Speaking Games American English Student

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1 Warm up
Part A: Work with your partner and circle objects you can see in your classroom.

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Part B: Choose six classroom objects and write their names on your Bingo card. When you hear
descriptions of an object that you think you have on your card, cross it out. When you cross out all
your objects, shout ‘Bingo’.

2 Classrooms in the world

Part A: Look at the three classrooms. Which continents do you think they are on?

South America / Antarctica / Africa / Asia / Australia / Europe / North America

classroom 1

classroom 2

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classroom 3

Part B: Describe the classrooms in the photos using the words from the box.

I can see ...

There is/isn’t ...

There are/aren’t ...

The children are ...

Which of the classrooms is the most unusual in your opinion? Why? What is the most unusual
classroom in your school?

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3 Taboo

Read the instructions and then play the game of Taboo.

The procedure:

You get a guess-word that your classmates cannot see. You give them clues about the guess-word
and they try to guess it. You cannot point to the object, mime it or draw it – you describe it using
words only. You also get taboo words, they are words that you cannot use in your description.

The guess-word is ‘window’ and the taboo words are ‘look out’, and ‘glass’. It means that you
cannot say: ‘You can look out of it, or ‘It’s made of glass.’ You can say: ‘You see the street behind
it, ‘There are 5 in our classroom’, ‘You open it when it is too hot inside.’

You play the game in two teams. You describe the guess-word to your team. If they guess the
word, your team scores a point. If they cannot guess it, the other team scores a point. If you don’t
know the word, or cannot describe it, you also lose a point.

Play the game.

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4 Find the person

Part A: Read the sentences and find the students in the photos.

1. His name is Gatimu. He is standing near the chalkboard.

2. Her name is Busama. She is sitting on the floor, near the window.

3. Her name is Anita. She has fair hair. She is standing next to the table.

a. b. c.

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Part B: Match the words to Anita, Gatimu or Busama.

5 Voices from two continents

Listen to Busama and Gatimu and then mark the right answer.

Who ...

1. lives in a warm country?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

2. likes computers?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

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3. is the youngest child?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

4. is hot sometimes?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

5. plays a sport?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

6. plays a musical instrument?

a. Busama

b. Gatimu

c. both

Part B: Listen again and complete the missing words in the sentences.

have / good at / like / favorite subject / lives / listening / older / play / reading / the weather


1. Music is my .

2. I’m not sports or maths.

3. I prefer and history.

4. I two younger brothers.

5. I don’t rain.

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1. In Kenya, is very nice.

2. I love to birds.

3. After school, I football with my friends.

4. My sister in Sudan with her husband.

5. She is 13 years than me.

Part C: Write about yourself. Then, tell your partner about yourself.

My name is ...

I am ... years old.

I live in ...

My favorite school subject is ...

I like ...

I don’t like ...

I am good at ...

6 Stand up if ...

Play the game with the teacher.

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7 Reading
Part A: You are going to read two texts written by two students who are taking part in an international
project. They exchange messages with students from other parts of the world.

1. What countries do they write about?

2. Why do tourists visit the two countries?

Text 1

Dear Anita,

I want to tell you about my country. Thailand is often called the land of smiles because the
people are very polite. Families live together. I live with my parents, brothers, grandparents
and one aunt. I have many cousins and they come to my house very often.
Tourists love Thailand for the beautiful nature, warm weather and the food. I think Thai
food is the best in the world! My favorite dish is pad Thai (fried noodles) and tom yun kung
(shrimp soup with lemon). We have fresh vegetables and fruit all year round. I love traditional
music and dances. And elephants!

Please tell me about Norway. Is it really cold?

Lots of love,

Text 2

Dear Busama,

Kenya is a big country. We have mountains, the sea and a lot of national parks. I have never
seen the sea. I live in a small village near the Maasai Mara Park. My family are Maasai, so I
speak Maa, but also Swahili and English. There are many languages in Kenya so everybody
learns Swahili and English to communicate. The Maasai people are tall and handsome and
they wear colorful clothes.
For Maasai people, the most important animal is the cow, but we also have many wild
animals in Kenya. There are lions, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, elephants and rhinos.
Tourists often come here on safaris. They don’t kill the animals, of course; they just take
hundreds of photos.
I love birds and my favorite dish is matoke – a banana porridge.

Please write to me about Thailand.

Your African friend,

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Part B: Read the texts again and decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Busama has a small family.

2. She likes Thai food.

3. There are giraffes in Thailand.

4. Gatimu lives near the sea.

5. He speaks three languages.

6. Tourists come to Kenya to look at wild animals.

Which of the countries would you like to visit? Why?

8 Find somebody who

Write the questions like in the example and then ask them to your classmates.

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9 Homework

Write about yourself / your country / classroom to Anita, Gatimu or Busama.

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