1. Problem Solved
The online student’s attendance and internal assessment Management system is built to
overcome the drawbacks of present system, proposed system has been evolved. This project
reduces the paperwork and saves the calculations and reports generation time. It also provide the
accuracy in reports generation. This system provides best user interface.
The existing system is the manual entry for the students. Here the attendance is carried out in
handwritten register format. It is a tedious job to maintain the record for the user. And at the end
of the session the reports are generated. The human effort is more.
So there is a need for a software which reduces the work. This software will have three types of
user administrator, teachers and students who interact with each other via this software system in
order to perform various activities like Attendance and internal assessment records.
The main aim purpose of this project is to make an online system which is provide quick and
easy way of managing student's attendance and assessment marks in Samling peas Kichwamba
secondary school. I am developing this project to provide an interactive communication bridge
and build a strong well managed online system to avoid miss management and dissatisfaction of
the attendance records.
2. Teachers can monitor and handle large number of students with attendance and academic
performance report and leave status.
3. No need to give any training to teachers to access and use this easy application.
6. There is no need for the students to stand in a queue to fill the attendance shortage forms or
bonds in case of attendance shortage.
7. Students can keep a watch on the correctness of their attendance and assessment marks for any
day and if there is any fault, he/she can ensure its correctness.
Attendance and internal assessment Management System basically has two main modules for
proper functioning:
First module is admin which has right for creating space for new batch. Any entry of new class,
Updating in subject if necessary, and sending notice.
Second module is handled by the user which can be a teacher or an operator. User has a right of
making daily attendance, generating report.
The students attendance and internal assessment management system is an independent product
and does not depend upon any other product or system. The system will automate various tasks
associated with handling student’s details, their marks and attendance reports and better
organizing stored information and better performance for wide range of user's use. So it will help
smaling pea’s kichwamba to ensure the smooth and better working of these features.
User can do multiple operation after visiting the portal. Some of them are:-
2. He/ she can login as admin or teachers or student by giving their user ID and password.
3. Admin can add students and teachers detail and update the attendance and internal
assessment marks.
5. Students get access to the view their attendance or internal assessment marks and generate
4. This application software can work on all devices such as mobiles phones, laptops, personal
desktop computers, etc.
5. It provides secured access to the data as no other person can access another person's
data/information because everyone is given his/her unique ID and password.
3. They can add, update or delete the subject studied by the students.
6. They can view attendance and internal assessment marks of each student.
7. They can view all the marks given on the basis of attendance, internals or any class test
11. They can also notify students about their below average percentage.
3. They can get to know about which department's admin has assigned to them in which period.
4. They can easily mark the attendance and internal assessment marks.
6. They can also download the attendance report in the form of PDF.
3. They can see in which of the classes they were absent or didn't attend.
4. They can see Attendance report and internal assessment marks reports from anywhere on the
globe, there is no need to go in admin and ask for the attendance status.
5. They can also generate and download there attendance report in the form of PDF.
7. Students can able to see if there is any notification notice from admin or department about
the shortage of attendance or to attend any event.
2. Teachers: - He/ she can also be employee of the school who is also given user id and
password by administration to login and perform the after mentioned functions. But they don't
get access to some specific privileged operations which the administrator get.
3. Students: - This class contains the functionalities that students can perform. They have given
user id (name, roll no) and password to login into the portal and perform only specified
(restricted) operations.
Students attendance and internal assessment management system shall be designed for future
upgrade as per needed.
The system shall meet the general standards of online website portal.
Sufficient test cases to show that the system is complete and correct.
The user can interact with the system by using graphical user interface.
Output: - if successful then the attendance portal will be opened for further activities to perform.
Input: - department, term, subject, year, class code, subject code given by admin to add or
update teachers account
Input: - term, class, year, roll number, subject, class code given by admin to add or update
students account
4. Upload attendance
Input: - roll number, term, subject, class code given by teacher to upload student’s attendance.
Output: - if successful Students attendance will be added and later on students and teachers can
view it.
Input: - roll number, term, subject, class code given by teacher to upload student’s marks
Output: - if successful Students marks will be added and later on students and teachers can view
6. Update attendance
Input: - roll number, term, subject, class code given by admin to updated students attendance.
Output: - if successful Students attendance will be added and later on students and teachers can
view it.
Input: - roll number, semester, subject, faculty code given by admin to update student’s marks.
Output: - if successful Students marks will be added and later on students and teachers can view
8. Leave exemption
Input: - roll number, no of days.
9. View
3. None of the user is allowed to perform functionalities (except viewing the home page and
basic functionalities) without login into the portal.
2. Only authenticated user can use the system to perform operations in order to keep the system
The system will be available only to the authorized users of the school like teachers to mark the
student’s attendance, student to view their attendance and internal assessment marks, admin to
add an update students records.
The security requirement deals with the primary security. The system should be handled only by
the administrator and authorized users using username and password.
Backups for the database are available
The system is web based application and is built in php and MySQL so it is platform
independent of operating system.
1. User-Friendly Interface, The system should have a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to
navigate for both students’ teachers. Users should be able to access the system effortlessly, view
attendance records, submit assessments, and receive feedback without encountering any usability
2. Secure Login and Access Control, to ensure data security and privacy, the system must incorporate
secure login mechanisms such as username/password authentication or two-factor authentication.
Additionally, role-based access control should be implemented to restrict access to sensitive information
based on user roles (e.g., student, teacher, and administrator).
3. Attendance Tracking Capabilities, The system should allow users to mark attendance for classes or
events easily. It should support various methods of attendance tracking, such as manual entry.
4. Internal Assessment Management Features: The system should enable teachers to create
assessments, assign them to students, collect submissions electronically, and provide feedback
efficiently. It should support different types of assessments (e.g., quizzes, assignments, projects) and
allow for grading customization based on predefined criteria.
5. Reporting and Analytics Tools: Users should have access to comprehensive reporting and analytics
tools within the system. This includes generating attendance reports, assessment performance analysis,
student progress tracking, and other relevant data visualization features to help stakeholders make
informed decisions.
Device Compatibility, the system should be accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, including
laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It should support both iOS and Android operating systems.
It is essential to have a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the screen size of the device
being used.
Internet Connectivity, a stable and high-speed internet connection is necessary for accessing and using
the system. The system should be designed to minimize data usage while maintaining fast load times.
Hardware Requirements, for desktop and laptop devices, the system should be compatible with
computers that have at least 4GB of RAM and a dual-core processor. A webcam may be required for
attendance marking using facial recognition or video conferencing functionalities. A microphone may
also be necessary for voice-based interactions with the system.For mobile devices, the system should be
compatible with devices that have at least 2GB of RAM and a quad-core processor. A front-facing
camera is necessary for attendance marking using facial recognition or video conferencing
Software Requirements, the system should be compatible with the latest versions of popular operating
systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. It should also support integration with other
software applications such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), Student Information Systems (SIS),
and Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS).
Attendance Tracking, this includes the ability to record attendance for individual classes, track
attendance over time, and generate attendance reports. The system should also support different
attendance modes, such as present, absent, tardy, or excused.
Internal Assessment Management, this includes the ability to create and manage assessments, assign
assessments to students, and track student progress. The system should also support different types of
assessments, such as quizzes, tests, or assignments.
Grading and Scoring, this includes the ability to assign grades or scores to assessments, calculate grade
point averages (GPA), and generate report cards. The system should also support different grading
scales, such as numerical or letter grades.
Data Analytics and Reporting, This includes the ability to generate reports on attendance, assessments,
grades, and student progress. The system should also support data visualization tools, such as charts or
graphs, to help administrators make informed decisions.