The Role of Platelet Rich Plasma in Delayed Union of Long Bones

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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2019; 5(2): 14-17

ISSN: 2395-1958
IJOS 2019; 5(2): 14-17
© 2019 IJOS The role of platelet rich plasma in delayed union of
Received: 06-02-2019 long bones
Accepted: 10-03-2019

Dr. Ravish VN Dr. Ravish VN, Dr. Bharath Raju G and Dr. M Venugopal Reddy
Dept. of Orthopaedics,
Kempe Gowda Institute of
Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, DOI:
Karnataka, India
Dr. Bharath Raju G Objective: To assess functional outcome of infiltration of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in delayed union of
Associate Professor, long bones.
Dept. of Orthopaedics, Design: Prospective clinical study with 6 months of follow-up.
Kempe Gowda Institute of Methods: Clinically proven 25 patients of delayed union were included in study according to inclusion
Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, and exclusion criteria after getting written and informed consent, treated by autologous PRP infiltration
Karnataka, India
thrice 4 weeks apart, evaluation done clinically as well as radiologically (At baseline and 6 month
Dr. M Venugopal Reddy
Dept. of Orthopaedics, Results: Out of twenty five patients, union was achieved in 22 patients (88%) at the end of six months, 2
Kempe Gowda Institute of cases progressed to non-union and one patient was lost for follow-up.
Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Conclusion: Platelet rich plasma infiltrated locally is effective in the treatment of delayed union of long
Karnataka, India bone fractures.

Keywords: role, platelet rich, plasma, delayed union, long bones

Delayed union, by definition, is present when an adequate period of time has elapsed since the
initial injury without achieving bone union. Bone healing, or fracture healing is a proliferative
physiological process in which the body facilitates the repair of a bone fracture [1, 2, 3].
For normal fracture healing to occur a number of requirements must be met e.g.: Viability of
fragments (i.e. intact blood supply), mechanical rest this can be achieved by not moving and
external immobilization, e.g. cast or internal fixation and absence of infection. The process of
healing is different depending on the configuration of the fracture fragments and can be
divided into three main categories (i) spontaneous (indirect/secondary) healing, (ii) contact
(angiogenic/primary) healing (iii) gap healing [1, 3, 4]. Fracture healing is a complex
physiological process involving a coordinated interaction of hematopoietic and immune cells
within the bone marrow, in conjunction with vascular and skeletal cell precursors [5]. Several
different cytokines and growth factors play role in healing of a fracture [6]. Delayed union is a
fracture that requires more time than standard to heal but over time it shows progression
toward healing [7].
Average healing times of common fractures are as follows Phalanges (3 weeks),
metacarpals(4-6 weeks), Distal radius (4-6 weeks), Lower arm(8-10 weeks), Humerus (6-8
weeks), Femoral neck (12 weeks), Femoral shaft (12 weeks), Tibia (10 weeks) [1, 4]. Non-union
is defined by the United States Food and Drug Administration as established when a minimum
of nine months has elapsed since injury and the fracture shows no visible progressive signs of
healing for three months [4, 8]. Non-union is generally classified as hypertrophic, oligotrophic or
atrophic according to the radiological appearance [4, 8]. Atrophic non-union is characterized by
little or no callus and resorption in the bone ends while in oligotrophic and hypertrophic non-
union, blood flow is sufficient and an excessive amount of callus is seen. Insufficient
Correspondence mechanical stability is a reason which leads to non-union [9]. In the treatment of delayed union
Dr. Bharath Raju G or non-union, the biological and mechanical factors should be evaluated first. After achieving
Associate Professor, Dept. of
Orthopaedics, Kempe Gowda
mechanical stability with internal or external fixation, an attempt is made to achieve union
Institute of Medical Sciences, with grafts, growth factors or with physical means [7].
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) stimulates natural healing process

through growth factors contained in the platelets. PRP applied
to the wound area accelerates the physiological healing
process, provides support for the connection of cells, reduces
pain and has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect. 10
Studies in literature have reported the use of PRP in the
treatment of nonunion [11, 12, 13, 14].

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted on 25 patients with Delayed Union
of Long bones at the Department of Orthopaedics, Fig 1: The centrifugation machine used in the study
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital and
Research Centre, Bengaluru. In our study we prepared PRP on the day of surgery and
It was a prospective study with the duration of the study infiltration was done under local anaesthesia under the
being 18 months. Patients aged between 18-65 years of either guidance of C-ARM in the operation theatre.
sex were included in the study. The patients who had clinical
and radiological signs of delayed union at the end of 5 months
after the initial surgery were included in the study.
Patients with pathological fracture and established nonunion
were excluded from the study.
The study design was discussed with every selected patient
and his/her written consent was taken prior to commencement
of the study.
Patients were evaluated with standard AP and lateral views.

Mechanism of PRP
Whenever any damage occurs, healing process takes place.
Healing occurs in three phases: Inflammation, proliferation
and remodeling [15]. Alpha granules of platelets contain Fig 2: Infiltration under C-Arm Guidance
various growth factors, such as Platelet-derived Growth
Factor (PDGF), Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β), Discussion
vascular endothelial growth factor, Insulin-like Growth In our study we used Modified RUS Scoring, which is based
Factor-1 (IGF-1), hepatocyte growth factor, and Fibroblast on the visibility of fracture line and presence or absence of
Growth Factor (FGF), which accelerate mitosis, callus on plain radiographs after a period of six months from
vasculogenesis, and differentiation [16]. PRP has an exclusive the initial infiltration of PRP.
combination, which helps in healing process through the There was a male predominance with 23 patients being male
concentration of inflammatory mediators [15]. PRP also has an accounting for 92% and 2 patients were female accounting for
antimicrobial effect, which helps in wound healing process. In 8%, which is in correlation with other studies. The injured
spite of its beneficial effects, PRP is less likely used by side in our study was right side in 13 patients (56%) and left
healthcare professionals because of its high cost [16]. side in 12 patients (44%).

Preparation of PRP Table 1: Sex Incidence

One unit of autologous blood is collected from the patient in a
blood donation bag. The platelets are separated by triple Males Females
centrifugation technique. This separates whole blood into Our Study 23 (92%) 2 (8%)
packed cells (sediment), plasma and platelet concentrate Justynagolos et al. [18] 79 (59.85%) 53 (40.15%)
(supernatant). The platelet concentrate is kept in the agitator, Deepak Chaudhary et al. [19] 5 (83%) 1 (17%)
to avoid clumping, till it is used. Packed cells are transfused
back to the patient. About 25-50ml platelet concentrate is The age distribution that showed predominant delayed union
separated per unit of whole blood. The procedure of in our study was found to be 35-44yrs (40%) age and the least
preparation of platelet concentrate is done in the blood bank. was found to be in 45-54 and 55-64yrs (8%) age groups,
The platelet concentrate thus obtained, should be used within which was in close correlation with the studies of
72 hours after the collection [17]. Justynagolos et al. (41 years), Deepak chaudhary et al. (32
years) and Hladki et al. (39 years).
Infiltration Method
All infiltrations are done either under sedation or short Table 2: Age Incidence
anaesthesia in the operating room under strict aseptic
conditions. The platelet concentrate is transferred to a 50cc Mean age of the patients Range
Our Study 35.4 years 18-65 years
syringe. 18G or 20G long stainless steel needles are used for
Justynagolos et al. [18] 41 years 16-85 years
the infiltration (Fig. 1). Needle is inserted to the delayed
Deepak Chaudhary et al. [19] 32 years 19-57 years
union site under C-arm guidance (Fig. 2), micro trauma is Hladki et al. [20] 39 years -
incited at the site by multiple pricks. The platelet concentrate
is infiltrated into the delayed union site [17]. In our study the duration between the primary surgery and
diagnosis of delayed union and PRP infiltration was a mean of
4.2 months, and the efficacy of PRP infiltration after a six
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

month follow up was found to be 88% union, which is in Illustrations: Case No.1
correlation with the studies of Justynagolos et al, Deepak
Chaudhary et al, Stanton et al. and Say et al. where mean
duration after primary surgery was about 4.05 months, 4.8
months, 4 months and 7.2 months respectively and union was
seen in 81.8%, 88.3%, 90% and 30% cases respectively. Our
study deviates from Bielecki et al. studies where mean
duration after primary surgery was <11 months and efficacy
was 100%.

Table 3: Union Rate

Mean time interval between The efficacy
primary surgical treatment of PRP
and diagnosis of delayed union infiltration
Our study 4.2 months 88% union
Justynagolos et al. [18] 4.05 months 81.8% union
Deepak chaudhay et al. [19] 4.8 months 83.3% union Pre Infiltration Xray Post Infiltration Xray
Stanton et al. [21] 4 months 91.7% union
Fig 3: Case 1
Bielecki et al. [22] <11 months 100% union
Say et al. [23] 7.2 months 30% union
Case No. 2
In our study we found that 22 patients out of 25 who had PRP
infiltration for three times, four weeks apart and followed up
with X-Rays after six months showed excellent results of
union according to the Modified Rus Score which is 88% and
is in correlation with other studies.
In our study we have two patients who went in for Nonunion
and one case was lost for follow up after two infiltrations.
First case which went in for Non Union was a 32 year/Female
patient with Delayed Union of Fracture shaft of Femur middle
1/3rd treated with closed reduction and IMIL nail and was
infiltrated with PRP 5 months following primary surgery and
had no Co-morbidities and no addictions which would hinder
the union. The patient was walking without pain and was
hesitant for further management. The reason for Nonunion
Pre Infiltration Xray Post Infiltration Xray
could not be established.
Second case which went in for Non Union was patient a 25 Fig 4: Case 2
year/Male patient with Delayed Union of Fracture shaft of
Femur middle 1/3rd treated with closed reduction and IMIL Case No. 3
nail and was infiltrated with PRP 4 months following primary
surgery. The patient was a chronic smoker and alcoholic
which might hinder the union rate significantly. This patient
was treated with Exchange Nailing and union was achieved
The other case which was lost in follow up was a 54
year/Male patient with Delayed Union of fracture shaft of
Tibia distal 1/3rd treated with closed reduction and IMIL nail
and was infiltrated for two times and lost in further follow up.

Conclusion Pre Infiltration Xray Post Infiltration Xray

 Platelet rich plasma growth factors infiltrated locally are Fig 5: Case 3
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