Network Design Assignment

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Information Assurance

Information Assurance (IA) is the study of how to protect your information assets from destruction,
degradation, manipulation and exploitation. But also, how to recover should any of those happen.

Categories of information assurance

 Physical security-refers to the protection of hardware, software, and data against physical
threats to reduce or prevent disruptions to operations and services and loss of assets.

 Personnel security- is a variety of ongoing measures taken to reduce the likelihood of

accidental and intentional alteration, destruction, misappropriation, misuse. Unauthorized
distribution, and unavailability of an organization’s logical and physical assets, as the result of
action or inaction by insiders and known outsiders, such as business partners.

 IT security- is the inherent technical features and functions that collectively contribute to an IT
infrastructure achieving and sustaining confidentiality.

 Operational security-involves the implementation of standard operational security procedures

that define the nature and frequency of the interaction between users, systems, and system

Components of IA


Availability means that users can access the data stored in their networks or use services that are
featured within those networks


Upholding an information system’s integrity involves keeping its network intact and uncompromised;

thus, the primary goal of this pillar is to set up safeguards that deter threats. For example, viruses and

malicious code are the most common threats to a system’s integrity.

Keeping sensitive data private using safeguards like data encryption is an extremely important

function of IA professionals. Confidentiality involves protecting private information from disclosure

to any unauthorized users, systems, or other entities


IA professionals use authentication methods to verify a user’s identity before allowing them to access
data. Common authentication methods include a username and password combination, and biometric
logins, such as fingerprint scanning recognition.

Information Assurance Process

 Enumeration and classification of the information assets to be protected.

 Next, the IA practitioner will perform a risk assessment f or those assets.

 Vulnerabilities in the information assets are determined in order to enumerate the threats capable
of exploiting the assets.

 Consider the probability and impact of a threat exploiting vulnerability in an asset, with impact
usually measured in terms of cost to the asset's stakeholders.

 The sum of the products of the threats' impact and the probability of their occurring is the total
risk to the information asset.

With the risk assessment complete, the IA practitioner then develops a risk management plan. A risk
management plan proposes countermeasures.

Countermeasure - an action, device, procedure, or technique that reduces a threat, a vulnerability, or an

attack by eliminating or preventing it, by minimizing the harm it can cause, or by discovering and
reporting it so that corrective action can be taken.

Some countermeasures include:

1. Detection
2. Acceptance
3. Mitigation/Justification
4. Response to threats
5. Eliminating
6. Considering Prevention
7. Transferring the risks

Importance of Information Assurance

 It focuses on finding more effective ways to safeguard and maintain control over important

 Facilitates ongoing risk assessment as security threats are always evolving and finding new ways
to exploit vulnerabilities.

 Risk assessments can give your organization a better understanding of potential security
vulnerabilities in your information system.

 Without Information Assurance measures in place, it will be difficult for your organization to be
confident in the integrity of your information.

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