Sabre Red 360 - FAQs - EN

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Sabre Red 360 - FAQ

Category 1: What is Sabre Red 360? When will it be available?

Sabre Red 360 is an access point into the Sabre platform that allows you to book and fulfill air, hotel, and car. It is
offered as an upgrade to the current Sabre Red Workspace and is available to qualified customers now. Work with
your account manager or evaluate the workspace on your own to determine the right timing for your upgrade. Get
access for a single user by submitting an EPR Agreement on Sabre Central Marketplace under Product Ordering.

What’s the benefit for me?

Sabre Red 360 provides benefits to agency owners and travel consultants. It offers:
• An easy-to-use interface that reduces travel complexity.
• An access point to the Sabre platform with an expanding selection of content.
• Customization tools that tailor the workspace to your business.
• Rich imagery and insights that contribute to your expertise.
• Configuration settings that let you work the way you want.
How easy is it to use?

Sabre Red 360 satisfies the needs for both new and experienced travel consultants. You can stylize your workspace
with the classic blue screen or with the new website-like design. Either styling supports native Sabre formats, so you
can continue work without disruption. Additionally, Command Helper offers an intuitive user interface to take you
through an end-to-end graphical workflow for air, hotel, or car bookings.
What’s the timeline for the launch?

Customers who qualify can opt in to upgrade now. Just follow these steps to qualify:
1. Request a Demo (Contact Your Account Manager)
2. Get Test Access (Submit EPR Agreement on Sabre Central Marketplace)
3. Test Your Workflows, Scripts, RedApps, and Integrated Solutions
4. Take Training (Sign Up for Virtual Training or Launch Personal Trainer)
5. Review Quick Reference Guides (on the Virtual Upgrade Kit)
6. Stay Current on the Latest Features (View Release Notes under Support on Sabre Central)
7. Learn about top features in Quick Tip Videos

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What can I do to learn more about Sabre Red 360?

Resources to visit:
Sabre Central Self-Paced Training Upgrade Kit

Will there be a fee for Sabre Red 360? What capabilities are standard in Sabre Red 360?

No, there is no additional fee for Sabre Red 360 for its standard capabilities. As value is being added to the workspace,
those elements will have the opportunity to be commercialized, like Sabre Red Apps. The standard capabilities include
the Decision Support Bar, Panels, Integrated Widgets, and Trip Summary.

How many languages will be supported in Sabre Red 360?

Sabre Red 360 features a fully translated end-to-end booking workflow. Languages available include Japanese,
Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional.)

When is the sunset date for Sabre Red Workspace?

Sabre Red Workspace, the version of Sabre prior to Sabre Red 360, will be sunset on December 11, 2020. All customers
must be upgraded prior to the sunset of Sabre Red Workspace.

Category 2 : What features are new to Sabre Red 360?

Many new features were designed in Sabre Red 360 to alleviate common agency pain points. A few new enhancements
are highlighted below:

Air Shopping – Air Shopping returns up to 250 air offers using advanced technology previously only available to
Online Travel Agencies. A powerful search form allows you to add passenger types, advanced qualifiers, and more so
you can find the best fare possible for your traveler. Detailed information is returned with every response, so you can
easily compare options and make an insightful recommendation.

Decision Support Bar & Widgets - The Decision Support Bar contains widgets that provide data-driven insights to help
you predict customer questions. Insight into available fares, fare trends, alternative airports, and travel seasonality
contribute to your expertise without additional work. The Decision Support Bar is accessible in both Air Shopping and
WPNI response screens.

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Panels & Widgets - When working in Air, Hotel, Car, and PNR, more information and advanced actions can be found
when you open the Panel. Panels contain more detailed information at the top, interactive Widgets in the middle, and
action buttons to the bottom right. Widgets are designed to offer bookable content or insights at the point of
influence. Some examples include: Branded Fares, Air Extras, Graphical Seat Maps, and third-party applications. New
widgets will soon be downloadable on the Sabre Red App Centre.

Quiet Indicators - Preference indicators alert you if the travel option correlates to a stated preference for an airline,
hotelier, or car rental provider within the Sabre Profile. This capability is included when you sign up for Sabre Profiles.
Fare indicators alert you of private fares or if the travel option will earn you a mark-up fee or a commission. Mark-up
and commission indicators require you sign up for the Agency Retailer and Revenue Optimization product suite.
Trip Summary - Trip Summary provides you with quick information to help you recall and modify PNR elements.
Shortcuts in Trip Summary take you to Graphical PNR, Add to PNR, Advanced Pricing, Graphical Seat Map, and Air
Extras. You can also save time when attaching a hotel or car by pre-filling itinerary details into Command Helper right
from Trip Summary.

C a t e g o r y 3 : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will current scripts, Quick Keys, PF Keys, settings, and Red Apps from Sabre Red Workspace automatically transfer to
Sabre Red 360?
Quick Keys will not be available in Sabre Red 360. You can build up to 60 personal PF Keys (expanded from the
current maximum of 24). You can also launch scripts from PF Keys with the following syntax:
Current scripts and PF Keys that you are accustomed to using will still function in Sabre Red 360. To ensure easy
access to your PF Keys in Sabre Red 360, you will need to take a few simple steps to upload them to the cloud prior
to your upgrade. Select Quick and PF Keys, then Options, and Upload. Going forward, your PF keys will be saved
automatically. If you experience any issues with scripts or PF Keys, contact your Sabre Help Desk.

Will Sabre Red 360 include Sabre Red Apps?

Sabre Red 360 offers the same point of sale extension through Sabre Red Apps that you have today. In some cases,
Sabre Red App functionality may be sunset due to overlap with functionality newly offered in the core. Soon, Sabre Red
App Centre will also offer Widgets to enrich the Panels in Air, Hotel, and Car!

Can I develop and/or add my own apps in Sabre Red 360?

Yes. You can use Sabre provided Red Apps, develop your own Red Apps, or utilize Red Apps from Sabre Authorized

Is the current ALT+ up/down arrows functionality available?

Yes, Sabre Replay remains available and has been supplemented by a new feature called Command History, which
recalls both native Sabre format entries and graphical entries.

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What is Command History?

In current Sabre Red Workspace, users have access to Sabre Replay which allows them to access stored native
Sabre formats from past entries. With the new Command History feature, users can view a list of all stored
commands, including graphical entries performed with Command Helper.

How many Sabre Commands/Formats will be saved in the Command History?

Currently up to 100 commands/formats are saved in the Command History.

Does Sabre Red 360 include/use Sabre Profiles?

Yes. Sabre Profiles is more integrated with Sabre Red 360 than ever. Type the native Sabre format to move a profile or
access the Sabre Profiles application right from the Command Bar. Sabre Profiles power new functionality like
preference indicators and discount code pre-population in Command Helper. Personalization will continue to evolve
through the integration of Sabre Profiles and Sabre Red 360.
Will I need to be trained on Sabre Red 360?
The newly designed user interface ensures an intuitive, easy-to-use experience for travel consultants with varying
levels of proficiency. You can choose to type native Sabre formats or use the graphical Command Helper at any
time. Some advanced actions (like ticketing and queue placement) require you to use native Sabre formats.
A few of tips may help you to get started:
1. Native Sabre formats are now typed within the Command Bar, rather than within the emulator screen. This change
allows you to access more information within the new Panel without typing additional formats.
2. You will need to select either Classic or Graphical styling within Tools > Options > Sabre to determine the
appearance of the screen. Choose classic for a plain text response like you are used to seeing or graphical for
a website-like design.

The Sabre Central Training community features videos, documentation, and quick reference guides to help you
quickly adapt to any visual changes within the application, learn about new features, or begin performing advanced
actions without the assistance of Command Helper.

Is it possible to type Sabre commands/formats into the screen or do I have to use the commandbar?

Sabre commands are now entered in the command bar, configured at the top of the screen by default or the bottom of
the screen through settings. When interacting with the emulator screen below, you now have the option to open a Panel
or copy text. Copy text, like frequent flyer data, and paste in the command bar (rather than typing over) to make the best
use of this feature.

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What about point and click?

The new interface will include everything you can do in point and click, but in a more intuitive way by bringing the high
value content (flight details, branded fares, ancillaries, etc.) to the forefront in the Panel. Some functionality of Point
and Click has been retained. In the air availability path, click the reservation booking class designators (RBDs), and
class of service prepopulates in the Panel. Sabre Red 360 continues to utilize the Panels to advance the workflow,
with the best elements of Point and Click incorporated into our new design.

How do I access the graphical input mode?

Just use the Command Helper! Advanced Air Shopping, which brings back up to 250 low fare options, is only available
when Command Helper is used to get the search started. Once you have gotten the results back, use the Panel to
advance your workflow.

How do I choose between Graphical and Classic Styling?

Sabre responses can be customized with Sabre Red 360 into two styles of response views - Classic style or
Graphical style.
If you are a command warrior and prefer the Sabre blue screen, choose Classic styling to experience a similar
response to Sabre Red Workspace.
If you like the look and feel of a website and prefer rich images, choose Graphical styling to enhance your experience
in Sabre Red 360.
Select Tools -> Options from the light grey Menu bar at the top of your Sabre Red 360 screen and then follow the
illustration below.

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