ECDIS Glossary of Terms

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ECDIS Glossary

ECDIS Glossary

Abort point APEM
The point on the passage beyond which there is The APEM methodology, described in IMO Resolution A.893
no sufficient sea room to turn back the vessel. (21), nominates appraisal, planning, execution and
When approaching or entering a port or monitoring as the key stages of passage planning.
procedding in a channel, the width of the
channel may not be sufficent to turn the vessel. ARCS
The point where width of the channel becomes Admiralty Raster Chart Service. A raster chart published by
narrow enough that vessel cannot make a turn UKHO Associated target: A target simultaneously
would be called Abort point. representing a tracked target and a AIS target which are
decided as the same
The extent to which a measured or enumerated Attribute
value agrees with the assumed or accepted value. A characteristic of an object. It is implemented by a defined
attribute label/code, acronym, definition and applicable
Activated target values. In the data structure, the attribute is identified by
A target representing the automatic or manual its label/code. The acronym is only used as a quick reference
activation of a sleeping AIS target for the display in related documents and in
of additional information ENC Product Specification. Attributes are either qualitative
or quantitative.
Admiralty Information Overlay published by Automatic updating
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). Either the semi-automatic or the fully automatic means of
updating the ENC/SENC.
Automatic Identification System Auto sail
The system automatically navigates to keep the scheduled
Anti-clutter rain: route. Same as automatic sailing.
Rain/snow clutter suppression
Anti-clutter sea : Acquisition/Activation zone
Sea clutter suppression
Alarm Azimuth stabilization mode
In ECDIS a device or system which alerts by
audible means, or audible and visual means, a Base CD
condition requiring attention. Chart CD containing a complete chart data

Anti-grounding Cone/Safety BCR/BCT

Frame/Lookahead Bow Crossing Range/Bow Crossing Time
This function monitors a detection area ahead
of the ship for hazards to navigation. This Best Scale
detection area may have a different name The IMO priority for chart selection is ENC over all other
depending on the manufacturer, but common formats (ie RNC). The IMO state that where EN Cs are not
terms include 'safety frame', 'safety cone', available or are not of appropriate scale, RNC charts should
'lookahead window', 'anti-grounding cone' and be carried. 'Appropriate chart' is considered the largest
'danger detection'. scale chart available and the most up to date. Therefore if a
scale 5 ENC is up to date, it would be considered requirement of SOLAS regulation V 20. The term nautical
'Best Scale' chart for a harbour. If there is no ENC chart may be applied also to a specially compiled data base
for that harbour, the RNC harbour chart (e.g., the ENC), from which such a map can be displayed.
equivalent would be considered 'Appropriate
chart' and the ship would be navigating in RCDS Chart Maintenance
mode. Software to manage the charts. Imports and updates the
CATZOC (Category of Zone of
Confidence) Chirp
CATZOC provides the user with an indication of A type of transmission waveform with intra-pulse frequency
data accuracy and survey type conducted for the modulation used by solid-state radars. Its radio wave type is
area. classified as Q0N.

Caution Clearing Lines (NMT, NLT)

Lowest priority of an alert. Awareness of a A clearing line divides the chart in to one area that contains
condition which does not warrant a alarm or hazards and another that is safe. (Not more than, Not less
warning condition, but still requires attention out than) These are bearings of a charted object such that
of the ordinary consideration of the situation or of staying on one side of the bearing line keeps you in safe
given information. water.

CCRP Clutter
As set by IMO regulations, a Consistent Common Excess information or noise data on a display reducing its
Reference Point (CCRP) is a location on own ship, readability. Note: E.g., information overload on a chart, or
to which all horizontal measurements, such as confusing unwanted wave echoes on a radar display.
target range, bearing, relative course/speed,
closest point of approach, or time to closest point C-MAP
of approach are referenced. Digital chart data by Jeppesen (formerly, C-MAP, Norway)

Cell C-MAP Ed.3

The basic unit for the distribution of ENC data C-MAP Edition 3. A digital chart format by Jeppesen
covering a defined geographical area bounded by (formerly, C-MAP, Norway)
two meridians and two parallels, the content of
which must not exceed 5 Mbytes, and which is CTS
intended for a particular navigational purpose. Course to Steer. Heading command.

Cell Permit COG

A file containing an encryption key for S-63 chart. Course Over the Ground
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of
Japan Coast Guard.
Chart datum
A permanently established surface from which
In cartography, the selection, assembly, and graphic
soundings or tide heights are referenced. Short
presentation of all relevant information required for the
for chart sounding datum. Note: A plane so low
preparation of a new map/chart or a new edition thereof.
that the tide will not frequently fall below it.
Such information may be derived from other maps/charts,
aerial photographs, surveys, new data, and other sources.
A chart specifically designed to meet the
Compilation scale
requirements of marine navigation, showing
The scale at which the ENC data was compiled.
depths of water, nature of bottom, elevations,
configuration and characteristics of coast, dangers
and aids to navigation. Note: The carriage of up- Conditional Symbology Procedure (CSP)
to-date charts (plus certain other nautical A decision-making procedure used to link an object-class
publications) by vessels at sea is a mandatory and its attributes to a symbol. Used in cases where the

ECDIS Glossary
symbol depends on system configuration, Mariner datums are defined as horizontal and vertical datums
options and the objects spatial relationship to separately. For a local geodetic datum the reference surface
other features (e.g. whether a wreck is is defined by five parameters: The latitude and longitude of
symbolized as an "isolated danger" depends on an initial point, the azimuth of a line from this point, and the
its relationship to the safety contour chosen by parameters of the reference spheroid. Absolute datums
the Mariner) or where symbolization is complex specify the initial point of the reference ellipsoid to be
(e.g. light sector). (ideally) located at the earth’s center of mass. For modern
reference systems using datum information given by
satellites, additional parameters are defined, e.g. gravity
CPA/TCPA models.
Distance to the Closest Point of Approach/Time to
the Closest Point of Approach. Deep Contour
Indicates the limit of sea area where shallow water effects
Cumulative update occur that can affect a vessel. It should be estimated twice
The collection of all sequential correction or four times the draught of vessel (depending on the depth
information which has been issued since the last of water available)
new edition of the ENC or since the last official
update applied to the SENC. Differential System
An augmentation system whereby radio-navigation signals
Cursor-pick are monitored at a known position and the corrections so
The process of querying a point-symbol, line or determined are transmitted to users in the coverage area.
area for further information from the data base [GNSS]
which is not represented by the symbol.
Curved Heading Line (Curved EBL) A visual presentation of data. Note: For example, a
Curved EBL is a design and control tool to start a presentation of a line of alphanumeric data, a window, or
turn at correct position and to monitor behaviour the entire screen.
of the own ship during turn. The Curved EBL is
available on ECDIS screen and on some selected Display category
ARPA radar displays. The ECDIS performance Standards establish three categories
for SENC objects:
CTW • Display Base: permanently retained on the display;
Course Through Water. The direction of the ship's • Standard Display: displayed at switch-on, recalled by
movement through the water single operator action.
• All other information: displayed individually (by class) on
C UP demand.
Course up. Own ship’s course is pointed to the top
center of the radar display. Display Base
Display base is a permanently shown, irremovable list of
Data Server minimum objects on the ECDIS display, including coastline,
Organization providing S-63 chart Safety Contour and selected planned route. This is
categorised as vital information required at all times, in all
circumstances, in any geographical location.
Date dependant objects
There are several objects within the Marine
environment, which are seasonal, such as racing DIST
buoys. These objects are only to be displayed over Distance
a certain period. Any object with one of the above
attributes must not be displayed outside its DNV
effective dates unless requested by the Mariner. Det Norske Veritas

Datum (geodetic) Docking Mode

A set of parameters specifying the reference The Docking option is an additional software module that
surface or the reference coordinate system used can be added to ECDIS and Planning Station applications.
for geodetic control in the calculation of Information about the vessel such as the heading and past
coordinates of points on the earth. Commonly and predicted ship positions are displayed on the chart. At

the same time a panel next to the chart provides equipment which displays chart data but which is not
relevant data for docking. intended to comply with the IMO Performance Standards
for ECDIS, and is not intended to satisfy the SOLAS Chapter V
DOP requirement to carry a navigational chart.
Describes the error caused by the relative position
of the GPS satellites. Basically, the more signals a ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart)
GPS receiver can “see” (spread apart versus close An ENC is a Government Hydrographic Office approved
together), the more precise it can be. vector chart.

DR ENC Scale Number

Dead Reckoning To ensure consistency, and thus contribute to improved
display, most ENCs are assigned to one of the IHO’s
Drift recommended standard compilation scales. These are
The current velocity for manual correction or the defined within the IHO’s S-65 publication, together with an
current speed on the horizontal axis of the 2-axis example of the navigational purpose to which each ENC
log is displayed. scale may be assigned.

Drift Angle ENC available Safety Contour

The drift angle at any point along the length of the This safety value is the one available in the chart and may
ship is defined as the angle between the centre or may not be the one entered by the operator. If the
line of the ship and the tangent to the path of the chart does not provide a contour for the depth specified
point concerned. by the operator, the system selects the next available
deeper contour.
Dynamic License
Dynamic licensing of C-Map chart license by ENC Point symbol
Jeppesen The symbols for point objects are generally based on the
traditional paper chart symbols
Electronic Bearing Line ENH
Electronic chart
Very broad term to describe the data, the ETA
software, and the electronic system, capable of Estimated Time of Arrival
displaying chart information. An electronic chart
may or may not be equivalent to the paper chart ETD
required by SOLAS. Estimated Time of Departure

ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and F.ETA

Information System) Final Estimated Time of Arrival. Estimated time of arrival to
The IMO ECDIS Performance Standards (IMO the last WPT
Resolution A.817(19)) defines ECDIS as:
"Electronic Chart Display and Information System F Distance (Advance)
(ECDISm) eans a navigation information system The execution point wherein the ship actually starts to turn
which, with adequate back up arrangements, can after wheel-over and overcoming inertia. This can be found
be accepted as complying with the up-to-date out from the wheelhouse poster of your ship
chart required by regulation V/19 & V/27 of the
1974 SOLAS Convention, by displaying selected Frequency deviation range
information from navigation sensors to assist the The range of variation of the Q0N frequency used for
mariner in route planning and route monitoring, transmission waves of a solid-state radar. Generally, the
and by displaying additional navigation-related greater the frequency deviation range, the higher the
information if required." resolution in the range direction.

ECS Geographic Information System (GIS)

(Electronic Chart System)Generic term for A computer based system for handling and integrating data

ECDIS Glossary
from a variety of sources which is directly or IMO
indirectly spatially referenced to Earth. International Maritime Organization Import (Chart
Maintenance): A procedure of enabling the chart supplied
Geometric primitive by Base CD to be displayed on ECDIS
One of the three basic geometric units of
representation: point, line and area. Impossible Turn
Alarm at a waypoint during passage plan creation in ECDIS
GC caused by either the turn radius or speed being inapropriate
Great Circle or the distance between waypoints is too small.

GPS Interswitch Unit

Global Positioning System A device to switch over two or more radar display units and
two or more radar antennas
An HCRF is a hydrographic chart raster format Initial Safety Contour Vale Value
(HCRF). These charts are scanned from paper The default safety contour if not specified by the mariner is
charts and are formatted as a set of one or more set to 30m.
Instant Track
HDG The instant track feature can create, in route monitoring, a
Heading. Ship’s heading simple route in the following situations:
• Safe Off Track - Temporarily deviate from the monitored
HDOP route (avoid collision, etc.).
The effect of the DOP on the horizontal position • Back to Track - Return to the monitored route when the
value. The more good visible satellites low in the vessel goes outside the channel limits.
sky, the better the HDOP and the horizontal
position (Latitude and Longitude) are. IR
Radar Interference Rejecter
Heading Line Isolated Danger in Shallow Water
If the mariner selects the option "show isolated dangers in
Hover-over Function shallow water", ECDIS should highlight with the isolated
This function was introduced by Presentation danger symbol all rocks, wrecks, obstructions, which lie in
Library 4.0 and enables the ECDIS operator to 'unsafe' shallow waters between the safety contour and the
access information by hovering the cursor over drying line.
the item to be interrogated. This function is
limited to buoys, beacons, lights, landmarks, Isolated Danger in Safe Water
information and date dependent symbols. According to the IMO MSC 232, appendix 2, obstructions or
isolated underwater dangers of depths less than the safety
HSC contour which lie within the safe waters defined by the
High Speed Craft. Vessels which comply with the safety contour are to be presented by a specific isolated
definition in SOLAS for high speed craft danger symbol and put in IMO category "DISPLAY BASE".

Head up. Own ship’s heading line is always Inter Switch unit
pointed to the top center of the radar display.
Hydrographic and Oceanographic A group of related information displayed as a whole.
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of LAT
Japan Coast Guard. Publisher of ENC Latitude

IHO Lateral Speed (cm/sec)

International Hydrographic Office Ships move laterally when turning because the pivot point is

not located at the ship’s centre. When moving Mariner’s navigational objects
forward and turning to starboard, the ship’s Features, other than chart objects, such as the own ship
lateral movement is to port. When moving astern symbol and velocity vector, planned route, electronic
and turning to starboard, lateral movement is to bearing lines, etc from Appendix 3 of the Performance
starboard. It is important to understand where Standards for ECDIS, which are specified in IEC document
the pivot point lies and how lateral movement can 61174.
cause sideways drift, knowledge which is essential
when manoeuvring close to hazards. Mariner-added Objects
Mariner-added objects are used in passage planning to
Leg add symbols, lines and areas as a layer to highlight
Line between two consecutive waypoints information in the ENC. They provide information that
includes navigational warnings, local Notices to Mariners
LMT and relevant explanatory notes relating to the route.
Local Mean Time
LON Marine Equipment Directive. Request standard for
Longitude standardization of marine equipment within the EU region

Lost tracked target MFD

One for which target information is no longer Abbreviation of this equipment name. The formal name is
available due to poor, lost or obscured signals. Multi Function Display. The navigation support functions
such as radar, ECDIS, CID, and AMS with this equipment can
Local datum be executed by switching.
Any geodetic datum defined for national purposes
other than WGS84 which is adopted for use with MMSI
ECDIS. Maritime Mobile Service Identity

Log file MOB

A record of updates, including time of application Man Over Board
and identification parameters described in
Appendix 1 of S-52. MON
Performance Monitor
Look-up table
A table giving symbology instructions to link SENC MP
objects to point, line or area symbolization, and Medium Pulse
providing display priority, radar priority, IMO
category and optional viewing group. Navigational aid
An instrument, device, chart, method, etc., used onboard
LP intended to assist in the navigation of a vessel.
Long Pulse
Navigation mode
Manual updating The principle mode of operation providing a constant
The manual application of corrections to ENC data display of own ship’s position on the display. It includes own
in the SENC by a human operator, usually based ship’s position (symbol, vector, and track), SENC, EBL and
on unformatted update information (such as range marker, cursor, ARPA tracked targets, AIS targets, trail
printed NM, voice radio, etc.). Note: In order for maneuver results, wheel over points, route planning, arcs
the SENC to accept manual updates, the update and limits of lights.
information must be entered in a structured way
at least compatible with the relevant ECDIS Navigational purpose
standards. The specific purpose for which a chart cell has been
compiled. There are six such purposes, namely berthing,
Mariner’s information harbor, approach, coastal, general and overview.
Information originated by and entered by the
mariner to the SENC, e.g. area of strong currents. Non-official vector format charts

ECDIS Glossary
Vector representation of hydrographic data in gyrocompass heading of the ship.
proprietary formats developed by private • Course-up display: based on the course or route being
companies, generally based on official HO taken.
surveys, and available for use in ECS and
CDIS only by specific license agreements Overscale
To display the chart information at a display scale larger
Non-navigable waters than the compilation scale. Overscaling may arise from a
Non-Navigable waters are a value set by the deliberate overscaling by the mariner, or from automatic
operator with the Shallow water contour. This is overscaling by ECDIS in compiling a display when the data
depicted with dark Blue colour and indicates the included is of various navigational purposes. Note: An
grounding depth (this is the depth below which indication is provided only for the partial overscale area of
the ship will go aground). the display.

NM Own ship’s symbol

Nautical Mile 1 nm = 1852 m A non-chart symbol used in ARPA and ECDIS to show the
ship’s position on the chart or ARPA display.

NMEA (National Marine Electronics P0N

Association) Unmodulated pulse, which is a type of transmission radio
NMEA is the standard data exchange format wave. While it is a type of radio wave usually used by radars
used by bridge equipment. equipped with magnetrons, radio waves with a short pulse
length are used also by solid-state radars for short-range
N UP detection.
The north is always pointed to the top center of
the radar display. (North up) Past positions
Equally time-spaced past position marks of a tracked or AIS
Object Catalogue target and the own ship.
The Object Catalogue is the feature schema for S-
57. Its primary function is to provide a description
of real world entities. It contains a list of feature PI
object classes (each relating to a real world Parallel Index line
entity), attributes and allowable attribute values.
Pick Report
Operator/Mariner Input value Safety A pick report, accessed by clicking on a specific object or
Contour location, allows for additional information and details
This Safety Contour is used to define safe relating to the selected item to be viewed.
navigable water. This safety value should be
calculated during the planning phase and Pixel
entered in the ECDIS by the ECDIS operator. If Contraction for “picture element”. The smallest element
the chart does not provide a contour for the resolvable by electronic raster devices such as scanner,
depth specified, the system selects the next display, and plotter.
available deeper contour.
Pivot point
Official updates A ship rotates about a point situated along its length, called
Updates provided in digital format by the Issuing the ‘pivot point’. When a force is applied to a ship that has
Authority of the ENC being corrected, for the result of causing the ship to turn (eg the rudder), the
integration with the ENC data in the SENC. ship will turn around a vertical axis that is conveniently
referred to as the pivot point. The position of the pivot point
Orientation depends on a number of influences. With headway, the
The mode in which information on the ECDIS is pivot point lies between 1/4 and 1/3 of the ship’s length
being presented. Typical modes include: from the bow, and with sternway, it lies a corresponding
• North-up: as shown on a nautical chart, north is distance from the stern. In the case of a ship without
at the top of the display. headway through the water but that is turning, its position
• Ship’s head-up: based on the actual will depend on the magnitude and position of the applied
force(s), whether resulting from the rudder, thrusters, tug,

wind or other influence. The pivot point traces the PROC
path that the ship follows. PROCess. Radar signal processing function

PMN (Primary Means of Navigation) Presentation Library 4.0

Means ECDIS may be used as the primary The required version of the Presentation Library, which
means of navigation and is accepted as replaced Presentation Library 3.4 and contains updates
complying with the up to date chart carriage such as improved alert managements and new symbols.
requirement of Chapter V of the SOLAS. To Presentation Library 4.0 mandated the inclusion of a date
qualify as the PMN, the equipment must be dependent object function and use of the hover-over
type approved and certified by the relevant flag function. Presentation Library 4.0 of the 'HO ECDIS
State as complying with the IMO Performance Presentation Library came into effect from 1st
Standard for ECDIS. Any system that has not September 2017.
undergone type approval and certification is
known as an electronic chart system (ECS) and, Presentation Library (PL)
while it can be used as an aid to navigation, it is The Presentation Library provides details and procedures
not suitable for use as the PMN. for implementing the specifications contained in Annex A
of S-52, by decoding and symbolising the elements of the
Point of no return A type of radio wave with intra-pulse frequency modulation.
Point of no return is not related to the width of It is used for solid-state pulse compression radars.
the channel or turning of the vessel. With point of
no return, there may be sufficient sea room to Radar beacon
turn the vessel but the vessel cannot return to A navigation aid which responds to the radar transmission
where it came from because the conditions have and generates radio wave
now changed. (Low tide)
Radar Information Overlay (RIO)
Power amplifier This is an overlay of radar data on an ECDIS. It can be
A radio frequency amplifier circuit consisting of used to monitor own ship's position relative to the
semiconductor elements used for solid-state planned route in coastal and pilotage waters.
radars. It employs a high frequency, high power
A regular array with information pertaining to each element
PRF (pixel) or group of elements.
Pulse Repetition Frequency. The number of radar
pulses transmitted each second.
Raster data presentation
Method of representing all, or part, of a chart digitally by a
Precision matrixlike scheme of pixels.
The degree of refinement of a value. Not to be
confused with accuracy.
An area of the chart displayed on the screen. Represented
Predictor by one half of the length of the chart display screen.
The Predictor is a tool for estimating own ship's
future positions and behavior, and it is available
on the status bar.
Capability of depicting detail, represented by the smallest
distance apart at which two objects can be seen to be
PRIMAR STAVENGER separate. Depends on pixel size, i.e. screen dimension
A Norwegian company supplying charts. divided by number of pixels.
Publisher of encrypted charts, S-63
Reference target
Primary A fixed target specified to calculate the speed over the
Main positioning sensor ground

ECDIS Glossary
Relative vector Rubber band
A predicted movement of a target relative to own Border that indicates the selected range.
ship’s motion
Safe (Navigable) Waters Non-navigable
Report Defined by The Safety Depth/Safety Contour. These
User report to be issued periodically for using the safety values should be calculated during the planning
Dynamic License method of Jeppesen phase and entered in the ECDIS by the navigator.
RL S-52 specifies the IHO standards for chart content and
Rhumb Line display aspects of ECDIS.

RM s-57
Relative Motion. A display on which the position S-57 specifies the IHO transfer standard for digital
of own ship remains fixed, and all targets move hydrographic data.
relative to own ship.
RM(R) S-63 is the IHO data protection scheme. (This scheme is
Relative Motion. Relative Trails designed to prevent unauthorised use of data by
encrypting the ENCi nformation and restricting access to
RM(T) only those cells that a customer has been licensed to
Relative Motion. True Trails use.)

Route s-100
A sequence of waypoints and legs. S-IOO is the IHO universal hydrographic data model that
provides a contemporary hydrographic geospatial data
Route monitoring (also called voyage standard that can support a wide variety of hydrographic
related digital data sources.
A compulsory permanent mode which is run
concurrently with the navigation mode. The
operational navigational ECDIS function in which S-101 is a new ENC product specification. (The S-IOI
the chart information is displayed, under control Edition 1.0.0 Feature and Portrayal Catalogues are
of the positioning sensor input, according to the currently being refined by the [HO.)
vessel’s present position (either in true motion or
relative motion display mode). It ensures SA Certificate file
continuous tracking, recording, log keeping, An electronic file certifying the supplier of S-63 chart.
position relative to certain objects, position Required for import/ update of S-63 chart.
relative to route, chart display scale, and retrieval
of auxiliary sensor data. SART
Search And Rescue Transponder
Route planning
The pre-determination of course, speed, Safety Contour Value used during planning stage
waypoints and radius in relation to the waters to and Route Check function
be navigated, and in relation to other relevant Safety Contour used for planning purpose and route check
information and conditions. Note: See also leg, function may not use same value which will used during
route, voyage plan, waypoint. Monitoring/Execution stage of passage especially due to
different voyage legs (open water, coastal, in port) with
RoT different UKC requirements and other factors (HoT, vessel
Rate of turn indicator on board vessels indicates speed and squat effect…) The route check should be carried
the rate a ship is turning. It indicates the rate a out using the safety contour settings based on the lowest
ship is turning in degrees per minute (°/min) permissible UKC required for the voyage. If this results in
too many alarms, it will highlight areas on passage where
RR the Safety Contour will need to be reviewed.
Range Rings

Safety margin in route check SOG
SAFETY MARGIN to allow CATZOC accuracy (both Speed Over the Ground
vertical and horizontal) and
GNSS accuracy accordingly, as those corrections SP
are not part of AUTO ROUTE CHECK Short Pulse

Safety Depth and Safety Contour Spot depth

The Safety Depth and Safety Contour are used Numeric representation of depth
to define safe navigable water. These safety
values should be calculated during the planning SSR
phase and entered in the ECDIS by the ECDIS Solid State Radar : Radar that uses semiconductor elements
operator. The Safety Depth function visually instead of magnetron, which requires periodic replacement.
highlights soundings that are less than the It is built with a system that ensures necessary detection
Safety Depth. For the Safety Contour, if the capability even when a transmission output is low, by using
chart does not provide a contour for the depth chirp signals with a long pulse length upon transmission and
specified, the system selects the next available performing pulse compression upon reception
deeper contour.
Scale STABilization
The display scale
SCAMIN (Scale Minimum) Speed Through Water
Scale minimum, or SCAMIN, determines the
display scale below which an object is no longer
visible on the ECDIS. SCAMIN values are
Track Control Systems
attributed to each object and their primary
purpose is to prevent clutter when zooming
out. However, SCAMIN can be turned ON/OFF TCPA
by the ECDIS operator. Time to Closest Point of Approach to own ship

Sea state TM
The average height of the wave expressed by True Motion. A display across which the own ship and
dividing into several classes. targets move with their own true motions.

SENC (System Electronic Navigational To WPT

To Waypoint (To WPT)
A system electronic navigational chart (SENC) is
the electronic chart derived from the core S-57 Trails
data that a specific ECDIS uses to link with the Tracks displayed by the radar echoes of targets in the form
S-52 Presentation Library. of an afterglow

SET Trial maneuver

The current direction for manual correction or the A graphical simulation facility used to assist the operator to
current speed on the horizontal axis of the 2-axis perform a proposed maneuver for navigation and collision
log is displayed. avoidance purposes

Ship-avoiding operation True vector

To operate the ship in order to avoid obstacles A vector representing the predicted true motion of a target,
during automatic navigation, regardless of the as a result of input of the course and speed of the own ship
scheduled route
Sleeping AIS target Target Tracking
A target indicating the presence and orientation
of a vessel equipped with AIS TTG

ECDIS Glossary
Time To Go. Time to next waypoint. an own ship maneuver on all tracked targets with or without
time delay.
Transmitter-Receiver Unit True distance
Distance on the earth’s surface, based on ellipsoid
The Shallow contour calculations.
The Shallow contour is a contour that divides the
sea area between the 0 depth and the shallow UKHO
contour value set by the operator and is therefore United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
a Non-Navigable area. This is depicted with dark
Blue colour and indicates the grounding depth Update (Chart Maintenance)
(this is the depth below which the ship will go A procedure of reflecting the update data supplied by
aground). Update CD on the imported chart.

Speed Update CD
In general, the rate of motion or distance per unit Chart CD containing the chart data updated from Base CD.
of time. When used in conjunction This can be used when Base CD data has been imported.
with ECDIS, speed could be either:
• speed of advance (SOA): speed intended to be USER CODE
made along the track; A user-specific code assigned by JRC. Required in using ARCS
• speed over ground (SOG): the speed along the and S-63 charts.
path actually followed;
• speed made good (SMG): the speed along the
course made good.
Universal Time, Coordinated
standard display See display category.

Supplementary information Vector

Direct connection between two points, either given as two
Non-chart HO information, e.g., sailing directions,
sets of coordinates (points), or by direction and distance
tide tables, light list.
from one given set of coordinates, or a point in a vector
space defined by one set of coordinates relative to the
Time varying object origin of a coordinate system.
An object which has one or more attributes, the
value or values of which vary with time. Note: An
Vector data presentation
example of a time-varying object in S-57 is the geo
Method of representing individual chart features digitally by
object “Tide-Time Series” which gives the times
points, lines and polygons given through their coordinates
and height of high and low water.
and appropriate code(s).
The intended path and past path of the ship.
Visual (manual) Route Check
Requires operator to:
When used in conjunction with ECDIS, additional
terminology related to track can include: • execute visual check on each available ENC scales
• planned route (planned track): intended path for specific navigational area
• past track: past path • use of ENC compilation/original/best scale
• cross-track distance: distance right or left of • use of ALL/Other display mode
intended path • considered extra caution for hazards obscured by
overlapping ENCs
Track keeping • interrogate the properties of the ISOLATED
DANGER SYMBOL by using pick up report in order
Sailing a ship in accordance with a pre-determined
to assess the risk

Trial manuever Voyage plan

A defined series of waypoints, legs and routes.
Trial Maneuver is one of the Automatic Radar
Plotting Aid (ARPA) features implemented in ATD
system and is used in navigation for collision VDR - Voyage recording
avoidance. Trial Maneuver simulates the effect of ECDIS capability to store and to reproduce certain minimum

elements required to reconstruct the navigation
and verify the official data base used during the
previous 12 hours.

Variable Range Marker

An alarm or indicator.

In conjunction with route planning, a geographical
location (e.g., latitude and longitude) indicating a
significant event on a vessel’s planned route (e.g.,
course alteration point, calling in point, etc.).

Wheel Over Line

Wheel Over Point

World Geodetic System (WGS)

A global geodetic reference system developed by
the USA for satellite position fixing and
recommended by IHO for hydrographic and
cartographic use.


The division of the leg specified by two points.
Displays data between two consecutive

XTD/Safety Corridor
The ECDIS operator will specify the XTD on
either side of the planned track to show the
boundary of the safety corridor.

Cross Track Limit


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