Example Research Paper On Joseph Stalin

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Writing a thesis can be an incredibly challenging task.

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Joseph Stalin, as one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, presents a myriad of
complexities and controversies that must be addressed in any thorough examination. From his rise to
power within the Soviet Union to his implementation of sweeping political and economic reforms,
there is no shortage of material to explore. Moreover, delving into Stalin's legacy requires careful
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Terror. Stalin aimed to eliminate those disloyal to him and although this occurred, it. For Later 100%
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inside document. George Dumitrache Stalin’s Social Policies Stalin’s Social Policies Reuben Ong
Joseph stalin Joseph stalin gsadsocialstudies CAMBRIDGE A2 HISTORY: STALIN ECONOMIC
AIMS - COLLECTIVISATION AND INDUSTRIALI. The policy of collectivization was aimed at
eliminating the Kulaks who were the main owners of land and they employed peasant workers to
work in their farms for their own benefits. The Politburo made sure that the focus of these arrests and
executions were kulaks and political prisoners who were allegedly inciting sabotage and anti-Soviet
crimes. Lenin’s writings were often vague and seemed to contradict themselves. As such, no
sufficient amount of reason seems available in rendering Stalin the justice to explicate the harsh
measures of imprisonment and assassinations that were especially infamous on the cases of the
reputed revolutionary heads Sergey Kirov and Trotsky where nearly everyone claimed that Stalin
was, with evidence, beyond match to the latter who had already employed successful leadership of
the Red Army (Pereira). That is why the state figured that it would be more advantageous if they
were eliminated and instead used the peasant workers to work in large state owned farms using
modern technology. Rather than debasing the party as they had hoped, this action led to their
complete removal from the Politburo in 1926 and 1927. The Party proceeded from the fact that
without collectivisation it would be impossible to lead our country on to the high road of building
the economic foundations of socialism, impossible to free the vast masses of the labouring peasantry
from poverty and ignorance. According to the Julian Calendar, which was used in Russia up to that
time, the revolution took place in October). Democratic Party of Georgia. “As a junior member of
the clandestine revolutionary. Stalin believed that Russia had to 10 years to the western world; he
became increasingly paranoid and power-mad which led to his regime of terror. During this period of
famine, Stalin refused to hand over grain reserves to peasant farmers arguing that they were hiding
harvests from their farms. Thousands of people particularly in Ukraine died during this time when
there was massive crop failure in the Soviet Union. It is obvious that Stalinism is a form of
totalitarianism. Working conditions for workers especially slave laborers was also not taken into
consideration. All of this happened because Stalin wanted Russia to become an Industrial
superpower, which happened later In his dictatorship. System where the General Secretary held a
large amount of power by being the only. In a desperation for his country to become more
industrialized, “Stalin wanted Russia to become an industrial superpower, so he moved families to
the coldest regions of Siberia” (Ingram, 64). Stalin did not play a large role in the creation of the
soviet state. Because, not only did he just use terror to run Russia, he had many ideas to industrialise
and improve the country, using his economic policies to keep the country running. The secret police
were used much in the same was as Pre-Stalin Russia. Although the kulaks were relatively wealthy
and successful, the thousands of tiny, backward peasant farms were not producing enough to feed
the population. In contrast Trotsky supported rapid industrialisation. Death was not uncommon
among the forced workers, forced labour therefore, was not only a way of bringing about
industrialisation in the USSR as fast as possible, it was also a calculated attempt to eliminate threats
to the government. After the Bolsheviks overthrew the government in October 1917, they managed
to hold on to power by winning the civil war; which was started because other parties demanded a
share in government; however the Bolshevik leaders wanted to govern alone. When Stalin emerged
with growing control and power especially over matters dealt with by the Communist Party’s Central
Committee where he got appointed the General Secretary in 1922, he gradually formulated agendas
that would make him acquire the most suitable path toward higher order of leadership.
TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AFTER 1750:Political revolution in the eas.
This secret police had to meet certain quotas in arrests and in how many killings they did (Keller). To
analyze at depth, his accumulated strengths could not be pondered on the basis of sole logic without
an equivalent degree of mystery since there prevailed two disputing faces of his character.
Korean War. When he was finished with helping North Korea he planned to accuse. At the same
time, many of the workers were slave workers and kulaks, wealthy Russian farmers who opposed
collectivisation, from the gulag. To this effect, targets were set for every industry and worker in the
Soviet Union. Stalin believed that Russia had to 10 years to the western world; he became
increasingly paranoid and power-mad which led to his regime of terror. These events in Stalin’s
childhood dramatically influenced the later events as an adult. Failure to meet the set target was met
with dire consequences. All he was interested in was to teach students his way of thinking and this
obviously led to a clash with the administration. “After he was expelled from school, Stalin became
a young political think tank and even tried to sell the idea of Marxism” in newspaper articles
(Hingley 105). For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 138 views 2 pages
History Revision Stalin - S Rise Past Paper Questions. However, the reasons given for expulsion
such as being spies or linked to spies, being Zinovievites and being former White Guards or Kulaks,
suggest that it was a fear of opposition within the party that incited these purges as opposed to a
desire for more respectable party members. His family did not make that much money. “The elder
Dzhugashvili, an alcoholic, worked as a shoemaker and abandoned the family when Joseph was a
boy, and later died in a brawl.” (“Joseph Stalin”). When Joseph was about seven he got smallpox and
his Mother struggled to take care of him and make money at the same time. Kamanev and Ziniviev
were now against Stalin because opposed the NEP and were now his greatest opposition. This was
not acceptable to Stalin who saw the NEP as unpopular and believed that the Party should oppose
private property and profit. Stalin also enforced managers by introducing line managers who would
commend managers and others for hard work and would award them in many ways, such as better
housing, food, privileges, etc. Perhaps this was the biggest motivation in launching the five year
plans. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The plan was also responsible for setting the pace of
industrialization in the Soviet Union. This was done through the implementation of Five Year Plans
whose goals assisted. It was perhaps then inevitable that this change in policy should be
accompanied by a purge of party members. So although many people suffered or died during the
work, and wages fell - the successes were huge. Many workers also died during the construction of
dams and other buildings and there was hardly any compensation. Additionally, Stalin was able to
use Lenin’s writings to gain power. He was the son of Viassarion Ivanovich and Y akaterina
Gheleadze Dzhugashvili. Most of those put on trial confessed as they were promised that their lives
would be spared if they were helpful, all the accused were found guilty and shot. This was not
acceptable to Stalin who saw the NEP as unpopular and believed that the Party should oppose private
property and profit. Therefore, Stalin’s role in the creation of the Soviet state. Stalin badly needed
the Soviet Union to become an industrialized state as quickly as possible. Stalin relaxed the rules for
a while, but in 1931 he again tried to enforce collectivisation again there was the same resistance and
another, worse famine. Historian Robert Conquest suggests that “Stalin’s decision was that Kirov had
to be killed”, showing that he was involved in the planning of the murder. Bolshevik infiltration of
workers’ soviets and military units gave Lenin forces close to Petrograd, which outweighed the
greater popularity of his moderate rivals, the Mensheviks. Though he played no direct involvement in
the October Revolution of 1917, Stalin proved useful in the Bolshevik party due to his practical yet
professional application of democratic centralism, a profoundly revered ideology of Vladimir Lenin.
The factors already mentioned, led to a climate of fear in the Soviet Union. Friends. It is obvious that
Stalinism is a form of totalitarianism. The factors already mentioned, led to a climate of fear in the
Soviet Union. Friends. Nadezhda committed suicide in 1932.” (“Joseph Stalin”). It was perhaps then
inevitable that this change in policy should be accompanied by a purge of party members. Stalin
needed cheap labour; so many ordinary people were sent to the gulag where perhaps half were
worked to death. They were were easily voted out of the politburo in 1926 because of Stalin’s
overwhelming support in the party they were on the unpopular side. This was done through the
implementation of Five Year Plans whose goals assisted. That is why the state figured that it would
be more advantageous if they were eliminated and instead used the peasant workers to work in large
state owned farms using modern technology. Debate Related documents Midterm 1 Multiple Choice
Practice SH answer Brush-floss - Step by step guide. Although Stalin did not only rely on terror to
keep control, there was a distinct move in that direction after the murder of Sergei Kirov, leader of
the Leningrad Communist Party. Hence, to a certain extent, colleagues and critics may have felt
Stalin to possess both ambition and strategy in response to such insecure concern as to win the favor
of the millions of impoverished peasants and workers who were commonly bound to cultural
parochialism and whose illiteracy was shortly swayed to the notion that Stalin, as a leading figure,
ought to be their role model. The purges as they were famously known were executions and public
punishment directed towards opponents of Stalin’s plans. Many pictures were edited to show him
and Lenin together, when no such picture existed. It soon dawned on the war veteran that things
were literally not moving as first as he wished. The most important reason was the institutions that
gave him power. There was a split in the party as to what was best to better the economy. His family
did not make that much money. “The elder Dzhugashvili, an alcoholic, worked as a shoemaker and
abandoned the family when Joseph was a boy, and later died in a brawl.” (“Joseph Stalin”). When
Joseph was about seven he got smallpox and his Mother struggled to take care of him and make
money at the same time. It is obvious that Stalinism is a form of totalitarianism. The basis of our
system is public property, just as private property is the basis of capitalism. Thesis Statement: Stalin ’
s program of collectivisation did non assist but instead hurt Russia ’ s. Lenin, the leader of the Soviet
Union at the time, was. The force used by the NKVD between 1936 and 1938has become known as
the Great. For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 138 views 2 pages History
Revision Stalin - S Rise Past Paper Questions. Stalin ensured that the 1927 Party Congress was filled
with his supporters, while Bukharin gave excellent speeches explaining why Zinoviev and
Kamenev’s policies were wrong. He ruled with an iron fist and is said to be very ruthless. A group
emerged know as Stakhanovists who were a series of. Therefore, Stalin’s role in the creation of the
Soviet state. In 1927, Stalin declared that the way forward was for people in each village to
voluntarily unite their farms into one collective farm. Stalin had all along wanted to rally people
behind a common goal which he believed in.
Workers are learning to operate the world's most modern machines; peasant boys make and use
agricultural machinery bigger and more complicated than ever America has seen. There was a split in
the party as to what was best to better the economy. To ensure that the industrial plan was
successful, Stalin paid more attention to producing industrial and capital goods. (Ulam 23).
Consequently, less emphasis was paid to production of goods for consumption and improving living
conditions of workers. For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 138 views 2
pages History Revision Stalin - S Rise Past Paper Questions. Whether this was a way of ridding the
party of lazy members and drunks or whether Stalin was trying to rid himself of critics and potential
rivals is debatable. There were champion workers called Stakhanovites, named after a coal miner who
broke the record for the amount of coal dug up in a single shift. Russian doctors of planning to kill
Soviet officials. War II. Stalin hoped that the agreement would stop Hitler from invading the Soviet.
Although Stalin’s role in creating the Soviet State was minor his role in establishing. Stalin predicted
with Germany led to him modifying the goals, putting less. Only industry, transport and banking
remained under State control. The triumvirate supported the concept “socialism in one country”-
focused on improving situation in USSR, an idea which was popular. He has also banned members
of the party from opposing the party leadership through the 1921 ban on factions. Before his death,
Lenin's Testament criticised each of these and there was no. Many underestimated Stalin and would
not have though that by 1929, he would be leader of the USSR. Stalin gained most of his aims and
collectivisation was very successful, however the human cost was immense, as millions of kulaks
were killed and many died in the famine. During the era of Capone, there were numerous mobsters
who held power. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili better known as Joseph Stalin. Failure to meet
the set target was met with dire consequences. In making people fear him greatly, he could secure
allegiance and use most things to his advantage. This meant that most people in the party supported
him, and could outvote Trotsky. Although Stephen Cohen, in a documentary about Stalin, suggests
that these arrests were arbitrary, those targeted by the purge would seem to be only people with the
possibility of posing even the slightest threat to Stalin’s authority. Stalin eventually had T rotsky
exiled from the Soviet Union. ! Stalin wanted to make his totalitarian idea real by ruling the
communist party with stability and order. They would simply take a person out of their home and kill
them on order, and then erase their existence. He was a very intelligent man and used his knowledge
to organise the Red Army. His roles within the part gave him the power to appoint, promote and sack
party members. However they enabled him to accumulate power and influence throughout the whole
Bolshevik party, which proved key to his success and to Trotsky’s downfall. He studied priesthood
because his highly religious Mother wanted him to. Nadezhda committed suicide in 1932.” (“Joseph
Stalin”). Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies, CA Privacy
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