Management Micro

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Academic Year -2023-24

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course:- MAN(22509)
A Micro-Project Report

‘Safty management’
Under Guidance Of
Mr. A. S. Janjire
Submitted by

Sr Roll Name of the Student Enrolment No

no. no.
1) 81 Rohan Ajitrao Najan 2101300449
2) 91 Shriram Baban Thorat 2101300490
3) 95 Shubham Ganpat Wavhal 2101300497
4) 96 Vaibhav Adinath 2101300499



This is to certify that the students, Rohan Najan (En. no. 2101300449),
Shriram Thorat (En. no. 2101300490), Shubham Wavhal (En. no.
2101300497), Vaibhav Yelwande (En. no. 2201300499) has carried out the
micro project work for the course Advance Manufacturing Process on topic
entitled “Sefty management the micro project work is here by accepted for
the partial fulfilment towards completion of Diploma in Mechanical
Engineering Program, for the academic year 2023-24, from Government
Polytechnic, Ahmednagar (MSBTE Institute code 0130).

Mr. A. S. Janjire Mr. R.M Mane Prof. B. M.Kardile

Guide Head of Department Principal

The success and final outcome of this micro project is required a lot of
guidance and assistance from many mentors, and we are extremely privileged
to have this in the completion of our work. We have completed our work, only
due to such dedicated supervision and inspiration. We express our extremely
thanks to our respected Guide, Mr. A. S. Janjire , Mr. R.M Mane Head,
Mechanical Engineering Department. He always uses to supervise and
guide on topic of our micro project. He helped in completion of our work by
providing all the necessary information, knowledge and methodologies for
developing a good system. He always provided us nice support and enabled us
to work and explained us by saying work is worship instead of busy schedule
in managing the departmental administrative activities and corporate affairs.
It would be incomplete assignment if we would not mention and
remembered our respected Prof. B. M. Kardile, Principal, Government
Polytechnic Ahmednagar, who is constant source of inspiration and always
use to give encouragement in our project work, academic work and
extracurricular work. He always uses to give us timely support and help till
the completion of our work.
We are enough fortunate to give thanks to all faculty members,
laboratory staff, supporting staff our student friends of Mechanical
Engineering Department and other supporting staff of Government
Polytechnic Ahmednagar, for their supporting, help, encouragement directly
or indirectly.

Roll Name of the Student Enrolment No

81 Rohan Ajitrao Najan 2101300449
91 Shriram Baban Thorat 2101300490
95 Shubham Ganpat Wavhal 2101300497
96 Vaibhav Adinath 2101300499

The objective of a Safety Management System is to provide a structured
management approach to control safety risks in operations. Effective safety
management must take into account the organisation’s specific structures and
processes related to safety of operations
Use of SMS can be generally interpreted as applying a quality management
approach to control safety risks. Similar to other management functions, safety
management requires planning, organising, communicating and providing direction.

The SMS development begins with setting the organisational safety policy. It defines
the generic principles upon which the SMS is built and operated. This first step
outlines the strategy for achieving acceptable levels of safety within the organisation.

Safety planning and the implementation of safety management procedures are the
next key steps in the processes designed to mitigate and contain risk in operations.
Once these controls are ready, quality management techniques can be utilised to
ensure that they achieve the intended objectives and, where they fail, to improve
them. This is accomplished by deployment of safety assurance and evaluation
processes which in turn provide for a continuous monitoring of operations and for
identifying areas of safety improvement.

Ch. No Sub Name of Chapters Page

Certificate 2
Acknowledgement 3
Abstract 4
1) CHAPTER 1 6
1.1 Rational 6
1.2 Aim / Benefits of the Micro-project 6
1.3 Course Outcome achieved 6
1.4 Introduction 7
2) CHAPTER 2 9
2.2 Important sefty measures 9
2.3 Fire emergency action plan and drill 10
2.5 Type of accident in industry 13
2.6 SOS operating procedure 14

3) CHAPTER 3 15
3.1 Conclusion 15
3.2 Reference 15


1.1 Rational

The case studies were completed on contract to the Independent

Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety1. An outline of the
methodology used to conduct the case studies is provided below,
followed by the case study reports.

1.2 Aim / Benefits of the Micro Project

The project entitled “Safety management and its application with case
studies” is aimed at providing safety to the workers in organization or

1.3 Course Outcomes

The course outcomes are given below for the Course Advanced
Manufacturing Process (22563)

• Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.

• Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.

• Use principles of directing and controlling for

Implementing the plans.


Construction industries are the most dangerous due to its working nature
which has higher rate of injury than most other industries . Construction
accidents cause many human injuries, lack of motivation among workers,
work interruption, delay in progress which affect the cost, productivity,
and reputation. Expenses, such as medical costs, increased worker’s
compensation insurance and property damage . For these reasons, safety
in the construction

Industry is very important. The Major concern of Safety in construction

industries is preventing injuries and illness of worker’s .the accidents and
hazards in construction sites can be controlled and prevented by the usage
of safety programs in order to reduce accident rates. However, in
developing countries, an effort must be made to raise the level of
awareness, among both employees and employers, of the importance of
safety at work sites . Safety must be the number one priority for the
construction team. The construction team includes the owner,
architect/engineer, general contractor, construction manager,
subcontractors and suppliers. It is the construction team’s responsibility
to ensure that the project is completed safely with quality and economy
.Good safety programs would certainly help in reducing injuries at
construction sites and also to minimize construction costs, increase
productivity and profitability and more importantly it could save lives of
workers and consequently contribute positively to the construction
industry and the nation as a whole.



Major Accident caused at construction sites is workers falling from high

occurring primarily on new construction projects of commercial buildings
and residential projects of reasonably low construction cost. The
combination of quality and safety achieved for better resource
management and utilization. Safety is preventing or avoiding any
hazardous, loss, accidents in the site . safety rules and regulations need to
be implemented not only to overcome issues like poor quality work,
unsafe working conditions, and lack of environmental control but also
reduce cost and enhance productivity .Every construction site has unique
safety policy. Safety policies can be varied depend on the projects taken
and the type of projects in construction site .Larger construction projects
are better organized whereas small to medium firms do not have an
adequate safety program to see safety criteria needed for construction
site. An organization will setup the safety departments to communicate
the safety instruction and motivates to adopt safety practices

Desired changes in construction industries. It helps employee to get basic

knowledge about hazardous precautions to be taken,and use of tools and
equipment’s for safety which is to achieve quality and profit in the
construction project . Safety management has to prepare a safety manual
for organization. There are only two safety performance measures which
are applied for the construction sector as a whole; a frequency measure
and a severity measure The frequency measure is based on the number of
accidents. A severity measure is based on the number of lost days. To
improve safety performance, initiate and maintain an organizational
setup, safety department, committees and field procedures. Safety climate
refers to observations of policies, procedures and practices relating to .

Safety in the work place which is used to evaluate through
determination of safety climate that would enhance safety culture
and positively impact safety on construction sites. Prioritizing
and valuing safety is to increase safety performance and decrease
employee injuries . An individual safety behavior influences and
transfers positve safety performance termed as effective way

2.Important sefty measures

2.Safe Material Handling.

3. Prevention of Electric Accidents.
4. Safe Activities.
5. Education and Training.
6. Use of Personal Protective Equipment’s.
7. Good Housekeeping.
8. Safe Working Methods.
9. Accident Prone Areas.
10. Safety Programmes.
11. Safety Awareness.


3. Fire emergency action plan and drill

1. Assess all possible fire emergencies. Conduct

fire drill.
2. Assess resources available in the plant and
make a list of them with their locations,
contact phones of fire brigade and in charge
3. Assess resources needed from outside and
make a list of them with their places of
availability, contact persons and phone
4. Prepare a central control room for co-ordination
of emergency time activities.
5. Prepare an organized group of key persons who
will act to control the emergency.
Everybody should be given their role in writing.
Table top exercise and rehearsal
will be carried out to shape their actions.
Established an in-house safety committee
6. All communication systems shall be maintained
in workable order.
7. Double gates (one for entry,
12one for exit),
4.Accident Proneness:-
1. Un-attentiveness and day-dreaming.
2. Poor eyesight and hearing and lack of stamina.
3. Poor adjustment of work; distaste for the job.
4. Too much sensitivity and tendency to get Emotional.
5. Dislike of the supervisor/foreman, etc.
6. Lack of training, proficiency and skill to do a work.
7. Insufficient intelligence.
8. Unsafe behaviour of the worker
(e.g., intentionally not using safety devices
and safe practices).


6) Type of accident in industry

7) SOS operating procedure

Chapter 3

3.1 Conclusion:
Safety management is a critical aspect of any organization, ensuring the well-being
of employees and the prevention of accidents. In conclusion, effective safety management
involves proactive risk assessment, clear policies and procedures, ongoing training, and a
culture of safety. Continuous improvement and adherence to regulations are key to
maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

3.2 Reference
Management learning manual


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