Transdiagnostic Formulation

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Received: 11 June 2020 Revised: 22 December 2020 Accepted: 8 January 2021

DOI: 10.1111/jep.13540


PACT: A protocol for assessment, mechanism-based case

formulation and treatment planning

York Hagmayer PhD1 | Cilia Witteman PhD2 | Laurence Claes PhD3,4

Georg-Elias-Mueller Institute of Psychology,
University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Abstract
Germany Background: Proponents of clinical case formulations argue that the causes and
Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud
mechanisms contributing to and maintaining a patient's problems should be analysed
University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands and integrated into a case conceptualization, on which treatment planning ought to
Faculty of Psychology and Educational be based. Empirical evidence shows that an individualized treatment based on a case
Sciences, University of Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium formulation is at least sometimes better than a standardized evidence-based
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, treatment.
University Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Methods: We argue that it is likely to improve decisions when two conditions hold:
Correspondence (a) knowing about the mechanisms underlying the patient's problems makes a differ-
Cilia Witteman, Behavioural Science Institute,
ence for treatment, and (b) the case formulation is based on valid knowledge about
Radboud University Nijmegen, The
Netherlands. mechanisms of psychopathology.
Email: [email protected]
Results: We propose a protocol for assessment, case formulation and treatment plan-
ning (PACT), which incorporates transdiagnostic accounts of psychopathology. PACT
describes a 5-step decision making process, which aims to help clinicians to decide
when to resort to evidence-based treatments and when to construct a case formula-
tion to individualize the treatment.
Conclusion: We show how PACT works in practice by discussing treatment planning
for a clinical case involving symptoms of social anxiety, depression and post-
traumatic stress disorder.

causality, clinical guidelines, explanation

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N the clinician to select the most effective interventions for

Case formulation is one of the leading approaches to clinical decision Given its long history, one may suspect that the treatment utility
making. Many different schemes have been suggested over the past of clinical case formulations is empirically well supported. Surprisingly,
decades.1 A core element of all of them is to analyse the mechanisms the existing evidence is rather scarce. Only a few randomized con-
that contribute to and maintain the problems of a patient.2 The case trolled trials were conducted comparing standardized treatments with
formulation also summarizes the identified problems and diagnoses as individualized treatments based on case formulations.2,5 The majority
well as the motivations and features of the patient that may affect the of the studies found no difference. Yet, in two studies individualized
effectiveness of treatment. The case formulation – in turn – allows treatments resulted in better outcomes.6,7 These findings indicate that

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

J Eval Clin Pract. 2021;1–9. 1


analysing the mechanisms underlying a patient's problems to plan a transdiagnostic models of psychopathology have been pro-
treatment at least sometimes leads to a better outcome. Probably fur- posed.9,10,11 These models are evidence-based and overlapping, but
ther conditions have to be met, including an endorsement of the case not identical to each other (see Table 1 for a crude overview of two
formulation by the patient and a good working alliance. models from the literature and our own list of relevant mechanisms
In this article, we pursue two aims. First, we explore the condi- and factors). All transdiagnostic models include biological, cognitive,
tions under which a case formulation, which includes maintaining and social mechanisms as well as environmental factors that may
mechanisms, is likely to improve treatment planning and to result in a maintain or contribute to a patient's problems.
better outcome. Second, we propose the protocol for assessment, Note that case formulations not based on empirically validated
case formulation, and treatment planning (PACT), which provides theories of psychopathology are likely to be based on idiosyncratic
guidance for planning an individualized treatment. We illustrate its assumptions instead. Studies found that causal explanations of a
usage with a clinical case. patient's problems are often idiosyncratic and may vary considerably
between clinicians.12,13 This may lead to suboptimal treatment plan-
ning and less than optimal treatment outcomes.
2 | WHEN SHOULD AN INDIVIDUALIZED To sum up, we argue that a case formulation should be used
CASE FORMULATION BE CONSTRUCTED TO when: (a) an EBTs developed for a diagnosis is likely to miss important
GUIDE TREATMENT PLANNING? mechanisms maintaining the patient's problems, and (b) the analysis is
based on a valid theoretical model of psychopathology. The PACT
There are many reasons why the mechanisms contributing to and suggests how to proceed in practice.
maintaining a patient's problems may be analysed before psychotherapy
starts: (a) to educate the patient about his/her problems, (b) to motivate
the patient to actively engage in the treatment by showing how the 3 | HO W TO D E C I DE ON A T R E A T M EN T :
interventions change dysfunctional mechanisms, (c) to foster the alliance T HE P R O T O C O L F O R A SSE SS M E NT , CAS E
by generating a joint understanding of the problems. Each reason may FO R M U L A T I O N , A N D TR E A T M E N T
already suffice to develop a case formulation in collaboration with the P LA N N I N G
patient.8 A final reason may be to plan a treatment. This is our focus.
Our question is when a case formulation should be constructed in The proposed protocol is based on research and theories of decision
order to decide on a treatment. The answer is: when a standardized, making,14 experience in teaching assessment and treatment planning,
evidence-based treatment (EBT) fitting a diagnostic classification is and experience in clinical practice. It extends existing approaches to
not likely to result in the best outcome. In other words, when a case case formulations,15,16 and to shared and/or patient centred decision
formulation allows clinicians to select the intervention(s) that target making in psychology and psychiatry.17 PACT goes beyond these
the mechanisms maintaining the patient's problems, while a standard- approaches in four ways: (a) it specifies preconditions for constructing
ized treatment manual may fail to address important mechanisms. a case formulation; it describes (b) how empirically validated theories
In clinical practice, a case conceptualization may improve a treat- and treatments should be considered in decision making, (c) how
ment under two conditions. The first condition is that there is one or interventions for treatment should be chosen, and (d) how treatment
several of the following: progress should be evaluated and interventions should be revised.
Figure 1 shows all steps and decisions a clinician has to go
1. Co-morbidity: Analysing the problems shows which of the mecha- through.18 The five crucial steps for PACT are depicted in white.
nisms are relevant and important to address in treatment. Before deciding on a case formulation (step 1), the clinician has to
2. Atypical presentations: Analysing the mechanisms helps to focus decide whether to take on the patient and whether an acute crisis
on what is relevant rather than counting symptoms for a diagnosis. requires immediate action. Somatic and psychological problems have
3. Differential effectiveness of treatments: The analysis helps to to be assessed, diagnostic classifications have to be made, and an indi-
establish the factors that indicate which intervention would be cation for treatment has to be established.
more effective. To illustrate PACT, we use the case of Francis. Francis is a
27-year-old architecture student in his final year. He contacted a
A second condition for using a case formulation for treatment counsellor, because he feels increasingly unable to sell his designs to
planning is that it has to be based on empirically validated theoretical customers and professors. He is frustrated, demoralized, and thinks
models of psychopathology. Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of about dropping out. In a first conversation, he describes himself as
such models: Disorder-specific models and transdiagnostic models. feeling increasingly anxious about giving a pitch. He feels bullied by
Disorder-specific models are helpful if the patient suffers from a single his peers. Problems started a year ago after he was humiliated by a
condition well described by the respective disorder. In this case, a customer during a pitch. He feels ‘haunted’ by this episode. He some-
disorder-specific standardized treatment is likely to address all impor- times ‘sees’ the customer, when he enters the room in which the epi-
tant mechanisms. In the case of multi-morbidity, however, trans- sode happened. He has trouble sleeping and regularly experiences
diagnostic models of psychopathology work well. Several nightmares. He also describes other somatic problems and complains

TABLE 1 Overview of transdiagnostic mechanisms contributing to and maintaining patients' problems

Transdiagnostic mechanisms according Transdiagnostic mechanisms according to the Research Transdiagnostic mechanisms
to Frank and Davidson10 Domain Constructs (NIMH, 2016) according to the authors
Emotion regulation Negative valence Fear, anxiety, loss, frustrative non-reward Emotion regulation
Positive valence Reward learning, reward valuation, habits Impulse control
Information processing and storage Cognitive Systems Attention, Perception, Declarative memory, Cognitive regulation
Executive functions Working memory, Cognitive Control
Cognitive misappraisal
Attentional focus
Attributional bias
Repetitive negative thinking
Systems for social Social communication Social processing
processes Perception and understanding of self
Perception and understanding of others
Arousal regulation and inhibitory control Arousal/modulatory Arousal, Circadian rhythm, Sleep- Regulation of arousal
Sleep regulation Systems wakefulness
Sensimotor Systems
Learned responses
Specific cognitive constructs (eg, fear of
Distress tolerance Temperaments
Pervasive beliefs (negative schemas, Cognitive and meta-
metacognitive beliefs) Cognitive, cognitive beliefs
emotional, and behavioural

about being overweight. He prefers to wear wide black clothes and 2. Would a case formulation make a difference to my choice of treat-
sunglasses, because they make him feel more secure. He is single and ment? Could an analysis of the mechanisms and factors
lives on his own. He is in close contact with his single mother, who he maintaining my patient's problems, change my treatment?
describes as very caring and socially anxious.
Based on the clinical assessment, Francis is diagnosed with social Question 1 asks the clinician to check for guidelines or EBTs
anxiety disorder, because he specifically fears social-evaluative situa- applicable to the patient. Good sources for guidelines are the National
tions. His way of dressing is considered a safety-seeking behaviour. He Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK (
does not show behavioural avoidance, as he still pitches his designs. An guidance), the Trimbos Institute in the Netherlands (,
avoidant personality disorder is ruled out, as he does not report previ- or the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany
ous anxiety-related problems. A moderate depressive episode is dis- ( If there are no applicable guidelines, a case formula-
missed, because he does not feel depressed on most days. tion is the only alternative. When there is a guideline, Question 2 asks
Nevertheless, he reports a lack of joy, especially regarding his studies. whether a case formulation would still make a difference. Sometimes
Francis also shows signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (flashbacks, guidelines ask for an assessment of certain factors to adapt the treat-
nightmares). A medical check-up finds that Francis has a metabolic syn- ment to the patient. For example, guidelines for trauma related disor-
drome and that he is pre-diabetic. An indication for treatment is given. ders advise to analyse specifics of the trauma. In other cases, the
assessment may reveal problems that are not addressed by the guide-
line or the guideline just provides a rough guidance that still needs to
3.1 | Step 1: Decide on case formulation be translated into a treatment for the specific client. If the answer to
Question 2 is yes, the clinician should proceed to step 2. If the answer
The first decision is whether a case formulation is needed in order to is no, an EBT recommended in clinical guidelines should be
decide on treatment. Recall that there might be different reasons to do considered.
so. To make this decision, the clinician may ask herself these questions: For Francis, the answer to the first question is yes with respect to
social anxiety. The respective NICE guideline,19 recommends cogni-
1. Is there a guideline and/or are there EBT for the problems and tive behavioural therapy and Clark and Wells provide a well evaluated
diagnoses of my patient? treatment manual.20 However, Francis has several other problems,

F I G U R E 1 Protocol for Assessment,

Patient presentation and
request Mechanism-based Case Formulation and
Treatment Planning. The five crucial steps are
Can you and do you want depicted by white boxes, other steps in grey.
to assume responsibility? Yes/no decisions are depicted by diamonds with
the respective question next to it. Dashed black
Is there an Act immediately arrows indicate implications of No-answers, bold
grey arrows implications of Yes-answers
Make diagnostic

Decide on case formulation Check recommended

evidence-based treatments
Is a guideline available
that fits to the
problems of the patient?
applicable to
Construct a case formulation
Implement recommended
Is formulation

Consider EBTs and evidence-

based interventions

Decide considering
effectiveness, patient´s
goals, & norms

Implement chosen

Evaluate progress

Is progress

End treatment

which are not addressed in the guideline. Therefore the answer to the goals should be ascertained in order to make the assessment a collab-
second question is also yes. It would be important to know which orative process. Working together is useful because it leads to a bet-
mechanisms maintain the symptoms of social anxiety, post-traumatic ter understanding of the patient.22 It also boosts the alliance and
stress, and depression. The set of mechanisms relevant for Francis motivates the patient.23
probably goes beyond the mechanisms addressed by a CBT-based Based on the assessment, a case formulation can be constructed.
treatment of social anxiety. The case formulation should summarize the problems of the patient
(ie, the clinical manifestation of the dysfunctional underlying mecha-
nisms) and the mechanisms and factors that maintain and contribute
3.2 | Step 2: Construct a case formulation to these problems. Often a graph is useful to visualize the case formu-
lation. We propose the template depicted in Figure 2. At the center of
The next step is to assess the mechanisms and factors that may main- the graph are the mechanisms that are responsible for the problems
tain and contribute to the problems of the patient. In principle, all of the patient, because they are dysfunctional. At the basis are the
transdiagnostic mechanisms and factors depicted in Table 1 might be clinically manifest problems that should be addressed and ameliorated
relevant. Pointers to mechanisms that are likely to be relevant for spe- by the treatment and the goals the patient strives to achieve. At the
cific conditions can be found in handbooks.10,21 Often a clinical inter- top are factors that constitute vulnerabilities like temperament and
view can be used. In addition, psychometrically sound psychological personality, environmental factors, which might be resources or fur-
tests and behavioural experiments might be useful. Finally, the ther stressors, and somatic and other factors which may moderate the
patient's ideas about the underlying factors as well as the treatment effectiveness of treatments.

F I G U R E 2 Case formulation for Francis.

See text for explanations Lack of peer

Somatic and other




Negative Room as
valence trigger Syndrome
Supportive but
socially anxious

Cognitive Processing:
• Perception of social evaluative stimuli as threatening
• Attention towards threat
• Dysfunctional anticipatory and post event processing

Maintaining Mechanisms
Emotion Regulation
• Dysfunctional

Social Processing
• Negative self-view
• Difficulty to cope with negative peer reactions

Arousal regulation
• Regulation in situations triggering traumatic memories

Sleep regulation
• Difficulty to fall asleep, nightmares

Symptoms of Symptoms of post- Symptoms of

Clinical manifestation

depression traumatic stress anxiety

Depressed Anxiety during Somatic

Mood pitches symptoms

Lack of joy in
Safety Performance
work & Nightmares
behaviors deficits

Overcome anxiety

Become self-confident

Figure 2 shows a graph of the case formulation for Francis. Five problems and may moderate the effect of interventions. Note that no
domains of dysfunctional processing or regulation were identified. specific mechanism are listed that explain the symptoms of depres-
First cognitive processing: Francis perceives social evaluative stimuli sion. This is because the assessment indicated that these symptoms
like giving a pitch as threatening, he focuses on external threats and are a consequence of Francis' other problems. Francis' main goal in life
internal reactions to these threats, and he anticipates a negative was to successfully finish his studies and start a career as an architect.
course of events and gives a self-deprecating interpretation to events His goal in therapy was to overcome his anxiety issues and become
after the fact. He has trouble regulating his emotions in these cases self-confident again.
and his negative emotions in general. His self-view is negative. He has After finishing the case formulation, the clinician has to decide
difficulties handling negative reactions of his peers. In situations that whether it is satisfactory. The following two questions may be helpful.
remind him of being humiliated, he has difficulties regulating the
resulting arousal. Finally, he has difficulties regulating his sleep. His 1. Do the identified mechanisms and factors explain why the prob-
high anxiety sensitivity makes him vulnerable. His environment pro- lems of the patient persist?
vides little social support, some rooms at the university trigger memo- 2. Do I know what needs to change for the patient to become better
ries of humiliation. His metabolic syndrome is a cause of his somatic and achieve her/his goals?

If the explanation is not satisfactory, a more in-depth assessment depressive symptoms are considered, as they are assumed to be the
is indicated to identify the mechanisms and factors that are still miss- consequences of the other problems.
ing from the formulation. Following the recommendations from the guideline, treatment
started with experiential exercises and behavioural experiments. Imagery
re-scripting was used to address Francis' trauma-related symptoms. First
3.3 | Step 3: Consider EBTS and evidence-based steps to modify his lifestyle were taken near the end of treatment.

The case formulation shows which mechanisms maintain the problems 3.4 | Step 4: Decide on a treatment considering
of the patient. An effective treatment will have to address these effectiveness, patient's goals and preferences, and
mechanisms and help the patient to make them more functional. Most norms
clinicians will know how to address the respective mechanism from
their clinical training. There are textbooks that summarize intervention To make a final decision, the following aspects need to be considered:
techniques for different treatments as well as the mechanisms
addressed by them.24 1. Is the proposed treatment in line with my patient's preferences?
Here are some questions to guide the process: 2. Does the proposed treatment conform to all professional, moral,
and/or institutional norms?
1. Which interventions or treatments are recommended in literature 3. Does the patient agree with the proposed treatment? Is she/he
as effective for changing the mechanisms I identified as motivated to engage in the treatment and take responsibility?
2. Considering the relations among these mechanisms, the other rele- Concerning his treatment, Francis claimed no specific preferences
vant factors, and the manifest problems, how should I structure apart from ‘no meds’. He refused to modify his way of dressing, as he
the treatment? considered it a matter of personal style. Thus, the planned treatment
conformed to Francis' preferences as well as all relevant norms. He
Question 1 asks to consider evidence on effective interventions, also agreed.
which can be found in clinical guidelines and practical handbooks. It is important to note that the patient's goals and preferences
Question 2 asks to consider potential relations among the mecha- may conflict with the therapist's goals and an effective treatment. For
nisms, the other identified factors and the problems of the patient, in example, many patients with anorexia nervosa do not want to gain
order to find out where to start the treatment. In other words, the weight, although this is an important treatment goal. In that case, it is
task is to envision the consequences of possible treatments including advisable to address the conflicting goals and decide jointly on the
different orderings of individual interventions for the current patient. goals to be achieved. Shared decision making increases commitment,
Treatment manuals of EBTs describe the interventions to take and at which tends to lead to better outcomes.26
least sometimes provide guidance about their order (see below for an
example). Nevertheless, clinicians will have to rely on empirical evi-
dence and their professional expertise. The proposed treatment 3.5 | Implement treatment
should include the interventions that will be most effective in chang-
ing the dysfunctional mechanisms and in achieving the patient's goals. Once a decision is made, the treatment will have to be implemented.
For Francis, the case formulation identifies five dysfunctional This is also the case when the clinician decided to use a
mechanisms and the metabolic syndrome, which should be addressed standardized, EBT.
in treatment. The NICE-Guideline on social anxiety disorder19 lists the
following evidence-based interventions relevant for Francis: experien-
tial exercises to demonstrate adverse effects of self-focus and safety- 3.6 | Step 5: Evaluate progress
seeking behaviour, training to change self-focused attention,
behavioural experiments to test negative self-beliefs, re-scripting Treatment progress should be systematically evaluated. Research
problematic memories of social trauma, and restructuring dysfunc- showed that monitoring progress with standardized assessment tools
tional beliefs regarding social situations. These interventions address (ie, routine outcome monitoring or ROM) and giving feedback to
the mechanisms listed under cognitive processing, emotion and patients and clinicians can improve treatment outcome.27 While ROM
arousal regulation. The case formulation, however, shows that other often focuses on alliance and summary scores of symptom load, PACT
interventions regarding social skills, coping with trauma-related flash- recommends reassessing the identified dysfunctional mechanisms reg-
backs, and sleep regulation might be helpful as well. For the metabolic ularly. This way the effectiveness of the treatment as a whole and
syndrome, lifestyle modification therapy is recommended in the specific interventions in particular can be tracked.
literature,25 which establishes regular and healthier eating and more The following questions may guide a systematic and recurrent
physical exercise. Note that no interventions concerning the evaluation.

1. Is the patient's progress as expected? Did the problems, the level (dysfunctional) way of coping with the stress during the final year of
of functioning, the achievement of goals, and/or the well-being of his study. Francis was referred to his general practitioner for contin-
the patient improve? ued treatment of his metabolic syndrome.
2. Did the identified dysfunctional mechanisms become more func-
tional? Were the changes as expected considering the interven-
tions implemented? 4 | DI SCU SSION
3. Is progress satisfactory? Can the treatment be terminated?
The first aim of this article was to explore the conditions under which a
Question 1 asks the clinician to assess the outcomes. Whether case formulation may be helpful for treatment planning and may lead to
observed changes are as expected could be judged by comparing the a better outcome than a standardized EBT. We identified two condi-
patient's progress to similar patients using an electronic database. tions: (a) knowing about the mechanisms underlying the patient's prob-
Question 2 requests clinicians to reassess the mechanisms identified lems makes a difference for treatment, and (b) the case formulation is
as relevant in the case formulation. If the interventions were effective, based on valid knowledge about mechanisms of psychopathology. We
these mechanisms should have changed. suspect that the first condition may be quite often fulfilled. Whenever
The answers to Questions 1 and 2 indicate how to proceed. If there is co-morbidity or an atypical presentation, a standardized treat-
there was no progress and the dysfunctional mechanisms did not ment for a particular diagnosis may fail to address all mechanisms that
change as expected, then the interventions were probably not effec- contribute to and maintain the patient's problems. In these cases, it is
tive. Hence, other interventions should be considered. If there was no helpful to know the underlying mechanisms to select the most effective
progress but the identified mechanisms changed as expected, then interventions for treatment. To fulfil the second condition may be hard
the case formulation was wrong. Obviously, something else maintains in practice. There is a lot of empirically investigated, valid knowledge
the patient's problems. Thus, the case formulation has to be revised about biological, cognitive, emotional, and social mechanisms of psycho-
and interventions have to be changed accordingly. If there was pro- pathology. This knowledge, however, is not easily accessible to clini-
gress, but mechanisms did not change as expected, then progress cians. One reason is that many theoretical models have been developed
might be due to some non-specific factor (eg, alliance) or an external and tested for individual disorders. In addition, many models focus on
event (eg, a new romantic relation). In this case, it is best to consult particular mechanisms and fail to integrate all existing evidence (see Ref-
with the patient on how to proceed. Finally, if there was progress and erence 33 for a notable exception). We think that a transdiagnostic
the mechanisms changed as expected, then treatment should con- approach, which focuses on the most important potentially dysfunc-
tinue as planned. tional mechanisms, may be more useful for treatment planning. Such an
Questions 3 asks about the termination of treatment. There are approach ensures that no important mechanisms or factors are over-
several statistical and clinical indicators to make a judgement (eg, reli- looked. It also makes case formulations more reliable and easier to com-
able change index or clinically significant change ). The clinician may municate with patients and other clinicians.
use her professional experience in addition to objective criteria. When Our second aim was to propose the PACT. PACT considers the
Question 3 is answered positively, the clinician may turn to relapse two conditions, specifies how mechanisms should be assessed, how a
prevention and terminate treatment. case formulation should be constructed, and how progress monitoring
Francis´ perceptions of, cognitions about, and emotional and behav- should be used to test and revise the case formulation and treatment.
ioural reactions to social evaluative situations were assessed regularly The core ideas of PACT are: (a) Construct a case formulation only if it
(using homework assignments). Flashbacks and nightmares were moni- is likely to result in a better outcome than a standardized, EBT; (b) the
tored by a diary as were his eating pattern and physical activities. Symp- case formulation considers the transdiagnostic mechanisms that may
toms of depression and social anxiety were monitored monthly by the underlie a patient's problems; and (c) observed changes of these
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI II30) and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety mechanisms during treatment are used to revise the case formulation
Scale (LSAS31). Alliance and subjective progress was monitored weekly and the treatment.
using the Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ32). At present, there is only indirect evidence that PACT results in
Francis' treatment progress with respect to his social anxiety was better outcomes for patients. Extensive research in cognitive psychol-
as expected. Behavioural experiments and experiential exercises hel- ogy showed that causal models improve decisions on interventions.14
ped to change his cognitive and emotional processing of social evalua- Second, research on functional behavioural analysis, a theoretically
tive situations. By learning to refocus his attention during pitches on well-funded type of causal analysis considering various types of learn-
the task, his performance improved and feedback became better, ing as transdiagnostic mechanisms, showed that treatments based on
which led to more self-assurance. After imaginary re-scripting, his rep- such analyses are more effective.34 Finally, research showed that the
resentation of the humiliating episode changed and symptoms of reliability of case formulations can be improved by training35 and a
post-traumatic stress vanished. His depressive symptoms disappeared well-structured process.36 Therefore we are confident that future
over time. He kept his dressing style. Treatment progress with respect studies will show that PACT is useful for planning treatments and will
to the metabolic syndrome was below expectations. No healthy eating result in better outcomes for patients. It is promising because PACT
pattern could be established, as comfort food was used as a suggests a standardized EBTs as the default and case-formulation-

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