Research Trends in Software Development Effort Estimation: September 2023

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Research Trends in Software Development Effort Estimation

Conference Paper · September 2023

DOI: 10.1109/EECSI59885.2023.10295716


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3 authors:

Yulia Swandari Ridi Ferdiana

Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada


Adhistya Erna Permanasari

Universitas Gadjah Mada


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2023 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) 20-21 September 2023

Research Trends in Software Development Effort

Yulia Swandari Ridi Ferdiana Adhistya Erna Permanasari
Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Information Engineering Information Engineering Information Engineering
Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Developing a software project without the SDEE, with no confirmation to support model estimates above
appropriate amount of effort would significantly impede and expert estimations.
even fail the project, putting the software developer's quality at
risk. Therefore, software development effort estimation (SDEE) Machine learning (ML) technique in SDEE was
is the most critical activity in software engineering. SDEE has investigated by Wen et al. [1] who determined different ML
seen extensive research, resulting in a massive rise in the techniques, their prediction precision, and the comparison
literature in a relatively short period. In this regard, it is crucial between other models and estimation contexts from 84
to identify the significant study topics in software development primary studies. Based on their research, they disclosed that
effort estimation that will assist researchers in understanding eight different ML techniques had been used in SDEE and
and recognizing research trends. This research applied a concluded that ML models offer more precise predictions than
systematic literature review (SLR) to compile all journals from non-ML models.
the predefined search directory about software development
effort estimation thoroughly and unbiasedly from 2018 to 2022. Effort estimation in agile software development (ASD)
This review was a prelude to further research activities in was reviewed by Usman et al. [5] based on 20 papers selected.
software development effort estimation. Five research topics out The study showed that most methods rely on expert
of 71 papers have been revealed, including the machine learning judgement; extreme programming (XP) and scrum are the
approach, algorithmic technique, expert judgement, dataset only two agile methods identified in the primary analysis.
analysis, and evaluation metric. With 27 journals, deploying a
machine learning approach for SDEE is the most discussed Idri et al. [6] reviewed 65 papers published on analogy-
research topic. The potential research described in this study based software effort estimation (ASEE) from 1990 to 2012
can be investigated further in software development effort and revealed that the research's primary focus is feature and
estimation field. case subset selection. They identified that ASEE methods
outperform eight strategies and produce more accurate results
Keywords— software development, effort estimation, literature when combined with fuzzy logic (FL) or genetic algorithms
review, research trends (GA).
I. INTRODUCTION Research patterns in SDEE were summarized by Sehra et
al. [3] through a generative statistical method called Latent
Software development effort estimation (SDEE) predicts Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) from a large set of SDEE research
the effort needed to develop a software application [1]. SDEE articles published from 1996 to 2016. They found twelve core
can also be shortened to software effort estimation (SEE) or research areas and sixty research trends based on a library of
several synonymous words: cost estimation, cost prediction, 1178 articles.
time estimation, and effort prediction. The number of man-
hours dedicated to software development over time, from This research used a systematic literature review (SLR) to
specification up to delivery, is generally measured by SDEE update the summarization of all papers from the predefined
[2]. But not limited to that, SDEE can also define the skill search directory concerning software development effort
requirements that must be possessed and the number of costs, estimation from 2018 to 2022. An SLR is an approach to
time, and assets needed to work on the project system. discovering, analyzing, and comprehending all accessible
Overestimation wastes resources, whereas underestimation research on a specific topic area [7]. Research trends identified
results in schedule or budget overruns and quality through this review can assist early researchers in finding and
compromises [2]. Software professionals and researchers updating potential research areas in the software development
highly value accurate estimation of software effort. effort estimation.
Many effort estimation methods have been suggested in The rest of this research is structured as follows. Section 2
the SDEE field since the 1980s [1]. Both benefits and describes the research method, including the planning and
drawbacks of the models and approaches created by conducting stage. Section 3 discusses key findings, and in
researchers are well acknowledged. The vast availability of Section 4 challenges to validity are presented. Finally, Section
published literature on the domain challenged researchers to 5 provides a conclusion.
analyze and determine the optimal path for their research [3].
The review article on expert estimation of SDEE
conducted by Jørgensen [4] reviewed 15 studies for validating We planned and conducted the SLR following
the conformance to twelve expert estimation 'best practices' Kitchenham & Charter [7] guidelines. All the steps are
and found expert estimation to be the dominant approach for explained in the following subsections.

979-8-3503-0686-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 625

A. Planning Stage to the research questions. Data synthesis entails compiling
The most significant action during planning is developing and analyzing the findings of the included main papers, in this
the research questions (RQ) [7]. This research addressed the case, to categorize studies into significant study topics and
following inquiries. year-wise publications.
RQ1: What are the research trends in SDEE for the last TABLE I. INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA
five years, and what topic is the most discussed? This
question was intended to identify the SDEE research trends Selection Criteria
from 2018 until 2022 and analyze the most discussed topic in Journal paper
Publicly available
SDEE. Inclusion
In the case of a duplication paper, the
RQ2: What are the potential future research topics in publication stage is chosen as the final one
SDEE? This question was intended to examine the potential Conference paper, review, survey, lecture note,
for future research in the SDEE field. book chapter, poster, erratum, replication,
comparative study
B. Conducting Stage The topic outrange of SDEE
As seen in [7], "the aim of a systematic review is to find as
many primary studies relating to the research question as TABLE II. NUMBER OF PAPERS CHOSEN THROUGH THE SELECTION
possible using an unbiased search strategy". One characteristic PROCESS
that differentiates a systematic literature review (also called a Search Results Filtered Results Selected Papers
systematic review) from a traditional review is the rigour of
136 65 71
the search procedure. The search procedure used in this study
involves search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data
extraction, and data synthesis.
First, search strategy consisted of keywords and search
strings used in the electronic source to acquire the relevant This section presents findings from reviewed papers
literature. The electronic source used in this research was according to two research questions. All the figures were
SCOPUS because it is the most popular and widely accepted visualized using MATLAB from the data synthesis results.
database by significant institutions worldwide and provides Fig. 1 displays the year-by-year publishing of selected SDEE
the most comprehensive coverage of reputable scientific papers from 2018 to 2022. The total of 71 documents on
literature among other databases. SDEE shows an average upward trend every year.

We used the following search string to include the Intending to answer RQ1, we have identified the five
keywords and filters applied: TITLE ( software AND ( research topics presented in Table 3, and the most widely
effort* OR cost* OR siz* ) AND ( estimat* OR predict* discussed research topic is the machine learning approach,
OR forecast* ) AND NOT defect* ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( with 27 journals.
OA , "all") ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR
PUBYEAR , 2020 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2019 )
LANGUAGE , "English") ). This search string was required
to restrict the search results based on the following selection
• the publications on effort estimation with the option
of using another relevant phrase and different
spellings in the titles
• not in the defect prediction domain
• only open-access documents
• published during the five years from 2018 to 2022
• written in English
The search process resulted in 136 publications, and then we
exported the results in a CSV file to facilitate further
elimination of literature. When compiling this review using Fig. 1. Paper publication year-wise.
Zotero [8], these results were exported into RIS file format
(.ris extension) to manage bibliographic references.
As indicated in Table 1, the search results from the search Id Research Topics
strategy were manually reselected by title and abstract using Count
the inclusion and exclusion selection criteria. Only journal T1 Machine learning approach 27 [9]–[35]
papers were selected because they had undergone peer review T2 Algorithmic technique 22 [36]–[57]
by the journal's publisher.
T3 Expert judgement 11 [58]–[68]
Table 2 displays the number of papers based on the search
results and the manual selection procedure. The final steps T4 Dataset analysis 10 [69]–[78]
are data extraction and data synthesis. The goal of data
T5 Evaluation metric 1 [79]
extraction is to gather all the information required to respond

Fuzzy logic is also applied in single and hybrid methods:
fuzzy regression tree [9], [32], neuro-fuzzy [25], fuzzy delphi
in test effort estimation [29], and fuzzy-neuro-genetic [35].
Furthermore, researchers also explored the techniques in the
context of open-source software [10], dynamic cross-
company mapped model learning (Dycom) [23], and
unstructured software project descriptions [21]. Aside from
the research trends stated above, some contemporary trends
have evolved from the study, including adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS) [16], extreme learning machine
(ELM) [17], feature engineering [24], deep belief network
[31], and random forest [34].
Carvalho et al. [17] applied the ELM technique and
compared it with the literature models, which resulted in the
error estimate rates tending to be reduced. For future studies,
ELM and other machine learning methods can be optimized
with metaheuristic algorithms, such as particle swarm
optimization (PSO), to enhance their accuracy. Besides, there
is the opportunity for additional study of:
• Deep learning models improve with fully automatic
element integration.
• Design the transformation of the artificial neural
network model to a web service and deploy it to a
cloud computing platform.
B. Algorithmic Technique
Various trends have emerged in the "algorithmic
technique" (T2), with the number of papers for the last five
years being 5, 3, 2, 7, and 5. One such trend is the
metaheuristic algorithm, namely particle swarm optimization
[36], [39], [48], [56], differential evolution [41], antlion
optimization [42], firefly algorithm [43], dolphin algorithm
[49], artificial bee colony algorithm [57], and hybrid bat
algorithm [55]. Other trends identified are the morphological
approach [54], local data approach [37], regression analysis
[38], use case point-based method [40], [44], global software
Fig. 2. Research trends of five topics.
development project [45], class diagram-based estimation
[46], software rework index [47], use case reuse [50], safety-
Further, Fig. 2 highlights the research trends for each critical software [51], function point analysis [52], and linear
topic. The trends in research topics and the potential for programming [53].
further research are described in the subsequent section to Four papers improved and modified PSO to enhance its
answer RQ2. accuracy for effort estimation. Ardiansyah et al. [36] proposed
A. Machine Learning Approach modified chaotic particle swarm optimization with uniform
particle initialization (MUCPSO) to improve the
Applying "machine learning approach" (T1) to estimate comprehensive performance of standard PSO by presenting
software effort has garnered numerous studies and uncovered three additional schemes. Venkataiah et al. [39] proposed
several research trends. The paper counts from 2018 to 2022 chaotic linear increasing inertia weight and diversity-
for this research topic were 2, 12, 1, 7, and 5, respectively. The improved mechanism to enhance the variety of PSO. Alanis-
most widely explored are artificial neural networks (ANN), Tamez [48] et al. presented the application of PSO for
deep learning (DL), regression models, and ensemble improving the parameters of statistical regression equations
methods. Some ANN, DL, and regression models combined (SRE). Khuat et al. [56] proposed an improved algorithm
with several techniques then become a hybrid or ensemble combining the advantages of the artificial bee colony (ABC)
method, such as genetic algorithm and neural network in test and PSO algorithms. The variant improvements of PSO can
effort estimation [11]; deep learning and metaheuristic be compared and combined with another method, such as a
algorithm [12], [19]; bayesian optimization and ensemble machine learning approach, in future work to enhance the
learning [13]; deep learning and random forest [14]; fuzzy- effort estimation accuracy. Another research can be
neural network and metaheuristic algorithm [15]; ANN and conducted:
Taguchi method [20]; support vector regression (SVR) and
feature selection [22]; metaheuristic algorithm and regression • Investigate the impact of different methodologies,
model [26]; SVR and metaheuristic algorithm [27]; SVR and languages, datasets, and environments on algorithm
neural network [28]; feature selection and multilayer performance.
perceptron [30]; bayesian and synthetic bootstrap [33]; and
deep learning and function point [18].

C. Expert Judgement that related papers will be missed. We rigorously examined in
"Expert judgement" (T3) reveals the research trends, two steps to ensure the relevance of the selected publications
including analogy-based estimation [58], [59], [63]–[65], in this study. Another threat to validity refers to the naming of
[67], estimation in agile projects [61], [62], [66], [68] and research topics. It is an issue because of the subjectivity and
blockchain-based models [60]. The paper counts for this topic bias involved. To get around this constraint, we read the
in 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022 were 3, 2, 1, and 5, journal's full text to determine appropriate and significant
respectively, and none in 2019. research topics.

Ahmed et al. [62] presented a blockchain-based software V. CONCLUSIONS

effort estimation (BBSEE) to handle disadvantages of This study applied a manual systematic review of the
analogy-based estimation, such as a scarcity of historical data literature on SDEE research trends. It identified research
and experts. In future research, the suggested method is trends by examining 71 journals published by researchers
compatible with a machine learning-based method that between 2018 and 2022. Five research topics, sorted from the
experts might employ when making choices. Another most widely discussed, are (1) machine learning approach
elaborative analysis can be carried out on: with 27 papers; (2) algorithmic technique with 22 papers; (3)
• Exploring other factors influencing agile effort expert judgement with 11 papers; (4) dataset analysis with 10
estimation, such as formal training in estimations and papers; and (5) evaluation metrics with 1 paper.
learning structures. This review's research trends can help early researchers
• Combining machine learning approach with various identify and update potential study areas in software
analogy-based estimations and expert checklists. development effort estimation. Future research trends in the
SDEE field are on machine learning approaches, especially
D. Dataset Analysis deep learning, and artificial neural networks, to produce a high
In "dataset analysis" (T4), paper counts from 2019 until level of accuracy in estimating work with efficient use of
2022 were 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and none in 2018. The resources. Furthermore, researchers might evaluate any of the
trends identified are size analysis [69], [73], weight values five research subjects indicated in the current research for
[70], outlier analysis [71], [75], clustering dataset [72], [74], additional investigation.
replicate dataset [76], volatile requirements [77], and dataset
quality [78].
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