Gospel of Luke

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Gospel of John, chapter 5, versus 39

Дослідіть но Писання, бо ви думаєте, що в них маєте вічне життя, вони
ж свідчать про Мене!
Простежте Писання, в яких, як ото ви гадаєте, ваше життя вічне, - а й вони
свідчать за мене!

Both translations are from the Gospel of John, chapter 5, verse 39

Ohiienko's translation emphasizes the idea of investigating or searching the
Scriptures because the people believed they contained eternal life and testified about
Khomenko's translation also urges the examination of the Scriptures, suggesting that
eternal life is thought to be found within them, and they testify about Jesus.

Lexical Differences:
In Ohiienko’s version you think but you don’t have this eternal life.
The word "Дослідіть" in Ohiienko`s, while "Простежте" in Khomenko`s. This
reflects a difference in the choice of verbs to convey the idea of examining or
investigating the Scriptures.
The word "но" in Ohiienko`s, while "в яких" in Khomenko`s .These words serve as
connectors in the sentence structure, but they differ in their specific meanings and
The pronoun "ви" (you) is used in both translations, but it is followed by different
verbs. In Ohiienko`s, it is followed by "думаєте", while in Khomenko, it is followed
by "гадаєте".

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