Session 2

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Thinking is the mental process you use to form associations and models of the world

What Is Thought?
Thought can be described as the act of thinking that produces thoughts, which
arise as ideas, images, sounds, or even emotions.

goals that specify what someone will know, care about, or be able to do
as a result of a learning experience.
What Are Learning Objectives Everyone has creative abilities am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, become and became
Cognitive domain (what you should know),
Affective domain (what you should care about)
Psychomotor domain (what you should be able to do) All humans are innately creative: Tất cả con người đều có tính sáng tạo bẩm sinh appear, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, etc.

Creativity is inspired when there is a problem to solve become, grow, remain, seem, stay, etc.
1 Patterns of thought

2 Creative Thinking Skills

Sleep on it

Go for a run or hit the gym

Allow your mind to wander a few times every day.

How to Stimulate Creative Thinking

you can recognize or recall knowledge you’ve already gained, and you can use it Remembering Keep learning

Put yourself in nerve-racking situations

the ability to grasp or construct meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages. Understanding
The Cognitive Domain of Learning
Keep a notebook with you
use learned material in new and concrete situations. Applying

to break down or distinguish-> its organizational structure may be better understood. Analyzing

clear, reasonable, reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do.

judge, check, and even critique the value of material for a given purpose Evaluating
What Is Critical Thinking?
Skepticism: sự hoài nghi
to put parts together to form a coherent or unique new whole Creating Testing assumptions
Challenging reasoning
Uncovering biases: Khám phá những thành kiến

Critical thinking is fundamentally a process of questioning information and data

Critical Thinking and Logic
Effective business proposals are built around a great idea or solution. THE IDEA anything and everything is subject to question and examination for the purpose of logically
constructing reasoned perspectives
Title page with name, title, date, and specific reference to request for proposal if applicable. Cover Page

-Identify the problem

-Provide as many supporting details as possible
a one- or two-paragraph summary , how it meets the requirements Executive Summary Define the problem
-Provide examples
-Organize the information logically
Discuss the history of your product, service, focusing on the relationship between you and the potential buyer Background

4 Critical Thinking Skills

-Use logic to identify your most important goals
The idea. Who, what, where, when, why, and how. Make it clear and concise. Proposal Identify available -Identify implications and consequences
Problem-Solving Action Checklist
solutions -Identify facts
-Compare and contrast possible solutions
What currently exists in the marketplace, including competing products or services, and how does your solution compare? Market Analysis


-Use gathered facts and relevant evidence
How will the potential buyer benefit from the product or service? Benefits
Select your solution -Support and defend solutions considered valid
-Defend your solution
A clear presentation, often with visual aids, of the process, from start to finish, with specific, dated benchmarks noted. Timeline

a way of tracking your thinking while reading

how will people learn about you? Marketing Plan Read for Understanding Using Text Coding
mark important arguments and key facts
What are the initial costs, when can revenue be anticipated, when will there be a return on investment Finance

Examine Arguments: Kiểm tra các lập luận

Like a speech or essay, restate your main points clearly. Tie them together with a common them and make your proposal memorable. Conclusion
Evaluating Information with Critical Thinking
When you use critical thinking to evaluate information, you need to clarify your
Clarify Thinking
Ethos refers to credibility
thinking to yourself and likely to others

Pathos prefer to passion and enthusiasm Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Habits of mind” are the personal commitments, values, and standards you have
Cultivate “Habits of Mind”
about the principle of good thinking
Logos prefer to logic or reason

A professional document is a base requirement.


should be no errors in spelling or grammar, , and all information should be concise, accurate, and clearly referenced when appropriate

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