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Canadian Journal of Cardiology 39 (2023) 726e740

Beyond Acute COVID-19: A Review of Long-term
Cardiovascular Outcomes
Parinaz Parhizgar, MD,a,b Nima Yazdankhah, BSc,a,b Anna M. Rzepka, MSc,a,b
Kit Yan Christie Chung, RN, BScN,a,b Irfan Ali,a,b Rachel Lai Fat Fur,a,b Victoria Russell, MSc,a,b
and Angela M. Cheung, MD, PHDa,b
Department of Medicine and Joint Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto Hospital Research Institute and Schroeder Arthritis Institute, University Health Network,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Statistics Canada estimated that approximately 1.4 million Canadians Statistique Canada estime qu’environ 1,4 million de Canadiens souf-
suffer from long COVID. Although cardiovascular changes during acute frent de la COVID-19 de longue dure e. Bien que les changements
SARS-CoV-2 infection are well documented, long-term cardiovascular cardiovasculaires au cours de l’infection aiguë par le SRAS-CoV-2
sequelae are less understood. In this review, we sought to characterize soient bien connus, il en va autrement des se quelles cardiovascu-
adult cardiovascular outcomes in the months after acute COVID-19 riser
laires à long terme. Dans cette synthèse, nous avons voulu caracte
illness. In our search we identified reports of outcomes including car- les conse quences cardiovasculaires chez l’adulte dans les mois qui
diac dysautonomia, myocarditis, ischemic injuries, and ventricular suivent la phase aiguë de la COVID-2019. Nous avons releve  des
dysfunction. Even in patients without overt cardiac outcomes, sub- tudes portant sur des cas de dysautonomie cardiaque, de myocardite,
clinical changes have been observed. Cardiovascular sequelae after sions ische
de le miques et de dysfonction ventriculaire. Même chez les
SARS-CoV-2 infection can stem from exacerbation of preexisting con- patients sans troubles cardiaques manifestes, des changements sub-
ditions, ongoing inflammation, or as a result of damage that occurred cliniques ont ete
s. Les se
quelles cardiovasculaires après une

It is well-documented that multiorgan symptoms of SARS- Excellence in the United Kingdom has divided the postacute
CoV-2 infection can persist after recovery from acute illness. COVID-19 period into ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 at
The resulting post-COVID condition, often referred to as 4-12 weeks, and post-COVID syndrome (> 12 weeks).3 The
long COVID, has emerged as a “postpandemic pandemic.” As Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United
of August 2022, it is estimated that nearly 15% of COVID- States uses “post-COVID conditions” as an umbrella term
19 survivors, or approximately 1.4 million adult Canadians, and a minimum 4-week post-COVID time frame.4 Despite
are continuing to experience post-COVID symptoms at least slight variation in terminology and definition, all groups
3 months after a confirmed or suspected infection.1 recognize that common long COVID symptoms include fa-
Several definitions for postacute sequelae of COVID-19 tigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction. Long
have been suggested, with long COVID often used as a COVID can be debilitating, leading to exercise intolerance
general term. According to the World Health Organization, and inability to return to work,5 school, and normal living.
post-COVID condition is defined as the presence of post- To date, there has been no established link between SARS-
COVID symptoms that persist past 3 months, last for at CoV-2 infection and major long-term cardiovascular risk.
least 2 months, and cannot be explained by an alternative However, some epidemiologic evidence suggests that
diagnosis.2 The National Institute for Health and Care COVID-19 might be associated with long-term increased risk
of cardiovascular outcomes.6,7 The Canadian Cardiovascular
Society Rapid Response team suggests consultation with a
Received for publication November 2, 2022. Accepted January 21, 2023. cardiologist for patients who experience persistent chest pain,
Corresponding author: Dr Angela M Cheung, 200 Elizabeth Street, 7th shortness of breath, frequent palpitations, or postural light-
floor Eaton North Room 221, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, Canada. Tel.: headedness > 4 weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis.8 Because
þ1-416-340-4301; fax: þ1-416-340-4105 these symptoms are nonspecific and might be related to other
E-mail: [email protected]
See page 737 for disclosure information. conditions, investigations are encouraged to differentiate

0828-282X/Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Parhizgar et al. 727
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes

during acute infection. For example, myocardial fibrosis has been re- infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 peuvent re sulter de l’exacerbation de
ported months after hospital admission for COVID-19 illness, and maladies pre existantes, d’une inflammation persistante ou de le sions
might be a consequence of myocarditis and myocardial injury during survenues pendant l’infection aiguë. Par exemple, des cas de fibrose
acute disease. In turn, myocardial fibrosis can contribute to further myocardique ont e te
s des mois après l’admission à l’hôpital du
outcomes including dysrhythmias and heart failure. Severity of acute fait de la COVID-19 et pourraient être une conse quence de la myo-
infection might be a risk factor for long-term cardiovascular conse- cardite et des lesions myocardiques survenues pendant la phase aiguë
quences, however, cardiovascular changes have also been reported in de la maladie. La fibrose myocardique peut pour sa part entraîner
young, healthy individuals who had asymptomatic or mild acute dis- d’autres conse quences, notamment la dysrythmie et l’insuffisance
ease. Although evolving evidence suggests that previous SARS-CoV-2 cardiaque. La gravite  de l’infection aiguë pourrait être un facteur de
infection might be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, there is risque de problèmes cardiovasculaires à long terme, mais des
heterogeneity in existing evidence, and some studies are marred by changements cardiovasculaires ont e galement e  te
 rapportes chez de
measured and unmeasured confounders. Many investigations have jeunes individus en bonne sante  qui pre
sentaient une maladie aiguë
also been limited by relatively short follow-up. Future studies should asymptomatique ou be nigne. Bien que de plus en plus de donne es
focus on longer term outcomes (beyond 1 year) and identifying the semblent indiquer qu’une infection ante rieure par le SRAS-CoV-2
prevalence of outcomes in different populations on the basis of acute pourrait être un facteur de risque de maladie cardiovasculaire, il
and long COVID disease severity. n’existe pas de consensus à cet e gard et certaines e tudes comportent
des facteurs de confusion mesure s et non mesure s. De nombreuses
tudes sont e
e galement limite es du fait d’un suivi relativement court.
Les e tudes ulte
rieures devraient donc se focaliser sur les issues à long
terme (au-delà d’un an) et sur la pre valence des complications dans
differentes populations sur la base de la gravite  de la phase aiguë de
l’infection et de la COVID-19 de longue dure e.

between cardiac and other etiologies. The incidence and na- SARS-CoV-2 infection. At a median of 68 days (interquartile
ture of the long-term cardiovascular consequences of COVID- range [IQR], 39-103) after COVID-19 diagnosis, there was a
19 have yet to be fully characterized. 27% rate of myocarditis-pattern late gadolinium enhancement
In this review, we sought to summarize existing evidence (LGE) on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
on cardiovascular sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection consistent with myocarditis. One-third of the patients with
(Fig. 1). Specifically, we focused on outcomes occurring myocarditis-pattern LGE showed signs of ongoing active
longer than 1 month after acute COVID-19 illness. We also myocardial inflammation. However, regional wall motion and
considered a breadth of possible outcomes, even those that are biventricular function remained normal.10
thought to be less often associated with viral respiratory in- In a German study of 100 patients (33% required hospi-
fections. A summary of reports that fulfil the World Health talization for acute COVID-19 illness), cardiac MRI per-
Organization definition of long COVID (symptoms persisting formed at a median of 71 (IQR, 64-92) days after COVID-19
for  3 months) are included in Table 1. diagnosis revealed abnormal findings in 78% of patients,
We conducted our literature search in Ovid MEDLINE including ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60% of pa-
with a focus on adult populations. To include the broad use of tients. LGE was seen in 32% of patients and myocardial
the term, “long COVID,” we included studies focused on native T1 and T2 signals were increased in 73% and 60% of
outcomes occurring at 4 weeks or longer postinfection. Please patients, respectively. Findings were independent of preexist-
see Supplemental Appendix S1 for details on our search ing conditions, disease severity, and overall course of the acute
strategy. In this review we first examine evidence on clinical illness.11 Of note, increased native T2 signals are specifically
cardiovascular outcomes observed after acute COVID-19 indicative of myocardial edema, which is known to be closely
infection followed by potential mechanisms. linked to myocarditis.12 Myocardial edema has also been seen
in patients in another study within 1-2 months after recovery
from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.13
Myocarditis and Pericarditis Post-COVID-19 myocarditis was also investigated in a case
series of 14 patients hospitalized for new cardiac symptoms 1-
5 months after acute COVID-19 illness. These patients had
Myocarditis has been observed in the acute phases of no history of myocarditis, valvular heart diseases, hypertensive
COVID-19 illness,9 raising concerns about long-term heart disease, nor evidence of coronary artery stenoses > 50%.
myocardial injury. Myocarditis, myocardial inflammation, Myocarditis in these patients was diagnosed in a myocardial
and myocardial edema have previously been linked to viral biopsy conducted during hospitalization on average at 5.5
infections, but most patients recover from myocardial months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Histological findings of
inflammation within weeks of acute infection and do not lymphocytic myocarditis were observed in 12 patients,
suffer long-term consequences.10 Similarly, myocarditis has eosinophilic myocarditis in 2 patients, and endocarditis in 3
been observed in the weeks after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, patients. Similar to previously cited studies, these results show
with a limited number of studies focused on longer-term that SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to subacute/chronic
outcomes. myocarditis.14
Kotecha et al. studied 148 patients who presented with In some cases, post-COVID-19 myocardial inflammation
elevated troponin levels during hospitalization for acute can remain subclinical. From a study of 16 patients
728 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 39 2023

Figure 1. Long-term cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 illness. LV, left ventricle; POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; RV, right

hospitalized for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection with raised after COVID-19 diagnosis.20 Results consistent with
troponin levels or electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, myocardial inflammation were seen in 17% of patients
56% showed cardiac MRI abnormalities at a median 56 days (n ¼ 8). Although evidence of inflammation was seen from
postacute illness, but only 3 patients (19%) fulfilled Lake cardiac MRI and blood biomarkers in most of these patients,
Louise Criteria for myocardial inflammation.15 Of these 3 only 3 individuals met Lake Louise Criteria for myocarditis.
patients, 2 were asymptomatic, and only 1 showed elevated As measured during a later follow-up, PET/MRI and in-
troponin levels at follow-up. Cardiac MRI can help with flammatory blood markers resolved or improved after a mean
myocarditis identification and risk stratification in patients (SD) of 52 (17) days postbaseline. Clark et al. also observed
who show initial elevated cardiac biomarkers or ECG ab- that in cases of myocarditis diagnosed with modified Lake
normalities in the acute phase.10,16 Louise Criteria at a median of 71 days post SARS-CoV-2
There is some evidence of myocarditis in otherwise low- detection, subsequent follow-up showed recovery and
risk individuals, particularly in the early convalescent period gradual LGE resolution in 2 of 4 patients; 1 at 119 days and 1
after mild acute disease. For example, in an investigation of 26 at 245 days.21 This resolution in LGE suggests that cardiac
college athletes who experienced mild or asymptomatic acute inflammation present after acute COVID-19 illness might
COVID-19 illness, cardiac MRI revealed features of improve over time.
myocarditis in 15% of participants at 11-53 days post- Although several studies have investigated myocarditis-like
infection.16 In another study of 201 long COVID patients changes on cardiac MRI after resolution of acute SARS-CoV-
with a low rate of acute COVID-19 hospitalization and 2 infection, few studies have used the Lake Louise Criteria for
comorbidities, there was a 19% rate of myocarditis at a me- diagnosis. Thus, observed rates of myocarditis in patients with
dian of 141 (IQR, 110-162) days after infection. Yet, the rate long COVID should be interpreted with caution. Indeed, in
did not reach statistical significance compared with healthy studies that have referred to the guidelines, few cases fulfil the
control participants (5.6%; P ¼ 0.053). This study identified criteria even when some cardiac changes are present. In cases
myocarditis as the presence of 3 or more segments with high in which Lake Louise Criteria is not referenced, the associa-
T1 signals. Severe long COVID (defined as persistent tion between myocarditis-like changes and cardiac outcomes is
breathlessness, Dyspnea-12 questionnaire score  10, or unclear. Specifically, in studies reported in this section that
EuroQol 5-Dimension 5-Level [EQ-5D-5L] report of mod- primarily did not reference Lake Louise Criteria, resolution of
erate or more severe problems with usual activities) was also myocarditis or no mortality was reported. Granted, the follow-
associated with a significantly greater likelihood of myocarditis up periods in these studies were within 1 year. Despite no
compared with moderate disease (P ¼ 0.027).17 However, in significant reductions in cardiac function in post-COVID-19
a long-term study of 149 health care workers at 6 months myocarditis, minor reductions in right ventricular (RV) ejec-
postinfection, cardiac MRI revealed no difference in tion fraction have been observed in at least 3 studies.10,13,21
myocarditis-like scarring among patients with previous mild Of these, only the study from Clark et al. reported Lake
SARS-CoV-2 infection and seronegative control Louise Criteria.21
In addition to cardiac MRI and biopsy, cardiac positron
Pericarditis and pericardial effusion
emission tomography (PET) can also help identify cases of
myocarditis.19 In one study, 47 primarily nonhospitalized Isolated pericardial involvement, including pericarditis and
COVID-19 patients were tested using cardiac focal fluo- pericardial effusion, has not been commonly reported in
rodeoxyglucose uptake on PET at a mean of 67  16 days studies of long-term cardiovascular outcomes after acute
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes
Parhizgar et al.
Table 1. Summary of studies of cardiovascular outcomes at 3 months or longer after SARS-CoV-2 infection (reviews and database studies excluded)
Acute COVID-19 illness
Reference Population severity Follow-up time frame Findings of interest Section(s) with citation
Cohort studies
Ingul et al.33  n ¼ 204 post-COVID Hospitalized and ICU Cardiac function assessed at 3-4  Arrhythmias found in 27% of pa- Arrhythmias
 n ¼ 204 controls months after hospital discharge tients, of which 18% were prema- RV dysfunction
 Mean (SD) age: 58.5 (13.6) years for acute COVID illness ture ventricular contractions
 56% Male  Post-COVID patients had worse
right ventricle free longitudinal
strain, lower tricuspid annular plane
systolic excursion, and cardiac index
compared with controls
Vallejo et al.37  n ¼ 10 who underwent CMR Mild to moderate severity Stress perfusion CMR at mean of  27% of patients evaluated in long- Ischemic myocardial injuries
 Mean (SD) age: 44.6 (8.0) years 8.2 months (IQR, 3.2-11.4) COVID unit had chest pain and microvascular disease
 20% Male after infection  Of 10 patients who underwent
 Patients evaluated in long-COVID CMR, 5 (50%) showed significant
unit circumferential subendocardial
Karagodin  n ¼ 153 Hospitalized (32% ICU) Mean (SD) of 129 (60) days after  Patients with hyperdynamic LVEF LV and RV dysfunction
et al.57  Median (range) age: 57 (49-66) acute COVID-19 illness at baseline showed reduced LVEF at
years follow up (-8.8%; P < 0.001)
 52% Male  Patients with abnormally low LVEF
 Patients considered if they received values at baseline showed significant
a transthoracic echocardiogram increase by follow-up (þ6.7%; P ¼
during initial COVID-related 0.02).
hospitalization  Patients with normal LVLS at
baseline showed significant wors-
ening at follow-up (1.2%; P ¼
 Patients with impaired LVLS at
baseline showed significant
improvement at follow up (-2.2%; P
< 0.001)
 Patients with abnormal RVLS at
baseline had significant improve-
ment by follow-up (P ¼ 0.004)
Fayol et al.60  n ¼ 48 Hospitalized for symptomatic Echocardiography evaluation 6   E/e0 ratio after low-level exercise was LV dysfunction
 Mean (SD) age: 58 (13) years COVID-19 pneumonia 1 month posthospitalization for increased in patients who
 69% Male SARS-CoV-2 infection experienced myocardial injury
during acute COVID-19 illness
compared with those without
myocardial injury during acute
illness (10.1  4.3 vs 7.3  11.5;
P ¼ 0.01)
 Diastolic abnormalities seen without
systolic involvement
Hanneman  n ¼ 47 85% recovered at home  Baseline PET scan at a mean  At baseline PET scan, 17% (n ¼ 8) Myocarditis
et al.20  Mean (SD) age: 43 (13) years (SD) of 67 (16) days after patients had focal FDG uptake,
 49% Male COVID-19 diagnosis indicative of myocardial
 Patients invited via mail after testing  Follow-up PET scan 52 (17) inflammation
positive for COVID-19 at centre days later  At follow-up, these patients showed
improvements in PET/MRI and
blood biomarkers

Table 1. Continued.

Acute COVID-19 illness
Reference Population severity Follow-up time frame Findings of interest Section(s) with citation
Moody et al. 64
 n ¼ 79 Hospitalized for COVID-19 Repeat TTE at 3 months after Despite resolution of acute RV dysfunction
 Mean (SD) age: 57 (11) years pneumonia hospitalization for acute abnormalities in ventricular size and
 74% Male COVID illness function, there was a 29% rate of
 Invited patients who underwent ongoing adverse ventricular
TTE during hospitalization remodelling
Raafs et al.45  n ¼ 42 ICU hospitalization for severe 6.4 (IQR, 6.1-6.7) months after  8/42 (19%) Had new coronary ar- Ischemic myocardial injuries
 Mean (SD) age: 64 (13) years SARS-CoV-2 infection hospital discharge for SARS- tery disease diagnosis and microvascular disease
 69% male CoV-2 infection  Of 38 patients who underwent Myocardial fibrosis
CMR, 8 (21%) had LGE indicative
of myocardial fibrosis
Wu et al.41  n ¼ 13 with cardiac injury during Hospitalized Up to 6 months after hospital Positive LGE from CMR in 29.6% of Ischemic myocardial injuries
hospitalization discharge all patients and microvascular disease
 n ¼ 14 controls without cardiac
injury during hospitalization
 Median (range) age: 63 (58-70)
 29.6% Male
Ródenas-Alesina  n ¼ 109 (29 controls) Severe (hospitalized without Echocardiograph performed at 4.3 No pericardial effusion found in any Pericarditis
et al.24  Median (IQR) age: 55.7 (46.2- mechanical ventilation) months (IQR, 3.5-5.3) after patients with abnormal
66.1) years discharge for acute COVID echocardiography
 60% Male illness
 Patients admitted to hospital with
elevated cardiovascular biomarkers
Dennis et al.17  n ¼ 201 (36 controls) 81% nonhospitalized Median 141 days (IQR 110-162)  Myocarditis seen in 19% of post- Myocarditis
 Mean (range) age: 45 (21-71) years after initial COVID-19 COVID patients (compared with LV dysfunction
 29% Male symptoms 5.6% of healthy controls [note, P ¼
 Recruited participants with persis- 0.053])
tent post-COVID symptoms  Report of severe post-COVID
condition was associated with
higher likelihood of myocarditis
compared with moderate post-
COVID condition (25.0% vs
11.7%; P ¼ 0.027)
 LVEF and LV end diastolic volume
not significantly different for post-
COVID patients and healthy
 Systolic dysfunction was observed in
9% of post-COVID patients
Cross-sectional studies

Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Durstenfeld  n ¼ 102 19% Hospitalized Echocardiogram at a median of 7.2 n ¼ 4 patients (9%) with Pericarditis
et al.22  Median age: 52 years months (IQR, 4.1-9.1) after cardiopulmonary symptoms
 59% male SARS-CoV-2 infection (dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations)
 Participants with confirmed SARS- had evidence of pericardial effusion,
CoV-2 infection were recruited compared with 0 patients without
symptoms (note, P ¼ 0.11)

Volume 39 2023
from community
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes
Parhizgar et al.
Petersen et al.34  n ¼ 443 post-COVID cases Mild to moderate severity Median 9.6 months after a positive Compared with controls, post-COVID Arrhythmias
 n ¼ 1328 matched controls (nonhospitalized) SARS-CoV-2 test patients showed: Myocardial fibrosis
 Median (IQR) age of cases: 55 (51- - Longer QT intervals but not other LV dysfunction
60) years ECG abnormalities
 47.4% Male - Trend of increased focal myocar-
 Post-COVID patients were invited dial fibrosis, but comparable
after identification in clinical infor- diffuse myocardial fibrosis
mation system - Lower LV and RV function higher
hs-cTnI, NT-proBNP
Akkaya et al.62  n ¼ 105 post-COVID cases Mild (outpatient, Echocardiography at 3 months Decrease in RV GLS, RV FWLS, and RV dysfunction
 n ¼ 105 controls nonhospitalized, with fever, after COVID-19 diagnosis TAPSE negatively correlated with
 Mean (SD) age: 43.5 (12.5) years muscle and/or joint pain, levels of C-reactive protein,
 60.9% Male cough, sore throat, no neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, d-
 Previously treated COVID-19 respiratory distress) dimer, ferritin, and platelet to
outpatients lymphocyte ratio during acute phase
of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Case-control studies
Joy et al.18  n ¼ 74 seropositive Mild (ranging from Cardiovascular phenotyping at 6 No difference for seropositive patients Myocarditis
 n ¼ 75 matched controls asymptomatic to symptoms months 9 days (IQR, 5 months and controls in:
 Median (range) age: 37 (18-63) of fever, dry cough, anosmia, 26 days to 6 months 20 days) - Late gadolinium enhancement
years ageusia, dysgeusia) after SARS-CoV-2 infection - T1 and T2 signals
 42% male - Myocarditis-like scarring
 Participants recruited from pro-
spective study on health care
Clark et al.21  n ¼ 50 cases with cardiopulmonary  4% Mild Initial CMR conducted at a At first CMR: Myocarditis
symptoms  86% Moderate median of 71 days post SARS- - 11 cases (22%) had myocardial
 n ¼ 50 controls  10% Hospitalized CoV-2 detection LGE
 Median (IQR) age of cases: 26.5 Myocarditis cases from initial - 4 cases (8%) diagnosed with
(23-31) years CMR underwent first follow-up myocarditis
 98% Male CMR at a range of 82-122 days, At follow-up CMR:
 Soldiers referred for CMR for car- and second follow-up CMR at a - 2/4 myocarditis cases had com-
diopulmonary symptoms after range of 119- 271 days plete resolution (119 and 245
COVID-19 (eg, abnormal ECG, days post-SARS-CoV-2 detection)
chest pain)
Case series
Blagova et al.14  n ¼ 14 (2 patients postvaccine) Unreported Cardiac symptoms appeared 1-5  Lymphocytic myocarditis in 12 Myocarditis
 Mean (SD) age: 50.1 (10.2) years months after SARS-CoV-2 (86%) patients
 64% Male infection  Eosinophilic myocarditis in 2 (14%)
 Patients admitted for new cardiac patients
symptoms after COVID-19  Endocarditis in 3 (21%) patients
Blitshteyn and  n ¼ 20 Mild or nonhospitalized Residual autonomic symptoms 6-8  85% had residual self-reported POTS
Whitelaw5  70% female months after SARS-CoV-2 autonomic symptoms 6-8 months
 Median (range) age: 40 (25-65) infection after COVID-19 infection
years  12 (60%) unable to return to work
 Chart review of patients referred to because of symptoms
dysautonomia clinic (had no previ-  15 (75%) had POTS diagnosed af-
ous orthostatic intolerance) ter COVID-19 infection
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; ECG, electrocardiogram; E/e0 , the ratio of early diastolic mitral inflow velocity to early diastolic mitral annulus velocity; FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; FWLS, free wall
longitudinal strain; GLS, global longitudinal strain; hs-cTnI, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left
ventricular ejection fraction; LVLS, left ventricular longitudinal strain; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro hormone brain natriuretic peptide; PET, positron emission tomography; POTS,
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; RV, right ventricular; RVLS, right ventricular longitudinal strain; TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.

732 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 39 2023

COVID-19 illness. Durstenfeld et al. showed that 9% of irregular adrenergic modulation.32 This in turn might disrupt
patients with cardiopulmonary symptoms including dyspnea, normal blood pressure regulation and lead to the symptoms
chest pain, and palpitation 7.2 months after initial SARS- associated with these syndromes.
CoV-2 infection had trace pericardial effusion measured
using echocardiography. None of these patients had comor- Arrhythmias
bidities that would increase the risk of pericardial effusion Patients with a wide range of demographic characteristics
development. However, no echocardiographic signs of sig- and severity of acute COVID-19 disease have shown increased
nificant hemodynamic changes were observed among these incidence of arrhythmias in the months after infection. A
cases.22 Other studies have shown no evidence of pericardial database study of > 150,000 COVID-19 patients showed
effusion in any participants during follow-up for acute that postinfection patients had a higher incidence of dys-
COVID-19 illness.23,24 rhythmias 12 months after a positive COVID-19 test than
healthy control participants. Increased risks included sinus
tachycardia (hazard ratio [HR], 1.84 [95% confidence interval
Cardiac Dysautonomia and Arrhythmias (CI), 1.74-1.95]), atrial fibrillation (HR, 1.71 [95% CI, 1.64-
1.79]), atrial flutter (HR, 1.80 [95% CI, 1.66-1.96]), ven-
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia and bradycardia
tricular arrhythmias (HR, 1.84 [95% CI, 1.72-1.98]), and
Tachycardia is one of the more commonly observed car- sinus bradycardia (HR, 1.53 [95% CI, 1.45-1.62]).7 In a
diovascular symptoms after acute COVID-19 illness. Indeed, study of 204 patients hospitalized for severe acute COVID-19
post-COVID tachycardia syndrome has been proposed as a illness, arrhythmias were found in 27% of patients at 3-4
subsyndrome of long COVID, and might present as inap- months postdischarge, with premature ventricular contrac-
propriate sinus tachycardia (IST) and postural orthostatic tions (18%) being the most common.33
tachycardia syndrome (POTS) after acute illness.25 Aranyó Although patients with severe acute infection might be
et al. reported that 20% of 200 long COVID patients met the predisposed to a risk of arrhythmias, reports have shown that
diagnostic criteria for IST (83% had mild acute infection).26 relatively mild acute COVID-19 disease can also be associated
Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) parameters were seen with rate and rhythm abnormalities after acute COVID-19
in patients with IST. Decreased HRV might be associated illness.30,34 A screening of 97 patients after nonsevere acute
with other long-term cardiovascular complications including COVID-19 illness showed rhythm abnormalities in one-third
coronary insufficiency and coronary heart disease.27 IST and of patients at 3-4 months postinfection, including sinus
decreased HRV can be attributed to an autonomic nervous bradycardia (29.9%), and new onset atrial fibrillation (1%).30
system imbalance and decreased parasympathetic nervous An investigation of 443 primarily nonhospitalized patients
system activity, compensated by increased sympathetic ner- showed longer corrected QT intervals but no difference in
vous system activation.26 In a similar study of long COVID other rhythm abnormalities compared with control partici-
patients using 24-hour Holter monitoring, the low frequency pants at a median of 9.6 months after acute illness.34
to high frequency ratio, which reflects the sympathovagal Promisingly, risk of post-COVID arrhythmias decreases
balance, was higher in COVID-19 patients with decreased over time after initial infection. One matched cohort study of
HRV and therefore higher sympathetic activity due to > 400,000 COVID-19 patients without cardiovascular dis-
dysautonomia.28 eases showed increased incidence of atrial arrhythmias in the
Multiple studies have suggested that prevalence of sinus acute phase (1-4 weeks) after infection (adjusted rate ratio
tachycardia and bradycardia are increased after acute COVID- [RR], 6.44 [95% CI, 4.17-9.96]), but incidence decreased
19 illness. These changes can be transient or sustained,29 with between 5 and 12 weeks (RR, 1.58 [95% CI,1.10-2.27]), and
resolution observed in long-term follow-up. For example, a further by 13 weeks and onward (RR, 0.85 [95% CI, 0.68-
study from Hong Kong showed significant bradycardia (heart 1.05]).35 This suggests that patients are most at risk of
rate < 50 beats per minute) in 7.2% of 97 patients at 1-4 developing arrhythmias shortly after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
weeks postdischarge, but changes resolved several weeks With regard to mechanisms of action, myocardial fibrosis
later.30 and resultant cardiomyopathy from infection have been sug-
gested to lead to reentrant arrhythmias. It is also suggested
POTS that cytokine release (interleukin [IL]-6, IL-1, tumour ne-
crosis factor a) can increase catecholaminergic states. This
Evidence suggests that even healthy patients with relatively might worsen existing arrhythmias by changing car-
mild or asymptomatic infection might develop POTS months diomyocyte ion channel expression and thus extending ven-
after COVID-19 diagnosis. In a case series of 20 patients who tricular action potentials.32
presented with autonomic symptoms after acute COVID-19
illness, 15 were diagnosed with POTS.5 At 6-8 months after
SARS-CoV-2 infection, 85% of all patients self-reported re- Ischemic Myocardial Injuries and Microvascular
sidual autonomic symptoms such as dizziness, syncope, and Disease
palpitations, with 60% unable to return to work. Some long Approximately 20%-30% of patients experience chest
COVID patients also present with POTS alongside ortho- pain, including angina-like chest discomfort, as a post-
static intolerance, and experience overlapping symptoms such COVID-19 symptom.36-38 Although post-COVID-19 chest
as tachycardia, dizziness, and cognitive dysfunction.31 pain might be explained in part by noncardiac causes
In 2021, Nalbandian et al. showed that autonomic including anxiety, musculoskeletal, and pulmonary factors,
dysfunction and POTS after viral illness are associated with myocardial injuries might also be present. Although
Parhizgar et al. 733
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes

myocardial infarction has been observed in the acute phase of control participants, suggestive of myocardial fibrosis. Fibrosis
COVID-19 illness,39 fewer studies have focused on cardiac after SARS-CoV-2 infection can result from myocardial
ischemic disease in the postacute period.40 damage during acute illness,41 but previous studies on SARS-
Possible mechanisms for myocardial injury and microvas- CoV-1 also show fibrosis might be associated with changing
cular dysfunction in COVID-19 illness include direct damage transforming growth factor b signalling.46
by SARS-COV-2 on the myocardium, general inflammation
and cytokine storm, and a hypercoagulable state.41 The hy-
percoagulable state induced by SARS-CoV-2 promotes Myocardial Fibrosis
endothelial damage and plaque rupture, increasing the risk of Acute myocardial injury, including ischemic myocardial
myocardial infarction and coronary thrombosis.39 involvement and myocarditis, can lead to myocardial fibrosis
Predictors of myocardial injury after SARS-CoV-2 infec- after recovery from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.47 Indeed,
tion have been examined. Troponin T level during acute several studies have reported that approximately 20%-30% of
illness has been shown to be a predictor for recovery and long- their patient populations experience myocardial fibrosis after
term cardiac sequelae in patients who had an episode of acute recovery from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.47,48 For example,
cardiac injury during hospitalization for acute COVID- in a prospective study of 159 patients hospitalized with
19.42,43 Additionally, the association between SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19, Morrow et al. reported that 1 in 5 patients had
infection and myocardial injury corresponds to the severity evidence of myocardial fibrosis 28-60 days postdischarge.47
of acute COVID-19 illness.44 This association might also be Similarly, 21% of patients in another investigation were
relevant in the context of long COVID. observed to have LGE indicative of myocardial fibrosis 6
Indeed, cardiac ischemic findings have been observed after months after ICU admission.45 Interestingly, a third study
hospitalization for severe COVID-19 illness. In a study of showed a trend of increased focal myocardial fibrosis among
patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) who primarily nonhospitalized COVID-19 survivors, yet findings
received mechanical ventilation during their acute COVID-19 of diffuse myocardial fibrosis were comparable with the con-
illness, 19% had newly diagnosed coronary artery disease 6 trol group.34
months after ICU admission.45 In another study of patients
who were hospitalized with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and Cardiomyopathy
presented with elevated troponin levels on admission, 26% Increased risk of cardiomyopathy has been reported after
showed ischemic-pattern findings on a follow-up cardiac MRI acute COVID-19 illness, notably in large database studies.7,49
2 months after hospitalization.10 Of these patients, 95% had Among > 150,000 individuals, the risk of ischemic and
at least 1 cardiovascular risk factor, but 66% had no history of nonischemic cardiomyopathy was higher in SARS-CoV-2-
ischemic heart disease and this was their first presentation of positive individuals (30 days after positive test) than in
coronary artery disease. Nevertheless, because most patients noninfected control participants (HR, 1.75 [95% CI, 1.44-
had risk factors, it is possible that tachycardia, fever, and 2.13] and HR, 1.62 [95% CI, 1.52-1.73], respectively.7 A
hypoxia during acute COVID-19 illness unmasked preexist- similar conclusion was reached in a study of > 690,000
ing, previously compensated, coronary artery disease and nonvaccinated individuals who tested positive for COVID-19,
resulted in ischemic injuries.10 with an increased risk of ischemic cardiomyopathy (HR, 2.81
Other studies have not shown overt ischemic changes after [95% CI, 2.48-3.19]) 1-12 months after a positive COVID-
acute COVID-19 illness. For example, Ródenas-Alesina and 19 test.49 Ischemic cardiomyopathy was ranked within the top
colleagues investigated myocardial infarction and mortality 2 cardiovascular risks (HR, 2.81 [95% CI, 2.48-3.19]) after
outcomes in COVID-19 patients with no previous cardio- COVID-19 illness for all age categories, and was more pro-
vascular disease at 7 months posthospitalization.24 The au- nounced in women.49
thors showed no difference in outcomes among those who It is difficult to disentangle the effect of direct viral infec-
were initially admitted with elevated high-sensitivity troponin tion from pandemic-related stress when examining cardio-
(> 45 ng/L) compared with those without. vascular effects after acute COVID-19 illness. Notably, a
However, even when overt ischemic changes are not retrospective study of 1914 patients showed that among those
observed, other underlying changes might be present. In one who presented with acute coronary syndrome, there was a
study patients with no history of cardiovascular disease who greater incidence of cardiomyopathy during the pandemic
experienced chest pain and were referred to a long COVID (March to April 2020) than before the pandemic (rate ratio,
outpatient clinic were examined.37 Despite the absence of any 4.58 [95% CI, 4.11-5.11]). There is speculation that this
ischemic patterns and myocardial T1 and T2 mapping finding relates to pandemic-associated anxiety, because all
changes, adenosine stress perfusion cardiac MRI showed sig- patients diagnosed with cardiomyopathy tested negative for
nificant circumferential subendocardial perfusion defect in COVID-19 on admission.50 This finding raises an important
50% of cases over 8 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. consideration regarding the etiology of many cardiovascular
This is highly suggestive of microvascular dysfunction. Simi- sequelae of acute COVID-19 infection, including stress
larly, Wu et al. investigated patients without a history of cardiomyopathy.
coronary heart disease who suffered from cardiac injury during
the acute phase of COVID-19 illness.41 Patients returned to
normal cardiac function within a 6-month follow-up. How- Cardiac Dysfunction and Heart Failure
ever, cardiac MRI revealed a significantly higher proportion in There is some evidence suggestive of an increased risk of
positive LGE in the cardiac injury group compared with heart failure beyond the first 30 days after SARS-CoV-2
734 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 39 2023

infection.7 Although the risk is not limited to hospitalized failure at their median 7-month follow-up. In their study of
patients, patients admitted to ICUs have the greatest risk, 201 long COVID patients with a low rate of acute COVID-
followed by hospitalized non-ICU patients and nonhospital- 19 hospitalization and comorbidities, Dennis et al. reported
ized patients.7 The effect of COVID-19 disease on heart LVEF and LV end diastolic volume were not significantly
failure might be due to the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 different among long COVID patients and healthy control
on cardiac function, residual adverse effects of cardiac participants.17 Similarly, although Lassen et al. showed a
involvement in the acute COVID-phase, or the worsening of reduction in LVEF 2 months after hospitalization for acute
previous cardiovascular disease postinfection. COVID-19 illness, it was not significantly different from the
Patients with underlying conditions might be particularly control group.56
at risk of cardiovascular complications after acute COVID-19 A possible explanation for null LVEF findings is that LVEF
illness. In patients with a history of ST-elevation myocardial testing might not be sensitive enough to detect cases of minor
infarction, there were higher rates of major cardiovascular and LV impairments. Studies show that measurement of LV
cerebrovascular events and hospitalization with heart failure longitudinal strain (LVLS) has a greater sensitivity for
among those who tested positive for COVID-19 vs those who detecting minor LV myocardial function impairment
did not. However, there was no difference in long-term compared with measurement of LVEF.57-59 This difference
mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients with can be explained by the fact that LVEF is dependent on
or without a COVID-19 infection.51 myocardial function and volume load, whereas LVLS is
Some studies have not shown evidence of cardiac affected mostly by myocardial function.57 In a cohort of 153
dysfunction after acute COVID-19 illness. In a cross-sectional hospitalized patients who received an echocardiogram at
study of 105 patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19, baseline and at a mean follow-up of 129 days, a pattern of
structural and functional cardiac characteristics on echocar- normalization and regression to mean in LVEF was shown.57
diography were similar to matched control participants at a LVEF decreased in those with an elevated baseline LVEF
median of 41 days from COVID-19 diagnosis.52 Findings (which could be due to an adaptive physiological response to
were also similar in patients who experienced severe and mild stress during acute COVID-19 illness), those with reduced
acute COVID-19 illness. In another short-term study, normal baseline LVEF improved at follow-up, whereas those with
left ventricular (LV) and RV function on echocardiography normal baseline LVEF remained normal. However, results
was reported in most patients 6 weeks after discharge from from LVLS showed a reduction in those with normal baseline
hospital because of SARS-CoV-2 infection.53 The normal measures, potentially revealing a higher sensitivity of LVLS
findings in these studies might be because of the short dura- measurement to LV impairment.57
tion of follow-up (< 2 months). Indeed, although subclinical In addition to LV systolic dysfunction, LV diastolic
myocardial injury might appear early on, later changes in dysfunction has also been reported. One study among patients
cardiac function like diastolic dysfunction can present. It has who experienced myocardial injury during the acute COVID-
been reported that although cardiac MRI and ECG changes 19 illness showed significant cardiac diastolic abnormalities
are often observed within the first 3 months after SARS-CoV- without systolic involvement 6 months after hospitalization.60
2 infection, echocardiography changes often present in 3-6 Resting echocardiographic results were similar among those
months.54 who had myocardial injury and elevated cardiac markers in the
acute phase vs those who did not. However, exercise induced
an increased E/e0 ratio (the ratio of early diastolic mitral inflow
LV dysfunction
velocity to early diastolic mitral annulus velocity; an indicator
LV dysfunction has been observed after acute COVID-19 of LV filling pressure) and systolic pulmonary artery pressure
illness. Indeed, several studies have observed statistically sig- in the patients who had myocardial injury during acute
nificant reductions in LV ejection fraction (LVEF) compared COVID-19 illness, compared with those without myocardial
with controls 2-9 months after acute COVID-19 illness, injury. The changes in LV diastolic markers were not associ-
including patients with acute disease ranging from asymp- ated with cardiovascular risk factors, leaving COVID-19
tomatic to severe.11,34 Moreover, congestive heart failure and illness as a potential cause. It is suggested that the increased
a prominent reduction in LVEF (mean LVEF 28%) has been E/e0 ratio post-COVID is due to the myocardial inflammation
observed in patients with biopsy-proven post-COVID-19 that can initiate tissue fibrosis and stiffness. This change can
myocarditis at an average of 5.5 months after COVID-19 affect cardiac relaxation and diastolic function in the long
infection.14 There are also reports of subclinical LV term.60
dysfunction after COVID-19 diagnosis among patients at low
cardiac risk who reported their SARS-CoV-2 infection as
RV dysfunction
asymptomatic and recovered from acute symptoms at home.55
In other cases, echocardiography testing has not shown There is evidence suggesting particular susceptibility to RV
changes in ejection fraction after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. dysfunction after acute COVID-19 illness.57,61 This might be
For example, in a study of COVID-19 patients with no pre- explained by the effect of virus-induced lung injury and pul-
vious cardiovascular disease who presented with elevated car- monary vascular resistance on the right ventricle.56,57 Indeed,
diovascular biomarkers on admission, there was no difference multiple studies have shown evidence of RV dysfunction 3-9
in LVEF, LV diameters, LV mass, or left atrial volumes on months after recovery from acute SARS-CoV-2 infec-
echocardiograms performed at a median of 4.3 months after tion.33,34,62 Dysfunction has been shown with reduction in
discharge compared with those without elevated markers.24 RV global longitudinal strain, RV free wall longitudinal strain,
None of the patients died or were admitted because of heart and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion.33,34,62
Parhizgar et al. 735
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes

Additionally, Maestre-Muñiz et al. observed 2.7% right heart pressure at 1 month postinfection: 112 [ 7] mm Hg vs at 6
failure in a study of patients 1 year posthospitalization for months: 101 [ 8] mm Hg; P ¼ 0.008).67 New onset hy-
SARS-CoV-2 infection. This finding was not associated with pertension has also been diagnosed in healthy adolescents in
previous cardiac risk factors, with new onset hypertension, nor the months after mild COVID-19 illness.68
with left heart failure.63 Meanwhile, other studies have shown Of interest, an observational study of blood pressure 12
that echocardiographic measures of RV function such as months or more after SARS-CoV-2 infection is currently
tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and RV longitudinal under way (Longer-term Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on
strain improve after the resolution of acute COVID-19 Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure [LOCHINVAR;
illness.56,57 Despite resolution of acute abnormalities in ven- NCT05087290].69,70 This investigation extends a pilot study
tricular size or function, a 29% rate of persistent adverse that showed patients hospitalized for COVID-19 had an
ventricular remodelling has been observed at 3 months after average 8.6-mm Hg increase in blood pressure after SARS-
hospitalization.64 CoV-2 infection compared with control participants 12 or
Different explanations have been proposed for the devel- more weeks after discharge (NCT04409847).70
opment of RV dysfunction after acute COVID-19 illness.
Akkaya et al. reported a decrease in RV global longitudinal
strain and RV free wall longitudinal strain at 3 months was Pulmonary Hypertension
negatively correlated with acute-phase levels of C-reactive Although evidence remains limited, some recent studies
protein, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, d-dimer, ferritin, and have reported PH after acute COVID-19 illness. Tudoran and
platelet to lymphocyte ratio. These markers are indicators of colleagues reported that of 91 patients hospitalized for mod-
inflammation and thrombosis, and point to the possible pa- erate COVID-19, 7 patients (7.69%) were diagnosed with
thology behind RV dysfunction, including a combination of PH 2 months after discharge.71 Notably, all patients were
reduced contractility due to myocardial damage and increased younger than 55 years of age, had no history of cardiovascular
RV afterload. This study also showed an increase in RV pathology, and did not require mechanical ventilation during
diameter and systolic pulmonary artery pressure at 3 months hospitalization. Development of PH in the 6-12 weeks after
after COVID infection, suggesting the same mechanism.62 relatively severe COVID-19 illness has also been described in
However, RV dysfunction has also been shown in cases case reports.72-74
without increased afterload. In an Italian study of hospitalized Several pathologies might explain predisposition to PH
patients with no history of cardiovascular or lung disease who after recovery from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Thickening
recovered from severe acute COVID-19 illness, subclinical of pulmonary arterial walls has been observed histologically in
RV dysfunction by abnormal RV longitudinal strain was patients who died of COVID-19,75 revealing potential sus-
found without any evidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) ceptibility of COVID-19 patients to future pulmonary arterial
or increased RV afterload in 42% of patients 2-3 months post hypertension. Development of PH after acute COVID-19
COVID infection.65 The incidence of RV dysfunction illness has also been linked to increased inflammatory
without increased afterload might point to reduced contrac- markers during hospitalization,71 with endothelin upregula-
tility as the main potential mechanism. tion proposed as a promoter of PH development.76 Post-
COVID PH has also been linked to pulmonary damage and
vascular remodelling.77,78 COVID-19 illness and PH share
New Onset Hypertension similar molecular features including endothelial and mito-
New onset hypertension has been observed after acute chondrial dysfunction.78
COVID-19 illness. For example, of 543 patients who were
hospitalized or discharged from an emergency department for
COVID-19, 12 (2.2%) had onset of high blood pressure in Potential Mechanisms
the following year.63 However, because no control group was There are several proposed mechanisms regarding the
included, it is unclear whether this incidence exceeds expected development of cardiovascular outcomes after acute COVID-
levels. Further, this finding might relate to pandemic stress 19 illness. Regarding acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, one of the
rather than SARS-CoV-2 infection. Another study showed main proposed mechanisms for development of cardiovascular
that 1.3% of patients (n ¼ 538) developed hypertension by complications is the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
approximately 3 months after hospital discharge for COVID- and its interactions with the renin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
19.66 Although comparison with control participants did not and kinin-kallikrein system (KKS). The ACE2 receptor is
reach statistical significance (P ¼ 0.2), none of the patients in expressed throughout the body, and is present in approxi-
the control group (n ¼ 184) developed hypertension in the mately 7.55% of myocytes.79 It is expressed in the heart,80
same time frame. Neither study formally evaluated new onset lungs, endothelium of blood vessels,81,82 and neurons.32
hypertension through repetitive blood pressure measurements, The S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds the
and instead relied primarily on medical records and patient ACE2 receptor on the cell surface and allows the virus to enter
report. the cell membrane. This results in a downregulation of the
It is concerning that new onset hypertension has been ACE2 receptor.83-85
observed even among young and previously healthy patients. Typically, the RAAS pathway begins with renin and pro-
One study of young adults (mean age: 21 [SD, 20-22] years) duces angiotensin II. Angiotensin II functions with angio-
showed a prolonged effect on systolic and mean arterial blood tensin type-1 receptor to induce vasoconstriction, fibrosis, and
pressure after acute COVID-19 illness, with gradual im- apoptosis, as well as to elevate blood pressure, facilitate cardiac
provements 6 months postinfection (eg, mean systolic hypertrophy, and increase heart rate.86 ACE2 converts
736 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 39 2023

of this was shown among 25 convalescent COVID-19 sur-

vivors during longitudinal follow-up.94 Their CD8þ T lym-
phocytes returned to normal 4 months after symptom onset
whereas CD4þ lymphocytes remained low in half of the
Lingering vasculopathy after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection
can also lead to long-term cardiovascular complications. The
endothelium of tissues serves as a barrier, has antithrombotic
properties, and contributes to vascular tone. Inflammation of
the endothelium (endotheliopathy) can negatively affect these
functions. In the heart, this can induce thrombosis and
Figure 2. Schematic of a possible mechanisms for downregulation of myocardial injury leading to reduced functionality.95 Endo-
angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) by SARS-CoV-2 infection and thelial dysfunction begins during the acute infection but has
its downstream consequences. AT1R, angiotensin type-1 receptor. been observed at 6 months postinfection.96 In a study of 80
individuals with long COVID symptoms, all participants had
micro clots in their samples, suggestive of endotheliopathy
angiotensin II to Ang 1-7 and Ang 1-9 which further interact and a disrupted clotting state.97 Circulating endothelial cells
with G-protein coupled receptors to have the opposite effect have also been measured in post-COVID patients, indicating
of angiotensin II. This allows for a balanced activation and that vessel injury is persistent in those recovering from viral
deactivation response. SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to nega- infection.98
tive regulation of the ACE2 receptor, causing angiotensin II Mitochondrial stress response is another proposed mech-
accumulation and hemostatic imbalance through activation of anism to explain long COVID symptoms. Significantly
the coagulation cascade, impaired fibrinolysis, and thrombin altered levels of proteins originating from the mitochondria
generation (Fig. 2).87 have been observed at 40 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection,
Another downstream product of inflammatory pathways is suggestive of continued mitochondrial stress.99 When under
the bradykinin storm of KKS, which normally causes vaso- stress, impaired mitochondrial function reduces metabolism
dilation and regulates tissue repair, inflammation, cell prolif- and increases cardiomyocyte fatigue. Consequently, cardiac
eration, and platelet aggregation. Kallikreins serine proteases systolic and isovolumic times increase, reducing cardiac
cleave kininogens to release bradykinin and kallidin. Down- performance.19
stream, they activate bradykinin-1 and bradykinin-2 receptors Viral load might also be associated with development of
to increase blood flow and have antithrombogenic effects. long COVID. In the acute phase, high viral loads have been
ACE2 mediates the conversions in this pathway as well, shown in the myocardium, and have been associated with
meaning downregulation of ACE2 during SARS-CoV-2 increased cytokine levels.100 Persistence of viral reservoirs
infection prevents the counterbalancing action of the KKS might lead to chronic inflammation and has been proposed as
system.88 The RAAS and KKS pathways affect blood pressure, a potential explanation for ongoing cardiac symptoms after
fluid and electrolyte balance, and cardiac function.88,89 acute illness.29 Resultant chemokines might cause damage via
Excessive pressure increase and constriction of blood vessels reactive oxidative species and lead to prolonged long COVID
can increase the risk of chronic hypertension and thrombosis. pathology.
In the peripheral blood vessels, pressure and constriction Some studies have also shown an association of higher
causes an afterload on the heart.90 Furthermore, the potential antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 and cardiopulmonary
of the RAAS and KKS pathways to induce a cytokine or symptoms in long COVID patients. Cardiopulmonary
bradykinin storm has been proposed as a mechanism for the symptoms have been more closely associated with antibody
development of cardiovascular consequences of long levels rather than with myocardial dysfunction and injury,
COVID.88 because troponin levels were low or undetectable at a median
Activation of CD4þ T cells by viral infection can also cause of 7.2 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection.22 Another pro-
the release of proinflammatory cytokines and interferon. posed mechanism suggests that autoantibodies alongside
Particularly, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor a induce the localized inflammation might be involved in microvascular
cytokine storm. Hyperinflammation creates a feedback cycle thrombosis leading to exacerbated long COVID
of tissue damage, stimulating greater inflammatory response.88 symptoms.101
The response might also involve the toll-like receptor 4 Many sequelae of postacute COVID-19 illness can also be
(TLR4) cell surface immune receptor. The SARS-CoV-2 spike considered as associated with the cardiometabolic syndrome,
glycoprotein has been shown to have high protein-protein yet the exact nature of the association is unclear. Prolonged
affinity to TLR4.81 TLR4 activation can cause myocarditis inflammation and tissue damage from acute infection have
and multiple organ injury through overactivation and hyper- been suggested as promoters of cardiometabolic syndrome-
inflammation.81 A prolonged version of this reaction is a associated diseases that occur after COVID-19 illness,
proposed mechanism for long COVID. TLR4 receptors are including diabetes and heart failure.102 For example, the long-
also present on activated CD4þ and CD8þ T cells and can established link of inflammation and expansion of athero-
induce inflammatory cytokines. A dysregulation of the adap- sclerotic plaque might explain development of atherosclerosis
tive immune system, particularly involving CD4þ and CD8þ among patients who have recovered from acute SARS-CoV-2
T-cell exhaustion or upregulation, could cause long COVID infection.103 Although there is a lack of evidence on hyper-
symptoms,91,92 and increased risk of blood clots.93 Evidence lipidemia in the post-COVID period, evidence of abnormal
Parhizgar et al. 737
COVID-19: Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes

lipid levels has been observed in patients more than a decade at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng188. Accessed October 27,
after the emergence of SARS-CoV-1 in 2002.104 This evi- 2022.
dence, combined with findings of lipid dysregulation during 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Post-COVID Conditions:
the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection,105 raise concerns Information for Healthcare Providers. Available at: https://www.cdc.
about the potential long-term effects of COVID-19 on lipid gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/post-covid-conditions.html.
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Conclusion 6. Tereshchenko LG, Bishop A, Fisher-Campbell N, et al. Risk of car-
This review highlights evolving evidence on the potential diovascular events after COVID-19. Am J Cardiol 2022;179:102-9.
cardiovascular complications after recovery from acute
7. Xie Y, Xu E, Bowe B, Al-Aly Z. Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of
COVID-19 illness, as well as proposed underlying mecha- COVID-19. Nat Med 2022;28:583-90.
nisms. Cardiovascular complications might arise from damage
during acute infection, outcomes resulting from ongoing 8. Paterson I, Ramanathan K, Aurora R, et al. Long COVID-19: A Primer
inflammation, and exacerbation of preexisting conditions. for Cardiovascular Health Professionals, on Behalf of the CCS Rapid
Commonly reported outcomes include ischemic and non- Response Team. Can J Cardiol 2021;37:1260-2.
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including myocarditis and POTS have been observed in
10. Kotecha T, Knight DS, Razvi Y, et al. Patterns of myocardial injury in
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highlighting the need for vigilance even in young, healthy cular magnetic resonance. Eur Heart J 2021;42:1866-78.
populations. Although some studies show improvement over
time, continued follow-up with long COVID patients will be 11. Puntmann VO, Carerj ML, Wieters I, et al. Outcomes of cardiovascular
needed to better characterize long-term outcomes. magnetic resonance imaging in patients recently recovered from coro-
navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA Cardiol 2020;5:1265-73.
This review adds to the growing body of literature sum-
marizing postacute cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19, 12. Sekiguchi M, Yu ZX, Hasumi M, Hiroe M, Morimoto S, Nishikawa T.
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ter acute illness. In organizing our review according to specific lescent myocarditis: a serial endomyocardial biopsy study. Heart Vessels
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cardiovascular complications. Although current evidence re- 13. Huang L, Zhao P, Tang D, et al. Cardiac involvement in patients
mains limited in quantity and quality, we hope this review will recovered from COVID-2019 identified using magnetic resonance
encourage clinicians to be mindful of potential cardiovascular imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2020;13:2330-9.
risks and can serve as a starting point for future investigations.
14. Blagova O, Lutokhina Y, Kogan E, et al. Chronic biopsy proven post-
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Funding Sources of antiheart antibodies. Clin Cardiol 2022;45:952-9.
This review is partially supported by a CIHR Grant: VR4- 15. Ng MY, Ferreira VM, Leung ST, et al. Patients recovered from
172729. A.M. Cheung is supported by a Tier 1 Canada COVID-19 show ongoing subclinical myocarditis as revealed by cardiac
Research Chair. magnetic resonance imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2020;13:

Disclosures 16. Rajpal S, Tong MS, Borchers J, et al. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance
MediciNova is providing an investigational drug for the findings in competitive athletes recovering from COVID-19 infection.
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