A Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding
A Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding
A Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding
C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
In this article we present a detailed Dual Coding Theory (DCT) model of de-
coding. The DCT model reinterprets and subsumes The LaBerge and Samuels
(1974) model of the reading process which has served well to account for decod-
ing behaviors and the processes that underlie them. However, the LaBerge and
Samuels model has had little to say about comprehension processes. Its subsump-
tion into DCT provides an account of decoding in DCT terms and connects it to
the established DCT explanation of comprehension. Relevant research evidence is
reviewed. We propose that this constitutes an incremental advancement toward
unifying theories in reading.
466 M. Sadoski et al.
Kealy, Goetz, & Paivio, 1997; Sadoski & Paivio, 1994, 2001, 2004;
Sadoski, Willson, Holcomb, & Boulware-Gooden, 2005). DCT
has challenged single-code theories such as schema theory and
construction-integration theory (Kintsch, 1998, 2004) as an
explanation of comprehension and memory in reading (Sadoski
& Paivio, 1994, 2001, 2004; Sadoski, Paivio, & Goetz, 1991). How-
ever, to date, the DCT explanation of reading has not articulated
a fully detailed account of decoding such as that provided by the
LS model. One purpose here is to show that DCT can absorb
the LS model into its established framework without altering any
DCT principles. That is, the resulting model is not a hybrid of
DCT and the LS model, but a reinterpretation and integration
of the LS model into DCT. This subsumption supplies a detailed
DCT account of decoding and its relationship to comprehension.
This degree of theoretical unification has seldom been attempted
in reading theory (Sadoski & Paivio, 2007).
We emphasize that we deal here only with how DCT sub-
sumes the LS model as revised. Other theories of the decoding
process, while sharing much with the LS model, deserve their own
treatment. We therefore will not deal with these other theories
in this article, but we have commented on this class of theories
elsewhere (see Sadoski & Paivio, 2001, pp. 130–133, 2004, 2007).
Two contemporary models that share much with the LS model
are the dual route model of Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon,
and Zeigler (2001) and the parallel distributed processing model
of Harm and Seidenberg (2004). These models are connection-
ist models designed primarily for computer simulations of word
reading and have little to say about comprehension in context.
Seidenberg (2005, p. 238) summarizes this class of models: “Note
that the term ‘reading’ covers many more phenomena than are
addressed by our models, which focus on comprehending isolated
words.” Our mission here is a detailed explanation of decoding in
DCT terms, and to show how DCT can absorb what is often re-
garded as the most widely accepted and cited account of the de-
coding process (Samuels, 2004) into an established architecture
that addresses comprehension, reader response, and many other
aspects of literacy.
The original LS model of reading was designed as a detailed
account of cognition during decoding that culminated with the
meanings of words and word groups (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974).
Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding in Reading 467
The original model was a bottom-up model that did not include
mechanisms for higher-order processes such as text comprehen-
sion to affect lower-order process such as grapheme-phoneme cor-
respondences. Samuels (1977, 1994, 2004) subsequently revised
the model by adding feedback loops to make it more interactive,
but otherwise the model remained intact with its emphasis on de-
coding. We will detail these revisions later, and for the remainder
of this article we will refer mainly to the current model as presently
revised by Samuels.
The LS model is quite comprehensive in its account of decod-
ing, covering a broad spectrum of decoding behaviors. However,
a continuing limitation of this model has been acknowledged by
Samuels (2006a, pp. 334–335): “Although our model shows how
the information from the page is processed and moved along to
comprehension, the model has almost nothing to say about the
comprehension process.” We will show that subsumption of the
LS model by DCT resolves this problem in a theoretically consis-
tent manner.
Logogens Imagens
Review of DCT
FIGURE 2 The LaBerge and Samuels Model. Figure 2 from Samuels (2004).
Reprinted with permission of the International Reading Association.
In explaining the reading process, both the DCT model and the
LS model begin with external stimuli in the form of written lan-
guage. Readers detect the stimuli and process them at the various
levels already described. Although we start our discussion at this
point, we note that interactive models of reading allow that con-
text effects can influence where the eyes fixate in a line of print,
how much of the available visual stimuli are detected, and how
those stimuli are interpreted (see reviews by Paulson & Goodman,
1999; Rayner, 1997). With this in mind, we begin at the level of vi-
sual letter features.
Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding in Reading 481
If the DCT model can theoretically account for all the decoding
and fluency phenomena that the LS model can, it logically fol-
lows that all such empirical support for the LS model is support-
ive of the DCT reinterpretation. We will not attempt a review of
all this evidence here, but behavioral evidence for the DCT ac-
counts of reading phenomena and research results as detailed
above has been extensively reviewed (Paivio, 1971, 1986, 2007,
2008; Sadoski, 2003, 2005, 2008; Sadoski & Paivio, 1994, 2001,
2004). Here we will briefly deal with selected research issues that
favor the subsumed model but would be difficult for any version
of the LS model to explain without the support of DCT.
child, with four of the words rated high in imagery, four medium,
and four low. No children received any words they could al-
ready read. The set of words was shown to the child and pro-
nounced by the experimenter five times in a different random
order each time. After a 10-minute interval, the child was again
shown each word for 5 seconds and asked to pronounce it. Words
were learned in decreasing order from high imagery to low.
Hargis and Gickling (1978) taught nine average-ability
kindergartners a set of 20 concrete sight words and a set of 20
abstract sight words that were matched for word length and fre-
quency. All the words were nouns that were familiar to the chil-
dren in speech but unknown to the children by sight. The chil-
dren: (a) were presented the words in random order on flash
cards, (b) heard each word pronounced, (c) heard each word
used in a sentence, (d) used the word in a sentence of their own,
and (e) repeated the word. Two days after instruction was com-
pleted, more than three times as many concrete words as abstract
words were correctly named by sight. Ten days after training, more
than four times as many concrete words were correctly named by
sight. These results were replicated with another group of kinder-
gartners of average ability and a group of older mentally chal-
lenged children (Gickling, Hargis, & Alexander, 1981).
Kolker and Terwilliger (1981) taught 45 first-grade children
and 53 second-grade children familiar concrete and abstract
words without context. Each child received a different set of 6
words drawn from a list of 147 high-frequency words. The words
were nouns that were unknown by sight but had meanings known
to the child. The examiner (a) presented the word for 1 second
on a flash card, (b) pronounced it, (c) had the child repeat the
word, and (d) provided correction if needed. The first graders
took about 60% more trials to learn the abstract words than the
concrete words. The second graders required only 8% more trials
for abstract words, but the difference was still highly statistically
significant. Terwilliger and Kolker (1982) replicated these results
with 94 beginning first graders while additionally varying word
confusability (i.e., same or different initial consonants).
Several other early studies similarly found concreteness ef-
fects on the sight word learning of young children (Kiraly &
Firlong, 1974; Richmond & McNinch, 1977; Wolpert, 1972; Yore &
Ollila; 1985). However, these studies were criticized for using very
488 M. Sadoski et al.
Reading Comprehension
When reading is flowing at its best, for example, in reading a mystery novel
in which the vocabulary is very familiar, we can go along for many minutes
imagining ourselves with the detective walking the streets of London, and
apparently we have not given a bit of attention to any of the decoding
processes that have been transforming marks on the page into the deeper
systems of comprehension.
In order to understand the sentence “The executive ate his steak in the
corporate dining room,” the reader may form a mental image of a scenario
that goes beyond the text information. For example, the reader may form
an image of a well-dressed man who is wearing a business suit and holding
490 M. Sadoski et al.
a fork in his left hand and a knife in his right hand while cutting the steak
on a plate that sits atop a white tablecloth.
twice as well. In the case where the abstract paragraph was more
familiar, the paragraphs were recalled equally well. Other exper-
imental findings using widely different methods and materials,
including neuroimaging, have confirmed these results (e.g., Gies-
brecht, Camblin, & Swaab, 2004; Holcomb, Kounios, Anderson,
& West, 1999; Kounios & Holcomb, 1994; Nelson & Schreiber,
1992; Paivio, Khan, & Begg, 2000; Paivio, Walsh, & Bons, 1994).
Coltheart, M., Rastle, K., Perry, C., Langdon, R., & Zeigler, J. (2001). DRC: A dual
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