Math Exit Exam

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MARU JOSHUA G-LLAMES BSEE-3 ALGEBRA - UNIT TEST Multiple Choice eerily the chowce that best completes the statement or answers the question. The axam is good for 2 hours, 1 Mr Derbyshire makes a business trip from his house to Loganville in 2 hours. One hour later, he relums home in traffic at a rale 20 mph less than his rate going If Mr. Derbyshire is gone a total of 6 hours, how fast (in mph) did he travel on each leg of, the trip? 80,60 b. 50,30 c. 70, 60 (@)60,40 2. Determine the number of different triangles which ‘can be formed by joining the six vertices of a hexagon, the vertices of each triangle being on the 3. Determine the probability p that in a family of 5 children there willbe at least 2 boys and 1 gir that the probability of a male birth is 1/2. 7/82 b. 26/32 c. 12 d, 17/32 4, One bag contains 4 white balls and 3 black balls, and a second bag contains 3 white balls and black balls. One ball is drawn at random from the second bag and is placed unseen in the first bag. What is the probability that a ball now drawn from the first bag is white? a. 45/64 b. 25/64 35/64 d. 55/64 5. Compute the sum ofthe first 100 pose integers exocly divisible by 7. 3.27530 b. 53530 ¢. 25630(4))95950 a. nia emt ean omen (2+2) ‘not constain x? 70 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 7. Twelve different pictures are available, of which 4 eto be hung in a row. In how many ways can this be done? a. 1980 b, 10560 c. 495(d.)11880 Bet Bet * Bei Bet 9. Forty ters of a 60% salt solution are reduced to a 45% solution. How much must be drained off and replaced with distiled wates so that the resutting ‘wil contain only 45% salt? @y15 b. 10 c. 5 d. 20 40. Six persons seat themselves at a round table. What the probability that two given persons are igjacent ? 25 b. 5 c. 3S d. 45 ence ose em cnt eel PN emai, eee ee 42. What time after 5 o'clock will the hands of the clock bbe perpendicular for the time? a, 5:38.39 b. 5:36.96 (6.)5:49.64 d. 5:10.91 49. The probabilly that a patient recovers from 2 delicate heart operation is 0.9. What is the probabilty hat exacly 5 out 7 patients will survive? a. 0.148('b.) 0.1240 c. 0.128 ¢. 0.240 14. Inhow many ways can 5 letters be mailed i there are 3 mailboxes available? a. 125 b. 35 « 15(6)243 15. Which term of the binomial expansion of, (+4) constains x"? a ‘s20x* (0) saenx* ce. 2t0x® 4. 120x 16. What is the harmonic mean between 3/8 and 4? 24/35 b, 36/24 c. 3213 d. 13/32 Professional Audit | 1 ALGEBRA 17. Find the 16th term of the arithmetic sequence: 18. Ata meeting, after everyone had shaken hands. ‘once with everyone else, it was found that 45 handshakes were exchanged. How many were at the meting? a 22(b.) 10 © 12 4. 45 19. A real state agent has 8 master keys to open Several new homes. Only 1 master key will open any given house. If 40% of these homes are usually left unlocked, what is the probabilly that the real state agent can get into specific home if the agent selects 3 master keys at random before leaving the office? a 34 b 12 . 384) 518 21. In throwing a pair of dice, what is the possible ‘outcome of getting 107 a 118(b.) 112 ©. 196 4. 5136 2, Tan carro ra toma pack 52 cars, Bereminthe post at how ate same a sie w zaas C)reouas a ses Be ep oe eee me tceareaneneres a 24. In years Cranston's age will be the same as Terril's age now. In 2 years, Terrill will be twice as old as Cranston. How old is Cranston now? a 6(b)2 6 Bd. 4 25. Aand B alternately toss a coin. The first one to tum up a head wins. If no more than five tosses each are allowed for a single game. What are the odds against A's lossing if she goes first? 9b. 97(c) 21:11 d. 11:21 26, 27. 28, 29. ' Oma 1 d. BETA given that the studen| the honor roll? Eight tines the sum of the digits of » vartain ‘two-digit number exceeds the number by 19. The tens digit is 3 more than the units digit. Find the umber, a 748) 05 6 62 d. 96 There are 10 points in a plane, No three of these Points are in a straight line, except 4 points which are all in the same straight ling. How many straigh lines can be formed by joining the ae 2. 664, HE0C oN 12, 1020 ‘250, 785 eu 09 3)"(x 43) 1,2 2043) x43)? Simplify 2213) a3) 3)? 2243) 2 not (#9)? a(x?43) at -—2 043) 3)? 3) “ATH EXIT SOLUTION-MANUAL” © oe a Zhr Ta = thr e2O-N-Te ,2 lt 26-271 do yee pels diz uy 4, \Va2 ae dizda ya 7Vi- 0 Vit) = Vets = 60-710 Vila) 2 Wir D)S (v2 ® | WW) =) 700 (ve2 #2 | © Hexagon ~ G Tran ok ae 66,2 OF (09! @ Pas 5O3 tSOr SCq as © 5, =4w4 5h -F Br= sw t5b =8 WBS Br Bt B,=5w t3b28 WB B, Bz: Ty thy * G4 BB © Bi Be : %, xh * aie Bb we tBe = s ff ao wet 6B = Ze @ at aAz't n2100 Sil? % (at Tr) 2 (a+ 460) Sun= 35 SSO (x +4)° BY PASCAL Atr XO+E xt 28x 4456x% #FO F Sy ett ee tye nw esults @® using) factorial ; nt ia (i2-4)' —— EE Sx-10 A, 8 Next i) ~ ay-l aytl Bx~10 = A (aet) #B(t¥-D Bx 10 = 2A tp $2BX-B Bk “10 = GAt2B)y + (A-B) BX =7A428 -10 = A-B A=-3 BF Ks lrters 0-60 (4o-X) = 0-45(40) 24 -0-00X 3 18 -000X 2 18-24 pA wea He a -0:00 ® “Sig Factories) 5 zn Pela Pr(b) <_T Tear b)! 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