Research Paper Topics For A Streetcar Named Desire

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Struggling to find the perfect research paper topics for "A Streetcar Named Desire"?

Look no
further! Crafting a thesis around this iconic play by Tennessee Williams can be a daunting task. The
layers of complexity within the characters, themes, and symbolism demand careful consideration and

Exploring the intricacies of the human condition as portrayed in "A Streetcar Named Desire" requires
a deep understanding of its historical context, the author's intentions, and the cultural milieu of mid-
20th century America. From examining the downfall of Blanche DuBois to dissecting the dynamics
of power and desire, the possibilities for research paper topics are endless.

Here are a few compelling research paper topics to kickstart your academic journey:

1. The Tragic Heroine: Analyzing Blanche DuBois's descent into madness.

2. Gender Roles and Expectations in "A Streetcar Named Desire."
3. The Southern Gothic Tradition: Exploring the genre in Williams's play.
4. Symbolism of Light and Darkness: A study of contrasting imagery.
5. The Destruction of Dreams: Stanley Kowalski as a symbol of the American Dream's failure.
6. Psychological Realism in Tennessee Williams's Characterization.
7. The Influence of Freudian Psychoanalysis in "A Streetcar Named Desire."
8. Social Class and Conflict: The clash between Old South aristocracy and New South
9. The Role of Music and Sound in Setting the Mood.
10. Theatrical Techniques: Examining the use of staging and dialogue in conveying meaning.

While the prospect of delving into such rich material may seem overwhelming, you don't have to
tackle it alone. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges of crafting a compelling
thesis. Our team of experienced writers specializes in literary analysis and can provide expert
guidance to help you navigate the complexities of "A Streetcar Named Desire." Don't let the stress of
academic writing derail your success—order from ⇒ ⇔ today and unlock your
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Reviews 4 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Her
sister betrays her in the past, by leaving her to take care of the family, and once again when she turns
to her for help. In your answer you must consider relevant contextual factors. There was a lot of
conflict in this play Blanche, Stella and Stanley they were all very different, So when all of them was
living in one house certainly it would happen some conflicts, especially Stanley and Blanche, they
had characters which extremely different. My Country Name is Pakistan. 2. It has four provinces. 3.
It is situated in Co. New Orleans is a cosmopolitan city where there is a relatively warm and easy
intermingling of races in the old part of town. Identify the main elements in the speech and show
how they summaries Blanche’s vision of what “ought to be the truth”. This Old South diction has to
do with reactions to certain events that would be treated differently back in those days, such as
playing poker with women in the house. Blanche entertained numerous men, and was later
discharged from her school following her seduction of a seventeen year old boy. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Her denial of her
own shortcomings and weak points such as alcohol, sexual promiscuity, as well as her inflated ego,
all equate to why she ends up in the situation that concludes the play. Stanley is very intimidating
and very depressing to Blanche who tries to do the up most to be nice to him and his wife Stella. It
also makes us wonder what will happen between Blanche and Stanley. Stanley suspects more lies
from Blanche throughout the play and gets increasingly angrier throughout. This in turn would put
greater emphasis on Blanche being able to talk to him the way she does at some points. Blanch and
Stella have a warm reunion, but Blanch has some bad news: Belle Reve, the family mansion, has
been lost. Show how the dramatist makes you aware of the conflict and discuss the extent to which
you find the solution of the problem satisfying. By meeting Mitch, she realized that he is the man
who could relieve her of her nightmares from the tragedy. Stanley becomes angry when Stella
answers back to him, and he pounces on Stella and starts beating her. The music and sound effects
are quite smooth when Blanche and Mitch are together, the music is quite romantic and very quite.
Blanche believes that she is going on a vacation in the country with Shep. However violent Stanley
might be, she won’t reveal that her relationship has problems to Blanche or anyone. He uses Stella’s
trust in Blanche to give the audience more faith in Blanche. You should make links to relevant
contextual factors. The culture that she adheres forbids cross-class relationships and considers sex to
be an immoral and dirty act only to be done in private and with your spouse. You can use this sample
for research and reference purposes to help create your own paper. Already knowing who gets mad,
Stanley ends up throwing a plate on to the floor after Stella made him upset and angry. Stella,
twenty-five years old and pregnant, lives with her blue collar husband Stanley Kowalski. When the
lights fade on the gauzy, shimmers exterior and rise on the inside two rooms of the apartment, the
contrast from the beauty-?even beauty in decay-?is startling. Stanley looks into Blanche's past, and
he passes the information on to Mitch.
Blanche’s failure led to her complete destruction, while Stanley’s turned him into his wife’s sister’s
rapist. These sounds go very well with the story as it helps the story progress. However Stanley
exposed all her frauds without any sympathy. The playwright uses instructions like “stalks into the
bedroom,” and has Stella tell Stanley to “Be Still!” In an attempt to have the actor playing Stanley to
behave more like a predator. Her love for Stanley gave him the advantage over his enemy.Blanches
jealousy is also quite noticeable in many scenes. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your
rating is required to reflect your happiness. The violence largely consists of the men (Stanley, Pablo,
Steve and Mitch) being angry at one another or at their wives. Moving along with the theme of
distorted reality accompanied by personal denial, Stella has also got a growing problem. That night,
she also meets Mitch, and there is an immediate mutual attraction between the two. Blanche is
overcome by sickness; she cannot return to Laurel, and Stanley knows it. They fight and Blanche
tries to stab him with a broken bottle top. This fakeness takes the trust that was built up by Stella
away from Blanche. Tensions build in the apartment throughout the summer. While she is there
Stanley comes home, he gives Blanche a frank stare and they have an awkward conversation, we find
out Blanche had a husband who died when they were both very young. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. She wears white, to present
herself as pure, and untouched, something which she is far from. Blanch and Stella have a warm
reunion, but Blanch has some bad news: Belle Reve, the family mansion, has been lost. The world
outside the apartment is not any better than inside, yet the home in which one should seek for refuge
from problems, turned out to be the source of their largest problem; this may have added to the
confusion between fantasy and reality. Stanley continues to search for evidence on Blanches
blemished past, finding people who knew her in Laurel, the town where she lived and taught
English. In doing so, she compels herself to believe in a very stringent culture that places various
restrictions on one’s behavior. Franz and River come to his father’s plantation house sneaking
through the window, and when Toni comes downstairs, the next sentence you hear is from Toni
saying, “Frank. She was involved with a seventeen-year-old boy at her school, which is the reason
for her sudden departure. He uses Stella’s trust in Blanche to give the audience more faith in
Blanche. She is practically thrown out, relations between the characters deteriorate steadily, with
Blanche. Since Blanche refers to death as the opposite of desire, that in a way, tells that sex and
death are in conflict with each other, though the former leads to latter as the story explains. For
example, at the poker night, when she showed her kindness to Stanley's friends, but Stanley put a
damper on her (p.48). I think that because from the first time, Stanley had a deep prejudice against
Blanche, he thought that Blanche didn't tell the truth of her past. It’s bad enough my kid’s been
exposed to this bullshit once” says Bo (p.27). Again, language is used as a tool to show anger, curse
words are often used in the sense of emphasizing a character’s emotion, and if were replaced with
non-curse words the tone of the line can be mis-interpreted by the audience or reader. Stella, twenty-
five years old and pregnant, lives with her blue collar husband Stanley Kowalski. We needed to see
Blanche and Mitch’s relationship develop and unfold. In another scene when Stanley rifles through
the personal things in Blanche’s trunk, it’s as though he’s violating her as well.
New Orleans is a cosmopolitan city where there is a relatively warm and easy intermingling of races
in the old part of town. In this film there is a lot of fighting or violent intention by some of the
characters, also there is a lot of twists and turns for example when Blanche gets drawn into madness.
Mitch arrives later to talk to the drunk Blanche and she attempts to cover up her drunken state and
keep him in her life. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. In Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire, a major subject that is
present is reality versus semblance. The character known as Toni, is the oldest sibling of three, in her
late forties or early fifties, and is one of, if not the angriest character in this play. A doctor and nurse
come and take Blanche away to the asylum. The characteristics of Stanley and Blanche were poles
apart. By connecting the two scenes, Kazan suggests a continuation in character relationships. An
example of non-verbal anger comes from scene eight in A Streetcar Named Desire. The protagonist,
Blanche Dubois, lives in her own fantasy world and has constant delusional outbursts. On the other
hand, Stanley always attacked Blanche's painful points, which she tried to forget them, and began a
new life. I have looked into the text in the book and quoted from it, I have also used it to describe
the mood of the film at different times of the story. Also the activities she got up to in her hotel
room which got her evicted. She gathers Stella's clothes and they go up to Eunice's place. But she
failed. Stella chose brutish love rather than a better life. And moths go away from the light, as they
do not like it. His inability to see these specific characteristics within himself is labeled as his
detachment from reality. These essay plans feature topic sentences, quotes, critical statements and
context.These essay plans are VERY detailed and can be used in isolation to revise for different
possible essay questions. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect
your happiness. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Tensions build in the apartment throughout the summer. Neither Blanche nor Stanley has
managed their desire properly. Blanche, due to her upbringing, still believes herself to be a blue-
blooded Lady. The dramatist uses stage directions like “pulls open the wardrobe.” This shows that
he is invading her privacy, but the reason he is doing this is because he thinks that she is keeping
something from him, something that will make him some money. A Streetcar Named Desire In this
assignment what we have to do in this essay is to write a how Tennessee Williams uses dramatic
devise of conflict in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' in the essay we have to include different types of
conflict in the play which makes it very exiting. Since she was declared “out of bounds” and
banished from Belle Reve, she had to opt to stay with her sister, where she took to the kindness of
Mitch a gentle stranger in the beginning who becomes her boyfriend. What rises again and again,
however, to contradict such a position is a comic spirit that continuously puts the audience off
balance. Whether the cruelty is deliberate or not, it leads to the destruction of others, each bodily
and mentally. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?5.00 5.00 1
review BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 6
September 2021 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest Minky's Shop 2.20 5 reviews Not the right resource.
According also cancelled by compensatory movements. but they. Similar Samples. Contact Us If you
have any idea how best to write about Streetcar named desire analysis essay, please contact us
immediately. Blanche and Stella greet each with passion but before long Blanche becomes irritable.
One night, the night when Stanley hosts a poker game, he gets too drunk and beats Stella. Since she
is dealing with the loss of her husband, Belle Reve, she envies her sister’s happiness and protection
and how she has sexual freedom. Growing up he had a strange relationship with his parents, they
were not exactly the best parents and their marriage too was not exactly great they had many
downfalls due to his father being very violent, aggressive and. He shows up with his now fiance
named River, to come apologize for any wrong doings he may have done to his siblings. Blanch and
Stella have a warm reunion, but Blanch has some bad news: Belle Reve, the family mansion, has
been lost. Both Stella and Blanche come from wealthy families. Furthermore he is not ignorant
toward the law, as he questions Blanche about the “Napoleonic code”, a law stating everything
which belongs to the wife belongs to the husband as well. Moving along with the theme of distorted
reality accompanied by personal denial, Stella has also got a growing problem. He demonstrates that
when the two universes intersect, world will nail the. The literature is fairly straight forward in terms
of being fancy or not, it delivers the effective message and essay on streetcar named desire the mood
of a great big family dispute. Blanche Dubois, Stella's older sister, arrives unexpectedly, carrying all
that she owns. Stanley is a very sexual man and sex is part of what makes him tick. That night
Stanley has his friends round for a poker game and this is where Blanche first meets Mitch they talk
about things they have in common and she tells him she is Stella’s younger sister we know this isn’t
true. Her numerous amorous encounters destroyed her reputation in Laurel, leading to her loss of her
job as a high school English teacher and her near-expulsion from town. But the only way to live with
such a man is to go to bed with him. He takes off his shirt on the grounds that he wants to be
“comfortable.” While Blanche pretends to be ok with this, we know later that such informalities in
fact make her feel uncomfortable. For example, at the poker night, when she showed her kindness to
Stanley's friends, but Stanley put a damper on her (p.48). I think that because from the first time,
Stanley had a deep prejudice against Blanche, he thought that Blanche didn't tell the truth of her past.
There are 7 detailed essay plans on the main characters and themes, as well as a couple of example
essays. Stanley's roughness bothers Blanche; he makes no effort to be gentle with her. Through these
broken and twisted characters, Williams teaches us not to blindly follow desire’s siren call but rather
suggests that we do so only in moderation. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
This transports us into the third dimension, and more importantly Stella into the hospital. I also think
the way Tennessee Williams has write the story is very good, it has themes famous of the author such
as sexual passion, madness and the haunting legacy of the past. Also the activities she got up to in
her hotel room which got her evicted. She asks him to marry her, and when he doesn't, she kicks him
out of the apartment. Stanley mercilessly destroys Blanche's illusions, one by one, and then rapes
her. Mitch arrives later to talk to the drunk Blanche and she attempts to cover up her drunken state
and keep him in her life. This dramatic irony is in direct contrast to Blanche’s attitude when she
comes out of the bath, because the acts as if everything is going fine.
And she tried her best to adjust herself to that environment. But the only way to live with such a
man is to go to bed with him. The themes illusion and fantasy are important themes in the play as
they play a role which allows the characters to live in a different world from reality. The dramatist
uses stage directions like “pulls open the wardrobe.” This shows that he is invading her privacy, but
the reason he is doing this is because he thinks that she is keeping something from him, something
that will make him some money. Franz and River come to his father’s plantation house sneaking
through the window, and when Toni comes downstairs, the next sentence you hear is from Toni
saying, “Frank. The first two received Pulitzer Prizes and each was given the Drama Critics Circle
Award. My Country Name is Pakistan. 2. It has four provinces. 3. It is situated in Co. The
relationship between Blanche and Mitch had been developing steadily. This resource hasn't been
reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can
review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The character
known as Toni, is the oldest sibling of three, in her late forties or early fifties, and is one of, if not
the angriest character in this play. See other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Her love for Stanley gave him the advantage
over his enemy.Blanches jealousy is also quite noticeable in many scenes. Williams here uses this
portrayal of a southern invasion because it creates a contrast between the Dubois Sisters and
everyone else. Mid-fight, she tells him to take her to the hospital: the baby is coming. All this conflict
made Blanche suicide by getting poisoned. Eunice is like the agony aunt who always helps Blanche
and Stella when there is any trouble with Stanley or anything else like that. It did appear as though
the image would turn out to be actuality, until Stan interfered. Furthermore she portrays herself has a
high-class, respected woman which she believes “ought to be the truth” but in reality she was
considered a prostitute and was not respected by her community as she was asked to leave. This
would be extremely useful for teachers and for students’ independent revision. Stanley mercilessly
destroys Blanche's illusions, one by one, and then rapes her. He was a man who was keen to protect
his sexual relationship with his wife and this is one of the reasons why Blanche thought it was
important for her to protect her sister from his violent acts. Light represents truth, and Blanche wants
to cloak the truth by covering it up. Since Blanche refers to death as the opposite of desire, that in a
way, tells that sex and death are in conflict with each other, though the former leads to latter as the
story explains. She always wanted to gloss her ugly sides from other people. (p.30) Then during their
talking, the black cat appeared before Blanche again, that interrupted their conversation. The use of
anger in these plays are used through verbal language, and non-verbal body language, as well as
physical anger that is violence. The choice of jazz encases the growth as well as degeneration of
integrity throughout the characters and their actions. Mitch on the other hand is quite quiet and shy
towards everybody and is the weaker member of the men who play poker (Stanley, Steve, Pablo and
Mitch). Stanley initially distrusts Blanche, thinking that she's swindled them; the idea is ludicrous,
and eventually Stanley realizes that Blanche is hardly the swindling type. She walks out of the house
with him and will go to the institution. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Blanche is overcome by sickness; she cannot return to Laurel, and Stanley knows it. Being a part of a
society every human is trying to follow some moral principles that define what is good. If these
characters did not use verbal, non-verbal body language, or physical violence to other characters,
then they would be portrayed less angry than intended or not angry at all. Mid-fight, she tells him to
take her to the hospital: the baby is coming. Although, essay on streetcar named desire, as the play
progresses, Stella begins to accept the feelings of denial that are dormant throughout all of the
drama. He is, however, also the author of many other plays including the well respected The Rose
Tattoo, Suddenly Last Summer, and Sweet Bird of Youth. Blanche and Stanley look on each other as
mortal enemies, and Blanche turns increasingly to alcohol for comfort. Stella cries to see her sister
leave but believes it is for the better, while Stanley is content that life will now finally go back to
normal, now that Blanche is gone. This in turn would put greater emphasis on Blanche being able to
talk to him the way she does at some points. Also the activities she got up to in her hotel room which
got her evicted. This extended essay intends to explore the extent to which Tennessee Williams uses
the protagonist to portray escapism as her coping mechanism that ultimately leads to her self-
destruction. Furthermore she portrays herself has a high-class, respected woman which she believes
“ought to be the truth” but in reality she was considered a prostitute and was not respected by her
community as she was asked to leave. Tennessee Williams is one of America's most famous and well-
respected authors. She gathers Stella's clothes and they go up to Eunice's place. I think Blanche was
a little bit wicked, because her marriage was very unhappy and she had already suffered a lot from
losing her husband. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. They open up to one another saying how they both need somebody and that they would
be good for each other. Blanche as a belle from an aristocratic background, she had her pride from
upper class. Stella would be the static character within this play, since she her opinions do not change
no matter what is said. By Tennessee putting these characters in it gives us an insight of what the
future might hold for Stella and Stanley. He picks up her inert figure and carries her to the bed”
(p.162). Instead, a doctor and nurse arrive at the door to have her committed. This internal conflict
causes a divide within herself, contributing to the deterioration of her psyche. A doctor and nurse
come and take Blanche away to the asylum. However, when she saw Stella and Stanley were so
happy when they together, she felt jealous in her heart. Stanley is very intimidating and very
depressing to Blanche who tries to do the up most to be nice to him and his wife Stella. Mitch arrives
later to talk to the drunk Blanche and she attempts to cover up her drunken state and keep him in her
life. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback.
The plays also widely discussed the plight of immigrants and settlers. Neither Blanche nor Stanley
has managed their desire properly.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The
character known as Toni, is the oldest sibling of three, in her late forties or early fifties, and is one of,
if not the angriest character in this play. As for the first time Blanche saw the cat when she arrived at
this place, she was startled by it. Analysis of the new labour welfare ideology and policy. Where you
may get essays on a streetcar named desire wrong when writing English The Pit and the Pendulum
Changes in Nursing Tuesdays with Morrie. Tennessee Williams was born in 1911 in Columbus
Mississippi but moved to St. It's gonna be all right again between you and me the way it was. The
protagonist, Blanche Dubois, lives in her own fantasy world and has constant delusional outbursts.
This can involve throwing things, not particularly directed at a person so it is not violence. He
demonstrates that when the two universes intersect, world will nail the. Neither Blanche nor Stanley
has managed their desire properly. She acts like a saint and far superior, but in reality she is as bad as
everyone else, with her troubled past. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. It strengthened the horrid atmosphere at that place and the fear in
Blanche's mind. A Streetcar Named Desire In this assignment what we have to do in this essay is to
write a how Tennessee Williams uses dramatic devise of conflict in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' in the
essay we have to include different types of conflict in the play which makes it very exiting. Her
numerous amorous encounters destroyed her reputation in Laurel, leading to her loss of her job as a
high school English teacher and her near-expulsion from town. The doctor is gentle and persuades
her to go with him. This escalades further when a photo album of a bunch of photos of black men
getting by the Ku Klux Klan owned by their father. She cannot face the truth and forces herself to
ignore reality and only see the untrue hope. Stanley arranges for a doctor to come and take Blanche
away to the asylum. The cleanliness was outlined with the conservative notion and it also went along
with the somewhat traditional lifestyle that the Kowalski family attempted to live. These misfortunes
are stifled as much as possible and are avoided at the cost of the integrity of Blanche herself. See
other similar resources ?5.00 4.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own
paper. In the 1940’s the demand for theater acts and movie role playing for entertainment started to
take root in the hearts and minds of locals. In. And moths go away from the light, as they do not like
it. It’s set in the lower class slum of the city where Stella married into. Also the activities she got up
to in her hotel room which got her evicted. What rises again and again, however, to contradict such a
position is a comic spirit that continuously puts the audience off balance. That night, she also meets
Mitch, and there is an immediate mutual attraction between the two.

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