Reloj Circadiano e Insulina. Aleman

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Circadian clocks and insulin resistance

Dirk Jan Stenvers 1, Frank A. J. L. Scheer2,3, Patrick Schrauwen4, Susanne E. la Fleur1,5,6
and Andries Kalsbeek 1,5,6*
Abstract | Insulin resistance is a main determinant in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The circadian timing system consists of a central brain
clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus and various peripheral tissue clocks.
The circadian timing system is responsible for the coordination of many daily processes,
including the daily rhythm in human glucose metabolism. The central clock regulates food intake,
energy expenditure and whole-​body insulin sensitivity, and these actions are further fine-​tuned
by local peripheral clocks. For instance, the peripheral clock in the gut regulates glucose
absorption, peripheral clocks in muscle, adipose tissue and liver regulate local insulin sensitivity,
and the peripheral clock in the pancreas regulates insulin secretion. Misalignment between
different components of the circadian timing system and daily rhythms of sleep–wake behaviour
or food intake as a result of genetic, environmental or behavioural factors might be an important
contributor to the development of insulin resistance. Specifically, clock gene mutations, exposure
to artificial light–dark cycles, disturbed sleep, shift work and social jet lag are factors that might
contribute to circadian disruption. Here, we review the physiological links between circadian
clocks, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, and present current evidence for a relationship
between circadian disruption and insulin resistance. We conclude by proposing several strategies
that aim to use chronobiological knowledge to improve human metabolic health.

Insulin resistance in liver, muscle and adipose tissue is a muscle, adipose tissue and liver. The SCN receives a
pivotal pathophysiological process in the development direct projection from the retina, via which environmen-
of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), which has been des- tal light synchronizes the approximately 24 h rhythm of
ignated as one of the four priority noncommunicable the SCN with the exact 24 h rhythm of the environment
diseases by the WHO1. Major complications of T2DM (Fig. 1). The entrained timing signal from the SCN is
are retinopathy, chronic kidney disease, neuropathy, forwarded via neural and hormonal signals and body
peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction and temperature to the peripheral clocks. The molecular
stroke. The central approach in the prevention and treat- mechanism of the central and peripheral clocks is based
ment of insulin resistance is lifestyle modification. The on transcriptional-translational feedback loops, which
second step is medication, with metformin being the are present in almost every cell of the human body.
cornerstone of the oral glucose-​lowering drugs. If nec- In this Review, we describe the physiological links
essary, glycaemic control can be further improved with between circadian clocks, glucose metabolism and insu-
additional medication, including oral sulphonylureas, lin sensitivity. We also present current evidence for the
oral sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibi- relationship between circadian disruption and insulin
tors, injectable glucagon-​like peptide 1 (GLP1) receptor resistance, with a focus on human studies. Finally, we
agonists or injectable insulin2. Traditionally, research has propose several strategies to implement chronobiologi-
focused on the quantity and quality of physical activity, cal knowledge with the aim to improve human metabolic
food intake and medication; however, circadian factors health. The chronobiology terms and metabolic terms
including the timing of light exposure, physical activity, we use are defined in Box 1 and Box 2, respectively.
food intake, medication and sleep–wake behaviour might
also prove important for the prevention and treatment of Circadian control of insulin sensitivity
insulin resistance. The circadian timing system
The mammalian circadian timing system consists The mammalian circadian timing system is composed
*e-​mail: a.kalsbeek@ of a central brain clock in the hypothalamic suprachi- of a central pacemaker in the bilateral SCN of the ante- asmatic nucleus (SCN), and peripheral clocks in other rior hypothalamus and a multitude of peripheral clocks
s41574-018-0122-1 brain regions and tissues throughout the body, including in other brain areas and peripheral tissues (Fig. 2). The

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intake. As most peripheral clocks do not receive direct

Key points
light information, they are also sensitive to these other
• The circadian timing system consists of a central brain clock in the hypothalamic Zeitgebers. This scenario is especially true for peripheral
suprachiasmatic nucleus and peripheral clocks in tissues, including the liver, muscle, clocks in metabolic tissues such as liver, white adipose
adipose tissue and pancreas. tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), pancreas and
• Misalignment between different components of the circadian timing system and daily muscle, which use the metabolic signals resulting from
rhythms of sleep–wake behaviour and food intake might contribute to the food intake for their entrainment5–8 (Fig. 1).
development of insulin resistance.
• Strategies to improve metabolic health by circadian synchrony include modulating Circadian rhythm in glucose metabolism
light exposure, modulating rhythmic behaviour and chronotherapy.
In healthy humans, plasma glucose tolerance depends on
• Circadian molecules are a promising new treatment option for insulin resistance. the time of day of glucose ingestion, with glucose toler-
ance being higher in the morning than in the evening9,10.
This diurnal rhythm in glucose tolerance is partly medi-
circadian timing system serves to prepare an organ- ated by the diurnal rhythm in whole-​body insulin sensi-
The time difference between ism for the alternating opportunities and challenges tivity11. Moreover, the time-​dependent glucose tolerance
two consecutive peaks or that go along with the rhythmic changes of the daily in healthy individuals is strongly mediated by the rhythm
troughs, or any other fixed light–dark cycle. This concept is illustrated by the evo- in pancreatic β-​cell glucose sensitivity (that is, pancre-
point in the rhythm. In the case lutionary advantage of an internal clock that matches atic glucose-​induced insulin secretion), as demonstrated
of daily or circadian rhythms,
this period is exactly or
the period duration of the environment, as demonstrated by studies that use hyperglycaemic clamping12 and a
approximately 24 h, in cyanobacteria3,4. triple-​tracer mixed-​meal technique13. However, because
respectively. The period of the The discovery of the molecular mechanism that participants in these studies were sleeping at night and
rhythm in constant conditions keeps these clocks functioning was awarded the 2017 were awake during the day, it remains unclear to what
is called the free-​running
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The central fea- extent these morning–evening differences are the result
period and is denoted by the
Greek letter τ. ture of this molecular mechanism is the transcriptional– of behavioural and environmental differences or are
translational feedback loop (TTFL) involving the core caused by a direct influence of the circadian system.
clock genes: the period genes (PER1, PER2 and PER3), A 2015 study using a circadian misalignment protocol
cryptochrome genes (CRY1 and CRY2), ARNTL (also demonstrated that the diurnal rhythm in glucose toler-
known as BMAL1), CLOCK (or its orthologue NPAS2) ance is robustly regulated by the circadian timing system,
and the genes encoding the nuclear receptors REV-ERB separate from influences of behavioural and environmen-
(NR1D1 and NR1D2) and ROR (RORA, RORB and tal changes14. Consistent with the results from diurnal
RORC). The rhythmic signal produced by this molecu- studies, the endogenous circadian influence on glucose
lar clock has a period of approximately 24 h, which is a tolerance results from a stronger β-​cell response in the
circadian period. circadian morning14.
The period of the endogenous circadian timing system
does not match the exact 24 h rhythm of the outside world Clock control of insulin sensitivity
and, therefore, has to be reset every day. Environmental In this section, we discuss the clocks in the different tissues
light is the most important Zeitgeber for resetting the cen- and organs that are involved in the control of glucose
tral pacemaker, reaching the SCN through a direct con- metabolism and explain their role in the regulation of
nection from intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion.
cells through the retinohypothalamic tract. The remain-
ing clocks in the circadian timing system therefore The central clock. The central clock in the SCN not
depend predominantly on the SCN for entrainment to only synchronizes the peripheral clocks described in
the light–dark cycle of the outside world. the sections below, but also affects multiple processes
The SCN sends its entrained timing signal to the that influence the diurnal rhythm in glucose metabo-
peripheral tissue clocks through the autonomic nerv- lism, including the physiological daily rhythms in sleep–
ous system, hormonal signals (including melatonin wake behaviour, food intake, hormone secretion, insulin
and cortisol), modulation of body temperature, and sensitivity and energy expenditure (Fig. 3).
behavioural signals, such as physical activity and food The SCN controls the daily rhythm in sleep–wake
behaviour15,16 via its connections with hypothalamic
areas such as the subparaventricular zone, the ventrolat-
Author addresses
eral preoptic area and the dorsomedial hypothalamus17.
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The SCN presumably also has a direct role in the control
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. of food intake18,19, which is enhanced via the regulation of
Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. the sleep–wake cycle since food intake requires a waking
Medical Chronobiology Program, Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Brigham state. The circadian control of food intake might be medi-
and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
ated via direct neuroanatomical connections between
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences, NUTRIM, School for Nutrition and
the SCN and the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, which
Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht,
Netherlands. is involved in the regulation of food intake20, but indirect
Laboratory for Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Amsterdam University connections between the SCN and areas involved in the
Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. rewarding aspects of food could also have a role21.
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and In addition to the aforementioned roles, the SCN
Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam, Netherlands. controls the daily rhythm of release of several hormones

76 | FEBRUARY 2019 | volume 15


affecting glucose tolerance. Firstly, the activity of the secretion, with a peak before the onset of the active
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is regulated period22. The glucocorticoid cortisol affects insulin
via connections from the SCN to the paraventricu- signalling and reduces insulin secretion23. Secondly,
lar nucleus, resulting in a diurnal rhythm of cortisol the circadian rhythm of melatonin (also known as the
hormone of darkness, as it is exclusively released dur-
Light Eye SCN ing the dark phase in diurnal and nocturnal species
alike), which affects insulin secretion24,25, is orches-
trated by output from the SCN, via the paraventricular
nucleus and the intermediolateral column to the pineal
gland26. Thirdly, the diurnal rhythm in growth hormone,
Sleep–wake Feeding • Cortisol Body temperature
behaviour behaviour nervous system • Melatonin which antagonizes insulin action in liver and muscle27,
is partly regulated by the SCN via its control of the
sleep–wake cycle27–29.
Furthermore, SCN lesion studies in rodents demon-
strated that the SCN controls the diurnal rhythm in
Peripheral clocks in gut, muscle, whole-​b ody insulin sensitivity30 and reported that
liver, WAT, BAT and pancreas within 8 weeks of an SCN lesion being created, rodents
are insulin resistant31. In humans, a role for the SCN in
Fig. 1 | The circadian timing system. The circadian timing system is composed of
the control of insulin sensitivity is suggested by mis-
a central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the hypothalamus
of the brain and peripheral clocks in other brain areas and peripheral tissues.
alignment protocols demonstrating the endogenous
The circadian rhythms in these clocks are generated by a molecular transcriptional- circadian control of glucose tolerance, independent of
translational feedback loop. The light signal, reaching the SCN via the retina and behavioural rhythms14,32.
the retinohypothalamic tract, is the most important Zeitgeber for the SCN. The SCN Finally, the central clock is responsible for the cir-
synchronizes peripheral clocks through neural, endocrine, temperature and cadian regulation of multiple components of energy
behavioural signals. BAT, brown adipose tissue; WAT, white adipose tissue. expenditure, such as the sleep–wake cycle15,16, diet-​
induced thermogenesis33, resting energy expenditure34
and (at least in rodents) BAT activity35–37.
Box 1 | Concepts in circadian studies
Chronobiology The gut clock. Glucose enters the body via the gastro­
The study of biological rhythms such as daily, tidal, weekly, monthly and seasonal rhythms. intestinal tract. Intestinal cells throughout the intestinal
Chronotype tract contain a molecular clock38,39 and this gut clock is
Humans can be characterized according to their preferred sleep times; late chronotypes synchronized by signals resulting from food intake38.
(owls) prefer to sleep later than early chronotypes (larks). The gut clock regulates intestinal motility40 and nutri-
Circadian rhythm ent absorption (Fig. 4). ARNTL regulates the expression
A rhythm with a period of ~24 h that persists in constant conditions. Circadian comes of membrane glucose transporters and thus matches
from the Latin words circa, which means around, and dies, which means one day. the timing of maximal monosaccharide uptake to the
Daily (diurnal) rhythm habitual feeding period41. Brush border disacchari-
Physiological, hormonal and behavioural rhythms that are measured under regular dases, including sucrase, display a circadian rhythm in
light–dark and sleep–wake cycles, and therefore should be described as daily rhythms, activity42,43, but the mechanism regulating this circadian
instead of circadian rhythms. activity remains to be elucidated (Fig. 4).
Entrainment and Zeitgeber
The non-24 h period of the endogenous circadian rhythm can be adjusted, aligned or The muscle clock. Human skeletal muscle has an auton-
synchronized to the exact 24 h period of the outside world by a process called entrainment. omous molecular clock44,45 (Fig. 5). Rodent data showed
The external stimulus responsible for this entrainment is called a Zeitgeber. In mammals that the SCN synchronizes the skeletal muscle clock46,47,
the strongest Zeitgeber for the endogenous central brain clock is environmental light, but but signals resulting from physical exercise48,49 and
food intake, locomotor activity and temperature can also serve as Zeitgebers. food intake have also been shown to be involved in
Nocturnal species synchronization49–51.
Species that are mainly awake and active during the dark period, such as most rodents. Cultured rodent myotubes express circadian rhyth-
Diurnal species micity in insulin sensitivity52. CLOCK and ARNTL
Species that are mostly awake and active during the light period, such as humans. regulate muscle insulin sensitivity via changes in pro-
Chronotherapy tein levels and membrane translocation of the insulin-​
The specific timing of administration of drug classes based on the diurnal rhythms in sensitive glucose transporter GLUT4 (ref.53), as well as
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of therapeutic drugs. through the modulation of the insulin signalling path-
Suprachiasmatic nucleus lesion way via expression of the deacetylase SIRT1 (ref.54).
In rodents, a thermal or electrolytic complete lesion of the suprachiasmatic nucleus Furthermore, a 2017 study showed that the muscle
neurons causes a loss of all circadian rhythmicity (that is, the absence of daily rhythms clock regulates muscle insulin sensitivity via histone
in locomotor activity and food intake, but also in hormone release, body temperature deacetylation of metabolic genes by HDAC3 (ref.55)
and metabolic fluxes). (Fig. 5). Consistently, human muscle tissue shows a diur-
Misalignment protocol nal rhythm in insulin sensitivity with higher insulin sen-
An experimental protocol using a recurring non-24 h behavioural cycle (for example, sitivity in the morning than in the evening56, as well as
a 28 h cycle). This protocol can be used to investigate the relative contributions of the a diurnal rhythm in mitochondrial oxidative capacity,
endogenous circadian cycle and the behavioural cycle to a particular physiological rhythm.
which peaks in the evening57.

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Box 2 | Metabolic definitions inverting the daily feeding rhythm74. The liver clock reg-
ulates several pathways involved in the control of glucose
Insulin resistance240 and lipid metabolism, as indicated by microarray73,75,76,
Resistance to the physiological effects of insulin at the tissue level. The gold standard to proteomic77,78 and metabolomic79–81 studies.
measure insulin sensitivity is the hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp. By synchronizing the diurnal rhythms in gluconeo-
HOMA-IR241 genesis and glucose export to the habitual fasting period,
Homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, based on a single combination of the liver clock in rodents is essential to maintain eug-
fasting glucose and insulin levels. lycaemia82,83. The repression of gluconeogenesis during
Glucose tolerance the feeding period is mediated by the interaction of
Plasma glucose excursion after a fixed oral or intravenous glucose load, with higher CRY (which has its diurnal peak of expression during
glucose excursions being indicative of reduced glucose tolerance. the feeding period) with the glucocorticoid receptor84
Prediabetes2 and with G protein-coupled receptor signalling85. The
Fasting plasma glucose 5.6–6.9 mmol/l (100–125 mg/dl), 2 h plasma glucose after oral overall result of these interactions is the repression of
glucose tolerance test (75 g glucose) 7.8–11.0 mmol/l (140–199 mg/dl) or HbA1c the expression of rate-​limiting gluconeogenetic genes.
39–47 mmol/mol (5.7-6.4%). In addition, insulin-​mediated suppression of gluconeo-
genesis is partly dependent upon CRY-​mediated FOXO1
Diabetes mellitus2
Fasting plasma glucose ≥7 mmol/l (126 mg/dl), 2 h plasma glucose after oral glucose degradation86,87 (Fig. 7). In view of this information, it is
tolerance test (75 g glucose) ≥11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) or HbA1c ≥48 mmol/mol ( ≥6.5%) tempting to speculate that the liver clock contributes to
or random plasma glucose ≥11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) with hyperglycaemic symptoms. the diurnal rhythms in hepatic glycogen content88 and in
hepatic insulin sensitivity13 that are observed in healthy
Type 2 diabetes mellitus2
Diabetes mellitus due to peripheral insulin resistance, combined with relative insulin
deficiency. In addition to the regulation of gluconeogenesis,
the liver clock regulates the diurnal rhythm in mito-
The metabolic syndrome242 chondrial dynamics (Fig. 7). Therefore, the liver clock is
Three or more of the following: involved in regulating mitochondrial glucose oxidation
• Waist circumference >102 cm in men or >88 cm in women and fatty acid oxidation89,90, which protects the liver
• Triglycerides ≥1.69 mmol/l (150 mg/dl) against oxidative stress during fasting91.
• HDL-​cholesterol <1.04 mmol/l (40 mg/dl) in men or <1.30 mmol/l (50 mg/dl) in women
• Blood pressure ≥130/85 mmHg The pancreatic clock. The presence of an autonomous
• Fasting plasma glucose ≥5.6 mmol/l (100 mg/dl) circadian pancreatic clock92 has been demonstrated
not only in rodents93–95, but also in human islets and
dispersed human islet cells (that is, the cells were cul-
The adipose tissue clock. WAT contains an autono- tured as seperate or single cells, not as an intact islet)96,97.
mous circadian clock as shown in both rodent58,59 and The pancreatic clock is synchronized to the light–dark
human60,61 in vitro models (Fig. 6). Similar to the muscle cycle95 via signals derived from the central brain clock
clock, the WAT clock is synchronized by the SCN62 and in the SCN that include autonomic neuronal signals98,
by signals resulting from food intake63,64. melatonin release93, glucocorticoid release96 and changes
Adipocytes from rodents have circadian rhythmic- in body temperature96. The amplitude of oscillations in
ity in glucose uptake52. In line with this observation, in the expression of clock genes in cultured rat islets is
human WAT ~25% of the transcriptome shows diurnal dependent on the glucose concentration in the culture
variation, including pathways involved in the regulation medium95.
of glucose uptake65. Subcutaneous WAT explants from Pancreatic islets isolated from rats show a circadian
humans who are obese show an intrinsic diurnal rhythm rhythm in insulin secretion93. CLOCK and BMAL1
in insulin signalling as determined by AKT phosphoryl- activate the transcription of genes involved in insulin
ation, with peak insulin sensitivity at noon66. Rodent data biosynthesis, insulin transport and glucose-​stimulated
indicated that this diurnal rhythm in adipose tissue insu- insulin secretion99 (Fig. 8). In line with this observation,
lin sensitivity could be the result of circadian regulation disruption of the pancreatic clock causes defective
of the retinol-​binding protein receptor STRA6 (ref.67). In insulin secretion94,100,101. Similarly, in human pancreatic
addition, CLOCK and ARNTL regulate the expression of islets one group has confirmed that the pancreatic clock
key enzymes in the regulation of lipolysis such as adipose controls insulin secretion97.
triglyceride lipase (ATGL), lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and
hormone-​sensitive lipase (HSL)68,69 (Fig. 6). Circadian disruption
BAT from mice also shows a diurnal rhythm in glu- Insulin resistance
cose uptake70. A 2016 human study confirmed circadian Insulin resistance of liver, muscle and adipose tissue,
rhythmicity of glucose uptake in BAT, with peak activity which is initially compensated for by increased insulin
just before waking up71. secretion, is an early characteristic in the development of
T2DM. Of note, in addition to insulin resistance, β-cell
The liver clock. The liver contains an autonomous clock failure contributes to the development of T2DM102.
that is synchronized by the SCN72,73 via a combination of Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is characterized
autonomic signals and endocrine signals64 (Fig. 7). The liver by a reduced insulin-​stimulated glucose uptake as a
clock also responds strongly to the timing of food intake, result of reduced insulin signalling and GLUT4 trans-
as the liver clock can be uncoupled from the SCN clock by location103. As skeletal muscle is responsible for the

78 | FEBRUARY 2019 | volume 15


Circadian disruption and insulin resistance

SCN The first clue that the circadian timing system might
• Food intake
be involved in the pathophysiology of insulin resist-
• Energy expenditure
• Whole-body insulin ance was the observation in the 1960s of an altered
sensitivity Brown adipose tissue clock daily rhythm in glucose tolerance in patients with
• Glucose uptake T2DM 109. Later, observations including the devel-
• Triglyceride uptake
opment of metabolic syndrome in the Clock mutant
Muscle clock mouse110, the discovery that food intake at the wrong
• Mitochondrial
respiration circadian phase (the habitual sleeping phase) causes
• Muscle force obesity in mice111 and the observation that circadian
• Muscle insulin misalignment results in decreased glucose tolerance in
humans112 led to the proposal of the circadian disrup-
tion hypothesis113. Sophisticated tissue-​specific pan-
Liver clock
• Gluconeogenesis creatic94,99,100,114, hepatic82,91, muscle53,115 and adipose116
• Glucose export Pancreatic clock transgenic and knockout models gave further support
• Glucose-stimulated for this hypothesis. On the other hand, several studies,
insulin secretion
Gut clock • Glucagon secretion including transgenic mouse models117–119 and studies
• Expression of with desynchronized food intake120–122, have not been
membrane glucose able to confirm the circadian disruption hypothesis, as
• Expression of brush they reported no negative metabolic effects of circadian
border disaccharidases disruption. An overview of the metabolic phenotypes
• Nutrient absorption of published transgenic animal models is outside the
• Gut motility
scope of the present Review, but can be found in several
White adipose tissue clock
previous papers123–125.
• Adipocyte differentiation According to the circadian disruption hypothesis,
• Lipolysis/lipogenesis metabolic health is optimal when the different daily
• Glucose uptake rhythms, including the behavioural fasting–feeding
• Leptin secretion
• Insulin signalling and sleep–wake rhythms, hormonal and autonomic
nervous system rhythms and central and peripheral
Fig. 2 | Circadian clocks regulate glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and insulin clock rhythms, oscillate in synchrony with each other.
secretion. The molecular clock consists of a transcriptional translational feedback loop By contrast, misalignment between certain components
involving the clock proteins CLOCK, ARNTL, PER and CRY and the nuclear receptors of this system, such as between behavioural and tissue
NR1D1, NR1D2 and ROR. The central and peripheral clocks are responsible for a variety clock rhythms, can result in circadian disruption and
of functions. SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus. the development of insulin resistance and T2DM. In the
sections below, we discuss epidemiological and experi-
majority of glucose uptake in the postprandial state104, mental human studies that investigated the association
skeletal muscle insulin resistance contributes to ele- between insulin resistance and several forms of circadian
vated postprandial glucose levels and reduced glucose disruption (Box 3).
The main role of the liver in the maintenance of Clock genes in humans. In line with the rodent clock
glucose homeostasis is to release glucose — that is, gene mutation studies, human mutations in several
endogenous glucose production — when plasma glucose clock genes were shown to contribute to the genetic
and insulin levels are low. Under normal conditions, susceptibility to obesity, insulin resistance and T2DM.
endogenous glucose production is strongly suppressed Observational studies have shown associations between
by insulin. Following hepatic insulin resistance, endog- single nucleotide polymorphisms in ARNTL126 and
enous glucose production remains unsuppressed despite T2DM, between specific haplotypes of CLOCK and obe-
high plasma insulin levels, thereby contributing to ele- sity127,128, between polymorphisms in CRY2 and elevated
vated glucose levels via enhanced gluconeogenesis fasting glucose129,130 and between polymorphisms in the
and reduced glucose uptake105. Insulin also suppresses circadian clock gene NR1D1 and obesity131. Inspired
de novo lipogenesis and VLDL production in the by these findings, several investigators explored gene–
liver, and therefore hepatic insulin resistance is also behaviour interactions and showed that interactions
characterized by elevated VLDL secretion106. between diet and clock gene mutations affect fasting
The role of adipose tissue insulin resistance in the glucose132, insulin resistance133,134, body weight135,136
development of T2DM is more indirect than that of and T2DM137.
muscle and hepatic insulin resistance. Insulin suppresses We only identified three studies that investigated
adipose tissue lipolysis; therefore, patients with T2DM tissue clock gene expression rhythms in patients with
are characterized by having elevated levels of plasma free T2DM. One study described a reduced amplitude of
fatty acids107. Tissues such as liver and muscle take up the daily rhythm in leukocyte clock gene expression
Amplitude the additional circulating plasma free fatty acids, which in patients with T2DM138. Another study investigated
On a line graph, the amplitude
is half the distance between
contributes to ectopic lipid accumulation. This ectopic the diurnal rhythm in clock gene expression in gluteal
the peak and trough of a daily fat accumulation in itself strongly contributes to the subcutaneous adipose tissue and surprisingly found
or circadian rhythm. development of liver and muscle insulin resistance108. no differences between lean participants, participants

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Parasympathetic Sympathetic • SPZ Dopaminergic

nervous system nervous system PVN Pituitary gland • DMH reward system ARC

HPA axis Sleep–wake rhythm Food intake
nervous system


Cortisol Melatonin Growth Physical activity Sleep


↑ Insulin sensitivity ↓ Insulin sensitivity ↓ Insulin ? Insulin ↓ Insulin ↑ Insulin sensitivity • In the short term:
↑ Insulin secretion ↓ Insulin secretion sensitivity secretion sensitivity ↑ insulin secretion
↓ Insulin • In the long term
secretion (excess energy intake):
↓ insulin sensitivity

Fig. 3 | The central clock. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which contains the central clock, controls the daily rhythms
of sleep–wake behaviour and food intake via hypothalamic connections. The central clock controls the circadian rhythm in
the secretion of hormones affecting glucose tolerance, including cortisol, melatonin and growth hormone. ARC, arcuate
nucleus; DMH, dorsomedial hypothalamus; HPA axis, hypothalamus–​pituitary–adrenal axis; PVN, paraventricular nucleus;
SPZ, subparaventricular zone; VLPO, ventrolateral preoptic nucleus.

with obesity and patients with T2DM139. A study in tolerance, with white and green light but not blue and
circadian myotube explants described unaltered clock red light reducing glucose tolerance148, but whether
gene expression rhythms, but a decreased amplitude in these observations translate to humans remains to be
NR1D1 expression in patients with T2DM44. In sum, determined.
indications of altered tissue clock rhythms in patients
with T2DM are very limited. Melatonin. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland
and shows a pronounced diurnal rhythm. During the
Effects of light. Daylight is the main synchronizer of the dark period, plasma levels of melatonin are high149, and
central clock. Our modern lifestyle, however, is charac- melatonin secretion is acutely suppressed by light expo-
terized by reduced light exposure during the day and sure26. Melatonin acutely increases insulin secretion in
increased light exposure during the night. These lifestyle cultured human islets24. By contrast, melatonin admin-
changes have a substantial effect on the alignment of our istration in healthy women acutely decreases glucose
circadian timing system to the solar day, as illustrated by tolerance150,151, an effect that is dependent on a common
an elegant study that investigated the effects of camp- gain-​of-function variant of the melatonin receptor gene
ing in natural light–dark conditions on human daily MTNR1B152.
sleep–wake behaviour140. The role of melatonin signalling in the pathophysio­
In several animal models, investigators have shown logy of T2DM remains a topic of lively debate153. On the
that dim light at night disturbs diurnal rhythms of food one hand an association exists between reduced mel-
intake and locomotor behaviour120,125,141, causing obesity atonin levels and the incidence of T2DM154, and rare
and reduced glucose tolerance in mice125,141 but not in loss-of-function mutations in MTNR1B are associated
rats120. In line with these findings, observational studies with an increase in the risk of T2DM155. On the other
in humans have shown correlations of exposure to light hand, one publication suggests that increased pancreatic
at night with obesity142,143 and T2DM144. β-cell melatonin signalling might reduce insulin secre-
Under conditions of controlled food intake and phys- tion in humans25.
ical activity, bright ambient light directly reduces insu-
lin sensitivity in a time-​dependent manner in healthy Sleep–wake rhythms. Accumulating evidence from
individuals 145. When healthy participants are kept both epidemiological and experimental studies shows
awake during the night, bright light causes increased that behavioural sleep–wake rhythms affect the risk of
levels of glucose in plasma146. In patients with T2DM, developing insulin resistance. A 2015 meta-​analysis
bright morning light increases fasting and postprandial of prospective studies showed that both individuals
levels of glucose147. A 2017 study in rats reported wave- who sleep for short periods and those who sleep for
length-​dependent effects of ambient light on glucose long periods are at increased risk of developing T2DM,

80 | FEBRUARY 2019 | volume 15


mediated by increased food intake and/or decreased

Lumen Gut cell Blood physical activity159,160, among other mechanisms, owing
to disturbed sleep161.
Several well-​controlled human experimental stud-
ies shed further light on the relationship between sleep
deprivation and insulin sensitivity. The seminal exper-
imental study showed reduced glucose tolerance after
CLOCK ARNTL five nights of chronic partial sleep loss (4 h per night)
GLUT5 compared with five well-​rested nights (12 h per night)
Fructose PER CRY in healthy human participants, under conditions of con-
trolled food intake and physical activity162. Subsequent
experimental studies under controlled conditions con-
Sucrase firmed reduced liver163, adipose164 and whole-​body163–168
insulin sensitivity as a result of sleep restriction to 4–6 h
per night for 1–14 nights in healthy individuals. By con-
Sucrose trast, other studies under controlled conditions found
only short-​term effects169 or no effect170 of sleep restric-
tion on insulin sensitivity, which could be the result of
Fig. 4 | The gut clock. The molecular clock consists of a transcriptional–translational
milder sleep restriction169 or a mitigating effect of the
feedback loop involving the clock proteins CLOCK, ARNTL, PER and CRY and the nuclear
receptors NR1D1, NR1D2 and ROR. The gut clock regulates the expression of membrane
negative energy balance owing to the experimental
glucose transporters and brush border disaccharidases. GLUT, glucose transporter; design170. Further to these observations, studies have
SGLT1, sodium–glucose cotransporter 1. shown that experimental slow-​wave sleep suppression
resulted in reduced whole-​body insulin sensitivity in
healthy individuals171–173.
with a proposed ‘optimal’ sleep duration of 7–8 h The proposed mechanisms for the effects of sleep
per night156. restriction and sleep disturbance on insulin sensitiv-
The interpretation of epidemiological studies, how- ity include an altered sympatho–vagal balance162,171,172
ever, should be made with caution. It has been suggested and increased circulating levels of catecholamines167 or
that the relationship between long sleep duration and cortisol167,172. In conditions of ad libitum food intake,
adverse health could be the result of reversed causality, increased food intake as a result of sleep restriction or
undiagnosed disease, residual confounding and the sub- disturbance probably contributes to decreased insulin
jective reporting on sleep duration possibly represent- sensitivity159,160.
ing time in bed157. On the other hand, investigators are A systematic review and meta-​analysis showed that in
in general agreement that poor sleep quality increases patients with established T2DM, individuals who sleep
the risk of obesity and T2DM. A meta-​analysis showed for a short duration or a long duration and individuals
that people with reduced subjective sleep quality are at with lower sleep quality have reduced glycaemic control
increased risk of developing T2DM158. In line with this compared with individuals who get adequate sleep174.
finding, patients with obstructive sleep apnoea are at Although several of the studies included in the system-
increased risk of developing T2DM, which could be atic review and meta-​analysis corrected for physical
activity, the meta-​analysis did not correct for food intake
or physical activity, so it is possible that these correla-
GLUT4 tions are partly confounded by increased food intake or
Mitochondrion decreased physical activity174.
The incidence of obstructive sleep apnoea is high
ATP in patients with T2DM. Furthermore, in patients with
comorbid obstructive sleep apnoea and T2DM, poor
HDAC3 glycaemic control correlates with the severity of obstruc-
Insulin tive sleep apnoea, a finding that could again be partly
confounded by increased food intake and/or decreased
physical activity161.

AKT2 IRS1 Chronotype and social jet lag. An individual’s chrono-

P P type could also be a risk factor for insulin resistance.
SIRT1 Observational studies show that evening chronotypes
are at increased risk of developing T2DM compared
Muscle cell
with morning chronotypes175, even when results are
corrected for sleep duration and physical activity (food
Fig. 5 | The muscle clock. In muscle, the muscle clock regulates muscle insulin sensitivity
via protein levels and membrane translocation of the insulin-sensitive glucose intake was not corrected for in this study)176. Some evi-
transporter 4 (GLUT4) and through modulation of the insulin signalling pathway via dence suggests that this increased risk could be the result
expression of the deacetylase sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). In addition, the muscle clock regulates of increased social jet lag — the discrepancy between
muscle insulin sensitivity via histone deacetylation of metabolic genes by histone the social (behavioural) and endogenous (circadian)
deacetylase 3 (HDAC3). IRS1, insulin receptor substrate; P, phosphate. time. Individuals with an evening chronotype who are

NATuRe RevIeWS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 15 | FEBRUARY 2019 | 81


Insulin cause increased food intake, increased body weight

and disturbed glucose metabolism187. A 2014 trans-
lational study showed that repeated jet lag in mice
causes reduced glucose tolerance via disturbance of
Insulin the intestinal microbiome. Fascinatingly, faecal trans-
receptor fer from jet-​lagged humans into germ-​free mice also
P reduced glucose tolerance in mice, suggesting that the
Diacylglycerol Monoacylglycerol microbiome clock might have an important role in the
ATGL HSL development of insulin resistance owing to repeated
phase shifts188.
Does circadian disruption contribute to insulin resistance?
Taken together, the hypothesis that circadian disrup-
JAK2 tion contributes to the development of insulin resist-
STRA6 ance in humans is supported by the following findings:
decreased glucose tolerance caused by experimental
circadian misalignment in humans; the association
between human clock gene polymorphisms and insu-
lin resistance; the experimentally observed effects of
LPL night-​time light exposure and sleep disturbance on
Free glucose metabolism; and the association of short sleep
acid GLUT4 duration, long sleep duration, low sleep quality, late
chronotype, social jet lag and shift work with insulin
Adipocyte Glucose resistance. Therefore, it seems probable that disturbance
of the central and/or tissue clock rhythms (Fig. 9) con-
tributes to the pathophysiology of insulin resistance at
Fig. 6 | The white adipose tissue clock. In white adipose tissue, the circadian clock the tissue level. Furthermore, circadian disruption might
probably regulates the diurnal rhythm in insulin sensitivity via the circadian regulation cause misalignment of nutrient fluxes. For instance, a
of the retinol-​binding protein receptor stimulated by retinoic acid 6 (STRA6). CLOCK
mismatch between hepatic glucose production, mus-
and ARNTL regulate the expression of key enzymes in the regulation of lipolysis. ATGL ,
adipose triglyceride lipase; GLUT, glucose transporter; HSL, hormone-​sensitive lipase; cle glucose uptake and carbohydrate intake could con-
JAK2, Janus kinase 2; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; P, phosphate; RBP4, retinol–binding tribute to elevated levels of glucose and an imbalance
protein 4. between lipid storage in WAT, lipid oxidation in BAT
and hepatic lipid production might contribute to ectopic
lipid accumulation.
working regular daytime hours are at increased risk of
social jet lag. Circadian synchrony and metabolic health
Social jet lag is associated with the development of Modulating light exposure
T2DM, independently of sleep duration177–179, even Light provides the main input for the SCN, and
when results are corrected for food intake and physi- optimization of daily light exposure can therefore
cal activity177. Patients with T2DM who are evening increase circadian synchrony140. To our knowledge,
chronotypes show worse glycaemic control compared however, no published randomized controlled tri-
with patients who are morning chronotypes, a find- als (RCTs) have investigated the effects of long-​
ing that might, in part, be mediated by an increase in term natural light exposure on insulin sensitivity or
evening food intake180; however, an association between glycaemia.
poor glycaemic control and chronotype, independent of One potential strategy is the adaptation of architec-
sleep duration, total food intake and physical activity, ture and/or indoor lighting conditions. For example,
does also exist180,181. one RCT showed that supplementing daytime indoor
light conditions with bright artificial light in homes for
Shift work and jet lag. Shift workers are at increased risk the elderly improves cognitive functioning, sleep qual-
of developing T2DM, as shown by a 2015 meta-​analysis ity and the diurnal rhythm of locomotor activity189,190.
of observational studies182; the degree of increased Another study found that increasing blue light intensity
risk relates to the number of night shifts per month183. in the morning with a system of wavelength-​controlled
This increased risk of T2DM might be mediated by a light bulbs and LEDs at home improved subjective sleep
combination of acute and chronic effects. quality in elderly women compared with low morning
Experimental circadian misalignment under strictly blue light intensity191.
controlled conditions acutely decreases glucose toler- A second potential strategy is to limit the use of
ance and insulin sensitivity both in non-shift workers screens from computers, tablets and smartphones in the
and in chronic shift workers14,32,112,184–186. To our knowl- evening, or to use blue light filters with these devices. An
edge, the chronic effects of repeated phase shifts on experimental study showed that reading a paper book in
food intake, physical activity and insulin sensitivity the evening reduced sleep-​onset latency and improved
have not been studied experimentally in humans, but daytime alertness the next day compared with reading a
several animal studies show that repeated phase shifts book on a light-​emitting tablet192.

82 | FEBRUARY 2019 | volume 15


Insulin sleep apnoea who had either normal glucose values or

Insulin receptor prediabetes. The authors found no effect on HOMA-​
IR, but reported a small reduction of fasting insu-
lin198. A 2017 meta-​analysis showed that treatment of
Liver cell
obstructive sleep apnoea with CPAP does not improve
IRS1 levels of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) or fasting levels
P of glucose in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
who have established T2DM, despite reduced daytime
AKT2 sleepiness199. The surprising lack of effect of CPAP
treatment on glycaemia in patients with obstructive
Glucose sleep apnoea could be related to treatment adher-
SREBP1c ence199, as two studies with good adherence did show
a decrease in HbA 1c (ref. 200) or mean 24 h glucose
Gluconeogenesis concentrations201.


↑ PEPCK Physical activity. Regular physical activity is one of
↑ G6PC the cornerstones of the lifestyle changes prescribed to
patients with T2DM (Fig. 9). Regular physical exercise
receptor decreases insulin resistance and reduces HbA1c (ref.202).
Mitochondrion cAMP As physical activity also shifts the central circadian
GPCR pacemaker in humans203, improves sleep duration and
ATP quality204 and affects the muscle clock48,49, it is possible
Adenylate cyclase that some of the beneficial metabolic effects of (day-
time) physical activity are mediated through the cir-
Adrenaline cadian timing system. To our knowledge, however, no
studies have proved this idea. We are also not aware of
Fig. 7 | The liver clock. In the liver, the circadian repression of gluconeogenesis any studies investigating the optimal timing of physical
during the habitual feeding period is mediated by the interaction of CRY with the exercise for the reduction of body weight and insulin
glucocorticoid receptor, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signalling and FOXO1 resistance.
degradation. The liver clock also regulates the diurnal rhythm in mitochondrial dynamics.
FOXO1, forkhead box protein O1; G6PC, glucose 6 phosphatase; GLUT, glucose Feeding behaviour. Individualized nutrition therapy is
transporter; IRS1, insulin receptor substrate 1; P, phosphate; SREBP1c, sterol regulatory
another core intervention in the prevention and treat-
element-binding protein 1c.
ment of insulin resistance and T2DM2. Classically, the
main focus points for feeding behaviour are calorie
Modulating rhythmic behaviour reduction and healthy macronutrient distribution.
Sleep–wake behaviour. In view of the strong association An approach with a focus on the timing of food intake
between disturbed sleep and impaired insulin sensitivity, can also be of great value for people with insulin
sleep improvement could be a sensible approach in the resistance205. A 2017 systematic review on meal tim-
prevention and treatment of insulin resistance193,194, but ing and frequency in the prevention of cardiovascular
high-​quality intervention studies are currently lacking disease proposed an approach to eating that included
(Fig. 9). One study in chronically sleep-​restricted healthy the recommendations to eat a greater share of calories
individuals showed a correlation between improved early in the day and to use consistent overnight fast
indices of insulin sensitivity and increased sleep dura- periods206 (Fig. 9).
tion after 40 days of sleep extension (~45 min extra The advice to consume a greater share of calories
each night)195. A study on the metabolic effects of sleep early in the day mainly results from RCTs showing that
extension in sleep-​restricted individuals who are obese breakfast consumption (compared with breakfast skip-
is ongoing196. ping) improves insulin sensitivity207–210, although not all
Evidence-​based strategies to treat insomnia include studies agree211,212. A hallmark study on the overnight
cognitive behavioural therapy (high-​quality evidence fast in 156 North American individuals showed that
according to the GRADE criteria), light therapy most people do not consume the ‘normal’ three meals
(low-quality evidence) and exercise (low-​quality evi- per day within 12 h, but instead showed an irregular
dence)197. A short course (<4 weeks) of benzodiazepines eating pattern spread over a >15 hr period. In that same
or benzodiazepine receptor agonists can be considered study it was reported that a small group of eight people
if these strategies are not successful197, but concerns exist classed as obese who were treated with ‘time-​restricted
of negative effects of these hypnotic drugs on glucose feeding’ (that is, they were asked to restrict eating to
tolerance, possibly owing to a reduction in slow-​wave a 10 h period for 16 weeks) lost 3 kg in weight, which
sleep after hypnotic drug use193. persisted over 1 year213. In line with this finding, a 2018
Individuals with obstructive sleep apnoea represent randomized crossover trial in eight individuals with
a unique population regarding sleep–wake behaviour. prediabetes showed that isocaloric early time-​restricted
A 2017 meta-​analysis of four RCTs assessed the effect feeding (that is, a 6 h feeding period with dinner before
of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treat- 15:00 h) reduces insulin resistance compared with a 12 h
ment on insulin resistance in patients with obstructive feeding period214.

NATuRe RevIeWS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 15 | FEBRUARY 2019 | 83


Glucose HbA1c and fasting levels of glucose in patients with

T2DM2,222. To our knowledge, however, no human
GLUT1/ Pancreatic β-cell trials have compared the effects of different adminis-
GLUT2 tration times, which would be the ultimate proof that
Endoplasmic reticulum
bromocriptine treatment is actually a chronotherapy.
The effects of timed melatonin administration in
Mitochondrion patients with T2DM have been investigated in one small
RCT with 36 participants, which compared 3 weeks of
melatonin administration with placebo223. The inves-
tigators reported no convincing evidence of beneficial
metabolic effects of melatonin.
ATP The insulin requirements of patients on insulin
Insulin therapy vary over the diurnal cycle owing to the diurnal
ATP-sensitive granule
potassium rhythms of sleep–wake behaviour, physical activity, food
channel VOCC intake and insulin sensitivity. The research community
has made tremendous efforts to improve insulin phar-
Insulin Insulin
K+ secretion macokinetics with the aim of matching them to the
individual patient’s diurnal pattern in insulin require-
Fig. 8 | The pancreas clock. In the pancreas, CLOCK and BMAL1 activate the transcription ments224,225. The question of whether the beneficial
of genes involved in insulin biosynthesis, insulin transport and glucose-stimulated insulin effects of insulin are (partly) mediated through central
secretion. All depicted processes show circadian rhythmicity. GLUT, glucose transporter;
or peripheral clock modulation, however, remains to
VOCC, voltage-​dependent calcium channel.
be resolved.
The artificial pancreas — which consists of an insu-
Chronotherapy in patients with T2DM lin pump controlled by a control algorithm coupled to
In patients with T2DM, glycaemic control with oral a continuous glucose sensor226 — was in 2016 shown
glucose-​lowering drugs and/or insulin reduces micro- to increase the length of time spent in target glucose
vascular and cardiovascular complications 2,215. To ranges in patients with T2DM who had been admitted to
our knowledge and despite preclinical observations hospital227. One possible approach to further improve the
on the effects of metformin on the molecular clock216,217, algorithm controlling the artificial pancreas for patients
the time-​dependent effects of metformin on blood levels with T2DM would be to incorporate information on the
of glucose218 and the time-​dependent effects of the sul- diurnal rhythm of insulin sensitivity.
phonylurea tolbutamide on insulin secretion219, no trials The administration of exogenous glucocorticoids
have assessed the chronotherapeutic effects of these fre- causes insulin resistance23. Data from a subgroup anal-
quently prescribed glucose-​lowering drugs on clinically ysis of a small open-​label randomized trial228 and two
relevant outcomes. prospective cohort studies 229,230 suggest once-​d aily
The only potential example of evidence-​b ased modified-release hydrocortisone formulations might be
chronotherapy in T2DM is the dopamine agonist bro- beneficial for metabolic health compared with thrice-​
mocriptine (Fig. 9) . Dopaminergic activity shows a daily immediate-release hydrocortisone. Analysis of the
diurnal rhythm220 and dopamine signalling increases small subgroup of patients with comorbid adrenal insuf-
insulin sensitvity221. When administered in the morning, ficiency and diabetes mellitus showed that replacement
a quick-release bromocriptine formulation reduces therapy with once-​daily modified-​release hydrocortisone
formulations (which mimic the physiological diurnal
rhythm of cortisol levels) might lead to improvements
Box 3 | Circadian disruption and insulin resistance in body weight and HbA1c compared with thrice-​daily
Epidemiological studies in humans
immediate-​release hydrocortisone.
• Clock gene polymorphisms (ARNTL126, CLOCK127,128,
CRY2 (refs129,130), NR1D1 (ref.131)
Circadian molecules
New circadian therapies might arise from large-​scale
• Light at night125,142,143
chemical screens looking for clock-​improving mole-
• Reduced or increased melatonin signalling25,153,154,155
cules231–233 (Fig. 9). Promising candidates include the
• Short or long sleep (optimal: 7–8 h)156,158 REV-​ERBα agonist SR9011 and the REV-​ERBβ agonist
• Reduced sleep quality158 SR9009, both of which directly target the molecular
• Evening chronotype175,176,181 clock and were shown to decrease obesity and hyper-
• Social jet lag177–179 glycaemia in diet-​induced obese mice. Timed twice-​
• Shift work182,183 daily administration of these REV-​ERB agonists alters
Experimental studies in humans metabolic gene expression patterns in muscle and WAT,
• Diet-clock gene mutation interactions132–137 leading to increased muscle glucose and fatty acid oxi-
• Ambient light145–147 dation (increased energy expenditure), in combination
• Melatonin150–152 with decreased WAT triglyceride synthesis234.
Another promising candidate is the natural cit-
• Sleep restriction162–170 and sleep disruption171–173
rus compound nobiletin, which has been shown to
• Circadian misalignment14,32,112,184–186
reduce body weight and improve insulin sensitivity

84 | FEBRUARY 2019 | volume 15


Circadian disruption Circadian synchrony decreases235. Finally, in preliminary reports, two different
CRY stabilizers were shown to improve glucose tolerance
in diet-​induced obese mice236 and db/db mice237. The
exact mechanism responsible for these metabolic
benefits, however, remains to be elucidated.
Sleep–wake behaviour In conclusion, REV-​ERB agonists, ROR agonists and
Light–dark exposure • Regular sleep–wake cycle CRY stabilizers are promising circadian molecules for
• Refrain from shift work
• Increase daytime light
• Improve sleep quality
the treatment of T2DM, and human phase I studies of
• Decrease light at night
and screen use • Identify and treat obstructive these compounds are to be expected.
sleep apnoea
Circadian molecules Conclusions
• REV-ERB agonists Chronotherapy for type 2
• CRY stabilizers diabetes mellitus
Despite the large body of evidence from animal studies,
• ROR agonists • Bromocriptine quick release the exact mechanisms mediating the metabolic derange-
• Modified-release hydrocortisone ments resulting from circadian disruption remain to be
Daytime physical activity in patients with adrenal resolved. For example, does circadian misalignment
cause a mismatch of glucose and lipid fluxes between the
Feeding behaviour various organs or do disrupted tissue clocks cause insu-
• Eat a greater share of calories early in the day lin resistance at the tissue level, or are both mechanisms
• Consistent overnight fast
Fig. 9 | Potential interventions promoting metabolic health through circadian Currently, the clinical utility of the knowledge on
synchrony. Improving the synchrony between behavioural fasting–feeding and sleep– circadian clock regulation of insulin sensitivity is only
wake rhythms, hormonal and autonomic nervous system rhythms, and central and beginning to be explored. A clear need exists for RCTs
peripheral clock rhythms, might prove a valuable approach to prevent and/or treat that investigate the metabolic effects of natural light–dark
insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Therapeutic interventions to improve exposure, sleep improvement, time-​restricted feeding
circadian synchrony are possible at several levels: the light input to the circadian timing and the daily timing of exercise. Clinical trials are needed
system; the behavioural level (sleep–wake behaviour, physical activity and food intake), that investigate methods to prevent metabolic complica-
directly targeting the molecular clock and the timing of medication (chronotherapy). tions in shift workers. With regard to biomarkers, evi-
Dark blue boxes show information that has some clinical human evidence supporting an
dence suggests that circadian phase biomarkers can help
effect on insulin sensitivity. Light blue boxes show information that has no clinical
evidence supporting an effect on insulin sensitivity. to optimally synchronize the circadian timing of behav-
ioural or pharmacological interventions238. We are in no
doubt that new circadian molecules targeting the mole­
in two different mouse models of the metabolic syn- cular clock will be identified within the next 10 years.
drome (diet-​induced obese mice and db/db mice). Furthermore, mathematical models could be an impor-
Nobiletin directly targets the molecular clock by acti- tant aid to predict the effects of timed administration of
vating RORα and RORγ, thus increasing the amplitude clock agonists239. We expect the further development
of circadian locomotor behaviour, the rhythm of tissue of promising candidate circadian molecules, including
clock gene expression and the rhythm of hepatic meta- nobiletin, in phase I human trials in the coming years.
bolic gene expression. As a result, energy expenditure
increases, adiposity decreases and hepatic steatosis Published online 7 December 2018

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metabolic syndrome by strengthening the 17, 1087–1097 (2016). Competing interests
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236. Humphries, P. S. et al. Carbazole-​containing insulin resistance: integrating signaling pathways and Kellogg Company, Philips, Pfizer, Sentara Healthcare and
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agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 26, 757–760 and abuse of HOMA modeling. Diabetes Care 27, R01DK105072 and R01HL140574. The other authors
(2016). 1487–1495 (2004). declare no competing interests.
237. Humphries, P. S. et al. Carbazole-​containing amides 242. Sperling, L. S. et al. The CardioMetabolic Health
and ureas: discovery of cryptochrome modulators as Alliance: working toward a new care model for the Publisher’s note
antihyperglycemic agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. metabolic syndrome. J. Am. College Cardiol. 66, Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
28, 293–297 (2017). 1050–1067 (2015). claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

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