MAY, 2007
Arbaminch University Graduate Studies
1. Back ground
1.1. Introduction
Flood is one of the worst natural catastrophes in the world, in terms of number of deaths
and economical losses.
Reliable estimates of the magnitude and frequency of floods are needed by state and
local designers and managers. The design of high way, delineation of flood plain and
flood prone areas, management of water- control structure and management of water
supplies are all activities that require estimation of flood frequency distribution and
flood events.
2. Problem Statement
Now a days, Ethiopia is frequently attacked by flood hazards and because of this so
many lives and properties are lost. The loss would have been minimized if flood prone
areas are identified and the extent of flood is estimated.
Hence, the problem related to flood is crucial and important and therefore flood
estimation is necessary to prevent and predict the damage.
3. Objectives
To assess and to estimate the magnitude flood.
To determine flood characters tics such as intensity, severity and frequency.
To determine hydrological parameters, variables and other related issues with
respect to flood in the basin.
Rainfall intensity maps covering the basin.
To address the extent of flood magnitude in the basin.
4.2 Methodology
The methodology that will be followed mainly focuses on the analysis of the collected
data. This includes:
M.Sc Thesis Proposal 1 By Netsanet Zelalem
Arbaminch University Graduate Studies
Metrological, geological
Hydrological data
Mapping the soil and vegetation characteristics of the basin.
Determination of flood magnitude is analyses through modeling
5. Expected output
Estimated flood magnitude and frequency in the basin.
Developed rainfall run of relationship of the basin.
Possible methods of prevention of flood hazards in the basin.
6. Activity Schedule
Activities Sept Oct Nov Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sets of 10 days in
a month 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Preparation of
Draft Proposal
Discussion on the
draft Proposal
Finalizing and
Literature Review
Data analysis
Preparation &
submission of
interim report and
discussion of
Preparation &
submission of the
final report
7. FinancIial Breakdown
Unit Total
No QT Cost Cost
. Cost Item Unit Y (Birr) (Birr)
1 Material Costs
1.1 Printing Paper t 6 40 240
1.2 Photocopy Paper t 6 40 240
1.3 Flash- Disc LS 1 800 800
1.4 Compact Disc No. 25 20 500
Other Stationeries (Transparent paper,
1.6 mm paper, note book, pen…..) LS 1 800 800
1.7 Maps LS 100 15 1500
1.8 Map Digitizing LS 1 400 400
Sub-Total 4480
2 Service Costs
2.1 Data Encoding LS 1 500 500
2.2 Internet Services LS 1 1000 1000
2.3 Telephone Service LS 1 500 500
2.4 Printing LS 1 600 600
Typing and Binding of Report
2.5 Documents LS 1 500 500
Sub-Total 3100
3 Transportation and Perdiem Costs
Transportation to Addis Ababa and field
visit of different Stations in the study
3.1 area Trips 15 70 1050
Perdiem during data collection and field
visits to Addis Ababa and different
3.2 stations in the study area Days 20 70 1400
3.3 Cost for advisor LS 2 4000 8000
Sub-Total 10450
Costs for purchasing of Software(Miduss
4 IDF curve fit software) for one license LS 1 8600 8600
Sub-Total 8600
Total 26630
Contingency (10%) 2663
Grand Total 29293