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Python syllabus

What is Python?

 The Birth of Python

 History of Python

 Features of Python

 Versions of Python

The Python Environment:

 Installation of Python
 Python Documentation
 Getting Help
 Python Editors and Ides
 Basic Syntax
 Running a Python Script
 Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows

Getting Started:
 Keywords
 Data Types
 Variables
 Naming Conventions
 Print( )
 Type( )
 Id( ) Functions
 Input( )
 Raw_input() functions
 Conversion functions
 Del Keyword

String Handling:
 What is String?
 Single-quoted string literals
 Triple-quoted string literals
 String Indexing
 String Slicing
 Working with String Functions
 Working with String Methods


 Arithmetic Operators
 Relational Operators

 Logical Operators

 Assignment Operators

 Short Hand Assignment Operators

 Bitwise Operators

 Membership Operators

 Identity Operators

 Flow Control:
About Flow Control

 Conditional Statements (Simple if, if…else, if…elif…)
 Looping Statements (while loop, while … else, for

loop, infinite loop, nested loops)

 Break
 Continue

 Pass

About Sequences
 Lists
 Tuples
 Indexing and Slicing

 Iterating through a sequence

 Functions for all sequences
 Operators and keywords for sequences
 The xrange( ) function

 Nested sequences
 List comprehensions

Dictionaries and Sets:

 About Dictionaries
 When to use dictionaries

 Creating Dictionaries

 Getting dictionary values

 Iterating through a dictionary

 Reading file data into a dictionary

 counting with dictionaries

 about sets

 Creating sets

 working with sets

 Working with Directories

 Defining a function
 Calling a function
 Function Parameters
 Returning Values
 Variables scope
 Call by value
 Call by reference
 Passing collections to a function
 Passing functions to function
 Lamda function

What is a module?

 Creating user defined module
 Setting path
 The import statement
 Module search path
 From … Import
 Module Aliases
 Dir function
 Working with Standard modules
 (Math, Random, Date and time,Os and sys, String,….)

Errors and Exception Handling:

Syntax Errors

 What is Exception?
 Need of Exception handling

 Predefined Exceptions
 Predefined Exceptions Hierarchy
 Except

 try
 finally clause
 Handling Multiple Exceptions
 User defined Exceptions

 Raise
 assert statements
File Handling:

Opening a file

 Closing a file
 Writing data to files
 Reading a data from files
 Tell()
 Seek() functions

OOPs concepts:
About OO programming

 Defining Classes
 Creating object
 Class methods and data
 Static methods
 Private methods
 Constructors
 Destructors
 Inheritance
 Types of inheritances
 Polymorphism (over loading & over riding)
 Data hiding
Regular Expressions:

 What is regular expression?

 Wild card characters
 Forming regular expressions
 Character classes

 Quantifiers
 Greedy matches
 Grouping
 Match
 Search functions

 matching v/s searching

 Sub function splitting a string
 Replacing text
 Flags

Multi Threading:
Defining a thread
 starting a thread

 Threading module

 Threads synchronization

 multithreaded priority queue

Database Access:
 Basics of database
 Connections

 Executing queries

 Transaction management

Advanced concepts in python:


 Generators

 closure

 decorators

Advanced Modules:
 Math sand sciences (Numpy, scipy, matplotlib)
 Data analysis (pandas)
 Network Programming (Socket module, Twisted
module, Client and server)
 Testing (Unit test)
 Web scraping (Beautiful soup, Python web, Mechanize)
GUI programming (tkinter programming, pyGtk, PyQt)
 Gaming (Pygame-2d animation, piglet-3d animation)
 Excel (Openpyxl, Xlrd, and Xlwt)
 Images (Pil, Video captur

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