Effect of Spraying Different Concentrations of Humic Acid On The

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Plant Archives Vol. 20, Supplement 2, 2020 pp. 1517-1521 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210


Zeyad Hazim Chassab Alfatlawi1 and Sabreen Hazim Abdul Wahid Alrubaiee2
College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University, Iraq
College of Agriculture, Basrah University, Iraq


A field experiment was conducted for the season 2019-2020 in the experimental field belonging to the Department of Field Crops, College
of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University, to study the effect of spraying Humic acid in different stages on the wheat crop, The factorial
experiment was applied according to the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. The experiment included the
study of two factors: the effect of spraying humic acid in different stages is (T1 elongation stage-T2 Heading stage-T3 flowering stage) and
four concentrations are (0-5-10-15-15 g/ L) and which symbolized by (N0-N1-N2-N3), respectively. The results indicated the excelled of the
spray treatment at a concentration of 15 g /L in the plant height, the flag leaf, the leaf content of chlorophyll, the number of spikes per square
meter, the number of grains per spike, the total grain yield and the biological yield, as well as the treatment spraying in the flowering stage in
the number of spikes per square meter, the number of grains per spike and the total grain yield and The biologist yield, While no significant
differences were observed for the acid spraying stages in the trait of the plant height, the flag leaf and the leaf content of chlorophyll. As for
the traits of the 1000 grain weight, no differences were observed in both study and interaction factors. Also, significant differences were
observed between the interaction factors in the leaf content of chlorophyll, the number of spikes, the grain yield and the biologist yield,
while the rest of the traits did not show any significant differences for the interaction factors.
Keywords: Humic acid, sprayings stages, wheat.
Introduction Spraying humic to plants improves plant growth, nutrient
absorption, and crop growth. As many studies have proven
Wheat crop Triticum asetivum L. is the first crop in the
that this acid reduced the amount of fertilizer added to the
world among the crops used in food in terms of economic
soil, which leads to a reduction in the cost and pollution of
importance, cultivated area and annual production volume,
where this grain is the main source of energy that a person chemical fertilizers without affecting the yield (Pettit, 2003).
and due to the lack of studies in Iraq in general and Babylon
needs to increase its nutritional value because it contains a
high percentage of proteins and carbohydrates (FAO, 2009). province in particular, this study was conducted, which aims
That the Iraq soil contains a high percentage of lime and soil to determine the best stages of plant growth in response to
spraying this acid and with the best concentration to obtain a
interaction tends to be basic and the lack of organic matter
has led to the need to add some organic matter to the soil to good yield in terms of growth and yield traits.
improve their chemical and physical properties, and from Materials and Methods
these materials are humic acid, which is a complex A field experiment was conducted for the season 2019-
compound that arises from the gradual degradation of organic
2020 in the experimental field of the Department of Field
matter by means of various microorganisms, Humic is Crops, College of Agriculture, University of Al-Qasim
formed as a result of the transformation of plant remains
Green, located within the geographical limits of the
under the influence of the biological reactions of University of Babylon, and within the longitude 44.39 and
microorganisms, In addition to that the plant suffers from a
width 32.30, The experiment soil was tillage and smoothing
problem of lack of phosphorous, especially in soils with a
with disc harrows and samples were taken from the field soil
high acidity number, where the problem of phosphate
before the start of cultivation in order to know the chemical
fertilizers is lost and fixed in the soil, whether in solid or
and physical characteristics of it. The samples were analyzed
liquid form and the suffering of crops increases when the
in the Laboratory of Soil Department, College of Agriculture,
temperature decreases and this leads to slow growth and Al Qasim green University and the results were as shown in
delayed ripening in many crops Therefore, humic acids have Table (1).
a role in improving the absorption of phosphorous from the
compound fertilizers because of the presence of an amine Table 1 : Shows the physical and chemical properties of the
group on humic acids that absorb phosphate cations and field soil
improve plant productivity. (Chen et al., 2004) explain that Traits Values
adding humic acid has a role in improving the absorption of pH 7.7
nitrogen from the soil, increasing the absorption of (dSm-1 ) EC 4.7
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus and making Nitrogen availability mg.kg-1 21.2
them more available for the plant root system. Hellal, (2007) Phosphorus availability mg.kg-1 24.4
mentioned that the use of humic acid has improved nutrient Potassium availability mg.kg-1 382
values with a significant correlation between the total content Organic matter% 1.37
of organic matter and humic acid as well as the reason for a Soil components
significant increase in the yield of grains and straw. Humic Sand g.Kg-1 225
acid has an effect on plant growth by activating enzymatic Silt g.Kg-1 346
reactions, increasing the permeability of cell membranes, Clay g.Kg-1 429
increasing cell division and elongation, increasing the Soil Texture silty clay loam
amount of plant enzymes and activating vitamins inside cells.
1518 Effect of spraying different concentrations of humic acid on the growth and yield of wheat crop
(IPA 99 cultivar) in different stages

The factorial experiment was applied according to the type Contador seed meter found in the Seed Technology
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)with three Laboratory, Department of Field Crops ,College of
replicates. The experiment included a study of two factors: Agriculture, University of Al-Qasim green, then each sample
the effect of spraying Humic acid in different stages are: (T1 was weighed for each experimental unit, and moisture
elongation stage - T2 Heading stage - T3 flowering stage) measurement for the grains at 14% humidity level (Hossain
and four concentrations are (0-5-10-15-15) g/L and which et al., 2013).
symbolized by (N0-N1-N2-N3), respectively. treatments
4- The grain yield (tons.ha-1):
were distributed randomly, and the experimental unit area
was 16 m2 with a length of 4 m and a width of 4 m, and the Manual study of plants harvested from 1m2 of the
distance between the lines was 20 cm, and the IPA 99 seeds three middle lines was conducted and straw was isolated
cultivars were distributed on 30/ 11/2018 at a seed average of from the grains and cleaned well and then the grains were
40 kg/dunum. The experiment land was irrigated weighed, after the grains used in estimating the weight of
immediately after cultivated, and surface irrigation continued 1000 grains for the same treatment were added, and the
throughout the growth period. Also, triple superphosphate weight was then from g-1 to ton .ha-1 (AOAC, 1975).
fertilizer (45%) was added at an average of 25 kg/dunum Results and Discussion
where one batch when preparing the ground, and nitrogen
fertilizer (N 46%) was added at an average of 50 kg / dunum The plant height (cm)
in two batches. The first in the tillering stage and the second Table (2) showed that there are significant differences
in the Heading stage , In addition to spraying Humic acid, between the concentrations of spraying Humic acid fertilizer,
which is part to spray in three-stage (elongation stage - where it is noted that the fourth level excelled the trait of
Heading stage - flowering stage), The weeds, which appeared plant height and gave the highest average amounted to
in a small percentage in the experimental units and in the 105.56 cm compared to the treatment without spraying that
field in general, were controlled by manual method (weeding gave the lowest average amounted to 81.93 cm, and the
and hoeing) in two stages, and the following traits were reason for that is due to the role of organic acid in increasing
studied: cell division and cell elongation, where the humic acids
A- Vegetative traits: improve the balance of cells and occur at the highest average
of growth and the best conditions for cell division, which
1- The plant height (cm): have a role in increasing the average of plant height through
The plant height was measured as an average of ten its positive effect in the process of division and elongation of
plants from the soil surface to the top of the spike (peripheral cells by providing a good expansion of the cellular wall
spike) without own per experimental unit (Khan and Splide, necessary for the growth and division processes was clearly
1992). reflected in the height increase (Shabaan et al. 2009), This is
consistent with what was found by (Zeboon and Baqir, 2019)
2- The Flag Leaf area (cm2): who indicated that there were significant differences when
It was calculated from an average of 10 flag leaf for the spraying Humic acid, but as for the interaction between
main stems per experimental unit at 100% flowering stage workers and stages of spraying Humic acid, no significant
and according to the formula (1975, Thomas)). differences were observed.
The Flag Leaf area (cm2) = flag length x width at center x The flag leaf area (cm2)
correction coefficient 0.95
The result in Table (3)showed that there were
3- The flag leaf content of chlorophyll (SPAD): significant differences when spraying Humic acid, where the
Ten plants were read from each experimental unit after sprayed treatment with a concentration of 15 ml significantly
excelled with an average amounted to 34.21 cm2 compared to
flowering was completed by the Chlorophyll meter.
the control treatment that gave the lowest average amounted
4- Biological yield (tons.ha-1): to 29.31 cm2 and perhaps the reason for this is that spraying
A measure of all the existing plants from the area of 1 acids caused the increase in the biological activity of the
m2 harvested for each experimental unit, where the whole plant including the absorption of nutrients and thus
plants were weighed (grains + straw) and then transferred the increasing the effectiveness of enzymes activity in addition to
weight from g. M2 to a ton.ha-1. increasing the production of chlorophyll content Table (4)
and the formation of sugars and amino acids that contribute
B- The traits of the yield and its components: effectively to raising the efficiency of photosynthesis and
1- Number of spikes (spike/m2): thus Increase the flag leaf area. These results agree with
(Zeboon, 2019, Baqir) who indicated that there are
According to all plants harvested from 1m2 of the three significant differences when spraying Humic acid, and it is
intermediate lines guarded from each experimental unit. noted that there were no significant differences in the stages
2- Number of grains/spike: of spraying Humic acid and between the interaction factors.
The average number of grains of 10 spike per The flag leaf content of chlorophyll (SPAD).
experimental unit was taken after manually separating and It is noted from Table (4) that there were significant
cleaning the spike. The number of grains was calculated for differences between the study factors in the average plant
each spike. content of chlorophyll, where Humic acid spray treatment
3- The 1000 grain weight (g): concentration of 15 ml was significantly excelled and gave
average amounted to 59.10 spad ,compared to the control
The 1000 grain were randomly calculated from each
treatment that gave the lowest average amounted to 42.73
experimental unit from the final yield using the Seed counter
Zeyad Hazim Chassab Alfatlawi and Sabreen Hazim Abdul Wahid Alrubaiee 1519

spad, Perhaps the reason for this is that spraying the acid Weight of 1000 grain / g
caused the increase in the biological activity of the plant,
It is noted from Table (7) that there were no significant
including the absorption of nutrients, and thus increasing the
differences between the concentrations and stages of
effectiveness of the activity of enzymes, which was reflected
spraying Humic acid and the interaction between them in the
positively by increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis, weight of a thousand grain.
which led to an increase in the production of leaf content of
chlorophyll (Pettit and Robert, 2003). It is also noted from The grain yield ton / ha
the table that there were no significant differences for the It is noted from Table (8) that there were significant
acid spray stages and between the interaction factors. differences between the concentrations and stages of
The number of spikes/m2 spraying Humic acid and the interaction between them in the
trait of grain yield, where the treatment of acid spraying at a
It is noted from Table (5) that there were significant
concentration of 15 ml excelled in this trait and gave the
differences between the study factors, where the treatment of
highest average amounted to 3.99 tons.ha-1 while the
Humic acid spray a concentration of 15 ml was significantly
treatment without spraying gave the lowest average
excelled and gave an average of 221.0 spike /m2 compared to
amounted to 2.55 tons.ha-1, It is also noticed from the table
the control treatment that gave the lowest average amounted
that the humic acid spraying in the flowering stage was
to 170.2 spike /m2, While the Humic acid spraying stages, significantly excelled with an average amounted to 3,422
where the treatment of spraying in the flowering stage tons.ha-1compared to spraying at the elongation and Heading
significantly increased by an average of 205.8 spike /m2
stages which gave the lowest average amounted to 3.106 and
compared to the other stages. The reason for this is probably 3.183 tons.ha-1 respectively, The reason for this is that the
because the repeated spraying of plants with more humic acid organic fertilizer gives the plant greater opportunities to
doses leads to encouraging photosynthesis in the production
benefit from the nutrients in increasing the number of spikes
of carbohydrates and the speed of their transport to places of
(5) and the number of grains per spike (6) which was
growth, and this reduces the state of competition within a
positively reflected in the increase in the total grain yield
single plant and pushes towards increasing the number of
(Muhammad et al. 2014). As for the interaction, the
spikes (Muhammad and others 2009), as well significant
combination N4T3 excelled significantly, with an average
differences were observed between the interaction factors,
amounted to 4.05 tons.ha-1 , while the combination N1T1
where the N3T2 combination was significantly excelled with gave the lowest average amounted to 2.03 tons.ha-1.
an average amounted to 233.3 spike /m2 compared to the
N1T1 combination which gave the lowest average amounted The biological yield tons.ha-1
to 159.0 spike /m2. The results in Table (9) showed that there are
Number of grains / spike significant differences between the concentrations and stages
of spraying Humic acid and the interaction between them in
Table (6) shows significant differences between the trait of the biological yield, where the treatment of acid
concentrations and stages of spraying Humic acid in the trait spraying was distinguished by a concentration of 15 ml in
number of grains, noting that the treatment of spraying the
this trait and gave the highest average amounted to 12.47
fourth concentration was significantly excelled with an
tons.ha-1, while treatment without spraying was the lowest
average amounted to 58.67 grains/spike compared to the
average amounted to 8.38 tons.ha-1, and this excelled may be
treatment without spraying, where it gave the lowest average
due to increased plant height, increased leaf area and
amounted to 42.11 grains/ spike, The reason for this is due to
chlorophyll content for the same concentration and this is
the role that organic fertilizer plays in raising the efficiency
consistent with what Zeboon (and Baqir 2019) indicated,
of photosynthesis and providing appropriate opportunities to
which indicated significant differences when spraying Humic
reduce the condition of falling flowers by reducing the state acid, It is also noticed from the table that the humic acid
of competition between them over the food product. The spraying in the flowering stage was significantly excelled
results show the excelled of the spray treatment in the
with an average amounted to 10.37 tons.ha-1 measured by
Heading and flowering stages significantly with an average spraying the elongation and Heading stages, which gave the
of (53.50 and 53.75) in succession compared to the treatment lowest average amounted to 9.96 and 10.23 tons.ha-1
of spraying in the elongation stage that gave the lowest
respectively, and the reason for this may be that recurrent
average amounted to 45.25 grains/spike, The reason for this
additions of humic acid have led to an increase in most
is due to the frequent spraying of humic acids, which led to
studied traits because this acid contains amino acids and
creating a better incentive for the growth and development of
nutrients that have created adequate conditions to stimulate
photosynthesis and an increase in the readiness of nutrients in
the process of photosynthesis and provide an abundance of
the humic organic acid that came concurrently with spraying food and reflected by increasing most of the yield
at the beginning of the Heading and flowering stages, which
components and thus This was reflected positively by the
encouraged a better growth of the number of spike (Table 5) increase in the biological yield. As for the interaction, the
which was reflected clearly increased the number of grains combination N4T3 was significantly excelled, with an
(Muhammad et al. 2014). It is also noted from the table that
average amounted to 12.56 tons.ha-1, while the combination
there were no significant differences in the interaction N1T1 gave the lowest average amounted to 6.79 tons.ha-1.
between the factors.
1520 Effect of spraying different concentrations of humic acid on the growth and yield of wheat crop
(IPA 99 cultivar) in different stages

Table 2 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on plant height trait (cm)
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
93.57 106.60 90.80 93.50 83.40 T1
95.39 105.80 97.10 96.83 81.83 T2
92.04 104.27 92.60 90.73 80.57 T3
LSD 5% N=4.5, T=NS The average of
105.56 93.50 93.69 81.93
N*T =NS Concentrations (N)

Table 3 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the leaf area trait(cm2)
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
32.83 36.70 34.47 31.23 28.90 T1
31.40 33.53 32.80 29.83 29.43 T2
30.71 32.40 31.37 29.47 29.60 T3
LSD 5% N=1.6 , T=NS The average of
34.21 32.88 30.18 29.31
N*T =NS Concentrations (N)

Table 4 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the flag leaf content of chlorophyll (SPAD)
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
51.39 61.77 56.47 45.87 41.47 T1
54.18 60.80 53.67 58.17 44.10 T2
53.84 54.73 61.03 56.97 42.63 T3
LSD 5% N=2.6, T=NS The average of
59.10 57.06 53.67 42.73
N*T =4.4 Concentrations (N)

Table 5 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the number of spike /m2
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
175.2 209.7 164.0 168.3 159.0 T1
203.0 228.7 233.3 180.3 169.7 T2
205.8 224.6 189.3 227.3 182.0 T3
LSD 5% N=9.9 ,T=11.4 The average of
221.0 195.6 192.0 170.2
N*T =19.8 Concentrations (N)

Table 6 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the number of grains / spike
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
45.25 55.67 48.0 39.3 38.0 T1
53.50 60.00 58.67 53.3 42.0 T2
53.75 60.33 59.68 48.67 46.33 T3
LSD 5% N=1.9, T=1.7 The average of
58.67 55.44 47.11 42.11
N*T =NS Concentrations (N)

Table 7 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the Weight of 1000 grain / g
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
39.24 42.00 40.17 37.97 36.83 T1
37.10 37.60 39.75 34.33 36.73 T2
35.31 37.58 35.00 35.37 33.30 T3
LSD 5% N=NS, T=NS The average of
39.06 38.31 35.89 35.62
N*T =NS Concentrations (N)

Table 8 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the grain yield ton / ha
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
3.106 3.92 3.84 2.64 2.03 T1
3.183 3.99 2.98 2.95 2.81 T2
3.422 4.05 3.87 2.95 2.82 T3
LSD 5% N=0.1 ,T=0.12 The average of
3.99 3.56 2.85 2.55
N*T =0.21 Concentrations (N)
Zeyad Hazim Chassab Alfatlawi and Sabreen Hazim Abdul Wahid Alrubaiee 1521

Table 9 : Effect of humic acid concentrations and spraying stages on the biological yield tons.ha-1
The average of spraying Concentrations
N4 N3 N2 N1
stages Spraying stages
9.96 12.30 12.11 8.63 6.79 T1
10.23 12.53 9.65 9.57 9.15 T2
10.87 12.56 12.17 9.55 9.19 T3
LSD 5% N=0.36, T=0.30 The average of
12.47 11.31 9.25 8.38
N*T =0.62 Concentrations (N)

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