ECN Experiment WorkBook

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Electronic Circuits And

Network Analysis
Diploma in
Electronics and Communication
LJ Polytechnic

This is to certified that a bonafide record of practical work done by


aring a Roll No._______________________ in Semester ____________ of

_________________________________________________ Branch in the

____________________________________ laboratory during the academic

year ________________ under our supervision.

Subject In-Charge Head of the Department

Roll No.: _____________________ Student Name: _______________________________________

Subject: Electronic Circuits and Network Analysis Semester: ___________

Sr. Garde/ Submission Remarks/

Experiment / Exercise Name
No. Mark Date Sign

To Realize Clipping Circuit and Observe the


To Realize Clamping Circuit and Observe

the Waveforms.

To Realize Forward & Reverse Bias

Characteristics of PN Junction Diode

To Study Zener Diode as A Voltage


To Verify Nodal Analysis Using Practical Kit

& Theoretical Analysis Technique

To Verify Mesh Analysis Using Practical Kit &

Theoretical Analysis Technique

To Verify Superposition Theorem Through

Practical & Theoretical Analysis

To Verify Thevenin’s Theorem Through

Practical & Theoretical Analysis

To Verify Norton’s Theorem Through

Practical & Theoretical Analysis

To Verify Reciprocity Theorem Through

Practical & Theoretical Analysis
Electronic Circuits and Network Analysis

Experiment: 01

To Realize Clipping Circuit and Observe the Waveforms.

1. Clipper circuit kit
2. CRO
3. Power Supply

Clipping circuits are nonlinear wave shaping circuits. A clipping circuit is useful to cut
off the positive or negative portions of an input waveform. Clipping circuits are also known as
voltage limiters or slicers.

1. Positive Clipper
The positive half cycle is clipped by diode and only the drop across diode will appear across
the load. During negative half cycle, the diode does not conduct and the voltage across RL is
given by,

Since RL >> R, the output voltage will be close to input voltage during negative half cycle.

2. Negative Clipper
The negative half cycle is clipped by diode and only the drop across diode will appear across
the load. During positive half cycle, the diode does not conduct and the voltage across
RL is given by,

Since RL >> R, the output voltage will be close to input voltage during negative half cycle.

The circuits are wired as in the circuit diagram. Connect the input terminals to 230V ac supply
and the output terminals to a CRO.

Positive Clipper Circuit

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Negative Clipper Circuit


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Electronic Circuits and Network Analysis

Experiment: 02

To Realize Clamping Circuit and Observe the Waveforms.

1. Clipper circuit kit
2. CRO
3. Power Supply

Clamping is a function which must be frequently performed with a periodic waveform in the
establishment of the recurrent positive or negative extremity at some constant reference level.
Clamping circuits are also referred to as dc restorer or dc inserter.

A positive clamper adds positive dc level and a negative clamper adds a negative dc level. A
positive clamper clamps a negative extremity of the input signal to the reference voltage level.
A negative clamper adds to negative dc level by clamping the positive extremity of the input
to the reference voltage level.

The circuits are wired as in the circuit diagram. Connect the input terminals to 230V ac supply
and the output terminals to a CRO.

Positive Clamping Circuit

Negative Clamping Circuit

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Experiment: 03

To Realize Forward & Reverse Bias Characteristics of PN Junction


1. Regulated power supply voltage 0-30V
2. Voltmeter 0-1V or 0-20V
3. Ammeter 0-10mA,200mA
4. Connecting wires & bread board
5. Diode In4007, OA79
6. Resistors 1k Ω,10k Ω

The V-I characteristics of the diode are curve between voltage across the diode and current
through the diode. When external voltage is zero, circuit is open and the potential barrier does
not allow the current to flow. Therefore, the circuit current is zero. When P-type (Anode is
connected to +ve terminal and n- type (cathode) is connected to –ve terminal of the supply
voltage, is known as forward bias. The potential barrier is reduced when diode is in the forward
biased condition. At some forward voltage, the potential barrier altogether eliminated and
current starts flowing through the diode and also in the circuit.

The diode is said to be in ON state. The current increases with increasing forward voltage.
When N-type (cathode) is connected to +ve terminal and P-type (Anode) is connected –ve
terminal of the supply voltage is known as reverse bias and the potential barrier across the
junction increases. Therefore, the junction resistance becomes very high and a very small
current (reverse saturation current) flows in the circuit. The diode is said to be in OFF state.
The reverse bias current is due to minority charge carriers. The p-n junction diode conducts
only in one direction.

Circuit Diagram:

Forward Bias

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Reverse Bias

Forward bias characteristics
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure for Forward bias using silicon diode.
2. Now vary RPS supply voltage Vs in steps from 0V onwards (0.1V,0.2V……1V) note
down the forward current (If) through the diode for different Forward voltages (Vf)
across the diode without exceeding the rated value (If Max=20mA)
3. Tabulate the results in the tabular form.
4. Plot the graph between Vf & If.
5. Repeat the above steps 4 steps by using Germanium diode.

Reverse bias characteristics

1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure for Reverse bias using silicon diode.
2. Now vary RPS supply voltage Vs in steps from 0V onwards (1V,2V……10V) note
down the forward current (Ir) through the diode for different Reverse voltages (Vr)
across the diode without exceeding the rated value (Vr Max=15V)
3. Tabulate the results in the tabular form.
4. Plot the graph between Vr & Ir
5. Repeat the above steps 4 steps by using Germanium diode

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Observation Table:

Forward Bias
Sr. Voltage Across Current Through
Applied Voltage
No. Diode (V) Diode(mA)

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Reverse Bias
Sr. Voltage Across Current Through
Applied Voltage
No. Diode (V) Diode(mA)


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Electronic Circuits and Network Analysis

Experiment: 04

To Study Zener Diode as A Voltage Regulator.

1. Power Supply
2. Diode IN4735A
3. Resistor 1k Ω, 10KΩ
4. Voltmeter
5. Ammeter

A zener diode is heavily doped p-n junction diode, specially made to operate in the break down
region. A p-n junction diode normally does not conduct when reverse biased. But if the reverse
bias is increased, at a particular voltage it starts conducting heavily. This voltage is called Break
down Voltage. High current through the diode can permanently damage the device. To avoid
high current, we connect a resistor in series with zener diode. Once the diode starts conducting
it maintains almost constant voltage across the terminals whatever may be the current through
it, i.e., it has very low dynamic resistance. It is used in voltage regulators. It is also called as
stabilizer diode or constant voltage device.

In zener breakdown mechanism, very high electric field intensity across the narrow depletion
region directly forces carries out of their bonds.

During breakdown the voltage across the diode remains constant, independent to the current
that flows through it. Because of this property a Zener diode serves as Voltage Stabilizer or
voltage reference and break down occurs by avalanching in Zener diodes having break down
voltages greater than 8V. It occurs by a combination of both mechanisms when breakdown
voltage is between 5V & 8V. Zener effect play a very important role only in the diodes with
breakdown voltages below about 5V. Zener breakdown voltages decreases with increased
temperature whereas avalanche breakdown voltage increases with increased temperature.
Zener diode operates in either a ON state or OFF state

Circuit Diagram:

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1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure for Reverse bias using Zener diode.
2. Now vary RPS supply voltage Vs in steps from 0V onwards (1V, 2V……10V) note
down the Reverse current (Ir) through the diode for different Reverse voltages (Vr)
across the diode without exceeding the rated value (Vr Max=15V)
3. Tabulate the results in the tabular form.
4. Plot the graph between Vr & Ir

Observation Table:
Applied Voltage (v) Zener Voltage (Vz)Volts Zener Voltage (Vz)Volts


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Experiment: 05

To Verify Nodal Analysis Using Practical Kit & Theoretical Analysis


1. Kit for KCL
2. Patch code
3. Power supply
4. Multimeter

To verify Nodal analysis, we have to use Kirchhoff’s current law.

Statement: “The algebraic sum of the branch currents at a node is zero at all instants of

By KCL at node O,
i1 – i2 – i3 + i4 =0
i1 + i4 =i2 + i3
∑i = 0

1. Give a supply to input of the kit.
2. Measure I1, I2 & I3 using multimeter.
3. Compare practical & theoretical reading.
4. Give appropriate conclusion to your practical.

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Theoretical Calculation

Observation Table:
I1 I2 I3
Th. value Pr. value Th. value Pr. value Th. value Pr. value


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Experiment: 06

To Verify Mesh Analysis Using Practical Kit & Theoretical Analysis


1. Kit for KVL
2. Patch code
3. Power supply
4. Multimeter

To verify Mesh analysis, we have to use Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
Statement: “The algebraic sum of all branch voltages around any closed loop of a network
is zero at all instant of time.”

Vs - V1 – V2 – V3 – V4 - V5 – V6 =0
Vs = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6
∑V = 0

1. Give a supply to input of the kit.
2. Measure V1, V2 & V3 using multimeter.
3. Compare practical & theoretical reading.
4. Give appropriate conclusion to your practical.

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Theoretical Calculation

Observation Table:

V1 V2 V3
Th. value Pr. value Th. value Pr. value Th. value Pr. value


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Experiment: 07

To Verify Superposition Theorem Through Practical & Theoretical


1. Superposition kit
2. Patch codes
3. Multimeter
4. Power supply

Superposition theorem states that, “If the effect produced in a system is directly
proportional to the cause, then the overall effect produced in the system, due to a number
of cause acting jointly, can be determined by superposing (adding) the effect of each
source acting separately.”

The superposition theorem is applicable to only linear Network. Means, the network which
satisfy the condition
y = mx.

To find proof for the superposition theorem, we will find individual response of the network
with each source & overall response of the network. While evaluating the response from one
independent source, another source cannot be removed from the network. Instead, you have to
suppress all other sources to zero.

The suppressed source behaves like the following replacement:

Ideal independent voltage source - short circuit
Ideal independent current source - open circuit

Theoretical Calculation

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure & measure current (I) through 3.3 K.
2. Connect only 5 V supply & short circuit the 12V supply again measure current (I 1) through
3. Connect only 12V supply & short circuit the 5V supply, again measure current (I 2) through
4. Compare theoretical & practical readings.
5. Give appropriate conclusion to your practical.

Observation Table:

Case:-1 Both 5V & 12V present

V1 (volts) V2 (volts) I (Theoretical) I (Practical)

Case:-2 Only 5V source is present

V1 (volts) V2 (volts) I (Theoretical) I1 (Practical)

Case:-3 Only 12V source is present

V1 (volts) V2 (volts) I (Theoretical) I2 (Practical)

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Practical Calculation:


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Experiment: 08

To Verify Thevenin’s Theorem Through Practical & Theoretical


1. Discrete component kit
2. Patch codes
3. Multimeter
4. Power supply

Statement:- “Any network containing active & passive elements and one or more
dependent & independent voltage / current sources can be replaced by an equivalent
network containing a voltage source (Vth) & a series impedance (Zth)”.

Thevenin’s equivalent equation can be given by,

IL = Vth / ZL + Zth
Consider, the network as shown in figure (a)

Figure (a)
If we want to find current through R3 Resistor then, remove Resistance R3 & find the Thevenin
voltage Vth from diagram (b).

Now short circuit the voltage source & find equivalent Thevenin impedance Zth as shown in

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R1 R2

1kΩ 1kΩ


When the circuit is replaced by Thevenin’s equivalent circuit than current across load can be
given by
IL = Vth / ZL + Zth
where, ZL = Load impedance which is removed
Zth = Thevenin’s equivalent Impedance
Vth = Thevenin’s equivalent Voltage

Theoretical Calculation
R1 R2

1kΩ 2.2kΩ

V1 R3 V2
5V 3.3kΩ 12 V

1. Find current I through 3.3 K resistor.
2. Open circuit the 3.3K Resistance & find Vth across that.
3. Find Zeq of circuit that is thevenin’s equivalent impedance Zth.
4. Substitute this in Thevenin’s equation & get Ith practically.
5. Give appropriate conclusion to your practical.

Observation Table:

Ith (Practical)
I (Practical) Vth Zth IL = Vth / ZL + Zth Ith (Theoretical)

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Practical Calculation:


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Experiment: 09

To Verify Norton’s Theorem Through Practical & Theoretical Analysis

1. Discrete component kit
2. Patch codes
3. Multimeter
4. Power supply

Statement: - “Any linear network containing of active sources & bilateral elements can
be replaced by an equivalent impedance in parallel across the two terminals of the load”.

Norton’s equivalent current is given by

IL = IN * Zeq / Zeq + ZL
If one want to find current through R3 than it can be replace as Norton’s equivalent as below

To obtain current IN, short circuit impedance branch

To obtain equivalent impedance Zeq, open circuit the impedance branch & short circuit all
the voltage source

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Now substitute this in

IL = IN * Zeq / Zeq + ZL
Here , ZL = R3

Theoretical Calculation

1. Find current I through 2.2 K resistor.
2. Short circuit the 2.2K Resistance & find IN across that.
3. Find Zeq of circuit that is Norton’s equivalent impedance.
4. Substitute this in Norton’s equation & get IL practically.
5. Give appropriate conclusion to your practical.

Observation Table:

IL (practical) IL
I (Practical) IN(Practical) I (Practical)
IL = IN * Zeq / Zeq + ZL (Theoretical)

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Practical Calculation:


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Experiment: 10

To Verify Reciprocity Theorem Through Practical & Theoretical Analysis

1. Discrete component kit
2. Patch codes
3. Multimeter
4. Power supply

Statement: “In any linear network consisting of linear & bilateral impedance & active
sources, the ratio of voltage V introduced in one loop to the current I in the other loop is
same as the ratio obtained if the positions of V and I are interchanged in the network.
The source other than the one considered must be replaced by their internal impedances
while calculating the ratio.”


Consider a network shown in the figure

E is the voltage introduced in Loop 1 while I is the current in Loop2.
The reciprocity theorem states that the ratio of E / I remains same, even if positions of E & I
are interchanged. Figure (b) shows this.
The ratio of E / I is called as transfer impedance.

Theoretical Calculation


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1. Find I2 from the network [fig.: a]
2. Now, interchange current & voltage of the loop.
3. Find I2’ from interchanged network [fig.: b].
4. Check whether I2 & I2’ is equal or not.
5. Make necessary conclusion for your practical.

Observation Table:

I2 I2’ E / I2 E / I2’ I2

Practical Calculation:

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