c ) a & b d ) none

79 ) In free particle the potential V(x)?

a )0 b ) 1 c ) 2 d ) none

8 ( 1 ) oiki is called ?
a )plane wrave solution + x-axis b)space variable c )a & b

81 ) VVo get plane wave solution by ?

a)schrodmgcr equation b)continues & a b

82 )The probability of p+ is?

a )constant |A + 12 b ) variable c ) a & b d) none

83)The Vwave in free particle is?

a ) hk/2 m b) hk/m e) him d ) hk

84 )Tbe speed of potential v is?

a) hk/m b)hk c ) hk/2 m d ) none

85 ) In free particle Vciassicat?

a ) 2 Vwave b )Vwave c )a & b d ) none

86 ) In Tree particle wave function is?

a )not normalized b ) normalized

87) Wave packet have probabilistic ? tEaM kNoWlEdGe

a ) x & p b ) x c ) p cl) none

88 ) Particie moves with?

a )Vg b ) Vwave c) Vdassical

89 ) YVave packet is ?
a )normalized b)not normalized

90)Free particle can ’ t he representative by?

a )single plane wave b )plane wave

9 I ) Free particle can be representative by ?

a ) wave packet b ) single wave

Topic : Mixed Spectrum

92 ) For d iscreate spectrum energy will he...
a ) Vi < E< Vuun b ) Vlllin<E< V! c)E> V 2 d )none

93)1 f E>V2 then spectrum will he ?

a ) continuous discontinuous c ) decreasing d ) none
94 )Tlie example of mixed spectrum ?
a )continuous potential b) molecular c ) coulomb d ) b & c

95 )Tlic motion of particle will he unbound for condition ?

a ) V 2< E <Vi b)Vi<E < V2 c) Vj = V 2 d ) V2> V ,

96 ) In infinite square well potential the potential of the spectrum will

be ?
a ) mixed b ) unmixed c ) follow d) no spectrum

97. Eigenvalue equation is


98. Ratio of reflected current density to incident current density

known as?
Reflection Coefficient
99. To complete the reflection Coefficient R and transmission
Coefficient T we need?
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
100. The sum of reflection Coefficient R and transmission T is equal
101-What is formula of transmission current density JT in potential
step problem?
liki /m |C|J
102.What is formula of reflected current density- in potential step
-hki / m iBf 2
103.We get particular solution from general solution by using?
Boundary condition

104.1n case of potential step when E<v the region x> 0 is known as
Forbidden Region
105- In the potential step problem the potential of region l (x<0 ) is?
106 . In the potential step problem when E < \ the possible value of T
and R classically?
Tg , Ri

107- A quantum mechanical effect in which particle have ....

Probability of crossing energy barrier ?
108.Which method provide one of most useful method?
W -K- B method

109.An other mean of potential step is?

Sudden rise

llO.Transmission Coefficient in classically is not zero but lias a value

lll .If E»v and E» 1 T Coefficient become equal to?

112-If E»v and E» l T Coefficient become equal to infinity and R ?

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
U 3.The particle would not feel effect of barrier at ?
High energy, weak potential

114.We have total transmission when ?

sin hVc- l = 0

115.We jave total transmission when ?

lWE- l =njr
115 Why must the wave fun of particle be normalized ?
Particle may be some where in universe
117.A particle of mass in has KE, which of following give debroglie
wavelength of particle?
118-The formula of reflection Coefficient?
‘IrefletW J :itie- tit

ll!>.In case E< v the T Coefficient is?


120.1 n case 2 potential stop the motion of particle is reverse by ?

Potential barrier

121.Classical!v, the particle will he x=t ) then momenta ?

P-=2mE , p= 2 mE +KE
122- Reflected Coefficient R must be equal to?
l 23.The energy- is less than V is?

124.The Rl 1 writes its value?

2 mE/h-
125.Energy of discrete spectrum is?
126. Bound stale occurs whenever particle cannot move to?

127. Bound slate ?

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
128.Energy spectra of bound slate are?

129.To find wave function and energy what condition we need ?


130 What is energy level of a one Dimensional problem of a bound
Non degenerate
131.The behaviour of probability density become larger than ?
132.The condition for total transmission is?
cos h ( VE+ 1 )

133.Total transmission Tw ( En )= l whenever?

En/v ,
134.The total transmission Tw ( En )= ll whenever?
n2ji-h-/2ma- v.
l 35.The incident energy of particle ?
v . +n:Jt’h2/2ina 2
136.Resonance doesn ' t occur into?
Classic nielieh
137.Constructive interference between incident and reflected wave
result ?

138.For potential barrier transmission Coefficient derived where?


139. Classic ally , what should be ICE of particle ?

140.Classically in 2 nd region particle energy is ?

141.In which region a graph exponentially decaying?

0<x <a
142.There is finite tunneling beyond barrier when ?
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
143 . Which effect case a particle in quantum meeh tunnel?
Wave aspect

144.The wave function ij/ n ( x ) of a one Dimensional bound state

system has n nodes it?
145.1f we have ( n - 1 ) nodes then n ?
146.What is stale of continuous spectrum ?

147. Unbound state occurs when particle move to?


148.Energy spectrum of unbound stale is?

149.1n continuous spectrum energy eigen value?
150.Whicli potential is repulsive potential ?
151.what is the momentum of particle when it enters the region x>0
in case of potential step when E>V ?
2m{ E -v)

152-The potential step problem shows which type of spectrum?


153. Which potential increases the speed of particle?


154Jn potential step problem when energy of particle is greater than

the system potential which term is not possible in x > o?


155, In potential step problem when E<V is olny chance of

transmission ?

156 . In the case of potential step in region x <0? Beiki indicates ?

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
Reflected wave

157.The coefficient ofT [l + 4t

| sinft 2( /,( l - E ) *| reduces the result
R-* 1 and 7 -> 0
158.1 f W 1 — E» 1 we may approximate sinh(bJl — E ) =
~ exp ( 1 - 6 )
159-We can verify that T= [ l + t|_
sinh il - E ) 1 ] when

E = V0 ^

.intfOO e
160.Taking the classical limit in coefficient of R:
h-> 0 ^ - )

ltil.General formula of probability current density is

—2 mL
v|/ * V v p ]

1{ .Transmission coefficient for potential well is

163.The total transmission Tw (G n}= l whenever
G n = Ep/V0

164.The condition for total transmission is that whenever

Cos M/ G +T
165.The total transmission Tw ( E n}=0 whenever
En= nJJt’h-/2ma- |vol
1 h 6 . Harmonic oscillator is solved by method
analytic method and algebraic method

167. harmonic oscillator equation is similar to

hermite polynomial

168 . which method is not easy to solve

tEaM kNoWlEdGe
analytic method direct

169 . raising and lowering operator are also called

ledder operator

170. in case of harmonic oscillator the hamiltonian It is equal to

H = P2/2m+ l /2 firx:


172. In harmonic oscillator the commutator of a + and a - is

Oat,a+]= l
173 . lowering operator is denoted hy

174. for the commutator [ a -,a+] then the constant for harmonic
oscillator equation solution is

175. [X ,PJ=?

176. [ P
-ihl ^}=?
177. Hamiltonian El can he written in the form of ladder operators
H=htd ( a.a - Vj) and H= hto ( a + a.

178. Sequence of operator matter in


179. energy difference between two energy Slates


180. hv=
h co

181 . energy States for n level

E +nho)

182. H ( a +i )= tEaM kNoWlEdGe

( E +hco )( a. y )

183 H (ay )=
( E hm)( a. y )

184. For lowermost energy state a \\i=


185. For outermost energy state a y=


186. Momentum operator P=

-ih d/dx

187. J e "°s2 dx =
\f Ji /a
188. ground state ofladder operator is
Q = (meVjih )1/) e II^BMh

189. Ground state energy of oscillator

E0=hw 12

190. General formula for the energy of harmonic oscillator

En= hco (n+!4)

191. The value of n in the energy formula of harmonic oscillator

n=0, l ,2,3,...

192. which method of harmonic oscillator solution included (TISE )

analytic method

193. which method does not include (TISE )

algebraic method

194. The energy of a particular infinite potential well is

Inversely Proportional to square of length of box

195. If width of infinite potential well is reduced by factor 2. The

energy of particle will
Increase by 4 times
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
196 If width of infinite potential well is increased by factor 3, energy

of particle will
Decrease by 9 times

197 Consider the case of an infinite square well potential symmetric


about y- axis
0 f o r |Jt| < a
V ( x)= ( )
x f o r \ x\ > a
Which of the following is true
Infinite square well which is not symmetric about y -axis has only odd
parity stales

198 An election is trapped in an infinite well of w idth 1 cm. For what


value of n will the electron has an energy 2eV


199 The solution of schrodinger equation for a particle in an infinity


deep potential well by a quantum number n , the probability density '

States of even ( n-2.4,6 )

2 Q 0 . ln a finite potential well the potential energy outside the box is


201.the schrodinger equation of the particle inside a finite potential well


202.For a particle inside a box of finite potential well the particle is most stable
at which position of x
0 < x< L

203 . when the schrodinger equation is solved for E>Vo it will be

oscillatory inside as well as outside

204. particle in a box of finite potential can never be at rest


205. what is the minimum energy possessed by the particle in a box

h 2/ 2m

206. the wave function of a particle in a box is given as

Asin kx+BCos (kx)

207.The particle with wave function represents

oscillating particle
tEaM kNoWlEdGe
208. in region 3 ,1 , E<0 so
V E> 0

209. Which functional form of Y( x} work

210. If E= 0 in region three then
a , x-» a

211. If B =0 in region one then

e - a x-* — a
* ,

212. It is an extension of the infinite particle in which particle is


213, A particle with energy is incident on this region from the left
E >0

214 . The value of k in finite square well potential by solving schrodinger

equation is

215. What is minimum energy possessed by the particle in a box

h 2/2m

216. Classically when E< Vo the particle is completely confined to region

-af 2<x<af 2

217. to determine the eigenvalue we need to use continuity equation at

x -a/ 2

218. the the energy associated with a particle in infinite well up finite width is

219, A particle is in its first excited state in a finite square well potential from
x= -U 2 to x=L/2 at a particular instant the maximum value of the wave function
is A which occurs at x=L/3 therefore the value of the Wave function at x =L/2 is
A/ 2

220,The solution for a discrete non-degenerate spectrum for finite square well
0 *E <Vo


tEaM kNoWlEdGe

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