Ugc Engagement

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The Effect of User-Generated Content Quality on Brand Engagement: The

Mediating Role of Functional and Emotional Values

Article in Journal of Electronic Commerce Research · March 2020


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4 authors:

Jihad Mohammad Farzana Quoquab


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

T. Ramayah Main Naser Alolayyan

Universiti Sains Malaysia Jordan University of Science and Technology


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Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 21, NO 1, 2020



Jihad Mohammad
Department of Management and Marketing,
College of Business and Economics, Qatar University,
Doha, Qatar
[email protected]

Farzana Quoquab
International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kampung Datuk Keramat, 54100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[email protected]

Ramayah Thurasamy
School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
[email protected]

Main Naser Alolayyan

Department of Health Management and Policy,
Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
Ar Ramtha 3030، Ar-Ramtha, Jordan
[email protected]

User-generated content (UGC) and online customers’ brand engagement are gaining popularity and becoming
essential tools in improving the online business. Considering its growing importance, the present research aims to
examine the indirect effect of UGC quality on online customers’ brand engagement through UGC’s functional and
emotional values in a non-Western culture. Data were collected using an online survey which yielded 242 useable
responses which were then analysed using Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM).
Findings revealed that, content and technical quality of UGC have significant effects on UGC’s functional and
emotional values. Moreover, functional and emotional values exert positive and significant effects on customers’
brand engagement. Contrary to the expectations, the design quality of UGC has no direct effect on UGC values nor
an indirect effect on customers’ brand engagement. The findings of this research provide valuable insights to the
managers about what they need to prioritise in regard to increase online customers’ brand engagement. This study
contributes significantly to the body of knowledge by developing and empirically testing research model connecting
to UGC quality with UGC values and customer’s brand engagement within the Asian context.

Keywords: User-generated content; Functional value; Emotional value; Online customers’ brand engagement

1. Introduction
Web 2.0 has brought significant changes in regard to individuals’ interaction pattern with the Internet [Lai & To
2015; Yang et al. 2017]. It allows the internet users to interact and collaborate with each other via user-generated
content which differs from the first generation of web where users’ role was limited to view the content in a passive
manner [Thomas et al. 2019]. The inclusion of user-generated content enabled Web 2.0 to offer a more social,
interactive, and responsive web design. More particularly, it allows users to create, modify, and share their own content
[Owusu et al. 2016; Papathanassis & Knolle 2011]. The special characteristics of openness, participation, and sharing
contributed to the significant increase of Web 2.0 in the production of user-generated content [UGC) [Valcke &
Lenaerts 2010]. UGC is an important means that allows individuals, groups, and all type of organisations to express

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themselves and communicate with others online by sharing videos, texts, audios, and images (e.g., YouTube); blogs
(e.g.,; and social networking sites (e.g., Instagram, Facebook) [Bakshy et al. 2012; Kim & Lee 2017].
In recent years, the use of UGC in business organisations to carry out marketing activities has increased
significantly [Malthouse et al. 2016; Navarro & Bigné 2017; Thompkins & Regerson 2012]. These organisations
utilise UGC for different purposes, including advertisement, promotions, and customer services [Shim & Lee 2009].
At the individual level, UGC helps consumers to express their personal identity, allows social interactions with others,
and enables gathering or disseminate information [Daugherty et al. 2008]. Blackshaw & Nazzaro [2006, p. 4] argued
that UGC is “a mixture of fact and opinion, impression and sentiment, founded and unfounded titbits, experiences,
and even rumour”. It serves as a vital way for its users to express their views and opinions and communicate with
others [Boyd & Ellison 2008]. Organisations started to employ UGC to achieve two-way communication and
interactions with their current and potential customers [Papathanassis & Knolle 2011]. UGC assists companies to
deliver their messages to customers and obtaining customers feedback. Therefore, high quality UGC is expected to be
shared [Valcke & Lenaerts 2010]. Sun (2010) argued that, the qualities of information systems enhance the value
served by the system. Similarly, Gangi & Wasko [2009] found that, organisations created value using high quality
UGC, and this value influenced the experience and interests of users positively. In the same manner, this study argues
that organisation’s UGC quality can enhance users’ values, which would in turn affect their online brand engagement
Broadly speaking, the notion of the brand engagement is comparatively new in the marketing literature [Vivek et
al. 2012; Zheng et al. 2015], which is considered as one of the key drivers that affect consumer’s decision-making
process [Hollebeek 2011; Potdar et al. 2018]. Considering its importance, researchers have suggested to explore the
antecedents that drive online customer engagement [e.g. Brodie et al. 2011; Hollebeek et al. 2014]. Brand engagement
is perceived as the way to create a solid and stable relationship between the brand and the consumer [Liu et al. 2011].
Bonhomme et al. [2010] argued that to have a successful brand, a company must build customer brand engagement.
Having customers willing to spend their own valuable time on a specific brand is a crucial step for each business
[Smith et al. 2012). One of the most significant tools for marketers to convey their brad, to interact with the customers
and to communicate with them is UGC [Gunelius 2012; Malthouse et al. 2016; Verma 2014].
Different studies in the field of brand engagement considered the role of UGC and its effects on brand equity and
utility. The research done by Kim et al. [2012] focused on the effect of UGC and UGC-created values on utility. They
argued that, there are three quality factors creating value for customers, including: content quality, design quality and
technology quality, which in turn improve the utility. Similarly, Bonhomme et al. [2010] found a significant positive
relationship between UGC and consumer-based brand equity. Different streams of research revealed that, UGC has
significant effects on brand images, purchase intentions, and sales [De Vries et al. 2012; Jin & Phua 2014).
Nevertheless, there is a lack of studies that examine the direct and indirect effect of UGC quality on online customers’
brand engagement through UGC values. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are threefold: (i) to examine the
effect of UGC quality on UGC values, (ii) to test the effect of UGC values on online customers’ brand management,
and (iii) to predict the mediating effect of UGC values between UGC quality and online customers’ brand engagement.
To achieve these objectives, a theoretical framework has been developed based on Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-
O-R) theory [Mehrabian & Russell 1974]. Based on this theory, this study postulates that, the online environmental
cues like music, colour, lighting, technology, quality, design, etc., affect customers’ internal states (UGC values) and
external state (online customers’ brand engagement) [Richard 2005; Wang et al. 2011]. The rest of the paper is as
follows. First, based on past studies, a theoretical framework is developed and hypotheses are explained. Next, the
adopted methodology is discussed, followed by the results, findings, and discussions. Lastly, a conclusion is made,
and implications, limitations, and future research directions are highlighted.

2. Theoretical Foundation and Hypotheses Development

2.1 The S-O-R Theory
The S–O-R theory was introduced by Mchrabian & Russel [1974] to establish a link between physical
environment and human behaviour. This model presents a mechanism including stimulus impacting the individual
internal state, eventually affecting their attitude and/or behaviour [Donovan & Rossiter 1982]. Based on the S-O-R
theory, ‘stimulus’ refers to the impetus within the environment with the potential to affect consumers’ cognitive,
affective, consciousness, and value processes, whereas, ‘organism’ refers to “the mediating processes between the
stimulus and consumers’ response” [Fiore & Kim 2007, p. 426]. On the other hand, ‘response’ refers to “the
concluding result of the internal processes of the organism” [Fiore & Kim 2007, p. 432]. The S-O-R theory suggests
that, individuals are likely to change their affective and cognitive attitudes after they are exposed to a stimulus, and
finally, affective and cognitive attitudes then contribute to the response.

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Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 21, NO 1, 2020

Past studies have applied the S-O-R theory to explain how the factors of the online shopping environment affect
the psychological states of cognition, affection, and activation, creating customer responses [Animesh et al. 2011;
Jiang et al. 2010; Parboleah et al. 2009]. In the same manner, Kim and Lennon [2010] used information to represent
the stimulus, perceived risk and satisfaction to represent the organism, and revisit and purchase intention to represent
the response. Additionally, Fang [2012] considered sellers’ online interactivity strategies as the stimulus, and
discussed its effect on perceived diagnosticity and deception, affecting consumers’ transaction intention. Likewise,
this study considers that, UGC created by Internet and technology users that are made available online in the form of
text, audio, and visual as online environment stimuli that may affect customers’ functional and emotional values and
ultimately influence their decision to engage with a certain brand (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.).
Particularly, UGC that provides functional factors (such as, accessibility, ease of use, quality, etc.), and emotional
factors (such as, pleasure, excitement, satisfaction, contentment, etc.) is likely to influence customers’ response
positively. The response part reflects the outcome, including both psychological reactions like attitude and behavioural
reaction [Bagozzi 1986]. Psychological responses can be positive or negative, as behaviour can be positive (engaging
with brand) or negative (avoiding brand).

2.2 The UGC Websites Quality

UGC can be referred to any form of content (written, audio, visual, and combined) created by Internet and
technology users and made publicly available online, not necessarily created by professionals, and reflecting creative
efforts of its developer [Christodoulides et al. 2012; OECD 2007]. It can be developed, produced, modified, shared,
and used by individuals and groups [Ramón & Chadwick 2017]. In the contemporary modern world, researchers have
argued that UGC is a unique form of digital content that incorporates content, design, and technical aspects [see Li &
Lin 2009; Wunsch-Vincent & Vickery 2007]. The following sections briefly discuss these three components of UGC.

2.2.1 UGC content quality

Content quality refers to whether written texts, photos, images, videos, and motion pictures on a web page meet
commonly known standards of semantics, style, and grammar [Bonhomme et al. 2010]. To keep the content quality
along the track of continuous improvement, the website needs continuous monitoring of the content quality [Kim et
al. 2012]. For instance, YouTube carries out multi-aspect activities to maintain the content quality of the website as
per the standard requirements. After uploading every new video to the online stream, YouTube continually monitors
users’ content, requires it to meet the standard quality of the website, and inspects whether the content violates
copyright laws or not. The content should also not violate society’s moral standards. YouTube even has its own special
website to educate users and video creators how to get started, optimise content, and engage with their community.
Reward strategies are implemented by several UGC websites, encouraging the users to create additional content and
keep the number of pages growing steadily, while keeping their quality standards high [Kim et al. 2010]. For example,
if a user uploads a favourite food recipe on and it becomes popular, the user will be paid based
on the number of clicks on that specific recipe. As a result, the UGC websites are establishing their own compensation
plan to increase the content quality. Content quality is a crucial factor to achieve progress and success for a UGC
website [Dye 2011; Smith et al. 2012].

2.2.2 UGC design quality

UGC design quality refers to the outlook that the content will have when it becomes available for the users [Smith
et al. 2012]. It demonstrates to which extent there is coordination, harmonisation, and synchronisation among a set of
well-defined factors such as text, sound, audio, and video motions [Kim et al. 2010]. The total attributes of a website
constitute characteristics of each UGC website. For example, YouTube provides more video-based design while
Google shows text-based design. In the contemporary trend of increasing attraction for design quality, video-based
content has become more important. The importance of the UGC design is obvious from its frequent use in modern
android mobile devices [Liu et al. 2011].
The coding and design of UGC websites varies from one website to another, including audio, video, text, and
images [Kim et al. 2012]. Currently, the most frequented and popular video-sharing websites include YouTube,
Vimeo, and AOL; all these popular videos sharing websites have different attractive UGC designs [Liu et al. 2011].
The design of the website is flexible and allows people to upload their homemade videos and interact with each other
globally, writing comments and reviews on each other’s videos. Succinctly, design quality is a fundamental element
to achieve success for a UGC website [Dye 2011].

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2.2.3 UGC technology quality

UGC technology combines advanced science and modern knowledge to structure websites [Thompkins &
Rogerson, 2012]. It includes video sharing, social networking, wikis, cell phone photography tags, and many others
[Kim et al. 2012]. UGC technologies facilitate and assist its users in generating and sharing the content with other
users, with no exception to business [Malthouse et al. 2016]. This can be considered as a magic tool in the user’s
hands, leading to more popularity of their product and, as a result, consumers are attracted to their respective brands,
or equally, in the opposite way, may lead to destroying a business’ reputation. Adobe Flash assisted UGC websites
with compatibility with variety of devices through a high-resolution screen and low-capacity data, with very strong
security at the end. UGC websites’ technology has been improving daily. They have improved their ability to assist
users with diverse social network applications (Facebook and Twitter), video sharing websites (YouTube), comments
and reviews (Trip Adviser), and idea creation (MyStarbucksIdea) [Malthouse et al. 2016].

2.3 UGC Values

The value creation process of UGC includes planning, production, distribution, and consumption, which involve
the participation of users [Feijoo et al. 2009]. Value is perceived as the usefulness of something that satisfies needs
[Bonhomme et al. 2010]. In the same manner, Zeithaml (1988, p. 4) defines value as “the consumer’s overall
assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is given”. These definitions
are in line with the theory of utility, which assumes that individuals perceive value as the difference between the utility
and the cost reflected by the price paid for the product and/or services [Tellis & Gaeth 1990]. These definitions were
criticized by other researchers [see Lee et al. 2011; Babin et al. 1994; Holbrook 1994)] because it focused on one side
of value i.e., functional value and ignored other side. Those researchers argued that, functional value does not capture
the emotional dimension, and suggested that value is a multidimensional construct that is consist of emotional and
functional dimensions, and that emotional value is vital in motivating customer attitude and behaviour.
Another school of thought proposed three dimensions of value i.e., extrinsic, intrinsic, and systemic value
[Hartman 1973]. Extrinsic value refers to the functional side, whereas intrinsic value reflects to the emotional aspect
of consumption. Conversely, systemic value represents the rational aspect. On the other hand, Sheth et al. [1991]
postulated five consumption values: functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional values. Later studies
omit epistemic and conditional values because they are too transient [Sweeney et al. 1996].
Based on these discussions, this study conceptualizes value as a multidimensional construct which consists of two
dimensions i.e., functional and emotional values due to the fact that most of past studies have focused on these two
dimension [see Gursoy et al. 2006; Park 2004; Williams & Soutar 2009]. Moreover, Gursoy et al. [2006] argued that
emotional and functional values are better predictors of consumer attitude and behaviour compared to other values.
Additionally, this definition of value is in agreement with Lee et al. [2011], Babin et al. [1994], and Holbrook [1994]
conceptualization. The following subsection briefly explain these two dimensions.

2.3.1 Functional value.

Functional value refers to the content that enhances the satisfaction level of the users’ practical needs and
expectations (Bonhomme et al. 2010). It is about communicating the functional benefits of the product or brand [Doyle
& Stern 2006]. For example, lower cost, higher quality, and reasonable prices [Bergstrom 2000]. To provide the
functional value for users of the websites, UGC creators and website designers try to improve their content quality.
For example, providing functional factors like accessibility, ease of use, low cost, quality, and availability seems to
be the right steps [Thompkins & Rogerson 2012].

2.3.2 Emotional value

Emotional value exhibits positive feelings about the brand and product that motivate purchase [Bendixen et al.
2004]. Particularly, it refers to the amount of pleasure that consumers experience from their consumption [Bonhomme
et al. 2010]. The implicit pleasure attached with watching pro-environmental campaigns on YouTube is an explicit
example of this fact. Figures and facts show how UGC content has been growing in popularity among emotional
members. Particularly, recent survey about the popularity of UGC websites reveals that among emotionally related
members, 25% of users in the United States have commented on a news story or a blog post; 9% have contributed
article, image, or video; and 11% have tagged online content. Furthermore, it has been observed that social network
applications have been growing in popularity, just like print and electronic media, to present social and political ideas
[Dylko & McCluskey 2012].

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2.4 Customer Brand Engagement

The emergence of social media and the greater development of technology have been major factors in motivating
organisations to focus more on customer engagement [Hussein & Hassan 2017; Kang et al. 2016; Sashi 2012]. The
notion of ‘engagement’ is comparatively new in the marketing literature, and more studies should focus on it,
especially in the context of online environments [Dessart et al. 2015; Harrigan et al. 2017]. In general, customers
engage with different ideas related to products, organisations, brands, and virtual brand communities [Muñoz-Expósito
et al. 2017]. Customer engagement has been recognized as an important factor that connects the company with its
customers emotionally [Oviedo-García et al. 2014]. Therefore, companies “are placing more emphasis on competing
for the social attention of consumers to drive customer engagement” (p. 28) by various ways such as integrating social
media in their marketing strategies [Hudson et al. 2016]. Apart from that, literature found that customer-brand
engagement exerts significant effect on organisational performance, particularly growth of sales, reductions of cost,
products/services development, customer commitment, satisfaction, and loyalty [Harrigan et al. 2017; Kumar et al.
2010]. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the factors that can boost customer brand engagement [Harrigan et al. 2017].
According to Bowden [2009], customer engagement can be viewed as a psychological process involving cognitive
and emotional factors. Vivek et al. [2012] defined customer engagement as the individual’s involvement and
connection with organisational activities. It involves encouraging a company’s customers to interact with the brand
and other customers, allowing all customers to share their experiences with the brand, eventually brand development
and loyalty is enhanced [Danso 2015]. Mollen & Wilson [2010, p. 919] defined online engagement as “a cognitive
and affective commitment to an active relationship with the brand as personified by the website or other computer-
mediated entities designed to communicate brand value”. Brodie et al. [2011] assumed that customer engagement is a
crucial factor for creating a sustainable competitive advantage for business. Moreover, Voyles [2007] argued that
consumer engagement can boost profitability of an organisation. In the same manner, Brodie et al. [2011] contend
that, engaged customers are a key factor in providing organisation with suggestions/recommendations/ideas related to
certain products, services, and/or brands. Similarly, Nambisan & Nambisan [2008] indicated that engaged customers
are important means leading to new product/service development.
User-generated content of videos, photos, texts, tags, and comments on other customers’ ideas play a great role
in keeping current customers engaged in the company, to be the potential customers for future products, and that is
the magical value of engaged customers [ Malthouse et al. 2016; Verma 2014]. UGC value gained popularity after
social media started to become the source of shaping people’s demands. Every one of the newly emerged social media
websites empowers users, determining how much of their personal data can be published publicly. It also makes them
able to create connections between different platforms of UGCs. This ability boosted the amount of data published on
the web because of an integrated system between those websites [Dylko & McCluskey 2012]. Another popular form
of data creation and publishing for free is the emergence of fast-growing Wikis. Users can add their own pages to the
thousands of pages of data and be sure that many users will come to use it [OECD 2007]. News websites are going to
allow their users to play the role of independent journalists by posting their videos, audios, pictures, and even stories
freely. Blogs and video blogs are getting popularity every day and other users are allowed to post comments, tags, and
rate each other’s contents [Dylko & McCluskey, 2012]. In today’s business environment, day-by-day investors and
owners of brands become aware of the significant role that UGC can play for them. From the consumer's viewpoint,
UGC in the form of wiki data, blog text and images, YouTube videos or Facebook reviews, etc., deepen engagement
levels with the brand.

2.5 UGC Content, UGC Values, and Brand Engagement

Quality is a crucial matter for UGC sites, hence UGC providers must not compromise the quality of their content
[Feijoo et al. 2009]. Recent research demonstrated that the high-quality content of the UGC have attracted the attention
of considerable number of users [Ewalda & Ali 2016; Kim et al. 2012]. As an example, YouTube provides significant
flexibility to the customer in terms of allowing them to improve previously uploaded videos through allowing the
viewers to write comments on the videos. This practice has helped YouTube to significantly improve its contents,
functional values, and, consequently, has led to increased brand engagement among the users. In a comparable way,
improving the audio and sound effects content quality can support the emotional values of UGC by stimulating
psychological reactions from users (De Vries 2012). Obviously, users in the modern era prefer access to the UGC that
provides significantly improved quality of all contents, which attracts much network traffic and improves the brand
engagement [Coursaris et al. 2016].
Based on previous discussions, this study assumes that content quality of UGC can enhance consumers’ functional
and emotional values positively, which eventually can increase customer brand engagement. This assumption is
grounded in the S-O-R model. According to this model, stimulation and human behaviour are linked by an organismic
component [Mehrabian & Russell 1974]. Particularly, the quality of UGC content can stimulate the customer’s internal

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state of mind, which can include pleasure, satisfaction, arousal, dominance, and comfort, and ultimately inspire
customers to respond by engaging in the brand. Accordingly, the following hypotheses are developed:
H1. UGC content has a positive effect on the functional value of UGC.
H2. UGC content has a positive effect on the emotional value of UGC.
H3. Functional value has a positive effect on customer-brand engagement.
H4. Emotional value has a positive effect on customer-brand engagement
H5. Functional values mediate the relationship between UGC content and customer-brand engagement.
H6. Emotional values mediate the relationship between UGC content and customer-brand engagement.

2.6 UGC Design, Functional and Emotional Values, and Brand Engagement
UGC contents are developed in different forms, including blogs, wikis, videos, podcasts, and social networking
sites [Peters et al. 2013]. The visible characteristics and elements of every website are called design. Every UGC
website developer has been trying to develop a distinguished and unique design from that of the competitors, and thus
numerous readymade temples are available with the flexibility of editing and formatting. It is logical that the more
appealing the appearance and outlook of any web-based UGC, is the higher number of UGC users it will directly
attract [Ewalda & Ali 2016]. There are elements and factors contributing to website designs. Those elements can
include audios, graphics, fonts, colours, shapes, etc. The method by which UGC is designed is important, because it
can improve the values of UGC in terms of functional and emotional values [Kim et al. 2010]. More clearly, the
flexibility of website design makes it simple and easy for users to share videos, images, comments, ideas, etc., with
others locally and globally, enhancing their functional and emotional values, and ultimately boosting their engagement
with the brand.
Based on the above mentioned discussions, this study argues that design quality of UGC can exert a direct effect
of UGC emotional and functional values, and indirect effect on brand engagement through UGC values. This argument
is rooted in the S-O-R theory. It theorises that, online environmental signals act as stimuli (stimulus) affecting the
customers’ emotional and functional state (organism), which ultimately affects their behaviour (response). In detail,
the structure of the UGC content, including the unification and harmonisation of sound, video, text, and audio, can
enhance the emotional and functional values of customers, and eventually motivate them to engage with the brand.
Accordingly, the following hypotheses are developed:
H7. UGC design quality has a positive effect on the functional value of UGC.
H8. UGC design quality has a positive effect on the emotional value of UGC.
H9. Functional value mediates the relationship between UGC design quality and customer-brand engagement.
H10. Emotional value mediates the relationship between UGC design quality and customer-brand engagement.

2.7 UGC Technology Quality, Functional and Emotional Values, and Brand Engagement
Technological advancement plays a vital role in the success of almost every business of the modern world [Bui
& Kemp 2013; Leong et al. 2018]. New generations of techno-savvy Internet users demand more and more
advancement in technology of every product they used [Priporasa et al. 2017]. Technology advancement makes the
competition strong, thus attracting users to every web-based UGC platform is difficult. One might easily lose vast
numbers of fans from lagging facilities and attributes that rival UGC websites have. UGC technology can increase the
functional and emotional values of UGC, providing more user-friendly interfaces, ease of accessibility, and
convenience [Kim et al. 2012]. Furthermore, UGC contains videos and motion pictures that can directly impact the
emotional value of UGC [Kim et al. 2010]. These efforts from UGC sites not only help in improving UGC
technological functional and emotional values, but also lead to an increase in brand engagement among users.
Based on previous discussions, this study proposes that UGC technology can affect functional and emotional
values of UGC and enhance the users’ engagement with the brand. This argument is embedded in the S-O-R model.
Based on this theory, the effect of online environmental stimuli on customers’ action/reaction is mediated by attitudinal
and emotional regulation. More clearly, UGC’s advanced and friendly technologies that assist the users in generating
and sharing the content with others boosts the emotional and functional values of the user, motivating them to engage
with a specific brand. Accordingly, the following hypotheses are developed:

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H11. UGC technology quality has a positive effect on the functional value of UGC.
H12. UGC technology quality has a positive effect on the emotional value of UGC.
H13. Functional value mediates the relationship between UGC technological quality and customer-brand
H14. Emotional value mediates the relationship between UGC technological quality and customer-brand engagement.
Based on the discussion above a research model is drawn as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

3. Methodology
3.1 Procedure of Data Collection
This is a cross-sectional study where the data-gathering process was carried out at one point of time. This study
utilised the quantitative research particularly survey method to collect data from participants. Due to the Internet-
based subject of this research, the best place to find the respondents and collect the data from them was the Internet.
The ‘Qualtrics’ web-based survey administration website was employed to collect data from respondents. The online
survey was sent to respondents through the Internet via messenger, email, and social media, including Twitter and
Facebook, for approximately 10 weeks, from February 2017 to mid-April 2017. The answers were automatically and
directly collected on the ‘Qualtrics’ website. A total number of 1000 questionnaire links were distributed and around
242 questionnaires were returned and found usable for further analysis. The profiles of the respondents are presented
in Table 1. About 55% of the respondents were females and 45% were male. In terms of their ethnicity, 44.95% of
participants were Malay, followed by Chinese (25.25 %), and Indian (13.44 %). In terms of age, the majority of
respondents (61.4%) were less than 35 years. Regarding participants education background the bulk of them have a
bachelor degree and above (50.9%). With respect to experience in UGC use, the majority of respondents use it more
than 6 times every week for different reasons such as sharing information (23.5%), social relationship (22.6),
community participating (18.9%), pleasure improvement (8.8%), expression expansion (9.5%).

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3.2 Sampling and Sample Size

The target respondents of this study were UGC users in Malaysia. As the main concern of this study is to
contribute to theory, non-probability judgmental sampling was employed [Calder et al. 19981]. Particularly, data was
collected from consumers with experience in using UGC. This experience could come from using any UGC platform
like YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Blogs, Google, etc. [Kim & Lee 2017]. In this study, the minimum sample size
requirements necessary to detect R2 value greater than 0.10 in any endogenous construct in the structural model at a
significant level of 0.05, with statistical power of 95% and effect size of 0.15 is 140 [Hair et al. 2017].

Table 1. Respondent Profile.

Demographics variables N= 238 Percentage (%)
Male 107 45%
Female 131 55%
34 and below 146 61.4%
35 and above 92 38.6%
Malay 107 44.95%
Chines 61 25.25%
Indian 38 15.23%
Others 32 13.44%
High school 47 19.7%
College degree 70 29.4%
Bachelor degree 53 22.3%
Master degree 46 19.3 %
Doctoral degree 22 9.3%
UGC experience
2-3 times/week 79 33.2%
4-5 times/week 40 16.8%
More than 6 time/week 118 49.6%
UGC purpose
Community Participating 45 18.9%
Hobby Club/Café Activity 28 11.8%
Information Sharing 56 23.5%
Pleasure Improvement 21 8.8%
Expression Expansion 22 9.5%
Social Friendship 54 22.6%
Intellectual Capability 11 4.6%

3.3 Measurement Items

All constructs and items were adapted from extant literature and were revised to suit the objective of this study
(Appendix). All major scale items are based on a five-point Likert-scale, ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
agree (5). Content quality (5-items), design quality (4-items), technological quality (4-items), functional quality (4-
items), and emotional value (4-items) were adapted from Kim et al. [2012]. Customer brand engagement with 4-items
were adapted from Bonhomme et al. [2010].

3.4 Common Method Variance

In this study data were collected from same respondents (i.e. UGC users), thus it was important to examine the
presence of common method variance (CMV). This statistical phenomenon refers to the false variance among
endogenous variables that occur due the data collection process and scale measurement rather than to the variables of
interest [Podsakoff et al. 2003]. This study employed procedural and statistical strategies to reduce the effect of this
phenomena. In term of procedural strategy, the participants’ anonymity and confidentiality were confirmed; the
questionnaire was pretested to avoid difficult and vague questions, and a clear guideline were provided for respondents
to complete the survey [Podsakoff et al. 2012]. Statistically, Harman’s single factor was used to test if there is any

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factor that explain the majority of variance [Podsakoff et al. 2003]. The result of the un-rotated factor analysis revealed
that the first factor explained 24.95% of the total explained variance (62.95%) which confirms that CMV is not an
issue in this study.

4. Results
To test the research model, this study used structural equation modelling Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM), using
the SmartPLS 3.0 software [Ringle et al. 2015]. Following the recommended two-stage analytical procedures by
Anderson & Gerbing [1988], the measurement model was tested followed by the structural model. The measurement
model represent the relationship between latent variable and its relevant indicators, whereas, the structural model
reflect the relationship between the latent variables [Hair et al. 2017; Quoquab et al. 2018].
In this study, the PLS-SEM was considered for different reasons. First, this is an exploratory research [Richter et
al. 2016] that aim to know more about the causal relationships between UGC, UGC values, and customer online brand
engagement. Second, this study aim to predict and maximize the explained variance in the endogenous variables [Hair
et al. 2017]. Additionally, PLS-PM is recommended for complex models that has direct and indirect relationships
[Richter et al. 2016].

4.1 Measurement Model

The measurement model was assessed in term of its reliability, convergent validity, and discriminate validity.
First, the reliability of indicators was confirmed based factor loading values. Table 2 reveals that most of the item
loadings on their associated latent variables were higher than 0.60, except five items i.e. CQ2, CQ4, EV3, FV2, and
these items were omitted from this study [Chin 1998]. At the constructs level the reliability was established based on
composite reliability values (CR). Table 2 demonstrates that the composite reliability for all constructs were higher
than 0.70, thus reliability of measurement model was ascertained at the item and construct levels. Second, the
convergent validity was assessed based on average variance extracted (AVE) [Hair et al. 2017; Quoquab et al. 2019].
Table 2 illustrate that AVE for all constructs exceeded the cut-off point of 0.50, thus convergent validity was
confirmed [Henseler et al. 2016].

Table 2: Convergent Validity

Construct Items Loadings CR AVE
Customer Brand CBE1 0.837 0.919 0.740
Engagement(CBE) CBE2 0.869
CBE3 0.840
CBE4 0.894
Content Quality(CQ) CQ1 0.721 0.763 0.517
CQ3 0.741
CQ5 0.695
Design Quality(DQ) DQ1 0.817 0.853 0.594
DQ2 0.746
DQ3 0.686
DQ4 0.826
Emotional Value(EV) EV1 0.816 0.875 0.701
EV2 0.821
EV4 0.874
Functional Value(FV) FV1 0.705 0.776 0.536
FV3 0.717
FV4 0.773
Technology Quality(TQ) TQ1 0.830 0.801 0.575
TQ2 0.754
TQ4 0.683
Note: CQ2, CQ4, EV3, FV2 and TQ3 were deleted due to low loadings

Next, discriminate validity was evaluated based on two methods i.e., Fornell & Larcker’s [1981] criterion and
heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) method [Henseler et al. 2015]. To establish discriminant validity based on fornell -
Lacker criterion, the square root of the average variance extracted for that constructs should be higher than its
correlation with other constructs in the model [Hair et al. 2017]. Table 3 shows that all the values on the diagonals
were greater than the corresponding row and column values indicating the measures were discriminant. To establish

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discriminate validly using HTMT method, the ratio of between construct correlations to within construct correlation
should be less than 0.85 or 0.90 [Henseler et al. 2015]. The results in Table 4 show that the HTMT0.90 of all latent
variables were lower than 0.90. Thus, discriminant validity has been established using both methods.

Table 3: Discriminant Validity “Fornell - Larcker method”

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Brand Engagement 0.860
2. Content 0.341 0.719
3. Design 0.225 0.407 0.771
4. Emotional 0.271 0.510 0.305 0.837
5. Functional 0.304 0.395 0.322 0.399 0.732
6. Technology 0.263 0.490 0.501 0.386 0.548 0.758
Note: Diagonal values (bolded) are square root of the AVE while the off-diagonals are correlations

Table 4: Discriminant Validity “HTMT method”

CQ 0.498
DQ 0.269 0.604
EV 0.299 0.731 0.374
FV 0.430 0.707 0.446 0.569
TQ 0.354 0.840 0.691 0.513 0.871

4.2 Structural Model

To assess the structural model, Hair et al. [2017] and Mohammad et al. [2019] suggested to look at the R2, beta,
and the corresponding t-values via a bootstrapping procedure with a resample of 5,000. In addition to these basic
measures researchers should also report the predictive relevance (Q 2) and the effect sizes (f2) [Henseler et al. 2016].
First, this study observed the effects of the independent variables on the two mediators (see Table 5), the R2 was 0.322
(Functional Value) and 0.287 (Emotional Value), indicating that the content quality, design quality, and technology
quality together can explain 32.2% of the variance in functional value and 28.7% of the variance in emotional value.
Next, this research looked at the effect of functional value and emotional value on brand engagement; the R2 was
0.119, indicating that both type of values explains 11.9% of the variance in customer brand engagement.
In the prediction of functional value, content quality (β = 0.160, p< 0.01, f2 = 0.028), and technology quality (β =
0.455, p< 0.01, f2 = 0.199) were positively related to functional value while design quality was not significant. Thus,
H1 and H11 were supported while H7 was not supported. In the prediction of emotional value, content quality (β =
0.409, p< 0.01, f2 = 0.170) and technology quality (β = 0.156, p< 0.01, f2 = 0.022) were positively related to emotional
value while design quality again was not significant. This supports H2 and H12 while not supporting H8. In the
prediction of customer-brand engagement, functional value (β = 0.233, p< 0.01, f2 =0.52) and emotional value (β =
0.178, p< 0.01, f2 =0.03) were positively related to customer-brand engagement. This provides support for H3 and H4.
Finally, this study looked at the mediating effect of functional value and emotional values on the IV-DV
relationships (see Table 6). Four out of the six mediations were statistically significant, including Content>
Functional> Customer-brand engagement (β = 0.039, p< 0.05, BC0.95 LL = 0.002 and UL = 0.076), Content>
Emotional> Customer-brand engagement (β = 0.073, p< 0.05, BC0.95 LL = 0.008 and UL = 0.137), Technology >
Functional> Brand Engagement (β = 0.106, p< 0.01, BC0.95 LL = 0.036 and UL = 0.176), and Technology > Emotional
> Brand Engagement (β = 0.033, p< 0.05, BC0.95 LL = 0.003 and UL = 0.023). Also, as suggested by Preacher &
Hayes [2008], the indirect effects did not include zero in between, indicating there is mediation. Thus, this research
concluded that the mediation effect is statistically significant, indicating that H5, H6, H13, and H14 were supported
while H9 and H10 were not supported.
The study assessed the predictive relevance of the model using the blindfolding procedure. Blindfolding is a
sample reuse technique that omits every dth data point in the endogenous construct's indicators and estimates the
parameters with the remaining data points [Hair et al. 2017]. If the Q2 value is larger than 0, the model has predictive
relevance for a certain endogenous construct, and otherwise if the value is less than 0 [Hair et al. 2017]. Table 5 shows
all Q2 values were all more than 0 with the Q2 = 0.157 for Functional Value, Q2 = 0.176 for Emotional Value, and Q2
= 0.075 for Brand Engagement, suggesting that the model has sufficient predictive relevance.

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Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 21, NO 1, 2020

Table 5. Hypothesis Testing (Direct Relationships)

Std. Std. 95% BC CI
Hypothesis Relationship Decision
Beta Error t-value f2 R2 Q2 VIF LL UL
H1 Content -> Functional 0.160 0.067 2.401** Supported 0.028 0.322 0.157 1.379 0.023 0.287
H7 Design -> Functional 0.029 0.044 0.662 Not Supported 0.001 1.400 0.000 0.100
H11 Technology -> Functional 0.455 0.070 6.456** Supported 0.199 1.536 0.302 0.580
H2 Content -> Emotional 0.409 0.070 5.844** Supported 0.170 0.287 0.176 1.379 0.265 0.541
H8 Design -> Emotional 0.060 0.056 1.069 Not Supported 0.004 1.400 0.001 0.181
H12 Technology -> Emotional 0.156 0.075 2.089* Supported 0.022 1.536 0.018 0.300
Functional -> Brand Supported
H3 Engagement 0.233 0.070 3.313** 0.052 0.119 0.075 1.190 0.083 0.362
Emotional -> Brand Supported
H4 Engagement 0.178 0.070 2.552** 0.030 1.190 0.036 0.309
Note: **p< 0.01, *p< 0.05

Table 6. Mediation Test (Indirect relationships)

Hypothesis Relationship Std. Beta Std. Error t-value Decision LL UL
H5 Content -> Functional -> Brand Engagement 0.039 0.019 2.052* Supported 0.002 0.076
H6 Content -> Emotional -> Brand Engagement 0.073 0.033 2.211* Supported 0.008 0.137
H9 Design -> Functional -> Brand Engagement 0.007 0.012 0.576 Not Supported -0.016 0.030
H10 Design -> Emotional -> Brand Engagement 0.011 0.012 0.861 Not Supported -0.014 0.035
H13 Technology -> Functional-> Brand Engagement 0.106 0.036 2.972** Supported 0.036 0.176
H14 Technology -> Emotional -> Brand Engagement 0.033 0.015 2.20* Supported 0.003 0.023
Note: **p< 0.01, *p<0

5. Discussion
The objectives of this study were to predict the direct effect of UGC quality on UGC values and the direct effect
of UGC values on customer-brand engagement. It also examined the mediating role of UGC values between UGC
quality and customer-brand engagement in a non-western context. To accomplish the objectives of this study, a
conceptual framework was developed based on S-O-R model, literature, and logical argument. Structural equation
modelling - partial least square approach was employed to examine the hypothetical model. Overall, the findings of
this study found support for majority of the hypotheses (8 out of 14).
In explaining the hypotheses, the data support the relationship between the content quality of UGC and functional
and emotional values which is consistent with the S-O-R theory as well as past studies [Kim et al. 2012]. It implies
that when the content quality of UGC sites is simple to understand, easy to use, novel, popular, and relevant to users’
interests, this will stimulate and enhance users’ functional and emotional values, and ultimately they will be inclined
to allocate more time to be involved and connect cognitively and emotionally with the brand. Moreover, this study
found that, the technological quality of UGC exerts positive and significant effects on both functional and emotional
values. This result is in line with S-O-R theory and past studies [Kim et al. 2012]. This result suggests that to enhance
users’ functional and emotional values, the technology quality of UGC must provide users with friendly access to
various websites, help users upload and share their items (video, audio, image) with others, and have fast interactions
with UGC. Eventually, customers will be more willing to engage cognitively and emotionally with the brand.
Interestingly, the results of this study found that design quality of UGC has no effect on users’ functional and
emotional values in the Malaysian context. This result contradicts past studies that found that, these variables were
positively related [Kim et al. 2012]. A possible explanation for this result is that the organisation, structure and
harmony among different elements of UGC, including audio, video, image, sound, etc., was not important in this
culture. The users’ main concern focused more on the practical and technical side rather than the aesthetic side.
Overall, the results suggest that both content and technological quality of UGC are important predictors of users’
functional and emotional values, whereas design quality was less important in this context.
This study hypothesised that functional and emotional values of UGC will exert a positive effect on customer-
brand engagement. The findings of this research provide support for these hypotheses. In other words, the higher the
users’ functional and emotional values, the more they will be engaged with an online brand like Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter, etc. More specifically, if providers of UGC can satisfy the need of their users by providing convenient and
easy to use functions, with low cost, and make the use of these functions an enjoyable experience, their functional and
emotional values will increase, and eventually their engagement with the provider’s brand will rise. The result of this
study is in line with the S-O-R theory and past studies that found these types of values affect users’ attitudes, in terms
of their utility [Kim et al. 2012].

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The results of this study also found that, the functional and emotional value of UGC mediate the relationship
between content and technological quality and customer-brand engagement. This result is consistent with the S-O-R
theory. More particularly, when UGC sites provide users with a good combination of technology and knowledge that
are simple, clear, and easy to use, with refreshing and popular content, their functional and emotional value are likely
to increase and, ultimately, customers tend to be more engaged with the brand. Contrary to the expectation, neither
functional nor emotional values mediate the relationship between design quality and customer-brand engagement.

6. Theoretical Contribution and Managerial Implication

This study contributes significantly to the theory and practice alike. Theoretically, this research has proposed a
research model that connects UGC quality with UGC values and customers’ attitudes towards brand engagement.
Particularly, this study has developed relatively new relationships, including the effect of functional value and
emotional values on customer-brand engagement. This study found that both types of values exerted positive and
significant effects on customer-brand engagement. This is expected to contribute significantly to the theoretical work
of customer-brand engagement. Additionally, this is comparatively new research that introduces the functional and
emotional UGC values as mediators between UGC quality, including content quality, technological quality, design
quality, and customer-brand engagement. This can contribute significantly to the theory of UGC quality and UGC
values in a non-Western context. Moreover, this study highlights the key role of the S-O-R theory in explaining the
relationships between the variables of the study in the Asian context.
The output of this study emphasised the crucial role of UGC quality, specifically content and technology, in
enhancing customers’ functional and emotional values. Therefore, UGC providers in Malaysia are advised to provide
users with high quality content that can meet and or exceed their expectations and increase their tangible and intangible
values. More specifically, the content of UGC need to be ethical and in line with the law, social norms and customs,
insightful and resourceful, clear to comprehend, easy to use, interesting, and relevant for users. This will increase
the users’ functional and emotional values and, ultimately, they will be more inclined to engage with the online brand.
Moreover, the operators of the UGC sites are recommended to provide users with advanced, up-to-date, and high-
quality technology of UGC. This involves providing users with user-friendly access, connectivity, convenience,
interaction, and ease of use. This will increase users’ tangible and intangible values and ultimately will enhance their
engagement with the brand. The output of this study found that, both functional and emotional values are important
predictors of customer-brand engagement; hence, provider and sites of UGC need to work hard to improve and enrich
customer functional and emotional values.

7. Conclusion and Future Research Direction

In a nutshell, the mechanism of underlying UGC quality, UGC values, and customer-brand engagement can be
employed as a framework to improve the understanding of how quality affects value, which eventually transforms
into brand engagement and provides a key theoretical platform useful for further research. While the current study has
its advantages regarding testing reasonably new linkages and providing some valuable outcomes regarding this issue,
it has some limitations. Nevertheless, the limitations of this study may serve as future research directions for other
studies in the field. Future research might narrow down the perspective from the general type of UGC to the specific
effect of videos created by customers. Moreover, future research can be more specific and cover certain brands, like
YouTube, and how the UGC affected this brand. Furthermore, future research can retest this model in a different
context to increase the generalisability of the results.

We gratefully acknowledge the insightful feedback of the anonymous reviewers and the Associate Editor, as well
as the cooperation and support of the Editor-in-Chief (Professor Melody Kiang).

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Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 21, NO 1, 2020

Appendix: Measurement items

Content Quality Source

No. Item
1. The content in the UGC is easy to understand.
2. The content in the UGC is new.
3. The content in the UGC is refreshing.
4. The content in the UGC is popular.
5. The content in the UGC is relevant for users.
Design Quality
6. The design of the UGC is well organized.
7. The content, such as texts, graphics and sounds, are well unified in the
UGC structure. Kim et al. (2012)
8. The content of videos, graphics and audios is appropriately assembled in
the structure of the UGC
9. Components of the UGC are well harmonized.
Technology Quality
10. UGC provides a user-friendly access to users.
11. The interface of the UGC is user-oriented.

12. The UGC is uploaded and can be shared by anyone.

13. The interaction with the UGC is fast

Functional Value Source
No. Item
1. The UGC provides convenient functions.
2. The UGC properly satisfies users’ needs.
Kim et al. (2012)
3. The availability of the UGC is high.
4. The UGC provides ease of use.
Emotional Value
5. I enjoy using the UGC.
6. I feel good when I use the UGC. Kim et al. (2012)
7. I have some expectations from the UGC.
8. The UGC is interesting.
Brand Engagement Source
No. Item
1. I use UGC to support special brand.
2. I use UGC to update myself about special brand.
3. I use UGC to promote special brand. Bonhomme et al.
4. I use UGC to exchange comments about special brand. (2010)

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