GEO331 HW Winter 2021 3

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1. Which actress039;s real name was Frances Ethel Gumm?

a. !Judy Garland
b. Marilyn Monroe
c. Julie Andrews
d. Doris Day

2. How tall is Tom Cruise?

a. 5prime; 5Prime;
b. 5prime; 9Prime;
c. !5prime; 7Prime;
d. 5prime; 4Prime;

3. Which famous New York Yankees outfielder did Marilyn Monroe marry?
a. !Joe DiMaggio
b. Babe Ruth
c. Tino Martinez
d. Mason Williams

4. Marilyn Monroe was born on July 1, 1926.

a. !False
b. True

5. In which of these TV shows did the chef Gordon Ramsay not appear?
a. !Auction Hunters
b. Ramsay039;s Kitchen Nightmares
c. Hell039;s Kitchen
d. Hotel Hell

6. By which name is Ramon Estevez better known as?

a. Ramon Sheen
b. Charlie Sheen
c. Emilio Estevez
d. !Martin Sheen

7. What year was O.J. Simpson aquitted of his murder charges?

a. 1992
b. !1995
c. 1991
d. 1996

8. What caused Jake Lloyd who played Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace to quit
a. Criminal Record
b. !Bullying
c. Racism
d. Nomination for Worst Actor

9. What was James Coburn039;s last film role before his death?
a. Texas Rangers
b. Snow Dogs
c. Monsters Inc
d. !American Gun

1. A universal set, or a set that contains all sets, exists.

a. !False
b. True

2. If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times, its039; thickness will be
34th the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
a. False
b. !True

3. What is the symbol for Displacement?

a. !Delta;r
b. dr
c. Dp
d. r

4. The metric prefix quot;attoquot; makes a measurement how much smaller than the
base unit?
a. !One Quintillionth
b. One Quadrillionth
c. One Septillionth
d. One Billionth

5. A 039;Millinillion039; is a real number.

a. False
b. !True

6. What is the plane curve proposed by Descartes to challenge Fermat039;s

extremumfinding techniques called?
a. Cartesian Coordinates
b. !Folium of Descartes
c. Elliptic Paraboloid of Descartes
d. Descarte039;s Helicoid

7. A scalene triangle has two sides of equal length.

a. !False
b. True

8. How many books are in Euclid039;s Elements of Geometry?

a. 8
b. 10
c. !13
d. 17

9. Which of the following dice is not a platonic solid?

a. !10sided die
b. 20sided die
c. 12sided die
d. 8sided die

10. Which of the following mathematicians made major contributions to game theory?
a. Stefan Banach
b. Leonhard Euler
c. Carl Friedrich Gauss
d. !John Von Neumann

11. The notion of a quot;set that contains all sets which do not contain
themselvesquot; is a paradoxical idea attributed to which English philospher?
a. !Bertrand Russel
b. Alfred North Whitehead
c. John Locke
d. Francis Bacon

1. The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever tested, had a yield of 50
megatons but theoretically had a maximum yield of how much?
a. 200 Megatons
b. !100 Megatons
c. 150 Megatons
d. 75 Megatons

2. The idea of Socialism was articulated and advanced by whom?

a. !Karl Marx
b. Joseph Stalin
c. Vladimir Lenin
d. Vladimir Putin

3. One of the deadliest pandemics, the quot;Spanish Fluquot;, killed off what
percentage of the human world population at the time?
a. 1 to 3 percent
b. !3 to 6 percent
c. 6 to 10 percent
d. less than 1 percent

4. What age was King Henry V when he died?

a. 87
b. 73
c. 62
d. !35

5. In which year did the First World War begin?

a. 1939
b. !1914
c. 1930
d. 1917

6. What nationality was sultan Saladin?

a. !Kurdish
b. Egyptian
c. Syrian
d. Arab

7. When did the United States formally declare war on Japan, entering World War II?
a. June 22, 1941
b. September 1, 1939
c. !December 8, 1941
d. June 6, 1944

8. In what year did the First World War end?

a. 1912
b. 1916
c. !1918
d. 1914

9. What was the name of the German offensive operation in October 1941 to take
Moscow before winter?
a. !Operation Typhoon
b. Case Blue
c. Operation Barbarossa
d. Operation Sunflower

10. The ancient city of Chicheacute;n Itzaacute; was built by which civilization?
a. Incas
b. !Mayans
c. Aztecs
d. Toltecs

11. Which of these positions did the astronomer and physicist Isaac Newton not
a. Professor of Mathematics
b. !Surveyor to the City of London
c. Member of Parliament
d. Warden of the Royal Mint

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