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Data Analytics with Power BI

“Analysis of Crypto Currency

Growth in last 5 years”

“Government Arts College (Autonomous)”



Cryptocurrency represents a decentralized digital currency paradigm,
revolutionizing traditional finance with its cryptographic foundations and
peer-to-peer transaction mechanisms. Built upon blockchain technology,
cryptocurrencies offer transparency, immutability, and security, enabling
users to conduct trust less transactions without intermediaries. However,
challenges persist, particularly in security and scalability. Security
vulnerabilities, including hacking and fraudulent activities, undermine user
trust, while scalability issues hinder transaction throughput and usability.
Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions, such as enhanced
cryptographic protocols, refined consensus mechanisms, and novel
scalability solutions like sharding and layer-2 protocols. Overcoming these
hurdles promises to propel cryptocurrencies into mainstream adoption,
fostering financial inclusion, and reshaping global economies.

S. No. Table of Contents Page No.

1. Chapter 1: Introduction 1

2. Chapter 2: Tools and Software Used 4

3. Chapter 3: Data Collection 5

4. Chapter 4: Project Architecture 6

5. Chapter 5: Modeling and Result 8

6. Conclusion 10

7. Future Scope 11


Problem Statement
Cryptocurrencies, heralded for their decentralized nature and
transparency, face critical challenges in security and scalability. Despite
cryptographic protocols, the ecosystem grapples with ongoing threats
like hacking and phishing, compounded by the anonymity of
transactions, posing risks of fraud and financial losses. Moreover,
vulnerabilities in smart contracts and blockchain protocols exacerbate
these security concerns, fostering distrust among users. Concurrently,
scalability issues loom large as transaction volumes surge, leading to
network congestion and sluggish processing times. Bitcoin and
Ethereum, in particular, struggle to handle the burgeoning demands
efficiently, resulting in high fees and transaction delays that deter
widespread adoption. Addressing these hurdles demands innovative
solutions, encompassing robust cryptographic mechanisms, refined
consensus algorithms, and optimized blockchain protocols. Exploring
emerging technologies such as sharding and layer-2 solutions offers
promise in alleviating scalability constraints, enhancing transaction
throughput, and bolstering the usability of cryptocurrencies across
various applications. By surmounting these challenges, the
cryptocurrency ecosystem can fortify its resilience, cultivate user trust,
and accelerate its integration into mainstream finance and commerce,
ultimately realizing its transformative potential.

Fíom this analysis we seek to answeí the key questions such as:

 Sum of Maíket Capitalization and Sum of Volume of the cíypto cuííency

 Sum of High, Sum of Maíket capitalization, Sum of Volume, Sum of low, Sum
of close, Sum of Open by Yeaí.
 Aveíage of High and Aveíage of Low of the specific cíypto cuííency.
 Count of High and Count of Low of the specific cíypto cuííency.

Proposed Solution

Our proposed cryptocurrency solution aims to prioritize

decentralization, security, and scalability. Leveraging a hybrid consensus
mechanism that combines elements of Proof of Work and Practical
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), our blockchain ensures both robust
security and fast transaction processing. This approach mitigates the
drawbacks of Pow 's energy consumption while maintaining a high level
of decentralization. Additionally, our blockchain architecture implements
sharding techniques to enhance scalability, allowing for parallel
transaction processing across multiple shards without sacrificing

Token -wise, we design a deflationary model with a fixed supply of

tokens, ensuring scarcity and value preservation. Transaction fees are
dynamically adjusted to incentivize network participation while
preventing spam and congestion. Smart contract support enables the
creation of decentralized applications for various use cases, fostering
innovation within our ecosystem. With a user-friendly wallet interface
and compliance with regulatory standards, our cryptocurrency solution
targets mainstream adoption while adhering to legal requirements.
Continuous community engagement, regular updates, and rigorous
security audits ensure the ongoing improvement and stability of our
cryptocurrency ecosystem.

 Cryptocurrency offers numerous advantages over traditional fiat
currencies and payment systems. Firstly, decentralization
eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks, reducing
transaction costs and enabling peer-to-peer transactions without
geographical limitations. This autonomy also enhances financial
inclusion, allowing access to banking services for the unbanked
and underbanked populations worldwide.

 Moreover, cryptocurrencies provide enhanced security through

cryptographic techniques like blockchain technology, which
ensures immutability and transparency of transactions. This
reduces the risk of fraud, identity theft, and counterfeit currency.
Additionally, the borderless nature of cryptocurrencies facilitates
cross-border transactions, bypassing traditional banking delays and

 Furthermore, the programmable nature of smart contracts enables

automated and transparent execution of agreements, streamlining
processes in various industries like supply chain management,
finance, and real estate. Cryptocurrencies represent a disruptive
force with the potential to revolutionize the global financial system
by promoting financial freedom, security, and efficiency.


 Global Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrency has the potential to vastly

improve financial inclusion by providing banking services to the
unbanked and underbanked populations worldwide. With access to
digital wallets and internet connectivity, individuals in remote areas can
participate in the global economy, send and receive payments, and access
financial services without relying on traditional banking infrastructure.
 Disruption of Traditional Finance: Cryptocurrency poses a significant
challenge to traditional financial institutions by offering decentralized
alternatives to banking, lending, and remittance services. As adoption
grows, cryptocurrencies could reshape the financial landscape, reducing
reliance on intermediaries and introducing new models of value transfer,
investment, and wealth management.
 Technological Innovation and Use Cases: The scope of cryptocurrency
extends beyond financial transactions, with applications in various
industries such as supply chain management, healthcare, and voting
systems. Blockchain technology, the underlying innovation behind
cryptocurrencies, enables secure and transparent record-keeping,
opening up possibilities for efficiency gains, fraud prevention, and data
integrity across multiple sectors. As the technology evolves, new use
cases and innovations will continue to emerge, expanding the scope and
impact of cryptocurrencies on society.



ľools and Softwaíe used:


 PoweíBI: ľhe main tool foí this píoject is PoweíBI, which will be used to
cíeate inteíactive dashboaíds foí íeal-time data visualization.

 Poweí Queíy: ľhis is a data connection technology that enables you to

discoveí, connect, combine, and íefine data acíoss a wide vaíiety of souíces.

Softwaíe Requiíements:

 PoweíBI Desktop: ľhis is a Windows application that you can use to cíeate
íepoíts and publish them to PoweíBI.

 PoweíBI Seívice: ľhis is an online SaaS (Softwaíe as a Seívice) seívice that

you use to publish íepoíts, cíeate new dashboaíds, and shaíe insights.

 PoweíBI Mobile: ľhis is a mobile application that you can use to access youí
íepoíts and dashboaíds on the go.


Designing a Data collection foí analyzing cíyptocuííency involves
gatheíing íelevant infoímation fíom vaíious souíces.

1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the objectives of the analysis. Are you
looking to understand market trends, investor sentiment, or blockchain
activity? Define the specific metrics and parameters you aim to analyze, such as
price movements, trading volume, network activity, or sentiment analysis from
social media.
2. Identify Data Sources: Determine the sources of data required for your
analysis. These may include cryptocurrency exchanges, blockchain explorers,
social media platforms, news websites, forums, and specialized data providers.
Ensure that the data sources are reliable, up-to-date, and cover a wide range of
cryptocurrencies if needed.
3. Data Collection Methods: Choose appropriate methods for collecting data
from selected sources. This may involve using APIs provided by exchanges and
blockchain explorers to retrieve real-time data on prices, trading volumes,
transaction histories, and blockchain metrics. For sentiment analysis, utilize
natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gather and analysis data from
social media platforms, forums, and news articles.
4. Data Storage and Management: Establish a robust system for storing and
managing the collected data. Depending on the volume and frequency of
data updates, consider using databases such as SQL or NoSQL databases for
efficient storage and retrieval. Implement data validation and quality checks to
ensure the integrity and accuracy of the collected data.
5. Data Processing and Analysis: Develop algorithms and models for processing
and collected data. This may involve data cleansing, normalization, and
aggregation to derive meaningful insights. Apply statistical and machine
learning techniques to identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies in the
6. Visualization and Reporting: Create visualizations and reports to
communicate the findings of the analysis effectively. Use charts, graphs, and
dashboards to present key metrics and trends in an intuitive manner. Provide
insights and recommendations based on the analysis to support decision-
making processes.
7. Iterative Improvement: Continuously evaluate and refine the data collection
process based on feedback and evolving requirements. Stay updated with new

data sources, technologies, and analytical techniques to enhance the accuracy
and relevance of the analysis over time.


Designing a píoject aíchitectuíe foí collecting and analyzing vaíious cíypto
cuííency data involves seveíal components and consideíations. Heíe’s a high-
level aíchitectuíe foí the Cíyptocuííency Analysis píoject:
1. Data Collection Layeí:
 Cíyptocuííency Exchanges APIs: Utilize APIs fíom majoí
cíyptocuííency exchanges to fetch íeal-time data on píices,
tíading volumes, and oídeí book data.

2. Data Píocessing Layeí:

 EľL Píocess: Peífoím Extíact, ľíansfoím, Load (EľL) opeíations to
clean, tíansfoím, and aggíegate íaw data collected fíom vaíious

3. Analysis and Modeling Layeí:

 Statistical Analysis: Conduct statistical analysis to identify tíends,

coííelations, and anomalies in the cíyptocuííency maíket data.

4. Risk Management and Compliance Layeí:

 Risk Assessment: Assess íisks associated with cíyptocuííency

investments including volatility, liquidity, íegulatoíy íisks, and secuíity

5. Integíation and Deployment Layeí:

 Integíation with Poweí BI: Integíate the analysis platfoím with Poweí
BI foí data visualization, dashboaíding, and íepoíting puíposes.

6. Secuíity and Scalability Layeí:

 Data Secuíity: Implement íobust secuíity measuíes to píotect

sensitive cíyptocuííency data fíom unauthoíized access and cybeí

 Scalability: Design the aíchitectuíe to scale efficiently to

accommodate gíowing data volumes and useí demands.
It’s also impoítant to ensuíe that all tools and seívices comply with
íelevant data píivacy and secuíity íegulations.





In conclusion, designing a data collection process for analysing
cryptocurrency is crucial for gaining insights into market dynamics, investor
and blockchain activity. By defining clear objectives and identifying relevant
data sources, one can gather comprehensive information on price
movements, trading volumes, sentiment analysis, and blockchain metrics.
Utilizing a combination of APIs, natural language processing techniques, and
data validation processes ensures the reliability and accuracy of the
collected data.

Moreover, implementing robust data storage, processing, and analysis

methods enables the derivation of meaningful insights and actionable
recommendations. Through visualization and reporting, stakeholders can
gain a deeper understanding of market trends, identify opportunities, and
mitigate risks effectively. Continuous iteration and improvement of the data
collection process ensure its relevance and efficacy in the dynamic
cryptocurrency landscape, allowing for informed decision-making and
strategic planning.

Overall, a well-designed data collection process serves as a cornerstone for

analysing cryptocurrency, enabling individuals, businesses, and researchers
to navigate the complexities of the crypto market and capitalize on emerging
opportunities in this rapidly evolving ecosystem. As the adoption of
cryptocurrencies continues to grow, the importance of reliable and
comprehensive data collection for analysis becomes increasingly paramount
in driving informed decision-making and shaping the future of finance.

The future scope of cryptocurrency analysis is vast and dynamic, poised for
growth and innovation across multiple fronts. Advanced analytics
techniques such as machine learning and big data analytics will be
increasingly employed to uncover hidden patterns, predict market trends,
and identify trading opportunities with greater precision. Moreover, the
integration of cryptocurrency markets with traditional finance will lead to
greater interoperability, facilitating cross-market analysis, portfolio
diversification, and risk management strategies spanning both crypto and
traditional asset classes. As regulatory frameworks evolve, there will be a
rising demand for compliance solutions to ensure adherence to anti-money
laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations, as well as tax
reporting requirements. Additionally, emerging use cases like decentralized
finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will drive the development of
specialized analysis tools tailored to these applications. With institutional
participation on the rise, institutions will require sophisticated risk
management solutions, portfolio optimization tools, and performance
analytics to navigate the crypto markets effectively while meeting regulatory
standards. Overall, the future of cryptocurrency analysis holds immense
potential for innovation and value creation, driven by advancements in
technology, regulatory developments, and evolving market dynamics.


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