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INTRODUCTION infection rates on were often heavily populated areas either from

Clinic appointment system procedures have been fully integrated public or business grounds. Based on the research article, COVID-
into our developing world, practicing professional workflows and 19 and applications of smartphone technology in the current
safety precautions in an often-busy work environment. Providing pandemic, it states that. “These phones help in avoiding the face-
features that help medical professionals keep track of sensitive to-face contact of the healthcare provider with the patients and
records and appointment files, ranging from their client’s standard thus maintain social distancing and avoid virus transmission.
check-ups. Since amidst the widespread of the COVID-19 global These phones are valuable in making the clinical evaluation,
pandemic, many types of research appeared on specifically diagnosis, timely advice, prescription and also in the monitoring
conducting a study of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, such of the patients from their home and in remote areas (Iyengar et al.,
as the research article “Impact of digital surge during Covid-19 2020) Medical grounds or most technically from this document,
pandemic: A viewpoint on research and practice (De’ et al., small to medium-sized medical clinics providing medical work
2020).” indicates that the presence of electronic and digital services have been on a series of strict lockdowns and procedures
devices has been integrated and based as their normal services of a due to its risky and sensitive environment during the pandemic. In
substitute for the means of social connections and economic communities and places with heavy population and infection rates,
purposes to accommodate to the worldwide lockdowns, this it can’t be helped that many hospitals and clinics have been the
includes limiting all required human interaction facilities such as source of its increased rates of infectivity of the pandemic. This
the malls, schools, temples, offices, airports, etc... specifically effect prompts the different communities to open more grounds
working from home has been the new way of working for quarantine practices and restrictions resulting in a much
professionals, thus reducing the stricter lockdown. The project aims to provide a way of
developing an application and documentation to the system
development project for the people to have a safer way to appoint
medical check-ups on a medical clinic using the Clinic
Appointment System (Clinicord) featuring online appointment
scheduling to help medical clinics, doctors/staff and clients to
modernizing the traditional process of appointments, handling
sensitive information’s, at the same time establishing data security
and integrity to the records allowing only the authorized users to
have access. The system composes of two
(2) mediums which are web for the administrator and mobile for
clients and doctors.
The main objective is to develop a web and mobile scheduling
system for medical clinics in Olongapo City using progressive
web app frameworks, which will help the medical clinics within
Olongapo City appointment efficient and easy from both the client
and the medical clinic beneficiaries thus modernizing and helping
the infection rates of the global pandemic to be lessen by making
the medical clinic appointment making to be digitalized and
electronic, whilst keeping some of the traditional schedule
keeping and diagnosis report writing features of the manual
appointment making intact.
• To have a convenient application for client and doctors for
managing an appointment.
• Giving the admin an efficient way of generating a diagnosis
report to their clients.
• To provide the clients, doctors and admins a secure application.
The targeted users and medical clinic beneficiaries where will been a substitute and adapted by many businesses and
only be within the Olongapo City Community where they will organizations in means of economic, lifestyle and work
have the ability to utilize the developed system. environment against the threat of the pandemic. The wide survey
results of by (Rala et al.,2014) stated that majority of their survey
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE findings concludes the following; system wireframe design must
This chapter of the Review of related Literature will introduce the
be easily defined and indicate as a dental clinic application. The
different related literatures and the development documentations
respondents need a way of viewing past activities and archives
that has a common problem and objective on the field of the
made from the system application, this includes details of the
medical clinic appointment system. This includes the different
reservations and transactions. A similar study by (Dr. Zaw, 2019),
system architectures the related literature used and the different
stated that Client and Server architecture are used since it is online
frameworks and features.
based and contains three types of users; user, admin and the
doctor. To accommodate the best user and doctor interaction they
2.1 Clinic Appointment System Frameworks used web-based model system for faster queries and performances.
Clinic Management System for Mayapa Health Center, by
(Morales, et al., n.d) A local literature study review described the
traditional process of a medical clinic staff management system to
2.2 Statistical Analysis Using Data
require a lot of data handling and recording from the patient’s Visualization Graphs
health records. The stated significance of using the application of
the literature study is that medical clinic management system will Data Visualization plays an important role in data analysis because
be helpful for the operational staffs and receptionist working on as soon as the human eyes see some charts or graphs, they try
the clinic’s faculties and offices, this in terms of the application finding the patterns in that graph (Sharma, 2020). In our web
system being able to prompt for specific and detailed data application we offered data visualizations in a form of a bar graph.
gathering and privacy security handling by the developed system. This is to offer a tool for the admin side of the web application so
The researchers (Adeyinka, et al., 2013) stated that medical that they can perform their analysis on the activities that occurred
records provide an extensive room of improvement for the in the platform. A study by (Kotecha et al., 2015) has a graph
patient’s care, not only it provides an easier mode of listing and showing the number of patients booked into the service per month.
recording process but it also minimizes human errors and The data also show that while patient numbers have increased, this
information record can be much more accurate as well as legible. has not had a detrimental effect on patient journey time through
The significance of this literature review will provide the major the service. As a result, creating a graph for the system the
overview of the necessary data collecting and integrity from the analysis became a task that is easier to understand as it uses a
users as well as to create a system that handles the data visualization that summarizes the data. Appointment System
independently. Which comes to a foreign study of (Ahmed, 2015) Representing the patient flow through the hospital is quite a
which stated that interface functions made specifically for an difficult task, considering the amount of data to be taken into
admin which can capture and review data provided by the system account. Some charts have been implemented in a web-based query
to perform authorized actions such as; inserting, editing and interface, using PHP5 and generating SVG outputs on the fly,
deleting records throughout the database will solve problems such without any a prior knowledge (Chazard et al., 2007). The
as record misplacement, etc... importance of making a visual graph in systems such as this is that
they allow an efficient and convenient way of handling or viewing
data. A part of the problem consists in optimizing and controlling
The researchers conclude that gathering medical information from
the flow of patients between medical departments. Those flows are
the patients and doctors should be only containing all the
linked with real medical justifications, but also with consequences
necessary data for the appointment making, while containing basic
of organization defaults, or irrational habits. In this purpose,
medical history of the patient and lastly an admin side which has
representing and analyzing the patient flow is a real necessity
the authorization to access any approval registrations by checking
(Chazard et al., 2007).
the doctor’s certificates as well as the appointment records which
can be supported by a similar capstone study Online Dental
Reservation with SMS Notification (Rala et al., 2014) As per Another data visualization for a medical setting is a medical chart.
stated of the study of (Ahmed, 2015) where such feature of able to It is a complete record of a patient’s key clinical data and medical
manipulate and edit of medical records would enhance the user history, such as demographics, vital signs, diagnoses, medications,
experience of the staff, a literature review on the study of treatment plans, progress notes, problems, immunization dates,
(Matienzo, n.d) presents that medical record system, must be fitted allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. It is
to the facility and satisfies the needs. Another literature review of comprised of medical notes made by a physician, nurse, lab
by (Kwan, 2015), stated that consideration of the users on what technician or any other member of a patient’s healthcare team.
technology and platform to be used must be applied and at utmost Accurate and complete medical charts ensure systematic
concern. This includes the use of browser to access the system and documentation of a patient’s medical history, diagnosis, treatment
the use of desktop and mobile platforms for the systems, he also and care. (Practice Fusion, n.d.) By creating such chart, we can
recommended the development of the clinic management system have a softcopy of the records of activities that occurred. It offers
in the mode platform of mobile use would be a greater a variety of information of a client that summarizes in one chart.
improvement where his findings that most of his users prefer and In a research study of (De’ et al., 2020). It states that the Covid-19
are most comfortable on the usage of mobile platform. Research has greatly impacted the wide use of technology medias such as
article by (Iyengar, 2020). Stated that the use of phones helps PCs and smartphones to comply to the strict pandemic restrictions.
accommodate the pandemic face-to-face restrictions to allow the To accommodate such restrictions and to reference the similar
recipient to be safe when contacting a healthcare provider. studies of (Dr. Zaw, 2019). The development of the web
Another research by (De’, R., Pandey, N., & Pal, A., 2020) architecture of client-and-server architecture will be adopted,
presented that the use of electronic and digital devices has which then will be done online. And then such architecture
will require different
frameworks in order to work such as Angular web framework and Ionic as well since the adaptability and the
recommendation of the research article of (Kwan, 2015). Which shows that most of his respondents are comfortable on using
their smartphones. While developing a client-and-serve based architecture by a designated admin or medical clinic
receptionist would require a commonly used work-based technology, which then will be a PCs and a standard web browser at
the minimum, based on the research study of (Rala et al., 2014).

2.3 Progressive Web Application Frameworks

The ability to be flexible and innovate to the different frameworks will provide such advantage on developing the system as
stated on the research article of (Ang Hwee Kwan, 2015). That resources of the development and the implementation of the
system should be the minimal and any developed features must be an existing resource or easy to be attained on the
beneficiary’s work place atmosphere. Accommodating authentications and frameworks of a similar research article of (Dr.
Zaw, 2019). Will be helpful to the developers and researchers to provide every registration of the users to accommodate the
architecture adaptation of the Client-Server Architecture.
According to (TechRepublic, n.d), Email or Electronic mail is considered as one of the premier uses of Internet. It is a flexible
and handy tool of communication via the electronic medium. Its most attractive features are: speed, portability and versatility.
Considering Emailing, it also comes with disadvantages and advantages. One of the main advantages of email is that you can
quickly and easily send electronic files such as text documents, photos and data sheets to several contacts simultaneously by
attaching the file to an email. Check with your internet service provider if there is a limit to the size of email attachment you
can send. Some businesses may also limit the type and size of attachments that they are willing to receive. On the other hand,
for disadvantages, emailing is prone to Spam, Viruses, Sending emails by mistake and Data Storage Limitations
(Nibusinessinfo.Co. Uk, n.d.) With these disadvantages, web applications with emailing service should develop and equip a
security algorithm and maintenance checkup. This countermeasure will keep up to date what viruses or spams are being used
in the current technology so that it can lessen the likelihood of compromising the data integrity of Emailing Service. As well
as upgrading the current hardware system into more capable of storing huge number of files.

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