Jud Affid Template
Jud Affid Template
Jud Affid Template
1. Are you aware and conscious that this is under oath, and that any falsity of this Affidavit
would subject you to prosecution for false testimony or perjury?
A: Yes sir, I am.
2. Are you the same DR. LUZ FLORA L. YAP, the plaintiff in this case?
A: Yes, sir. I am Dr. Luz Flora Lauron Yap, the plaintiff in this case.
3. Do you know Edgar and Joan Villacorta, the defendants in this instant case?
A: Yes, sir. Edgar and Joan are brother and sister. Their father is Maximo Villacorta. They are
presently residing in my property in Pahina, San Nicolas, Cebu City.
4. What particular property are they presently occupying right now?
A: They are presently occupying my residential house located in the accretion of Lot 1036.
5. How did they acquire the subject property?
A: I acquired the house and lot as my inheritance from my parents Primitivo Lauron Dionisia
6. How come that the Villacortas are now occupying your residential house?
A: Their predecessor-in-interest Pastora Ang Mosqueda leased this property from my father
Primitivo Lauron
7. When did Pastora Ang Mosqueda start leasing this residential property? A: Sometime in
8. Where is Pastora Ang Mosqueda now?
A: She is already dead.
9. After her death, who continued to occupy the subject residential house? A: Lucresia
“Lucring” Ang the daughter of Pastora Ang and her husband Maximo Villacorta.
10. What was the mode of payment of the rental by Lucring to your father? A: Based on our
record, Lucring paid P 800.00 per month until June 1995.
11. How are Edward and Joan related to Lucring?
A: Lucring is the mother of Edgar and Joan and Maximo is the husband.
12.When was the last payment of the rental by the defendants?
A: January 2012.
13.Why did they stop paying the rental?
A: They stopped paying the rental when I asked them to vacate from my property because I
was planning to develop the said property.
14.Where was Lucring now.
A: She is already dead.
15. Who are presently living in the said residential property after the death of Lucring?
A: Maximo their father and Edgar and Joan.
15.How much was the last monthly rental?
A: 1,000.00
16.What did you do when they stopped paying rental?
A: I sued them in the barangay.
17. Could you describe the residential lot and parcel of land on which it is situated?
A: My residential house is constructed on my parcel of land denominated as Lot 1036 with an
area of 307 square meters and located along Tres de Abril St., Pahina San Nicolas, Cebu City.
18.Do you have any proof of ownership of that parcel of land?
A: Yes, sir. I have a Transfer Certificate of Title and a Tax Declaration as proof of my
ownership over said parcel of land. I also caused the survey and preparation of a sketch plan
over said property.
19.If I show to you such documents, would you be able to identify it?
A: Yes.
20. I am now showing to you a certified true copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 100298
of the Registry of Deeds, Cebu City, issued in the name of Luz Flora Lauron Yap. Kindly go
over this document and please tell this Honorable Court if this is the same transfer certificate
of title you are referring to?
A: Yes, sir. That is the one, my certificate of title showing my ownership over Lot 1036
where my residential house is constructed. (Request for marking of Transfer Certificate of
Title No. 100298 as Exhibit “A”)
21.I am also showing to you a certified true copy of Tax Declaration No. 97GR-09-065-
00032 of the Office of the City Assessor, Cebu City and issued in the name of Sps. Lauron
Primitivo. Kindly go over this document as well and please tell this Honorable Court if this is
the same tax declaration you are referring to?
A: Yes, sir, this is my tax declaration over the same parcel of land. (Request for marking of
Tax Declaration No. 97GR-09-065-00032 as Exhibit “B”)
22.I am also showing to you an original copy of the Sketch Plan of Lot No. 1036 as surveyed
for Dionesia R. Lauron and prepared by Geodetic Engineer Cesar V. Tecson. Is this the same
sketch plan you are referring to? A: Yes, sir. That is my sketch plan depicting the survey of
the said property. (Request for marking of Sketch Plan as Exhibit “C”)
23.This sketch plan is prepared and surveyed for Dionesia R. Lauron. How are you related to
A: She was my late mother.
24.How then did you acquire such property?
A: I inherited the same from my late mother, who acquired the same during her lifetime.
25.You said that herein defendants were lessees of your Lot 1036 situated in Pahina San
Nicolas, Cebu City as they constructed their residential house thereon. In this sketch plan, can
you indicate to us and to this Honorable Court which portion in particular the house
constructed by the defendants is situated?
A: The house where the defendants constructed their house is at this portion in the sketch
plan. (Request for marking of the Specific portion of the sketch plan as Exhibit “C-1”)
26.When did the defendants commence the lease of your property?
A: They started leasing the property on ___________________.
27.How much was the monthly rental for the use of the property?
A: The monthly rental for the use of the house P________________.
was at
A: Yes, sir. I spent P10,000.00 for the engagement of a lawyer to prepare the demand letter
and to file this case in court. I will also incur P1,500.00 as appearance fee and P5,000.00 as
litigation expenses.
40.What do you now pray of this Honorable Court?
A: I earnestly pray to this Honorable Court that it render a decision in my favor, ordering
defendants to immediately vacate the premises of Lot No. 1036 and/or pay the appropriate
and accumulated rentals thereon to be determined until the final resolution of the case.
I also humbly beg the Honorable Court to order defendants to pay the amount of P10,000.00
as attorney’s fees, P5,000.00 as litigation fees and P1,500.00 for every court appearance of
my lawyer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ______ day of January 2013, in
Cebu City, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, in the on the _____ day of January 2013, affiant
exhibited to me her competent evidence of identity with the details shown above.
I hereby certify that I personally know herein affiant being my client, and after having
personally examined him I am fully convinced that he has personally read and understood the
foregoing judicial affidavit and the allegations herein.
I, PAULINO B. LABRADO, of legal age, Filipino, married and holding office at Rm. 202,
Aniceta Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, do hereby depose and state:
1. That I was the lawyer who conducted/supervised the Affiant DR. LUZ FLORA L. YAP in
the execution of her judicial affidavit;
2. That the execution of said Judicial Affidavit was done in my office at Rm. 202, Aniceta
Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, Philippines on the _____ day of January 2013;
3. That I faithfully recorded the questions and the corresponding answers that she gave;
4. That neither did I coach her nor were there any other person doing the same regarding her
answers to the questions;
5. That I execute the foregoing affidavit to attest to the veracity of the foregoing facts and for
whatever legal purpose this may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand this ______ day of January 2013
in the City of Cebu, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on the date and place above mentioned, affiant
having exhibited to me his Integrated Bar of the Philippines ID No. 46534.
I also hereby certify that I personally know herein affiant, him being a partner in the law
Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. ____;
Series of 2013.