Communication in Management

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Importance of communication in management

1.Basis of decision making and planning

Interpersonal communication enables the management to secu reinformstion without which it may
not bepossiblre to make any desicion .the desicions ad plans must be communicated down to the
subordinates .

2. smooth and efficient working of an organisation

In the words of George R Terry who Was an American management author “it serves as the
lubricant ,fastering for smooth operations of management process”.This allows people to feel inclusive
in the procees ,making them comfortable which a tick for an organization

3.faciliates co-ordination
Management is the art of getting things done through others and this objective of management
cannot be achieved unless there is unity of purpose and harmony of effort.interpersonal
communication binds the people together and facilitates coordinaton

4increases managerial efficiency

Effective communication increases managerial efficiency. It is rightly said that nothing happens in
management until communication takes place. The efficiency of manager depends upon his ability to
communicate effectively with the members of his organisation.

5.promotes co-operatio and indurstrial peace

Effective communication creates mutual understanding and trust among the members of the
organisation. It promotes co-operation between the employer and the employees. Without
communication, there cannot be sound industrial relations and industrial peace.through interpersonal
communications ,workers can put in their grievance ,problems and suggestions to the management .

6.motivation and morale

Communication is the means by which the beahavior of the subordinate is modified and change is
effected in their actions .through communication workers are motivated to achieve the goals of the
enterprise and their morale boosted .

7.effective control
Communication acts as a tool of effective control. The plans have to be communicated to the
subordinates, the actual performance has to be measured and communicated to ensure attainment of the
enterprises bectives according to the pre-conceived and planned acts.

8.increase productivity and reduces cost

With effective communications time and effort is saved ,with this productivity is increased and cost-

9.public relations

In the present business world, every business enterprise has to create and maintain a good corporate
image in the society. It is only through communication that management can present a good corporate
image to the outside world. Effective communication helps management in maintaining good relations
with workers, customers, suppliers, shareholders, government and community at large.

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