638926-Dungeoneer Background v1.1

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A background for Dungeon of the Mad Mage,

Yawning Portal, and other dungeon-heavy campaigns.
Shawn Ellsworth
Delve & Disarm Deadly Dungeons
The Dungeoneer background is designed for anyone who is creating a Player Character (PC) for dungeon-filled campaigns, such as Waterdeep: Dungeon of
the Mad Mage or any of the adventures from Tales from the Yawning Portal. The Dungeoneer background also suits a theatre of the mind campaign where you
want to create a PC skilled at exploring and mapping dungeons, and need a simple background to match. If you are looking for a background better suited to
finding and disarming traps, the Variant Dungeoneer: Trapfinder is a great fit.

Table of Contents
Dungeoneer.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Variant Dungeoneer: Trapfinder.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Dungeon Trinkets........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Writing and Design

Shawn Ellsworth

Brandes Stoddard

Dave Jumaquio

Cover and Interior Artwork

Adobe Stock (krugli)

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA
and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Shawn Ellsworth and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


Dungeoneers and Trapfinders spend most of their time in a dungeon and Equipment: A set of cartographer’s tools, a set of traveler’s clothes, a
only travel back to town to rest and reprovision. These types of adventurers bullseye lantern, a crowbar, a trinket scavenged from a dungeon, and a
don’t worry about anything other than surviving long enough in a dungeon pouch containing 15 gp
to pull out all of its loot and moving onto the next lair, temple or ruin.
Feature: Dungeon Cartographer

Years of exploring and mapping have made you skilled at finding your way
around a dungeon. If you take five minutes to create a map or one minute
to update the map, the DM verifies your map. In addition, you can always
find your way back to somewhere in the dungeon you have previously
You have been exploring dungeons for almost as long as you can
mapped, as long as the location is still accessible and the dungeon has not
remember. You started as a hireling, following adventurers into the ruins
moved around.
that dot the wilderness or the catacombs beneath your city. You carried
equipment, held lanterns, watched the horses, and even drew maps. Suggested Characteristics
Somehow you survived long enough to become an adventurer yourself. A successful dungeoneer survives by their wits in dungeons that are
Now it’s your turn to slay monsters, disarm traps, and find loot. Your choice designed to kill any and all visitors. Dungeoneers are most at home with a
of profession is deadly, but you are ready. few companions, battling monsters, avoiding traps, and finding loot deep
in a dungeon. This is perilous work and only the best live to tell their tales in
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth
the tavern.
Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer’s tools
Languages: One of your choice (preferably a language you have
encountered in a dungeon such as Goblin, Draconic, or Primordial)


d8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw
Someday, bards will sing of my bravery and skill across When I see treasure, I take great risks to get my hands
1 1
the realm. on it.
I’m calm and in control when facing danger. The more I’ll do whatever is needed to survive. Everyone else can
2 2
deadly, the better. worry about their own necks.
Adventure and treasure are great, but I’m here to protect I am terrified of a certain monster. I’m sure we won’t run
3 3
my friends. into any on this delve… right?
I want a life full of travel and exploration. I can’t imagine When I return from a delve, I spend all my coin on the
4 being stuck as a farmer, innkeeper, or some other mun- vices found in town.
dane job for the rest of my life. 5 I’m quick-tempered and sometimes go looking for a fight.
I’ve spent so much time adventuring that I’m more com- 6 Years of exploring dungeons have made me paranoid.
fortable out campaigning than being in town.
Whenever I enter a room (even back in town), I can’t help
but scan it for hidden dangers. Variant Dungeoneer: Trapfinder
I tell stories of our latest adventure to anyone who will
listen, especially for a free drink. Many years exploring and surviving dungeons has provided you with an
I hate being unprepared. I’m always properly equipped uncanny ability to sense the presence of traps. While other members of your
for my next adventure. party stumble around the dungeon, you carefully scan rooms and corridors,
finding trouble before it finds you.
d6 Ideal
If you decide your dungeoneer career focused on trapfinding, you can
Fairness. I don’t take more than my fair share - we all replace the Dungeoneer tool proficiencies and equipment with the variant
split the loot equally. (Lawful)
tool proficiencies and equipment below.
People. I take care of my friends. Everyone else is on their
2 Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools
own. (Neutral)
Equipment: A set of thieves’ tools, a set of traveler’s clothes, a pole (10-
Freedom. Only when I’m exploring a dungeon, an inch
3 foot), a hammer, 10 pitons, a trinket scavenged from a dungeon, and a
away from death, do I feel truly free. (Chaotic)
pouch containing 15 gp
Greater Good. Dungeons are full of dangers. Someone
4 needs to clear them out to keep communities safe. If you decide your dungeoneer career focused on trapfinding, you can
(Good) choose the Trap Sense feature instead of the Dungeon Cartographer
Greed. Finding the loot in a dungeon, no matter what the feature.
cost, is all that matters. (Evil)
Variant Feature: Trap Sense
Aspiration. Exploring dungeons is a dangerous business, Years of experience with deadly traps have taught you to notice these
but they are an excellent way to prove yourself. (Any)
mechanical and magical dangers before they’re tripped by one of your
d6 Bond companions. Finding traps takes patience and practice. When you take the
I used to have people in my life that cared about me. time to travel at a slow pace, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
1 checks made to notice traps.
Now I only have the next dungeon to help me forget.
One day I’ll return to my hometown and show them all
that I have become rich and powerful.
3 I can’t remember my past before I become an adventurer.
I owe my mentor for teaching me everything I know
about delving dungeons.
5 I do what I do to keep my family safe and comfortable.
My previous companions died because I wasn’t powerful
enough. That won’t happen again.


Dungeon Trinkets
When rolling for a trinket, consider using this table which contains items
that can be found in a typical dungeon.

d20 Trinket d20 Trinket
A piece of chalk that can not be erased when used to A Guide to Successful Delving written by the famous Volo-
1 11
make a mark on stone. thamp Geddarm.
2 An ornate silver key on a chain. 12 An empty wooden box that is heavier than it should be.
A signet ring with the mark of a noble house you don’t A pewter eating utensil that is a combination of a fork
3 13
recognize. and spoon.
4 A half-completed map of a dungeon. A small brass bell that makes no audible noise when
An undelivered letter addressed to the family of a dead rung.
companion. A jar with an eye floating inside. The eye moves to look at
6 A six-sided die carved from bone that only rolls ones. anyone who touches the jar.
A copper coin of unknown origin that always finds its way 16 A pouch containing dozens of small animal bones.
back into your pocket. 17 A small dragon figurine made of bronze.
8 A silver ring that glows dimly when water is nearby. A vial with a thick red substance inside, which is sealed
9 A small stone that is cold to the touch. and can’t be opened.
10 A silver coin with a skull on each face. 19 A small pouch filled with sand.
20 A carved wooden mug with a dragon on its side.


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