in the case of Bahil Adarash Omo Micro finance S.C Sub Branch Office.
APRIL, 2016
First of all I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Ato Tesfaye Jifar for his valuable
work and continuous help during the process of writing this research proposal, and also
I would like to thank, my friends those provides a constrictive idea for me to conduct
this research proposal.
Background: The Omo Micro Finance Institution Bahil Adarash Sub branch is one type of
financial institution which is located in Hawassa City, of the Eight sub branch office
The study, therefore focuses this society in particular to assess saving mobilization and
its management system of the mention financial institution to the development of the
Objective:- The main objective of the study will be to assess assess saving mobilization
and its management system of Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution to the
development of the society. It will be specifically analyses in depth the Microfinance
institution contribution to the Development of Local Saving people and the people
awareness about the importance of Saving Mobilization (The Microfinance Institution
under study).
Methodology: the study will mainly based on primary data that are obtained at origin
from the Institution and it`s customers, the data will be obtained through interview,
quaternary and observation. The secondary data also concerned.
Data processing and analysis:- after the data will gathered from the institution and it`s
Customers through different methods, it will be analysis and discussed qualitatively and
quantitatively to the indicated result.
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study............................................................................................1
1.2. Background of the organization................................................................................3
1.3 Statement of the problem...........................................................................................4
1.4 Objective of the study................................................................................................5
1.4.1 General Objective...............................................................................................5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................5
1.5 Significance of the study...........................................................................................6
1.6 Scope /Delimitation of the study...............................................................................6
1.7 Limitation of the study..............................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................7
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................7
2.1. Foreign AID/LOAN..................................................................................................8
2.2. Function of commercial bank...................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................9
3.1. Source of data...........................................................................................................9
3.2. Method of data collection.........................................................................................9
3.3. Method of sampling..................................................................................................9
3.4. Method of data analysis..........................................................................................10
CHAPTE R FOUR............................................................................................................11
4.1. Time budget............................................................................................................11
4.2. Cost budget.............................................................................................................12
BIBLIOGRAPHY /REFERENCE.....................................................................................13
The history of banking in Ethiopia goes back to 1905 when the Bank of Abyssinia established in
Addis Ababa. This bank was founded based on the agreement, which was supposed to last for
fifty years. With Anglo Egyptian National Bank. Apart from bank of Abyssinia, three other
foreign based banks were also established in the country in 1908. A new Development Bank by
the name of socitete national d’Ethiopia pour le Development de l’agriculture etdu commerce,
banque de l’indochine and the compagnie de l’Afrique oreintlae. All these banks were said to
contribute less to the country`s needs because they owned by foreigners, therefore, the Ethiopian
government shortly decided to recognize the currency and banking system of the country and
bought out the foreign company. By special charter on 29 th of August 1931 the bank of Abyssinia
liquidated. The bank renamed it as the ‘Bank of Ethiopia’ in the same year. This bank was the
first nationally owned bank in African continent. This was closed following invasion by the
Italian fascism in 1936.
During the short occupation by the Italians (1936-1941), the banking activities have
expanded with the emergence of Italian operated banks. The Ethiopian government was in
straggle with the British to establish its own bank. The government finally succeeded in
establishing the “State Bank of Ethiopia” in 1943. This bank was functioning as a commercial
bank and central bank to the country until 1963.It was split into two and give up to today
National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) in1963. Other banks
were also established under the emperor Haile Selassie period but all those privately owned
commercial banks and insurance companies were all nationalized by 1975.
During the Military Regime, when the economy was under the command economic
system, all the nationalized commercial banks were reorganized to form what is known as the
commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE). There were also two specialized banks that were set up by
the name of the Agricultural and Industrial Development bank (AIDB) and the Housing and
Saving bank (HSB). The commercial bank of Ethiopia took over the sole power over performing
the commercial bank activities. (Zewdu and Meberatu, 2002).
Today, it is realized than ever that commerce has come to be the bank bone for economic
development of a nation. To develop their trade, countries have laid different facilities that could
support the smooth flow of commerce. Among these, the service of banking has a paramount
importance. Banks are institutions specially designed to further enhance the capital formation
process through the attraction of deposits and the extension of credits.
The term saving defined as being, “The money which we keep in account, bank or similar
financial organization.” Other definitions by the oxford and Cambridge dictionaries respectively
are “an economy of reduction in money, time or another resource for future use” and “an amount
of money that you do not need to spend”
Among these institutions Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution (OMFA) has
been established in accordance to Proclamation No 40/1988 in order to give full support to Micro
and Small Scale Business operation in SNNPR region. Currently the institution has 10 branch
offices, 116 service delivery posts and opining and micro bank. Since its establishment the
institution has been giving mainly credit, saving and develop different services like 3 rd party fund
management. Its vision is to become a sustainable financial institution active contributor towards
poverty reduction effort and would like to see improvement in the life of low income people. The
mission is to promote micro and small enterprises to alleviate poverty and unemployment
prevailing in SNNPR region through provision of sustainable financial and other related service
with particular attention to women. It has an objective to collect deposits and extend credits to
rural and urban farmers, and people engaged in other similar activities as well as micro and small
scale rural and urban entrepreneurs, maximum amount of which may be determined by the
National bank.
Saving institutions from its nature; is a bit wide and modern which has a various
functions within its structure. Therefore, the profitability of it is affected, among other things in
their saving mobilization and its management. There are problems in the saving mobilization and
saving management of most saving and banks in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study would answered
the following decisive points the way Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution (OMFA)
mobilize and manages deposits, the need for requiring strong management and other related
important issues needs were answered.
This study was assessed the saving mobilization and its management system used by Omo
Microfinance credit and saving institution (OMFA)
what are the type of savings Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution gives?
What are possible strategies followed by institution to change saving management
What are the overall challenges faced by MFIs with regard to saving mobilization?
What challenges faced by the institution and it clients with saving mobilization?
What factors contribute to its success and failure with regard to mobilizing and
managing savings?
To examine the problem faced by the institution and clients in mobilization and
management of savings.
To see the saving mobilization system of Omo Microfinance credit and saving
To evaluate the saving management system of Omo Microfinance credit and saving
To see the challenges of saving mobilization of Omo Microfinance credit and
saving institution.
It is believed that this study would clearly reflect most of the difficulties observed in
mobilization of deposit by Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution and gives possible
solutions as to how saving officers should process potential healthy savings and undertake proper
follow up measures when problems occur regarding mobilization and management of savings
and for other researchers it cab used as an additional reference for their findings.
This study would intend to address different issues regarding the strength and weakness on the
practice and presentation of saving mobilization and its management in the banking and saving
institutions. The study would be taken specifically saving department of Omo Microfinance
credit and saving institution as a way for practical considerations.
The study would be limited because of certain factors the first factor is time factor and the
second limitation factors are with regard to the data collection. The interviewer are not willing
to give all the information asked regarding to the institution failure and also give unnecessary or
an related information for few questions.
Data for this study would have been collected using primary as well as secondary sources. The
primary data would be taken through a questionnaire to deposit customers and also includes
interview with head of deposit manager. The secondary data would have been taken from
internal policies, annul reports, deposit manager recommendations and books which are relevant
to the subject matter.
The study of the sampling method would be applied in survey of data is purposive sampling it is
a type of non random sampling which conforms to certain criteria. It is a lower cost method of
Respondents No of representatives
Deposit manager 1
Deposit customers 15
Total respondent 16
The data I would collected through different methods mentioned in above would be analyzed
using tables and appropriate explanations of the corresponding tables.
In order to manage the overall research process it needs time budget. The table given
bellow shows that the time that will be taken from topic selection to final presentation.
1 Topic selection
3 Recommendation of comments to
1st draft of the proposal
5 Collection of proposal
6 Data collection
7 Data analysis
11 Presentation
4.2. Cost budget
In order to undertake the research process effectively and efficient, it is necessary to
prepare cost budget. The table given below shows the cost that is expected will be
incurred in the research process.
Personal cost
Researcher consumption 6 5 30 Br
Transportation 6 3 18 Br
Paper 2 70 140 Br
Pen 4 3 12 Br
Pencil 2 1 2 Br
Ruler 1 2 2 Br
Total 849
Dear respondents
The purpose of this questionnaire is to prepared for research on “saving mobilization and its
management in the case of Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution”. The response will be
used for academic purposes only. Your genuine response for the following questions is extremely
important for the successful completion of this research conclusion. Therefore, please fill the required
response below honestly and responsibly. Use a” “mark. I would like to thank you in advance for your
35-40 Above 40
3. Job occupation
Part II questioner related to Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution service.
5. What make you to prefer Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution from other
9. Do you have enough knowledge about saving policy and procedure of Omo Microfinance credit
and saving institution?
Yes No
10. Do you think that the saving policy and procedure helpful?
Yes No
11. What is strength of the institution? (you can select more than one)
Encourage investment and saving
Use of New technologies
Saving interest rate
If any other please specify ___________________________________________
12. What is the weakness related to Deposit in the institution? (you can select more than one)
13. How do you evaluate the speed, courtesy & cooperativeness of deposit manager; employee,
experts their work?
Low Moderate High
14. Any suggestion on the deposit management system of Omo Microfinance credit and saving
Thank you!!!
አፍሪካ ቤዛ ኮሌጅ
የአካውንቲን ትምህርት ክፍል
ÃI SÖÃp ¾}²ÒË ው ለቁጠባ ደንበኞች ነው፡፡
የዚህ መጠይቅ ዓላማ የባ/አዳራሽ ክ/ከተማ ኦሞ ማይክሮ ፋይናንስ ተቋም ቁጠባ ማበረታታት እና የቁጠታ አስተዳደሩን
ለማጥናት ነው፡ እርስዎ የሚሰጡት ምላሽ በአካውንቲንግ ትምህርት ክፍል ለመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ መመረቂያ ፅሁፍ
ማሟያነት ብቻ ነው የሚውለው፡ የእርስዎ ትክክለኛ ምላሽ ከታች ለተገለፁት ጥያቄዎች ለጥናቱ ማጠቃለያ በጣም
ጠቃሚ ነው. ስለሆነም እባክዎን ምላሽዎን በሚያስቀምጡ ወቅት በታማኝነትና በኃላፊነት ይሁን፡፡ የ” “ ምልክት
በማድረግ ይጠቀሙ ስለትብብርዎ በድጋሚ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡
1. ጾታ ወንድ ሴት
35-40 ከ 40 በላይ
3. የስራ ሁኔታ
ነጋዴ ማህበር
ሌላ ካለ ይግለፁ __________________________
Part II questioner related to Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution service.
5. What make you to prefer Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution from other
9. Do you have enough knowledge about saving policy and procedure of Omo Microfinance credit
and saving institution?
Yes No
10. Do you think that the saving policy and procedure helpful?
Yes No
11. What is strength of the institution? (you can select more than one)
Encourage investment and saving
Use of New technologies
Saving interest rate
If any other please specify ___________________________________________
12. What is the weakness related to Deposit in the institution? (you can select more than one)
13. How do you evaluate the speed, courtesy & cooperativeness of deposit manager; employee,
experts their work?
Low Moderate High
14. Any suggestion on the deposit management system of Omo Microfinance credit and saving
Thank you!!!
Dear respondents.
The purpose of this interview is to collect data for research paper your genuine response
for the following question is extremely important for the successful completion of this
paper. I would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Interview question that will be forwarded for deposit officer.
1) How many deposit customers are there in your institution?
2) Do you give enough orientation for your customers before granting of deposit
3) How do you evaluate your deposit customer whether they know your saving policy
and procedure?
4) How many types of savings does Omo Microfinance credit and saving institution
give for its customers?
5) How do you mobilize your savings, customers?
6) What are the way you use for saving management?
7) What are the possible strategies followed by you to use a well deposit
management system?
8) Is there any challenges you face in saving mobilization?
9) How do you receive suggestions regarding saving policy and procedure of the
10) What are the possible factors contribute to the success or failure of saving
11) Is there any challenges you face in saving management the client may raise?
12) If you have any suggestion?