Research Paper On Thyroid Disease

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Struggling with writing a thesis on thyroid disease? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and

insightful research paper on such a complex topic can be incredibly challenging. From sorting through
vast amounts of information to organizing your thoughts cohesively, the process can feel

Thyroid disease encompasses a wide range of conditions, from hypothyroidism to thyroid cancer,
each with its own intricate details and nuances. Navigating through medical literature, understanding
the latest research findings, and synthesizing them into a coherent thesis requires both time and

If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of your thesis on thyroid disease, fear not. Help
is available. Consider seeking assistance from professionals who specialize in academic writing. By
enlisting the support of experts, you can ensure that your thesis meets the highest standards of
quality and academic rigor.

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Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with biochemical abnormalities including increased serum
creatinine level. In order to best protect patient safety, any co-morbid conditions or illnesses should
be treated before the evaluation test, as the effect of hyperthyroidism for a brief period longer is less
dangerous than the possible side effects of the radioactive iodine with a co-morbidity. Occasionally
potassium perchlorate can be added or substituted if there is no response. Treatment options depend
on staging and include surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, radiation therapy, and
thyroid hormone replacement after surgery. If surgery is required, due to allergy or adverse effect of
ATD, it is safest to be performed in the second trimester. 2.3.4. Subclinical hyperthyroidism
Subclinical hyperthyroidism is defined as a low TSH level, which is below the reference range (
Vanderpump 2011 ). Similarly, patients who are hyperthyroid due to nodular goitre may be offered
surgery as a definitive treatment due to the same reasons. If there is little to no response from first
line treatment for type 1 AIT, this may raise the possibility that type 2 AIT is the predominant
aetiology. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Thyroid function tests
(TFT’s) should be performed around 6 weeks after RAI. The attending physician attempt to
distinguish whether the patient has type 1 or type 2 AIT (summarised in Table 2 ). About 90% of the
secretion of the human adrenal medulla is epinephrine. Almost every little illness has the potential to
threaten this balance. On the other hand, the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism include palpitations,
nervousness, goiter, tachycardia, increased sweating, and hypersensitivity to heat. Hyperthyroidism:
aetiology and diagnosis. 2.1. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism Main symptoms and signs of
hyperthyroidism are summarised in Table 2. It has two lobes that lie along the side of the trachea. A
minority will require a second dose and very rarely a third treatment with RAI. See Full PDF
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Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. An organ-specific autoimmune response is the underlying
cause in the majority and susceptibility to thyroid autoimmunity is believed to be influenced by an
interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors, in addition to endogenous
factors such as age and sex ( Vanderpump 1995 ). Agranulocytosis occurs in approximately 0.4-0.5%
of cases. All patients are warned of this rare but serious side effect and asked to immediately report
symptoms consistent with agranulocytosis such as severe sore throat, fever or mouth ulcers. Once
established on a maintenance dose and TSH and T4 levels have normalised, the doses are unlikely to
vary and so less frequent testing is possible (e.g. 6 monthly). Block and replace regimes should not
be used in pregnant women (detailed below). Caution is needed in patients incontinent of urine,
which represents a relative contraindication and insertion of a urinary catheter or urinary pads with
appropriate disposal facilities are ways to circumvent the problem (RCP 2007). Sonographic risk-
stratification systems (e.g., Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systems) can be used to estimate
the risk of malignancy and the need for biopsy based on nodule features and size. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 90 5483 8. 48. Williams G. R. 2008 Neurodevelopmental and neurophysiological actions of
thyroid hormone. An Exemplar Study and Literature Review Is Primary Hyperparathyroidism a Risk
Factor for Papillary Thyroid Cancer. In this study we can see effect of metformin among SCH
patients. Differentiation of type1 and type 2 amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT). Diseases of
the thyroid are not uncommon, especially among women and the elderly. Thyroid surgery, in various
guises, has been performed since the 1860’s as a treatment of goitres ( Sawyers 1972 ). Content
Alerts Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen
perspective How it Works Manage preferences Contact Want to get in touch. This balance, or
physiologic homeostasis, depends on multiple physiologic processes that regulate fluid intake and
output and the movement of water and the substances dissolved in it between the body
This serves as the protein precursor of the thyroid hormones (Broome, 2006). Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. However, there are obvious repercussions to the use of radioactive
medications, and so this test does not need to be used if a patient presents with hyperthyroidism and
symptoms consistent with Graves' disease. Int J Clin Pract. 60 655 9 22. Hedley A. J. Young R. E.
Jones S. J. Alexander W. D. Bewsher P. D. 1989 Antithyroid drugs in the treatment of
hyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease: long-term follow-up of 434 patients. The thyroid is a gland
inside of the human throat which is located on the trachea just below the larynx. Report this
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 33 Search inside document. Hyperthyroidism
affects the endocrine system, resulting in changes in metabolic rate and nutritional uptake, the
cardiovascular system, the eyes, the skin, and the thyroid gland itself. If this does not achieve long
term euthyroidism, due to either the relapsing nature of the condition following withdrawal of ATD
or treatment difficulties, then radioactive iodine is indicated as a definitive treatment due to long
term morbidity and mortality associated with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism. Patients who suffer
from Graves' disease produce immune system antibodies that directly attack the thyroid gland. The
combination of these factors can leave the patient malnourished and underweight, no matter the
patient's caloric intake (Gutierrez, 2008). T3 is about five times as potent as T4 and has a more rapid
metabolic action. Best practice for hyperthyroidism involves initially confirming the diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism, as it can sometimes mimic the symptoms of other conditions, then determining the
ultimate cause of the condition as this will affect prognosis and course of treatment. Patients
prescribed these medications should be advised to take them at least 2-4 hours apart from their
thyroxine. This hormone accelerates metabolic processes by increasing the level of specific enzymes
that contribute to oxygen consumption and altering the responsiveness of tissues to other hormones.
When cytology findings are indeterminate, molecular analysis of the aspirate may obviate the need.
Congenital thyroid abnormalities mostly include unilateral lobar agenesis, with or without involving
the isthmus. Thus an elevated TSH level would typically suggest an underactive thyroid. Caution is
needed in the elderly, or those with cardiovascular disease due to increased risk of myocardial
infarction and tachyarrhythmia. Physical examination may reveal an enlarged thyroid gland or rapid
heartbeat. Toxic MNG will show multiple nodules with increased uptake. Key words: fT3 (free
triiodothyronine), fT4 (free tetraiodothyronine), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), creatinine,
subclinical hypothyroidism. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. To avoid over
dosage poisoning, precautions on this drug should be exercised. Depending on the ultimate cause of
the thyroid dysfunction, various mechanisms will lead to folding of the cell matrix and an expansion
in size of the gland. Careful history and examination will typically point towards a diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism and its underlying cause. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above.
Hyperthyroidism is most commonly seen in women until the age of sixty-five or seventy-five, at
which point, as in seen in thyroid disease across the board, the incidence greatly increases and
becomes equally likely between the sexes (Gutierrez, 2008). You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. Clin Endocrinol. 461 5 4. Ajjan R. A. Weetman A. P. 2008 Techniques to quantify
TSH receptor antibodies. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely
available to all.
The aim of thiocarbamides or carbimazole inhibits the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone (Roth,
2007). Inflammation of the thyroid gland can also result in Hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease
presents with these symptoms as well as eyelid lag and protrusion of the eyeball. Annual TFT’s are
subsequently required to monitor for late onset hypo-, or hyperthyroidism (BTA 2006). 2.2.3.
Surgery Patient selection. The frequency of thyroid dysfunction in our population compels every
physician to be skilled in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. This disorderd secretyion of hormones and
glands might lead to diseases like stroke, cardiovascular disease, respiratoey diseases, imbalanced
secretion of thyroid gland leads to swelling of the organs etc. Instead, the medical professional in
this case should simply begin treatment for Graves' disease and monitor the patient for their response
to the treatment (Bahn et al., 2010). This coursework describes diseases based on physiological
changes seen with normal thyroid physiology. When responses were not suitable for a formal clinical
recommendation, a summary response statement without a formal clinical recommendation was
developed. It is important to be weary of individuals who suddenly need an increase in thyroxine
and who complain of gastrointestinal symptoms. Many medications can interfere with the absorption
of thyroxine, such as ferrous sulphate, calcium carbonate, proton pump inhibitors, orlistat and
cholestyramine (BTA 2006). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Homeostasis, then, is the tendency of the body to maintain a state of
balance or equilibrium while continually changing. However, high seasoned diets and foods that act
as stimulants such as coffee, tea and the like are discouraged. NOTE: We only request your email
address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it,
and that it is not junk mail. The drug however should not be given to patients who are hypersensitive
to any of its components. It. Treatment consists of a daily dose of thyroid hormone (thyroxine) by
mouth. However, this treatment can only be given for a short period of time as the patient eventually
“escapes” from the inhibitory effect of iodine ( Philippou 1992 ). Objectives: This study was
designed to estimate the serum creatinine level in subclinical hypothyroidism cases and to assess the
correlation of serum creatinine with fT3, fT4, TSH. Maas, D. (2007, April). Thyroid Disease Can
Cause Fatigue, Weight Gain and More. This serves as the protein precursor of the thyroid hormones
(Broome, 2006). Depending on the location and stage, treatment may consist of radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, surgery, or a combination of these modalities. The rate of excretion for cholesterol
especially is increased. It is recommended that TSH is maintained at the lower end of the reference
range during pregnancy, with the free T4 at the upper range of normal ( Lazarus 2011 ).
Complications do occur to varying degree and include thyroid storm, wound haemorrhage,
hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. Even with an expansion of the evidence
base, clinical experience is likely to remain an invaluable asset in many instances. Three had a
multifocal thyroid disease, and three had neck lymph node metastasis. In asymptomatic individuals
with negative TPOAb, simple observation with repeat TFT’s is probably all that is required (BTA
2006). Int J Clin Pract. 60 655 9 22. Hedley A. J. Young R. E. Jones S. J. Alexander W. D. Bewsher
P. D. 1989 Antithyroid drugs in the treatment of hyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease: long-term
follow-up of 434 patients. Main symptoms and signs in autoimmune hypothyroidism 3.2.2. T3
replacement therapy The use of tri-iodothyronine, either alone or in addition to levothyroxine remains
controversial ( Escobar-Morreale et al 2005 ). Ellie's condition is brought by Hyperthyroidism, this is
vividly evidenced by the fact that she develops exophthalmos, a condition that is only possible in
Graves' disease caused by overactive thyroid gland.

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