09 Online Learning Project Lesson Idea Template
09 Online Learning Project Lesson Idea Template
09 Online Learning Project Lesson Idea Template
Describe how the following features are addressed in this learning experience (note: all of them
may not be addressed in the project, but most should be if you are reaching a high LoTi Level).
a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, and mentors outside their classroom and often
beyond their school: N/A
Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities
c. Higher-order thinking: Students engage in higher order thinking as they used their collected
data to apply in class when determining the mean prices of each item, creating an averaged
price list to be entered on the Global Grocery List website.
d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care about their product:
When students collect their data regarding the pricing of different items found at their local
grocery store, students will submit their data in class to be averaged with other student’s data
for each item. From here, the final product will be submitted to the website to contribute to the
average pricing on a US grocery list.