Deep Learning For Edge Computing Applications A ST

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier xxx/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Deep Learning for Edge Computing

Applications: A State-of-the-art Survey
School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada
School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Corresponding Author: Xiaoqiang Ma ([email protected]).
This work was supported in part by a Canada NSERC Discovery Grant and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant

With the booming development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and communication technologies such as
5G, our future world is envisioned as an interconnected entity where billions of devices will provide
uninterrupted service to our daily lives and the industry. Meanwhile, these devices will generate massive
amounts of valuable data at the network edge, calling for not only instant data processing but also intelligent
data analysis in order to fully unleash the potential of the edge big data. Both the traditional cloud computing
and on-device computing cannot sufficiently address this problem due to the high latency and the limited
computation capacity, respectively. Fortunately, the emerging edge computing sheds a light on the issue by
pushing the data processing from the remote network core to the local network edge, remarkably reducing
the latency and improving the efficiency. Besides, the recent breakthroughs in deep learning have greatly
facilitated the data processing capacity, enabling a thrilling development of novel applications, such as video
surveillance and autonomous driving. The convergence of edge computing and deep learning is believed
to bring new possibilities to both interdisciplinary researches and industrial applications. In this article,
we provide a comprehensive survey of the latest efforts on the deep-learning-enabled edge computing
applications and particularly offer insights on how to leverage the deep learning advances to facilitate edge
applications from four domains, i.e., smart multimedia, smart transportation, smart city, and smart industry.
We also highlight the key research challenges and promising research directions therein. We believe this
survey will inspire more researches and contributions in this promising field.

INDEX TERMS Internet of Things, Edge Computing, Deep Learning, Intelligent Edge Applications.

I. INTRODUCTION the cloud servers will carry out the computation-intensive

With the explosive development of the Internet-of-Things tasks and distributed the result back. However, the large
(IoT) as well as the communication technologies such as latency caused by the long physical distance can sometimes
WiFi and 5G, our future world is envisioned as an inter- become unacceptable, especially for those latency-sensitive
connected entity where billions of digital devices would applications like autonomous driving and highly interactive
provide uninterrupted services to both our daily lives and the applications such as VR gaming. In addition, the huge data
industry. As reported by Cisco [1], there will be more than communication also greatly increases the pressure of the
50 billion IoT devices connected by the Internet by 2020. backbone network, bringing large overhead and cost to ser-
Such numerous IoT devices will generate a myriad of valu- vice providers.
able data which, once being well processed effectively and The emerging edge computing [2] provides a promising
efficiently, can empower many groundbreaking applications. solution for this problem. Though with many representa-
Traditional computing architecture relies on cloud computing tion forms, such as fog computing [3] and cloudlet [4],
to provide sufficient computation capacity and sustainable the basic idea of edge computing is that the computation
energy. In this system, IoT devices are responsible to collect capacity should be deployed close to the data source for
the data and deliver it to the remote powerful cloud, and data processing, rather than transmitting the data to places

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access



Edge Computing Deep Learning

FIGURE 1: The illustration of deep learning enabled edge computing applications.

with computation power. In this way, massive numbers of al. [11] presented their understanding on edge computing and
servers are deployed at the edge of the network and the tasks deep learning from five aspects, while they did not make a
at IoT end devices can be offloaded to the edge servers for comprehensive and in-depth overview from the perspective
instant processing. The paradigm of edge computing brings of applications. Similarly, Chen et al. [12] focused on mul-
many benefits compared to cloud computing. First, since tiple aspects in deep learning and edge computing, but only
data computing happens closer to the data source, the com- mentioned a general abstraction for those emerging applica-
munication latency can be largely reduced, facilitating the tions. Zhou et al. [13] mainly focused on the deep learning
development of latency-sensitive applications. Besides, local model training and inference with edge computing. There are
computation can better protect data privacy and application also a series of surveys for mobile edge computing [2], [14]–
security. Last but not least, data processing at the network [16] and deep learning [17], [18], respectively, while they
edge can effectively reduce traffic at the backbone network focused on either of them without a comprehensive review
so as to alleviate the network pressure. on the combination. Therefore, a complete survey on the
Deep learning has made remarkable breakthroughs in re- current cutting-edge researches is required at this time to
cent years due to the powerful perception ability. It has been provide a comprehensive review on deep-learning-enabled
widely used in various fields such as computer vision [5] and edge computing applications and illuminate the potential
natural language processing [6]. Besides, its performance in future directions.
computer and chess games, e.g., Atari Games [7] and the To fulfill this gap, in this article, we focus on the con-
game of Go [8], even exceeds the best level of human players. fluence of edge computing and deep learning, and conduct
The confluence of edge computing and deep learning will an up-to-date literature review on the latest advances of
undoubtedly sheds a light on address the current challenges, leveraging deep learning to empower the edge computing
enabling more desirable applications. On one hand, the ap- applications, as illustrated in Fig. 1. We first provide a brief
plications of edge computing urgently need the powerful pro- overview of edge computing and deep learning on concepts,
cessing capabilities of deep learning to handle various com- advantages as well as representative technologies. We then
plicated scenarios, such as video analytics [9], transporta- summarize the deep-learning-enabled edge computing appli-
tion control [10], etc. On the other hand, edge computing cations into four representative domains, i.e., smart multi-
has provided specifically designed hardware foundations and media, smart transportation, smart city and smart industry,
platforms to better support deep learning running at the edge, which cover a series of crucial applications like video analyt-
e.g., the light-weighted Nvidia Jetson TX2 developing kit1 . ics, autonomous driving, intelligent traffic control, industrial
Though lots of pioneer efforts have been made towards deep- manufacturing, etc. At last, we discuss some key research
learning-enabled edge computing applications, this field is challenges and promising research directions to achieve sta-
still in the infant stage. ble, robust, and practical edge learning applications. Differ-
Several existing surveys have investigated the convergence ent from existing surveys, this article focused on the deep
of deep learning and edge computing in the literature. Han et learning enabled edge computing applications, presenting a
comprehensive review and highlighting the challenges and
1 opportunities.
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

The rest of this article is organized as follows. We present interconnected through the distributed fog nodes to provide
the basic paradigm understanding of edge computing and collaborative services [22]. The fog nodes are also mainly
its advantages in section II. We introduce some deep learn- designed to provide better support for the IoT devices. From
ing techniques in section III. The review of deep-learning- this perspective, compared to other similar edge computing
enabled edge applications is summarized in section IV. We paradigms, fog computing often stands in alignment with IoT
highlight the challenges and research directions in section V. and emphasizes more on the end side.
We at last conclude this article in section VI.
3) Mobile Edge Computing
II. EDGE COMPUTING OVERVIEW The paradigm of mobile edge computing was first standard-
The emerging edge computing in recent years has seen suc- ized by European Telecommunications Standards Institute
cessful development in various fields given its great poten- (ETSI) [23], which aims to provide sufficient computing
tial in reducing latency and saving cost. Different from the capacities within the radio access network (RAN). It envi-
cloud computing architecture, edge computing enables data sions that the computing capacities are placed at the end of
processing at the edge of the network. On one hand, data the cellular network, e.g., the wireless base stations. Since
computing is put closer to the data source, which greatly base stations are the important access gate for numerous
facilitates the development of delay-sensitive applications. IoT devices, mobile edge computing could provide direct
On the other hand, the network traffic is largely reduced service to the end devices through only one hop, bringing
since the local processing avoids much data transmission, great convenience for IoT data processing [16].
which remarkably saves the cost. In this section, we briefly
introduce some edge computing paradigms and highlight the B. ADVANTAGES OF EDGE COMPUTING
key advantages of edge computing. Compared to traditional cloud computing, edge computing
has many unique advantages, including low latency, energy
A. EDGE COMPUTING RELATED PARADIGMS saving, context-aware service, and privacy as well as security.
The key component in edge computing is the edge devices, We next summarize them as follows.
which are usually edge servers located closer at the network
end for data processing, communication, caching, etc. There 1) Low Latency
are also some other paradigms or technologies that share Since edge devices are placed closer to end devices, which
similar concepts with edge computing. We next discuss and are usually both the data source and the transmission tar-
differentiate some typical paradigms that are related to edge get of processing results, the transmission latency can be
computing. largely reduced compared to the cloud computing scenario.
For example, the transmission latency is usually tens (or
1) Cloudlet hundreds) of milliseconds between an end user and a cloud
Cloudlet, initiated by Carnegie Mellon University, is en- server, while this number is usually several milliseconds or
visioned as small clusters with certain computation and even at microsecond level. The emerging 5G technology
storage capabilities deployed near the mobile devices such further enhances the advances of edge computing from the
as buildings and shopping centers for assisted processing, perspective of low latency transmission, which empowers a
offloading, caching, etc. Cloudlet usually utilizes virtualiza- series of emerging applications, such as autonomous driv-
tion management technologies [4] to better support mobile ing [24], virtual reality/augmented reality and healthcare-
applications. And an important target of cloudlet is to bring related applications.
the cloud advances to mobile users [19], achieving more
low-latency and resourceful processing. Micro data centers 2) Energy Saving
(MDCs) [20], initiated by Microsoft that are similar to the Restricted by the size and usage scenarios, IoT devices
concept of cloudlet, are a small-scaled version of data centers usually have quite limited energy supply, but they are also
to extend the hyperspace cloud data centers. Different MDCs expected to perform very complex tasks that are usually
are connected by the backbone network to achieve more effi- power consuming. It is challenging to design a cost-efficient
cient and intelligent computation, caching, and management. solution to well power the numerous distributed IoT devices
MDC also serves as an important role in managing numerous given that frequent battery charging/discharging is impracti-
Internet of Things (IoT) devices [21]. cal in not possible [16]. Edge computing enables the billions
of IoT devices to offload the most power-consuming compu-
2) Fog Computing tation tasks to the edge servers, which not only greatly reduce
Fog computing [3], first proposed by Cisco, is a computing the power consumption but also improves the processing
paradigm that aims to bring cloud computing services to the efficiency.
end of the enterprise network. In fog computing, the data
processing is carried out at fog nodes, which are usually de- 3) Context-Aware Service
ployed at the network gateway. The fog computing presents Context-aware computing [25] is playing an important role in
a high-level platform that the numerous IoT devices can be IoT and edge computing applications, since good modeling
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Network Network
Policy Policy

State Environment Action
State E

observe state
observe state
(a) Restricted Boltzmann Machine (b) Autoencoder (c) Convolutional Neural Network

Network Policy
Network Policy

State State Environment

observe state
observe state
(d) Deep Neural Network (e) Recurrent Neural Network (f) Deep Reinforcement Learning
Network Policy
FIGURE 2: The structures of different deep learning models.Network
State Environment
and reasoning of collected data can highly rely on the context work (CNN),State
recurrent neural network (RNN), andEnvironment
of the data. With the advantage of the proximity nature, reinforcement learning (DRL). The basic architectures of
edge servers can collect more context information to support observe state
these learning models are illustrated in Fig. 2.
the data processing. For example, in the Amazon Go super-
observe state
market, video cameras can not only record the goods that A. RESTRICTED BOLTZMANN MACHINE
customers select but also predict customers’ interest based Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is a kind of proba-
on their staying location, duration and behaviors. bilistic graphical models that can be interpreted as stochastic
neural networks [28]. A typical two-layer RBM includes a
4) Privacy and Security visible layer that contains the input we know and a hid-
Compared to cloud computing, edge computing is more den layer that contains the latent variables, as described in
efficient and effective in protecting the data privacy and Fig. 2(a). RBMs are organized as a bipartite graph, where
application security of users. On one hand, edge servers each visible neuron is connected to all hidden neurons
are usually geographically distributed clusters that could and vice versa, but any two units are not connected in
be managed and maintained by users themselves. Sensitive the same layer. RBMs have seen successful applications in
information can be monitored and protected more strictly. many fields, such as collaborative filtering [29] and network
On the other hand, the small-scale nature makes it more anomaly detection [30]. Multiple stacked RBM layers can
concealed than large-scale data centers, further making it less form a deep belief network (DBN), which consists of a
likely to become a target of attacks [26]. visible layer and multiple hidden layers. The training of a
DBN follows a layer-by-layer method, where each layer is
III. DEEP LEARNING METHODS treated as an RBM trained on top of the previously trained
Deep learning has been widely applied in many fields with layer [31]. Many applications can benefit from the structure
great success [27], such as computer vision (CV), natural of DBNs, such as fault detection classification in industrial
language processing (NLP), and artificial intelligence (AI). environments, threat identification in security alert systems,
Compared to traditional machine learning methods, deep and emotional feature extraction out of images [17].
learning has demonstrated powerful information extraction
and processing capabilities, but also requires massive com- B. AUTOENCODER
putation resources. The breakthroughs of deep learning have An autoencoder includes an input layer and an output layer
greatly expanded the edge computing applications in various that are connected by one or multiple hidden layers [32],
scenarios, improving performance, efficiency, and manage- as illustrated in Fig. 2(b). The shape of the input layer and
ment. In this section, we introduce some typical deep learning the output layer are the same. The AE can be divided into
models that are widely used for edge computing applications, two parts, i.e., an encoder and a decoder. The encoder learns
including restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), autoencoder the representative characteristics of the input and transforms
(AE), deep neural network (DNN), convolutional neural net- it into other latent features (usually in a compressing way).
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

And the decoder receives the latent features of the encoder control the flow of information. In LSTM model, the forget
and aims to reconstruct the original form of the input data, gate is utilized to control the cell state and decide what to
minimizing the reconstruction error. Similarly, an AE can be keep in the memory. Through the learning process, stored
formed as a deep architecture by stacking multiple layers into computations in the memory cells are not distorted over time,
the hidden layer. There are several variants and extensions which particularly achieves better performance when data is
of AEs, such as sparse AE [33], denoising AE [34], and characterized in long dependency [42]. RNN and LSTM are
variational AE [35]. widely used in various sequential scenarios, such as language
processing [43] and activity recognition [44].
Compared to the traditional artificial neural network (ANN) F. DEEP REINFORCEMENT LEARNING
that has shallow structure, deep neural network (DNN) (or Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) [7] is a combination of
deep fully connected neural network) usually has a deeper deep learning (DL) and reinforcement learning (RL) [45]. It
layer structure for more complicated learning tasks [32]. A aims to build an agent that is able to learn the best action
DNN consists of an input layer, several hidden layers, and choices over a set of states through the interaction with the
an output layer, where the output of each layer is fed to the environment, so as to maximize the long-term accumulated
next layer with activation functions. At the last layer, the rewards. Different from traditional RL, DRL utilizes a deep
final output representing the model prediction is produced. neural network to represent the policy given its strong rep-
Optimization algorithms such as Stochastic Gradient Decent resentation ability to approximate the value function or the
(SGD) [36] and backpropagation [37] are mostly used in the direct strategy. DRL can be categorized into value-based
training process. DNNs are widely used in feature extraction, models, such as Deep Q-Learning (DQL), Double DQL [46]
classification and function approximation. and Duel DQL [47], and policy-gradient-based models, such
as deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) [48] and asyn-
D. CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS chronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) [49]. The DRL has
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are designed to pro- been successfully applied in many fields, such as computer
cess data that comes in the form of multiple arrays, for exam- gaming [7], chess gaming [8] and rate adaptation [50].
ple, a color image composed of three 2D arrays containing
pixel intensities in the three color channels [27]. A CNN IV. EMPOWERING EDGE APPLICATIONS WITH DEEP
receives 2D data structures and extracts high-level features LEARNING
through convolutional layers as described in Fig. 2(c), which A. WHEN EDGE COMPUTING MEETS DEEP LEARNING
is the core of CNN architecture. By going through the 2D Recent years have witnessed the rapid development and the
data with a set of moving filters and the pooling functions, achieved great success of edge computing and deep learning
CNN extracts the spatial correlations between adjacent data in their respective fields. However, the massive amount of
by calculating the inner product of the input and the filter. Af- invaluable data generated and collected at the edge side calls
ter that, a pooling block is operated over the output to reduce for more powerful and intelligent processing capacities lo-
the spatial dimensions and generate a high-level abstraction. cally to fully unleash the underlying potentials of big data, so
Compared to traditional fully connected deep networks, CNN as to satisfy the ever-increasing demands of various applica-
can effectively decrease the parameter numbers of network tions. Fortunately, the recent breakthroughs in deep learning
and extract the spatial correlations in the raw data, mitigating shed a light on the edge application scenarios, providing
the risk of overfitting [38]. The above advantages make strong ability in information perception, data management,
CNN achieve significant results in many applications, such decision making, etc. The convergence of these two tech-
as object detection [39] and health monitoring [40]. nologies can further create new opportunities, empowering
the development of many emerging applications. In fact,
E. RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS edge computing has already been gradually integrated with
Different from CNNs that are good at abstracting spatial artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve edge intelligence. In this
features, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are designed for rest of this section, we conduct a comprehensive overview
processing sequential or time-series data. The input to an of state-of-the-art research works on edge computing appli-
RNN includes both the current sample and the previously cations with deep learning and summarize them in several
observed samples. Specifically, each neuron of an RNN layer aspects, including smart multimedia, smart transportation,
not only receives the output of its previous layer but also smart city, and smart industry.
receives the stored state of from previous time steps, as
depicted in Fig. 2(e). With this special architecture, RNN is B. SMART MULTIMEDIA
able to remember previous information for integrated pro- The Internet video content has been explosively increasing
cessing with the current information. However, RNNs can in the past years. As estimated by Cisco, the global video
only look back for a few steps due to the gradient explosion traffic accounted for 75% of the Internet traffic in 2017
and long-term dependencies. To solve this problem, Long and is estimated to grow four-fold by 2022 [63]. Mean-
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network [41] is proposed to while, people are having an increasingly higher demand for
VOLUME 4, 2016 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Application Work Model Summary

Ren et al. [51] R-CNN An objection detection architecture and implementation that leverages Faster R-
CNN for objection detection.
Video Analytics Liu et al. [52] CNN A CNN-based visual food recognition algorithms with edge computing.
DeepDecision [53] CNN, Yolo [54] A distributed infrastructure that ties end and edges to improve Yolo with higher
frame rate and accuracy.
DeepCham [55] CNN Use edge and end user to collaboratively train CNN model for better object
recognition accuracy.
Nikouei et al. [56] L-CNN Develop L-CNN for resource-constrained edge devices with reduced filter num-
Grazia [57] RBM, Liner Classifier A multi-stage learning system integrating RMB and liner classifier for simulta-
Adaptive Streaming neous video transmission with guarantees for each user.
Wang et al. [58] DRL An edge computing-assisted framework that leverages DRL to intelligently
assign user to proper edge servers.
Li et al. [59] ARIMA, MLR,kNN Consider the video propagation and popularity evolution patterns with ARIMA,
MLP, and kNN.
Caching Zhang et al. [60] LSTM-C Propose a caching framework LSTM-C to better learn to content popularity
patterns both at long and short time scale.
Zhu et al. [61] DRL Leverage DRL to automatically learn an end-to-end caching policy.
Jiang et al. [62] MADRL Formulate the D2D caching problem as a multi-agent MAB problem and
developing a multi-agent DRL solution.

TABLE 1: Summary of deep-learning-enabled edge computing applications in the field of smart multimedia.

video content and video watching experience, calling for detection, with a well-designed RoI detection algorithm to
more intelligent video processing, caching, and delivery, etc. balance the detection accuracy and the data compression
Nowadays, deep learning is integrated with edge computing rate. Liu et al. [52] developed a CNN-based visual food
to provide both better video quality of experience (QoE) for recognition algorithms to achieve the best-in-class recog-
viewers and cost-effective functions to service providers. The nition accuracy, where edge computing was employed to
representative researches on smart multimedia applications overcome the system latency and low battery life of mobile
are summarized in Tab. 1. devices. In DeepDecision [53], a distributed infrastructure
was proposed to tie together computationally weak frontend
1) Video Analytics devices (assumed to be smartphones) with more powerful
Nowadays, video analytics [9] are becoming more and more back-end helpers (the edges) to allow deep learning to choose
widely used in different fields such as camera-based surveil- local or remote execution. This approach boosts the perfor-
lance [64] and augmented reality (AR). With the limited mance of CNN, in particular Yolo [54], to achieve higher
processing capabilities of cameras, traditional video analytics frame rate and accuracy. DeepCham [55] leveraged an edge
usually heavily rely on cloud computing for content process- master server coordinated with several participating users
ing, i.e., the video contents are first streamed to the backend to collaboratively train CNN model to achieve better object
cloud servers and the processed results are then delivered to recognition accuracy. LAVEA [66] built up a client-edge
the frontend devices. This processing mode however brings collaboration system and solved an optimization offloading
high latency and consumes much bandwidth, unable to sat- problem to minimize the response time. Nikouei et al. [56]
isfy those latency-sensitive applications, not to mention those developed a lightweight convolutional neural network (L-
realtime requirements such as object detection [51] and track- CNN), which leveraged the depthwise separable convolution
ing [65]. The emergence of edge computing pushes the video feature and tailored the CNN to be furnished in the resource-
analytics from the remote cloud to the local edge, allowing constrained edge devices with reduced filter numbers in each
the video content to be processed near the data source so layer.
as to enable quick or even realtime response. For example,
Amazon has released the world’s first deep-learning-enabled 2) Adaptive Streaming
video camera, where the locally executed deep learning func- Adaptive video streaming [78] is becoming a critical issue
tion enables realtime objection even without the involvement in today’s video delivery to provide the best quality of ex-
of the cloud. perience (QoE) over the Internet. The basic idea is to select
Pioneer researches have conducted efforts towards intel- proper video bitrate considering the network states, stability,
ligent video analytics with edge computing. Ren et al. [51] fairness, user’s preference of video quality, etc. Most existing
proposed an edge-computing-based object detection archi- adaptive streaming approaches [79]–[81] rely on the client-
tecture as well as a preliminary implementation to achieve based adaptation, which aims to adapt to the bandwidth vari-
distributed and efficient object detection via wireless com- ations based on several observed or predicted metrics such
munications for real-time surveillance applications. They as buffer size and bandwidth situation. The recent advances
adopted Faster R-CNN [39] for model training and object in deep learning, particularly deep reinforcement learning,
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Application Work Model Summary

SqueezeDet [67] CNN A careful designed CNN for objection with reduced model size.
Chen et al. [68] CNN A CNN-based monocular 3D object detection method based on the fact that objects
Autonomous Driving should be on the ground-plane.
MV3D [69] Fusion VGG A multi-view 3D deep learning network that takes both LIDAR point and camera
images as a fusion input.
Bojarski et al. [70] CNN An end-to-end learning architecture that directly mapped the raw pixels from a single
front-facing camera to the steering commands.
Polson et al. [71] DNN Leveraging deep neural network to mine the short term characteristics of the traffic
situation for traffic prediction.
Traffic Analysis Lv et al. [72] SAE Leverage a stacked autoencoder (SAE) to learn the generic traffic features from the
and Prediction historical data.
Koesdwiady et al. [73] DBN Consider the impact of weather on traffic situation and incorporat the weather
information into a deep belief network.
DeepTransport [74] LSTM Consider the mobility analysis at the citywide scale with a LSTM model for
Yao et al. [75] CNN,LSTM Revisit the spatiotemporal relationships in traffic pattern and propose a novel spatial-
temporal dynamic network (STDN) based on CNN and LSTM for prediction.
Wiering et al. [76] Tabular QL Leverage a tabular Q-learning model in an isolated intersection for signal control.
Traffic Signal Control Abdoos et al. [10] MAQL Propose a multi-agent Q-learning (MAQL) method that considers the queue length
for cooperative scheduling.
Chu et al. [77] MA2C Propose a novel multi-agent actor-critic (MA2C) approach to comprehensively
combine the traffic features for intelligent control.

TABLE 2: Summary of deep-learning-enabled edge computing applications in the field of smart transportation.

are leveraged at the client end to automatically learn the lutions such as Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently
adaptation policy for better QoE [50], [82]. Used (LFU) and their variants [88], [89], or model-based
The emergence of edge computing provides an alternative solutions such as [90], [91] given the easy implementation.
for adaptive video streaming. Given the intelligence and These solutions however heavily rely on dedicated features
computation capability, edge nodes can serve as a cache and are not adaptive enough to the changing characteristics.
server or transcoding server to provide edge-based (or edge- Deep learning brings new opportunities towards intelligent
cloud-based) adaptive streaming [83], [84]. This scheme can edge caching using advanced learning techniques to well
usually collect more states from other users and achieve capture the hidden features. Li et al. [59] considered the video
higher fairness, stability, and collaborative intelligence. For propagation as well as popularity evolution patterns and de-
example, De Grazia [57] developed a multi-stage learning veloped an integration of ARIMA, multiple linear regression
system to manage simultaneous video transmission which (MLR), and k-nearest neighbor regression (kNN) to predict
guarantees a minimum quality level for each user. In par- the social patterns to improve caching performance. Zhang et
ticular, they used an unsupervised Restricted Boltzmann al. [60] proposed an intelligent edge-assisted caching frame-
Machine (RBM) [28] to capture the latent features of the work LSTM-C based on LSTM to better learn to content
input data and a supervised linear classifier to estimate the popularity patterns both at long and short time scale. Zhu et
characteristics of unknown videos. Wang et al. [58] designed al. [61] proposed to leverage DRL to automatically learn an
an edge computing-assisted framework that leverages DRL end-to-end caching policy, where the user requests, network
to intelligently assign users to proper edge servers to achieve constraints, and external information are all embedded in the
proper video streaming services. learning environment. Besides individual caching decisions,
collaborative caching is also explored in recent years to
3) Caching achieve collective intelligence. For example, Jiang et al. [62]
formulates the D2D caching problem as a multi-agent multi-
Video content caching [85] is another important applica-
armed bandit (MAB) problem and developed a multi-agent
tion that has attracted continuous research efforts for years
DRL (MADRL) solution to learn a coordinated caching
given its great benefits in improving multimedia services.
scheme among multiple agents.
In traditional content delivery network (CDN) architecture,
video contents are usually placed or cached at remote servers,
where the high latency and limited bandwidth between the C. SMART TRANSPORTATION
end viewers and the remote servers can cause viewing delay Vehicle is envisioned as the next intelligent information
and congestion, seriously undermining the viewers’ QoE. carrier after smartphone. The coming era of 5G and mobile
The emerging edge caching [86], [87] is able to alleviate this edge computing (MEC) has enabled vehicle information to
problem by pushing the content close to the end users so as be readily accessible anytime and anywhere with low latency,
to reduce the access latency and reduce the network pressure. forming an Internet of Vehicle (IoV) [92]. Integrated with
Traditional content providers may simply use rule-based so- the latest advances in deep learning, IoV will enable more
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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intelligent transportation management, such as autonomous ered the mobility analysis at a larger scale, i.e., the citywide
driving [24], traffic prediction, traffic signal control, as sum- scale. LSTM model is used for future movement prediction.
marized in Tab. 2. In [75], the authors revisited the spatiotemporal relationships
in traffic patterns and proposed a novel spatial-temporal
1) Autonomous Driving dynamic network (STDN) based on CNN and LSTM, which
Intelligent sensing and perception are of the most critical outperforms the existing prediction methods.
issues in autonomous driving [24]. The vehicles first collect
the information from various carried sensors such as cameras 3) Traffic Signal Control
and radars, and then conduct an intelligent perception and de- With the above traffic analysis and prediction, the combina-
cision. Purely using vehicle-based and cloud-based solutions tion of edge computing and deep learning actually can do
may not well satisfy the requirement of high computation more things towards intelligent transportation management.
capacity, realtime feedback, enough redundancy, and security Among them, intelligent traffic signal control [76] is one
for autonomous driving. Edge computing however provides of the most representative applications and has also been
a promising solution with powerful computation and low- explored by researchers for years. A good control policy is
latency communication [105]. With the benefits of V2X able to reduce the average waiting time, traffic congestion,
communications [106], part of the learning-based perception and traffic accident. The early traffic signal control methods
can be offloaded to the edge server for processing. usually rely on fuzzy logic [111] or genetic algorithm [112].
Many existing works have conducted pioneer efforts to- The key challenge however lies in how to achieve collabora-
wards autonomous driving. SqueezeDet [67] proposed a care- tive and intelligent control among multiple or even citywide
fully designed CNN-based learning pipeline that not only traffic lights for large scale traffic scheduling. Towards this
achieves high object detection accuracy but also reduces the goal, reinforcement learning (RL) and multi-agent RL turns
model size for energy efficiency. To better understand the out to be a promising solution where each agent (can be
captured object, Chen et al. [68] proposed a monocular 3D implemented as an edge) will make control policy for a traffic
object detection method using state-of-the-art CNN method light considering not only its local traffic situation but also
based on the fact that objects should be on the ground-plane. other agents’ traffic situations. In [76], tabular Q-learning
To further improve the accuracy and robustness, MV3D [69] was first applied in an isolated intersection for signal control.
developed a multi-view 3D deep learning network that takes To improve the collaboration among traffic lights, Abdoos et
both LIDAR point and camera images as a fusion input to al. [10] proposed a multi-agent Q-learning (MAQL) method
predict 3D boundaries. Besides the road feature extraction, that considered the queue length for cooperative scheduling.
researchers also dived deeply into the driving control based The latest work [77] further integrated the state-of-the-art
on the sensing information. Bojarski et al. [70] proposed actor-critic (A2C) RL algorithm and the multi-agent learning
an end-to-end learning architecture without detecting road as a multi-agent actor-critic (MA2C) approach to comprehen-
features. It directly mapped the raw pixels from a single sively combine the traffic features for intelligent control.
front-facing camera to the steering commands.
2) Traffic Analysis and Prediction Smart city [113] is another important application scenario for
Understanding the mobility patterns of the vehicles and deep-learning-enabled edge computing. The geo-distributed
people is a critical problem for urban traffic management, big data [114] in a city naturally requires a distributed com-
city planning, and service provisioning. Given the distributed puting paradigm for local processing and management. The
features of mobile edge servers, edge computing is naturally integration of edge computing and deep learning enables the
ideal for vehicle traffic analysis and prediction [107]. Tra- deep penetration of computing intelligence into every corner
ditional approaches mostly used time-series analysis [108] or of a city, forming a smart city that can provide more efficient,
probabilistic graph analysis [109], which may not sufficiently economic, energy-saving, and convenient services [115],
capture the hidden spatiotemporal relationships therein. As [116]. We next discuss the combinational advantages in the
a powerful learning tool, deep learning stands out as an main components of the smart city, including the smart home,
effective method in this direction. Liu et al. [110] further smart building, and smart grid, as in Tab. 3.
pointed out the potential of applying different deep learning
approaches in urban traffic prediction. Polson et al. [71] 1) Smart Home
leveraged deep neural network to mine the short term charac- Smart IoT has been widely explored in smart home scenarios
teristics of the traffic situation of a road segment to predict the to provide not only convenient control but also intelligent
near future traffic pattern. Lv et al. [72] leveraged a stacked sensing [117]. Considering the privacy issue in the home
autoencoder (SAE) to learn the generic traffic features from scenario, edge computing is a good choice to provide local
the historical data. Koesdwiady et al. [73] further considered computation and processing, especially for the computation-
the impact of weather on traffic situations and incorporated intensive deep-learning-based applications. Dhakal et al. [93]
the weather information into a deep belief network for inte- developed an automated home/business monitoring system
grated learning. In DeepTransport [74], the authors consid- which resides on Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Application Work Model Summary

Dhakal et al. [93] kNN,DNN Develop an automated home/business monitoring system on NFV edge servers
performing online learning on streaming data from home.
Smart Home SignFi [94] CNN Exploit the CSI signals of WiFi and using CNN to identify 276 sign language
Wang et al. [95] CNN,LSTM Leverage a combined CNN and LSTM to recognize different gestures and
Mohammadi et al. [96] DRL Propose a novel semisupervised DRL-based method for indoor localization.
Zheng et al. [97], [98] Multi-task Learning Leverage multi-task learning to predict the performance of a chiller and strike
Smart Building balance between electricity consumption and real-world deployment.
Yuce et al. [99] NN Propose a neural network based model to perform regression analysis of energy
consumption within a building.
Thokala [100] SVM,RNN Consider the heterogeneity in the electrical load and propose to use both SVM
and partial RNN to forecast future load.
He et al. [101] DBN,RBM A deep learning based mechanism that integrates DBN and RBM to detect the
attack behavior of false data injection in realtime.
Smart Grid Yan et al. [102] RL A reinforcement learning-based approach to identify critical attack sequences
with consideration of physical system behaviors.
Shi et al. [103] RNN A novel pooling-based RNN network to forecast the household load addressing
the over-fitting issue.
Wan et al. [104] DRL A model-free DRL-based model to automatically determine the charging policy.

TABLE 3: Summary of deep-learning-enabled edge computing applications in the field of smart city.

edge servers performing online learning on streaming data of energy consumption within a building. Thokala [100]
coming from homes and businesses in the neighborhood. further considered the heterogeneity in the electrical load and
Leveraging the latest advances of deep learning, the ubiqui- proposed to use both SVM and partial RNN to forecast future
tous wireless signals can also be used for smart interaction load.
between human and devices. For example, SignFi [94] ex-
ploited the CSI signals of WiFi and was able to identify 276 3) Smart Grid
sign language gestures including the head, arm, hand, and The smart grid is an electricity distribution network with
finger with CNN for classification. Wang et al. [95] analyzed smart meters deployed at various locations to measure the
the impact patterns of moving humans on the WiFi signals realtime status information [127]. Smart grid is also an
and leveraged a combined CNN and LSTM to recognize important use case for edge computing or fog computing.
different gestures and activities. Such method can be used Edge collectors at the edge ingest the data generated by
for remote control of home devices such as lights and tele- grid sensors and devices, where some data for protection
visions [118]. Mohammadi et al. [96] explored more pos- and control loops even require real-time processing (from
sibilities of deep learning approaches and proposed a novel milliseconds to sub-seconds) [3]. Deep learning together with
semisupervised DRL based method for indoor localization. the edge computing empowers the grid with more intelli-
Such edge-intelligence-enabled solution can be widely used gent protection, control, and management. He et al. [101]
for smart home, including intrusion detection, gesture-based proposed a deep-learning-based mechanism that integrated
interaction, fall detection, etc. deep belief network (DBN) and RBM to detect the attack
behavior of false data injection in realtime. Considering the
2) Smart Building sequential behavior of attacks for smart grid, Yan et al. [102]
Achieving intelligent monitoring, sensing, and control in the further proposed a reinforcement learning-based approach
building environment requires more comprehensive percep- to identify critical attack sequences with consideration of
tion and processing compared to the home environment given physical system behaviors. Shi et al. [103] proposed a novel
the complex architecture. In this context, edge computing pooling-based RNN network to forecast the household load
plays an important role in data processing, orchestration, and addressing the over-fitting issue. Pricing is another important
privacy preserving. Recently, many efforts [119]–[121] have issue towards smart grid, which greatly affects customers’
been made towards smart building to reduce energy con- using behaviors in many aspects, e.g., the economy-driven
sumption, improve the building security, enhance the sensing electric vehicle charging [128]. For instance, Wan et al. [104]
capacity of buildings, etc. Zheng et al. [97], [98] focused jointly considered the electricity price and battery energy
on the chiller sequencing problem to reduce the electricity of electric vehicles and proposed a model-free DRL based
consumption in buildings. They leveraged multi-task learning model to automatically determine the charging policy.
to predict the performance of a chiller and further strike a
good balance between the electricity consumption and ease E. SMART INDUSTRY
of use for real-world deployment. Yuce et al. [99] proposed a In the coming era of industry 4.0, we are experiencing a rev-
neural-network-based model to perform regression analysis olution of smart industry, which has two main principles, i.e.,
VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

Application Work Model Summary

Weimer et al. [122] CNN A novel CNN-based architecture for fast and reliable industrial inspection.
Smart Manufacturing Li et al. [123] CNN An edge-computing-based model that offloads computation burden to the fog
nodes and a CNN-based model with an early-exit design for accurate inspection.
Zhao et al. [124] CNN, bi-LSTM A system that combined CNN and bi-directional LSTM for machine health
Wu et al. [125] vanilla LSTM A remaining life prediction for engineered system using vanilla LSTM neural
Smart Industrial Analysis networks.
Wang et al. [126] DNN Proposing a DNN-based architecture to accurately predict the remaining energy
and remaining lifetime of batteries, which further enables an informed power
configuration among base stations.

TABLE 4: Summary of deep-learning-enabled edge computing applications in the field of smart industry.

production automation and smart data analysis [123]. The V. RESEARCH CHALLENGES AND DIRECTIONS
former is one of our main objectives that could greatly liber- Though the convergence of edge computing and deep learn-
ate the productivity and the latter is one of the most effective ing has revealed great potentials and prompted the fast
methods towards our objectives. The recent advances of edge development of many applications, there still exist various
computing migrate the massive computation from the remote problems in achieving stable, robust, and practical usage,
cloud to the local edge, enabling more low-latency and secure which calls for continuous efforts in this field from many
manufacturing [129]. And deep learning further empowers perspectives. We next discuss some key research challenges
more effective local analysis and prediction [130] at the edge and promising directions.
node of industry instead of the cloud. We summarize them in
the next two parts as illustrated in Tab. 4. A. MODEL TRAINING
The performance of deep-learning-enabled edge applications
1) Smart Manufacturing highly relies on how the learning models are performed
Smart manufacturing is the key component of the smart in the edge computing architecture, where the model train-
industry, which highly relies on the intelligent processing of ing is an important process. It is well known that model
deep learning and quick response of edge computing. The training is often computation-intensive, consuming massive
combination of deep learning and edge computing has been CPU and GPU resources, especially for those deep models.
applied in many aspects of industry manufacturing, such Edge servers are usually challenging, or at least not cost-
as manufacture inspection and fault assessment. Weimer et efficient, to solely take the model training tasks. Besides,
al. [122] developed a novel CNN-based architecture for fast in many applications, the data is distributed collected from
and reliable industrial inspection, which can automatically multiple edge servers and it is difficult for a single edge
generate meaningful features for a specific inspection task server to obtain the whole information for model training.
from a huge amount of raw data with minimal human in- Sharing the raw data among the edge nodes is not a good
teraction. Li et al. [123] proposed an edge-computing-based solution since it will consume massive communication re-
model that is able to offload the computation burden to sources. Towards this direction, distributed learning [131]
the fog nodes to deal with extremely large data. A CNN- and federated learning [132] are two promising models to
based model together with an early-exit design is used in address this problem. The early idea of distributed learning is
this model, which largely improved the inspection accuracy to design a decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
and robustness. Zhao et al. [124] further combined CNN algorithm in the edge computing environment. The key chal-
with bi-directional LSTM to propose a novel machine health lenge exists in reducing the communication cost for gradient
monitoring system. updates while preserving the training accuracy. Recent efforts
have been made towards this direction, e.g., delivering the
2) Smart Industrial Analysis important gradient first [133]. Federated learning is another
Besides the manufacture inspection and monitoring, the ap- promising method emerging in recent years to train deep
plication of edge computing and deep learning also enables neural networks as it leaves the raw data on clients and only
much intelligent industrial analysis. Wu et al. [125] focused aggregates the intermediate updates from each client. In the
on the remaining useful life estimation of the engineered edge application scenario, it can also reduce the communica-
system and proposed to use vanilla LSTM neural networks to tion cost and improve resource utilization [134].
get good remaining lifetime prediction accuracy. Wang et al.
[126] focused on the remaining lifetime analysis of backup B. MODEL INFERENCE
batteries in the wireless base stations. They proposed to use As many outstanding learning models are getting bigger
DNN-based architecture to accurately predict the remaining and deeper, traditional large-scale learning models are often
energy and remaining lifetime of batteries, which further en- deployed in a centralized cloud and receive the raw input
ables an informed power configuration among base stations. data from the distributed end devices, which can cause high
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982411, IEEE Access

delay. Edge servers provide alternative solutions for model such as Amazon’s Greengrass2 and Microsoft’s Azure IoT
deployment, where the edge and cloud can work collabora- Edge3 . For the perspective of programming abstraction, there
tively to handle the massive amounts of learning takes. A are also some frameworks specially designed for edge sce-
promising direction is model partition for deep neural net- nario, such as MXNet [140], Tensorflow Lite4 and CoreML5 .
works, where the end, edge, and cloud will execute part of the Though with these existing systems and frameworks, there
learning models, respectively. For example, Kang et al. [135] still need a lot of efforts to integrate them to achieve a
developed a lightweight scheduler to automatically partition more practical and high-performance system for general edge
DNN computation between mobile devices and data centers learning applications.
at the granularity of neural network layers. And Huang et
al. [136] further explored the partitioning problem in the edge VI. CONCLUSION
computing scenario, and developed a partitioning strategy In this article, we mainly investigated how the recent ad-
among the device, edge, and cloud, which aimed to reduce vances of deep learning can be leveraged to improve the
the execution delay. Another promising direction is the early novel edge computing applications. We first introduced the
exit of inference (EEoI) [137] for deep neural networks. basic concepts and paradigms of edge computing, highlight-
Since passing through the whole deep networks is both time- ing its key advantages. We then present some representative
and energy-consuming for edge servers, EEoI allows the deep learning models that can be used in edge computing,
inference to exit early if verified by some predefined models. such as autoencoder, CNN, RNN, DRL, etc. A comprehen-
sive survey on the latest deep learning empowered edge
C. APPLICATION ENHANCEMENT computing applications is next conducted from four domains,
including smart multimedia, smart transportation, smart city,
The integration of deep learning and edge computing has and smart industry. Finally, we discussed the key challenges
achieved remarkable improvement for many application sce- and future research directions on improving the intelligent
narios, yet there are still some critical applications desir- edge computing applications. We hope this survey is able
ing for real breakthroughs. Real-time VR gaming and au- to elicit more discussion and inspiration on the convergence
tonomous driving are two most representative applications. of edge computing and deep learning, so as to facilitate
Both these two applications require ultra low-delay interac- the development of deep-learning-enabled edge computing
tions and powerful computations. The emerging 5G commu- applications.
nication technology together with edge learning brings new
possibilities towards a feasible solution, where the main com-
putation such as video rendering as well as video analytics
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