Research Papers Should Prostitution Be Legalized

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Title: The Challenge of Writing a Thesis on the Legalization of Prostitution

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on a contentious and complex topic like the legalization
of prostitution can be an overwhelming endeavor. Tackling such a subject requires thorough research,
critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of various perspectives. As aspiring scholars navigate
through the maze of academic literature, societal debates, and legal frameworks, they often find
themselves grappling with numerous challenges along the way.

One of the foremost difficulties encountered in writing a thesis on the legalization of prostitution is
the multifaceted nature of the topic itself. Prostitution intersects with issues of morality, ethics,
public health, human rights, and law enforcement, among others. This complexity demands a
comprehensive examination of different dimensions, necessitating extensive research and careful
consideration of diverse viewpoints.

Furthermore, the contentious nature of the subject can present challenges in maintaining objectivity
and impartiality. Writers must navigate through passionate arguments and conflicting ideologies
while striving to present a balanced and well-reasoned analysis. This requires critical thinking skills
and the ability to evaluate evidence objectively, despite personal biases or societal pressures.

Another significant hurdle in writing a thesis on this topic is the scarcity of reliable and up-to-date
sources. Prostitution laws and policies vary widely across different countries and regions, making it
challenging to access accurate data and scholarly literature. Moreover, societal attitudes towards
prostitution often shape the availability of research materials, with certain perspectives being
marginalized or underrepresented in academic discourse.

In the face of these obstacles, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can offer
invaluable support and guidance. ⇒ ⇔ provides a trusted platform for students
and researchers to access professional assistance with their theses and research papers. With a team
of experienced writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ offers customized
solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each project.

By collaborating with ⇒ ⇔, individuals can benefit from expert insights,

meticulous research, and impeccable writing skills. Whether navigating through complex legal
frameworks, analyzing empirical data, or synthesizing diverse perspectives, their team is equipped to
deliver high-quality academic work that meets the highest standards of excellence.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on the legalization of prostitution poses significant challenges due to
the complexity of the topic, the need for objectivity, and the scarcity of reliable sources. However,
with the support of reputable academic writing services like ⇒ ⇔, students and
researchers can overcome these obstacles and produce insightful and compelling research that
contributes to scholarly discourse.
Throughout all of human life, it has been used as the papers of prostitution, highest of corporal
punishments to essay samples condemn offenders of the vilest crimes, such as murder or rape. Why
is it we are more bothered by illegal immigrants not paying their fair share of taxes than prostitutes.
The mandatory health checks that are introduced in many countries allow defining and treating STIs
and stop them from spreading (Wetzstein). The purpose of this paper is to show why prostitution
should be made legal in United States. If you haven’t heard, immigration is a big topic in American
politics but, there’s one main factor that makes people choose on side on this issue, It’s the wall.
Street prostitution declined after the law was introduced but soon increased again. The development
of a national railroad system was hampered by which of the following? A. Title: should prostitution
should i disagree with honesty and prostitution research paper subscribe. Legalization of prostitution
will reduce teen prostitution. This led to conformity of brothels operations that keeps sexual activity
sellers safe. They also brought up the issue of sex trafficking and child prostitution; accordingly they
point out that prostitution is dehumanizing, risky and dehumanizing. The objective of this briefing
paper is to provide background information drawn These harms are not decreased by legalization or
Prostitution Research. The debate was between Professor Hart and Patrick Devlin. If they were
unhappy with what they were doing wouldn’t they find an alternative to move on and make things
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Constant Cycle of Election Campaigns. Mr. Jeffrey thinks it is ludicrous that pot is illegal. In. In
addition, it is alleged that the illegal status of prostitution has prevented women from working in
safe conditions and urged them to work in the streets. Prostitutes are a common sight even in
countries in which prostitution is banned. By Alex Dimitrijevic Prostitution is a dark and dangerous
industry. Prostitution and other aspects of the industry can only be exploitative and abusive of
women, and strongly marked by violence, rape and sexual assault. Prostitutes with sexually
transmitted rates will be found out and treated in time, and also the number of people catching
diseases through prostitution will be reduced. Majority of these women undergo harassment,
sexually, physically and emotionally, with these crimes going unpunished. In some situations,
through legalization, it will be obvious confirmation that women are sex objects. Sexual intercourse
outside of a relationship of love, or even marriage, shows disregard for the sanctity of marriage and
for the other partner in a relationship. Andreas Schleicher - 20 Feb 2024 - How pop music, podcasts,
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Some workers, mostly black women and trans-gender people were put on the sex-offender registry.
For example, Hart argued that the law should not concern itself with immorality Heilbronn 16. Even
though it is illegal in many countries it continues to exist and because it is not legal the people
involved with it are exploited. In a free society, of which the United States is undeniably considered,
such supervisory actions are a blatant violation of the civil rights and liberties granted to all citizens.
It is evident that it would take long for the notion of women as sex objects to clear from the minds
of individuals if prostitution is legalized. Journal of Sex Research. The Hague. 2002. Carr, Sade. The
health issues affecting women in the sex industry: Amoral and ethical perspective. Decriminalization
and regulation of prostitution has positive impact on the lives and rights of sex workers. Hayes-
Smith and Shekarkhar focus on the flaws of the current construction and propose alternative
constructions instead of prostitution decriminalisation. They do not directly agree on a specific
regulation type. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Any combination, or even
just one of these groups is liable to create an unsafe environment. The reason for such actions is the
continuing mistrust in police (Farley 312). Through legalization of prostitution, the community
promotes liberty and confidentiality of individuals (Scivelli p.57). For instance, the laws against
prostitution violate the prostitutes’ fundamental rights of individual liberty and personal privacy. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The historical document regarding prostitution
shows that the profession has been viewed in an irregular manner unlike other daily activities. Some
regard it is a benefit, because it will decrease the levels of human trafficking and provide prostitutes
with the same rights other people have. New York: John Wiley and Sons.2003. Pheterson, Gregory.
Issue II: Feminist perspectives on sexuality. Andreas Schleicher - 20 Feb 2024 - How pop music,
podcasts, and Tik Tok are i. In the 18th century BCE the Code of Hammurabi preserves the
prostitutes' inheritance rights. Then, these people are being moved whenever needed, and the
“owners” (such as pimps) determine the future of the person. The premise of this study, therefore, is
that prostitute women are sustained in prostitution since involvement in prostitution becomes making
sense. Another reason friendships may end is due to a lack of communication or effort. Change
direction is ongoing map in an organisation to better efficiency and effectivity to vie in the market
topographic point. Legalizing prostitution According to Daley (p.48) prostitution may be referred to
as the practice of indulging in sexualacts for money. For staying competitory, organisations are
required to do necessary accommodations in the procedures and people. Paper Writing specialist
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basically the right choice to pay a visit to. The governments around the world should protect other
individual rights, like right to property rather than getting too concerned with issues of prostitution
that are difficult to control. Not all prostitutes, so the argument goes, are the victims of trafficking or
under the control of vicious pimps. Some report the main causes of early prostitution was due to
poverty and deviance. Also, street work is legal in New South Wales regime. This research was
aimed at showing that prostitution can be beneficial not only for the sex workers and their clients,
but also for the country. Suraya, a sex worker was reported to have been beaten, threaten by a knife,
raped many times, stolen all money and finally thrown out of the car by her own customer (Pauw
and Brener,1998). Some police department post the full names and photos of sex workers, which led
to large spread-out on social media and in the press in a humiliating way. And then what happened
after that, they published our names, our addresses, and phone numbers in the New York City
Time-Honored Wisdom: African Teachings for VUCA Leaders Time-Honored Wisdom: African
Teachings for VUCA Leaders Chromatography-Gas chromatography-Principle Chromatography-Gas
chromatography-Principle 50 D. Although this paper did not touch upon the moral side of
prostitution and focused merely on facts, there is a huge debate over morality of legalization, as
these laws might only popularize sex industry (Farley 313). Law should be applied selectively and
legislature should consider the aforementioned principles before implementing laws that affect
morality. Once someone is involved in drugs and prostitution it is very hard for them to get out.
Normally, these crimes committed, by the prostitutes go unreported due to the fear of identification
and protection of business (Raymond p.29). Legalizing prostitution would mean that most prostitutes
would be subjected to harsh conditions whilst working. Source: Alternative Energy OECD countries
in particular focused on alternative energy research as a means of. Hence, the arguments provided
above show that human trafficking and prostitution legalization are inseparable things, so the latter
only strengthens the former one. Conflict is another factor that can lead to the end of a friendship.
From her point of view, the fact that we associate prostitution with crime and violence does not
eliminate its existence. This is a waste of tax payer's money because none has succeeded in
preventing prostitution. The historical document regarding prostitution shows that the profession has
been viewed in an irregular manner unlike other daily activities. Because in the final analysis, the
greatest victim is society-at-large. Legalisation of Prostitution would only degrade the position of
women to mere commodities, which can be bought and sold, legally. Some report the main causes of
early prostitution was due to poverty and deviance. If legalized, illegal prostitution would not be
eradicated, but continue to thrive. Prostitution can also be defined as the sale or rental of labor
services in a voluntary manner. Phoenix covers many different aspects in her study dealing with
prostitution, later in depth of the study she talks about women prostituting as survival and then
prostitution as victimization. (Phoenix 41). Many women claimed involvement in prostitution
alleviated their poverty. There are many reasons for not legalizing prostitution. The authority may
harass the prostitutes, but will not stop them from doing what they do best. This will help to end the
problem of trafficking people as well as using them as a source of profit for criminals and pimps. It is
stated that sex workers need protection and only the state is able to provide them with appropriate
support and defense. Prostitution is harmful for humanity because it is detrimental to family system,
the oldest institutional unit of the society. Emotional commitment is inextricably linked to physical
commitment. Legalization of prostitution cannot be accepted because prostitution is not only harmful
for the prostitutes and prostitute-goers but also for humanity. Analysts argue that Christians are
among the groups of people that look down upon prostitution and perceive it as immoral. This means
that, with the legalization the government will provide the prostitutes protection just like in any other
legalized organizations and businesses within the community. Journal of Sex Research. The Hague.
2002. Carr, Sade. The health issues affecting women in the sex industry: Amoral and ethical
perspective. At the same time, it is extremely important to see the difference between legalization
and decriminalization of sex industry because one only controls the industry, while the second one
also provides benefits for the sex workers. Lastly, decriminalization be came the latest invention of
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Not to mention, the increased risk of illness or infection via sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), or
death. This does not imply that bribery should be legalized. For these aforementioned reasons
prostitution should remain illegal. With legalization most of the crimes committed to the prostitutes
and clients will reduce because women will have specific protected areas to do their business. Unlike
when prostitution is legalized, women will be free to conduct prostitution thus reducing the rate of
unemployment and crime rates among women. Other women who are involved are proven in studies
to be forced into it when they are younger and grew up doing it. However, topics like illegal
immigration are usually put on the back burner. This begs the question: why does law defend citizens
against acts such as harm and indecency. Buy research papers online cheap A History of Modern
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a way to make a living and survive and provide for their families. I believe that Prostitution should
not be legalized. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
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prostitutes are exploited and they are taken advantage of. EduSkills OECD Time-Honored Wisdom:
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Chromatography-Gas chromatography-Principle blessipriyanka 50 D. This paper enters into this
debate by arguing that prostitution should not be legalized, the following points supports this
position. At the event of legalizing prostitution, crime rates will increase within the society.
Decriminalization and regulation of prostitution has positive impact on the lives and rights of sex
workers. Studies indicate that prostitutes go through a very difficult time whilst conducting their day
to day activities. Flowers 89-91) A study done by Joanna Phoenix in 2000 discusses “women’s
sustained involvement in prostitution. Time-Honored Wisdom: African Teachings for VUCA Leaders
Time-Honored Wisdom: African Teachings for VUCA Leaders Chromatography-Gas
chromatography-Principle Chromatography-Gas chromatography-Principle 50 D. It is evident that it
would take long for the notion of women as sex objects to clear from the minds of individuals if
prostitution is legalized. With the legalization of prostitution, they will not feel abandoned by society
but become part and parcel of the society. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Science. The prostitutes, on the other hand, will be forced to go to the streets, thus exposing
the vice to the society not on their own will, but because the society tends to accept the vice. In the
state that abolished death penalty or where its statute was declared unconstitutional, people
sentenced to death for a crime before the date of the abolition may retroactively be subjected to
death penalty. Their discussion on the criminalized reality of sex workers in South Africa have some
common with the reality of sex workers in US and other countries. It means that human trafficking
did not end with legalization of prostitution, but simply gave sex criminals a way to turn it into
something the government could not end legally. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. Prostitutes Empowerment. Harvard. Harvard University Press.2007. Shaver,
Ferdinald. A critical analysis of Prostitution. Moreover, this industry, if legalized, is able to provide
additional revenues for a country.
Title: should prostitution should i disagree with honesty and prostitution research paper subscribe.
The response to human trafficking, however, has been diminished by an ongoing controversy over
what is the best way to respond to those victims who are trafficked into sexual exploitation and
prostitution” (Bales par. 6). Many reasons such as the aforesaid explain why prostitution should
remain illegal. “The practice of prostitution presents many dangers: to prostitutes, to customers, and
to society at large. According to utilitarianism, the interests of the majority are more important than
the interests of the minority. Prostitution is the act or practice of offering sexual activity to another
individual in return for immediate transaction in cash or other valuable items. Thus, when we solve
isolation, loneliness, and making money from sex will go a long way with protecting the prostitutes.
Flowers 89-91) A study done by Joanna Phoenix in 2000 discusses “women’s sustained involvement
in prostitution. Also in this review of legalization’s benefits, they added that “Making prostitution
legal will allow the act to be managed instead of ignored”.In addition to this situation, present laws
do not provide prostitutes with enough protection. The number of violent attacks on prostitutes,
including rape and murder, and the considerably greater number of such crimes which are believed
to go unreported, suggests that prostitutes themselves are the victims of the most serious criminal
offences. It is based on my research paper on prostitution and its legalization. Allowing prostitution
in Australia will only expand the sex industry, have an increase in. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. She also believes that society gains money from such legality, precisely through
income tax revenues. The author explains the shift in law enforcement, and long history of
mandatory health examinations of sex workers which came along with the former, influenced by the
Prostitution Act in Australia. The legality of prostitution, for the author, will protect the right for
women to be safer in their practice, to have the laws and regulations as their backup in any case of
attack or violation. By contrast, legal and regulated prostitution would allow for better health and
safety standards, as well as access to support services for those who choose to engage in it. Here are
ten reasons why countries that prohibit prostitution should legalize it, just like in Germany and New
Zealand, among others. Prostitutes sell themselves everyday over social media, craigslist's, and most
commonly on the streets. Australia and New Zealand have also legalized prostitution not so long
time ago. Certain nations have legalized prostitution, others have decriminalized prostitution and
certain countries have even decreased the laws regarding the act of prostitution. Therefore, it is right
to criminalize acts of immorality that harm other people. Prostitution and other aspects of the
industry can only be exploitative and abusive of women, and strongly marked by violence, rape and
sexual assault. The prostitutes, on the other hand, will be forced to go to the streets, thus exposing
the vice to the society not on their own will, but because the society tends to accept the vice. Journal
of sex Education.2006: 3; 78-99. Daley, Suzanne. New Rights for Dutch Prostitutes; New York
Times. The Prostitution Act catalyzed the foundation of Prostituting Licensing Authority, which
manages, controls and restricts the brothels. Bringing approximately successful alterations requires
planning, effectual communicating and employee support. Hence, one cannot say that there is
evidence that women are safe working under legalization of prostitution. In a nutshell, this is the
topic allotted for my sociology assignment: Should Prostitution be Legalised. Additional materials,
such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also
offered here. If the government does not fight against prostitution, members will be free to conduct
business with no fear. The objective of this briefing paper is to provide background information
drawn These harms are not decreased by legalization or Prostitution Research. She declares that
“Prostitution violates the prohibition of slavery, of force labor and trafficking in
person”(, Cecilia Hoffman, n.d).It is clear that for Hoffman prostitution have
too much negative effects on women, that should not lead to its legalization.
Although this paper did not touch upon the moral side of prostitution and focused merely on facts,
there is a huge debate over morality of legalization, as these laws might only popularize sex industry
(Farley 313). This begs the question: why does law defend citizens against acts such as harm and
indecency. Flowers 89-91) A study done by Joanna Phoenix in 2000 discusses “women’s sustained
involvement in prostitution. This essay will undertake a study of the advantages and disadvantages
of prostitution in an attempt to decode the best stand for the society at large. The response to human
trafficking, however, has been diminished by an ongoing controversy over what is the best way to
respond to those victims who are trafficked into sexual exploitation and prostitution” (Bales par. 6).
Many reasons such as the aforesaid explain why prostitution should remain illegal. “The practice of
prostitution presents many dangers: to prostitutes, to customers, and to society at large. What is the
moral ground to be used in order to give teenagers access to the contraceptives. Anomie, Crime, and
Weakened Social Ties in Social Institutions. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
Prostitutes with sexually transmitted rates will be found out and treated in time, and also the number
of people catching diseases through prostitution will be reduced. Because in the final analysis, the
greatest victim is society-at-large. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The
profession of prostitution is allowed privately in India but law tries to hide it from public. If these
changes are significant enough, they can cause a rift between friends who no longer see eye to eye.
The right to liberty and pursuit of happiness are two of the core values that are expressly provided by
the United States constitution as captured in the Declaration of Independence (
Liberty is also provided in the Universal Human Rights article, when prostitution is illegalized this
rights are greatly curtailed and denied. This is usually motivated by the demand for young girls in the
brothels as a source of income-generating activity. They are forced against their will to perform
sexual acts. From this historical connotation of prostitution, the negative impacts of prostitution on
the societies in different ages can be visualized. Legalization would streamline the process by setting
standards that must be met and defining the code of business thereby addressing the three major
challenges associated with prostitution; child prostitution, illegal immigration and transmission of
STDs and HIV AIDS. Unlike when the market is free and fair, the pimps will be punished for the
wrong doings and frustrations committed to the female. It is for this reason that prostitution will
continue being the bottomless pit that sucks up billions and billions of money with absolutely
nothing to show for. Hence, one cannot say that there is evidence that women are safe working
under legalization of prostitution. For example, if one friend becomes interested in a new hobby that
takes up a lot of their time, they may have less time to spend with their other friends. Thus the sex
workers start paying taxes instead of various fees that they would pay for the third-party
involvement. If prostitution is legalized, then the government would have an easier time dealing with
prostitutes in the society. Many have their reasoning impaired by an unhappy family background or
previous sexual abuse. Majority of the married people would commit adultery leading to high divorce
rates in the society. In order to assuage a society that looks down on the commodification of sex,
perhaps there is a happy medium between the status quo and outright legalization of prostitution.
However, both share a common ambition, which is to protect women in general. This is a waste of
tax payer's money because none has succeeded in preventing prostitution. Whereas Hoffman, who
does not consider the advantages that would bring such legalization.
Nevertheless, this common ground does not lead them to the same conclusion. Legalization of
prostitution will reduce teen prostitution. From her point of view, the fact that we associate
prostitution with crime and violence does not eliminate its existence. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our. Prostitution is a big influence to the married people and can easily pose big
blows to marriage unions especially when there are problems between couples. Austria: International
Centre for Migration. 2009. Bureau NRM. Trafficking in Human Beings: First Report of the Dutch
National Rapporteur. However, both share a common ambition, which is to protect women in
general. Along with the legalization, there will be rules setting about allowed age, working condition
and health check requirement. The response to human trafficking, however, has been diminished by
an ongoing controversy over what is the best way to respond to those victims who are trafficked into
sexual exploitation and prostitution” (Bales par. 6). Many reasons such as the aforesaid explain why
prostitution should remain illegal. “The practice of prostitution presents many dangers: to prostitutes,
to customers, and to society at large. Chika Unigwe, PhD; the Nigerian-born author gives some of
the reasons why prostitution should no longer be without law controls. And the debate goes on:
Should prostitution be legalized. Dutting, Giseling. Legalized Prostitution in the Netherlands Recent
Debates. Based on this, she thinks of the legality of prostitution as a way to help them in their cause.
Alternatively, should we just ignore it, I mean, people have been bullying and still made it in life. The
most ironic aspect regarding the matter is that our government stands under the belief that their
actions are ultimately helping our country and are constitutionally justifiable. It would appear from
this data that prostitution is deeply integrated in the society as a way of life. Prostitution leads to the
objectification of women which under every and all circumstances is wrong. It is practiced even
today, although there are many reasons why it is an legalization, absolutely unacceptable way of can
someone comparing, punishing a criminal, regardless of research papers legalization of prostitution,
what crime he or she has committed. Law should be applied selectively and legislature should
consider the aforementioned principles before implementing laws that affect morality. This opinion
only focuses on the merit of the surface, considering prostitutes as criminals and criticizing them, not
regarding to the fact that they are also human, they also have to labor inturn of money.According to
a survey (Lobert, n. d. ) named “What do you need” conducted among prostitutes, 78% need home
and safe places, 58% need health care and 42% need legal assistance. These guys are already doing
it and your little prophecy would have already come to pass if it were tru. The objective of this
briefing paper is to provide background information drawn These harms are not decreased by
legalization or Prostitution Research. It is the world’s oldest profession, but it is constantly looked
down by. We eagerly anticipate returning to see them again, feeling as though they are an
indispensable part of the museum itself. In other words, the trafficking problem remained and
became even wider. Hence, it will be a win-win situation: the government will get taxes and regulate
participants of this business, and the prostitutes will get guarantees from the government and ability
to have an honest and more secure way to get profits. Many see it as a career, a way to make a living
and survive and provide for their families. Then again, the two different attitudes formed towards the
law enforcement may depend on the history of legalization: while on the Netherlands
decriminalization has a long history and sex sphere employees have developed good relations with
police, in Australia the change has happened recently, therefore, the tradition of cooperation between
prostitutes and law enforcement still has to develop. Then the Right to Health, her failure to get to
safe abortion services comprises infringement of the privilege to health. Prostitutes are also treated
badly and many of them have to face abuse on a regular basis (Sarup, K. 2008). All this happens
because the activity is not legalized.

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