Ancient Maths GEOMETRY

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Who Invented Geometry and for What? | whoinvented.



Do you have more example of what Euclid define in the book “Elements”

Euclid discussed the elements of the number theory where he wrote that numbers greater
than 1 were positive integers.

Is that really Euclid who found pythagora’s theorem?

The Pythagorean theorem owes its name to the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras of
Samos, but the oldest demonstration found is due to Euclid dating from 300 BC.

Do you think Euclid was the one who discovered all the sub-areas of geometry?

Open question

Euclid 🡪 Greek mathematician

Geometry 🡪 one of the oldest branch of mathematics

Elements 🡪 a mathematical and geometric treatise, consisting of 13 thematically organized books

Hippocrates 🡪 was a Greek physician

Pythagora 🡪 was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher

Today, I am going to talk about the article who invented geometry and for what?

First of all we will see “who invented geometry and what for, and then I’m going to talk about the
geometry and its sub-areas.

Who Invented Geometry and for What?

Euclid was the one who developed the solid foundation for geometry even if there were great
contributions from different mathematicians all over the world.

Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines,
surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogues.

Who Invented Geometry?

Euclid was a great Greek mathematician who lived around 300BC and was the one who published the
“Elements'' which contained aspects of geometry. No one knows much about Euclid, the less we
know is from Proclus who has done a work on Euclid who say that Euclid was a professor at
Alexandria and believed that the “Elements” were the only way to geometry.
Euclid had some of his sources in the work of other men like Hippocrates, Chips and Theudius but he
remains the one who had the main ideas.
He wrote that before anyone could build a logical geometry, there had to be the right foundation, so
he wrote about the Pythagora theorem or the definition of a straight line (a straight line is what joins
two points) and he was the one who said that all right angles are equal.

There are different sub-area in geometry, like coordinate geometry, fractal geometry, hyperbolic
geom. Abstract geom. And analytic geom.

Even though Euclid was the one who invented geometry, there were contributions from all over the
world that made it what it is today.

Who Developed Coordinate Geometry?
Rene Descartes (French) in the seventeenth century invented the coordinate system
This helped to link algebra and geometry.
Who Discovered Fractal Geometry?
Benoit Mandelbrot discovered the bulk (l’essentiel) of fractal geometry.
Who Developed Hyperbolic Geometry?
Felix Klein ,the German mathematician discovered (the) hyperbolic geometry.
Who Invented Abstract Geometry?
Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque invented (the) abstract geometry when they
discovered cubism.
Who Invented Analytic Geometry?
Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat

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