Time Sharing Option
Time Sharing Option
Time Sharing Option
TSO stands for Time Sharing Option. It is a subsystem which lets the user's session
invoke mvs facilities interactivity. Each user is treated as job. TSO submits job
stream to JES2/JES3 when user logs in. Each user is given unique address space and
can allocate data sets and invoke programs just as a batch job can.
ISPF stands for Interactive System Productivity Facility which runs under the control
of TSO. Program development facility is a segment of ISPF which provides powerful
program development environment. It provides a full-screen text editor and facilities
to manage background job processing. Not all MVS installations use TSO or ISPF for
text entry. For example some installations use an IBM product called CMS
(CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM) for text entry, and some installations use
text editors supplied by third-party suppliers.
ISPF on the mainframe is typically used for line of business and mission critical
application program development. SPF/Win in conjunction with popular compiler
technologies like Micro Focus COBOL you can develop client/server applications on
your PC taking advantage of the higher performance and improved local control
offered by PCs.
TSO/E is a base element of the OS/390 operating system that allows users
to interactively work with the system.
Time sharing option
A user ID can be no longer than seven characters and can contain numeric (0-9) and
alphabetic (A-Z) characters, but must begin with an alphabetic character. Often a
USERID is your name, your initials, your department number, or any combination of
valid characters your installation chooses. There are some restrictions on which
characters can be used in your USERID, particularly if your system uses JES2.
SIZE ===>
PF1/PF13 ==> Help PF3/PF15 ==> Logoff PA1 ==> Attention PA2 ==> Reshow
You may request specific HELP information by entering a '?' in any entry field.
Time sharing option
You can receive five types of messages at your terminal:
• Mode messages
• Prompting messages
• Informational messages
• Broadcast messages
• Messages from other users
A mode message indicates that the system is ready for a new command or
subcommand. The most common mode message is :
A prompting message indicates that you need to supply required information or that
you supplied incorrect information. Prompting messages include a message identifier
(message ID) and are documented in TSO/E messages. If messages at your terminal
do not display a message ID, you can change your profile with the PROFILE MSGID
command to display message IDs.
An informational message tells you about the status of the system or of your
terminal session. You do not need to respond to an informational message.
Informational messages include a message identifier (message ID) and are
documented in TSO/E Messages.
Time sharing option
Broadcast messages are messages that an operator sends using the MVS SEND
command or the TSO/E OPERATOR SEND subcommand. The system operator can
send messages of general interest to all users of the system or specific messages to
individual users.
You can interrupt processing at any time by pressing the key assigned as the
attention interrupt key on your terminal. On some terminals such as the IBM 3270
display terminal, the attention interrupt key is labeled "PA1". You can cause an
attention interrupt to :
When you are finished using TSO/E, issue the LOGOFF command to SIGN OFF from
the system and end your terminal session. The system releases your USERID until
the next time you issue the LOGON command.
To log off the system, enter at the READY mode message: LOGOFF
You can also sign off from the system by issuing the LOGON command. When you
sign off using the LOGON command, the system terminates your current session and
starts a new one using the options specified on the LOGON command.
ISPF consists of four major components; DM, PDF, SCLM, and C/S.
• The C/S component is the Client/Server, which allows you to run ISPF on a
programmable workstation, to display the panels using the display function of
your workstation operating system, and to integrate workstation tools and
data with host tools and data.
Time sharing option
To start ISPF, log on to TSO.
· When the READY prompt appears, type ISPF or PDF and press Enter
Option 0 - Settings
Settings displays and changes selected ISPF parameters, such as terminal
characteristics and function keys.
Option 1 - View
View displays data (you cannot change it) using the View or Browse function. Use
View or Browse to look at large data sets, such as compiler listings. You can scroll
the data up, down, left, or right. If you are using Browse, a FIND command, entered
on the command line, allows you to search the data and find a character string. If
Time sharing option
you are using View, you can use all the commands and macros available to you in
the Edit function.
Option 2 - Edit
Edit allows you to create or change source data, such as program code and
documentation using the ISPF full-screen editor. You can scroll the data up, down,
left, or right. You can change the data by using Edit line commands, which are
entered directly on a line number, and primary commands, which are entered on the
command line.
Option 3 - Utilities
Utilities perform library and data set maintenance tasks, such as moving or copying
library or data set members, displaying or printing data set names and volume table
of contents (VTOC) information, comparing data sets, and searching for strings of
Option 4 - Foreground
Foreground calls IBM language processing programs in the foreground, thus
interactively executes language-processing programs.
Option 5 - Batch
Batch calls IBM language processing programs as batch jobs. ISPF generates Job
Control Language (JCL) based on information you enter and submits the job for
Option 6 - Command
Command Lets you enter TSO commands, including CLIST and REXX command
procedures, while ISPF is running.
Option 9 - LM Facility
IBM Products allows you to select other installed IBM program development products
on your system.
Option 10 - SCLM
SCLM controls, maintains, and tracks all of the software components of an
Option 11 - Workplace
Workplace gives you access to the ISPF Workplace, which combines many of the ISPF
functions onto one object-action panel.
Time sharing option
Option X - EXIT
EXIT leaves ISPF using the log and list defaults. You can change these defaults from
the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel action bar
Before you start working with ISPF, you should know the operation of your function
keys. There are 24 Function keys Use the PFSHOW and FKA (function key area)
commands to display function key values on your terminal screen for easy reference.
The function keys on your terminal have default settings provided by ISPF.
ISPF uses a library structure to name and organize data sets. This naming structure
is similar to that used for TSO partitioned data sets:
A three-part name, with member names following in parentheses. The parts of the
ISPF library name are: project.group.type for most organizations, the project name
is your USERID.
Before you can create a member of an ISPF library, you must allocate the library.
This is a different allocation from that which pairs a data set with a ddname that the
operating system can recognize.
1. Select Utilities (option 3) from the ISPF Primary Option Menu or from the action
bar. The panel shown
Time sharing option
2) Press ENTER
Menu Help
2) Press ENTER
3) On the Data Set Utility panel, select option A, Allocate new data set, and
fill in the name of an ISPF library, as follows, using your USERID as the
project name.
Time sharing option
ISPF Library:
Project . . Userid
Group . . . TSO
Type . . . . FILE
4) Press Enter
5). On the Allocate New Data Set panel shown are characteristics that you
can specify for the new data set.
6)Press Enter.
7) Check to see if the message Data set allocated appears in the upper right
corner of the Data Set Utility panel
Time sharing option
ISPF Library:
Project . . MTPL003
Group . . . TEST
Type . . . . SAMPLE
This exercise explains how to use option 2 to edit an ISPF library. Remember that the
ISPF library must have been allocated before you can edit it.
Time sharing option
Press Enter
ISPF Library:
Project . . . USERID
Group . . . . TSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type . . . . FILE
Member . . . NEW (Blank or pattern for member selection list)
Workstation File:
File Name . . . . . Options
Initial Macro . . . . / Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace
Profile Name . . . . . Mixed Mode
Format Name . . . . . Edit on Workstation
Data Set Password. . . Preserve VB record length
. You do not need to fill in or change any of the other information on this
panel. Press Enter.
2. On the panel, press the Tab key to move to the text area and enter the
following (or some text of your own choice):
==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change
==MSG> your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.
'''''' Hello welcome to VISA
Time sharing option
3. When you finish typing the text, press Enter. The cursor moves below the
last line of input, and all the text you just typed is now in capital letters
• Primary commands
Time sharing option
• Line commands
Primary commands are the ones you type in on the edit Command line at the top of
your data. For example: PROFILE, CAPS OFF, UNNUM, and RESET.
Line commands are commands that you enter on the edit line numbers, which are
located on the left side of the data.