Example Research Paper On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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Writing a thesis is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks students face during their academic

journey. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent argumentation to produce a
piece of work that meets academic standards. One such complex topic that requires careful handling
is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).

FAS is a serious and preventable birth defect caused by maternal alcohol consumption during
pregnancy. Researching and writing about FAS demands a deep understanding of its causes, effects,
prevention methods, and societal implications. Furthermore, addressing this topic requires sensitivity
and empathy towards individuals and families affected by the syndrome.

Navigating through the vast amount of literature and data on FAS can be overwhelming for students.
They must sift through scientific studies, medical reports, case studies, and social analyses to develop
a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, synthesizing this information into a
coherent and well-structured thesis requires advanced analytical skills and critical thinking.

Given the complexity and sensitivity of the topic, students may find themselves struggling to
formulate a clear thesis statement and develop a cohesive argument. Additionally, challenges such as
writer's block, time constraints, and academic pressure can further impede the writing process.

To alleviate these difficulties and ensure the quality of their thesis, students may consider seeking
assistance from professional academic writing services. ⇒ BuyPapers.club ⇔ offers expert
guidance and support to students tackling complex topics like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. With a team
of experienced writers and researchers, ⇒ BuyPapers.club ⇔ can help students conduct thorough
research, organize their ideas, and craft well-written theses that meet academic standards.

By entrusting their thesis to ⇒ BuyPapers.club ⇔, students can save time, reduce stress, and
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challenging topics like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with confidence.
Such treatment steps for the mother are preventive for FAS. How do I find out if my child is eligible
for services. A total of 2 or more points indicates the respondent is likely to be a risk drinker. Each of
them is a patient in need of care; each is a target for treatment and maintenance as well as for
prevention intervention for the birth of another FAS child. However, this rate may vary considerably
depending on the living standard of local communities. In 2005, the authors published practical
guidelines operationalizing the Institute of Medicine categories, allowing for standardization of
FASD diagnoses in clinical settings. Paying attention. Understanding and following directions. They
will ask you if you drank while you were pregnant and if so, how much. The fetus is most susceptible
to different types of injuries depending on the stage of development in which alcohol is encountered.
More targeted messages and questioning would depend on whether the woman drinks and is
pregnant. Although the effects of low levels of alcohol exposure during pregnancy are easier to study
rigorously in one sense (the population of pregnant women who drink at low or moderate levels is
much. There are currently at least two controlled research projects comparing intensive versus
standard education interventions. There are currently no firm data from any of these projects with
which to ascertain. Factors predicting attendance at self-help after substance abuse treatment:
Preliminary findings. Then acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) converts this acetaldehyde to
acetic acid. I will identify what is known about who is at risk, and with this knowledge social
workers should better be able to identify risk pregnancies and alcohol affected individuals and thus
identify fetal alcohol exposure early enough. That is, although prevention interventions are generally
thought of as stopping short of treatment interventions, when thinking about a comprehensive
prevention program for FAS, ARBD, and ARND, it is clear that treatment of alcohol problems in
pregnant women (and their partners) is an appropriate indicated prevention intervention for the fetus
being carried by the woman, as well as for future pregnancies. In addition, treatment of alcohol
problems in the pregnant woman will improve her health and well-being. Originally FAS was the title
of this disorder caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The types of interventions used in
these programs were common sense approaches that seem, on consideration, to be reasonable. It
should be noted that treatment content, duration, and intensity have not been well specified in many
of these studies (e.g., through specification of treatments and monitoring of treatment
implementation). At present, FAS is the only expression of prenatal alcohol exposure defined by the
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and assigned ICD-9
and ICD-10 diagnoses (Clarren and Smith, 1978). The outcome is generally worse for those children
that are more severely affected. While there may not be a cure for fetal alcohol syndrome, the more
help they receive the better. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific
literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Full description Save Save Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 8 Search inside document. Assuming a causal relation with
alcohol exposure could be erroneous. The program was estimated to be very cost-effective. These
measures raise complicated ethical and legal questions. Whether decreasing consumption in moderate
drinkers would decrease problems is not clear; some studies show better birth outcomes in women
who stopped drinking during pregnancy compared with those who drank.
They often have heart defects, and difficulties with their vision and hearing. In other words, it is
difficult to diagnose if a child will have FAS. Another brief screening test, the TWEAK, has been
found to be somewhat more sensitive but less specific in identifying women who are risk drinkers
(Russell, 1994; see Box 7-6). Another example is rabies vaccination in someone bitten by a raccoon
with unknown rabies status. Women are more strongly affected by alcohol for the reason of
differences in absorption of alcohol in the blood (Frezza et al, 1990) and these distinctions may
make females more helpless to the effects of alcohol regardless of the body weight. The physical
effects will last throughout the lifetime of the child; some surgeries may be done to fix the thin
upper lip or flat philtrum, though most people do not bother with fixing these deformities as they are
seldom noticeable. Others occur as a result of the fetus exposure to chemicals like alcohol. Consider
giving up alcohol during your childbearing years if you’re sexually active and you’re having
unprotected sex. These include medicines to help with some symptoms, medical care for health
problems, behavior and education therapy, and parent training. Television advertisements, public
service announcements, pamphlets, posters, and the like, which serve to educate the public about the
risks of alcohol abuse and to encourage responsible drinking are universal prevention interventions
that indirectly discourage use of alcohol during pregnancy. The committee was impressed that this
area needs some focused clinical research before widespread surveillance approaches can be
recommended. Of 39 women who were counseled 3 or more times, over half were able to abstain or
significantly moderate consumption of alcohol before the third trimester. It also presents major
challenges to integrating school and support services for these children. Alcohol can interfere with
the development and cause birth defects. The more alcohol that is drunk during pregnancy the more
severe the effects. If a woman is drinking during pregnancy, it is never too late for her to stop. Also,
as discussed in greater detail in a subsequent section, it is not clear if these programs are available to,
used by, or effective for those women who abuse alcohol in a manner that puts their fetus at risk for
FAS, ARBD, or ARND. The consequences of delaying treatment can be serious especially for
children with FAS. Mitochondrial AST has, however, proven to be effective in. While alcohol
remains in the bloodstream, the fetus, so to speak, continues being forced to consume alcohol by the
mother. Women who abuse alcohol or other substances are particularly stigmatized. Consult a doctor
for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. There’s no known lower limit of safe alcohol consumption
or whether there is a cut off level where it is okay. Nevertheless, NIAAA-funded research has
elucidated fundamentals of alcohol abuse prevention and treatment in general, and some projects
funded in the future could focus on or at least include women and pregnant women. One can
understand that the public health message encourages total abstinence. Present in most organs of the
body, AP's elevation in liver disease due primarily to cholestatic disorders does not allow for
distinction between intrahepatic and extrahepatic sources. Your doctor will look at behavioral
symptoms, such as attention and coordination. The effects of heavy and persistent alcohol abuse on
pregnancy are already established. Moreover, the total amount of estrogens in the serum of a
pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy will increase by 10 - 100 times compared to that of
a non-pregnant woman, and in mid to late pregnancy, increase by 100 - 1000 times. Even if you
don’t drink every day, you may put your baby at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome if you binge drink.
All forms of birth control, from short term to permanent, need to be offered and available to at-risk
females and partners alike. Most of the prevention and treatment projects, however, as pointed out in
the previous section, do not currently focus on pregnant women or even on women. Reinforcement
of these messages in various settings has a greater effect on behavioral. Fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders are not genetic or hereditary. This is vitally important given their lack of prenatal care. This
implies the need for research on the applicability to pregnant alcohol abusers of a range of treatments
with demonstrated effectiveness in the general clinical population. In addition, a low molecular
weight alcohol passes swiftly through the placenta and harms a developing fetus. For example,
although self-help groups, particularly Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have been perceived as male
oriented, evidence suggests that women may be more likely than men to attend self-help groups
(Humphrey et al., 1991). The high level of social support provided in self-help groups and the recent
development of specialized women's groups may make this a good option for pregnant women who
abuse alcohol. But confirmed alcohol use during pregnancy is not needed if the child meets the other
criteria. Lessons learned from smoking cessation intervention are a good example of this. American
Journal of Medical Sciences 1992; 303:415-428. The first three months of pregnancy is the time in
which vital organs like the heart and the kidney are developing. A mother who abuses alcohol needs
and deserves treatment for this problem, not only during pregnancy but afterward. Hemoglobin-
acetaldehyde adducts are elevated in women carrying alcohol-damaged fetuses. A teratogen is
something from outside the body that can cause malformation and problems with the unborn baby.
Preventing the birth of a child with FAS may involve different actions affecting maternal behavior:
broad-based prevention; targeted prevention efforts with the woman, her spouse or other significant
partner(s), and additional significant family members; alcohol abuse treatments; contraceptive
services; and aftercare. Such research and field testing is considered an urgent priority. Continue to
avoid alcohol throughout your pregnancy. Too often, we have assumed that whatever works in men
who abuse alcohol will work in women who abuse alcohol. Reaching out to the highest risk mothers:
the Birth to 3 Project. We conclude that future research initiatives comparing children with FASDs to
nonalcohol-exposed children with similar cognitive and socioemotional profiles should aid in
uncovering the unique behavioral phen. Attention problems or hyperactivity: A child with these
problems might be described as “busy,” overly active, inattentive, easily distracted, or having
difficulty calming down, completing tasks, or moving from one activity to the next. Some may
indicate recent alcohol exposure, other chronic alcohol exposure, and other liver damage, the latter
finding suggesting possible chronic alcohol abuse. A study done by the British Columbia Ministry of
Education show that once children with these disabilities enter the school system, their behaviors are
often misinterpreted (Walsh). Change that occurs in familial, religious, social, economic, judicial,
educational, and health care institutions can affect individual and group behavior. It has also been
shown to be involved in socialization and language skills. As there is no treatment other than
supportive care for children with fetal alcohol syndrome, the major way of lessening the impact of
fetal alcohol syndrome is to not drink while pregnant. As a consequence, knowingly or unknowingly
alcohol abuse is the leading cause of mental retardation in the western world. There is no prenatal
test of fetal damage from alcohol that could be used to indicate a mother who should be
aggressively treated to prevent further damage to the child. Because of the likely limitations on
sample size, it may be necessary to report effect sizes rather than traditional measures of statistical

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