144 - 23 Tender Submission

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ESPO reference 144_23

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) &

Clothing, Including Workwear,
Schoolwear and Body Armour
Framework Period
07 September 2023 – 06 September 2025




Closing date for submission of tender

12 noon, 27 July 2023

NAME OF TENDERER:………………………………………………………..
Company Registration No:………………………………………………………..

Barnsdale Way, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicester LE19 1ES
ESPO Framework Reference 144_23 June 2023

[Ref-YY-Invitation to Tender-issue#_#-ddmonyy-title] Page 2 of 31

This document is for completion by the Tenderer and return to ESPO in
accordance with the instructions given in Instructions for Completing and
Submitting a Tender (section 5 of the Invitation to Tender).
1. RESPONSE TO REQUIREMENT AND SPECIFICATION...............................4
2. QUALITY – METHOD STATEMENTS.........................................................8
3. SOCIAL VALUE.....................................................................................11
4. PRICING SCHEDULE.............................................................................13
5. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMERS ...........................................14
6. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION EXCLUSION SCHEDULE............................15
7. TENDERING DECLARATION..................................................................16
8. SUBMISSION CHECKLIST.....................................................................18

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I confirm I comply with all core/essential elements of the YES / NO

requirement and specification as outlined in section 2,
Requirement (including Specification) of the Invitation to

Please use the space below to outline any areas where you cannot comply, or to
provide any further information regarding compliance with the specification that you
have not been able to state elsewhere in your Tender submission. This will not be
evaluated in isolation but the information provided will be used, as required, by the
evaluators when assessing your bid.

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Please indicate in the table below for which Lot(s)/sub-lot(s) you wish to bid. Tenderers may
bid for one, some or all of the Lots/sub-lot available.
It is the Tenderer’s responsibility to ensure that they have indicated every Lot/sub-lot that
they wish to bid for. Your Tender will be evaluated on the basis that you have done so.

LOT 1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing

LOT 2 Corporate Workwear

LOT 3 Healthcare Workwear

LOT 4 Schoolwear

LOT 5 Emergency Services Workwear

Sub-lot 5.1 Firefighter Workwear

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Sub-lot 5.2 Police Workwear

Sub-lot 5.3 Ambulance and Paramedic Workwear

Sub-lot 5.4 Paramedic Cycle Workwear

LOT 6 Body Armour

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Tenderers bidding for any Lot/sub-lot must be able to supply PPE and clothing, including
workwear, schoolwear and body armour across all nine of the government’s defined regions
of England which are as follows:
1. East Midlands
2. East of England
3. London
4. North East
5. North West
6. South East
7. South West
8. West Midlands
9. Yorkshire and Humber

I confirm that I can supply Goods and/or Services across all nine of the
government’s defined regions of England above.

Tenderers must also indicate if they can cover the additional non-mandatory areas below:



Northern Ireland

Tenderer Comments:

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Tenderers are required to submit responses to the questions below to describe how they
intend to deliver the Goods and/or Services. These responses are referred to as Method
There are 8 questions in total; questions 1-5 have an individual weighting assigned to them
and questions 6-8 are for information only and will not be scored. Tenderers must ensure
they provide a response to all 8 questions, except for question 5 which is applicable to Lot 4
only. The evaluation of the method statement responses to these questions is detailed in
section 4 of the Invitation to Tender, Evaluation of Tenders.
For each method statement there is a maximum word limit of 500 words. Where a Tenderer
submits a response that exceeds the word limit, the text over the limit will not be evaluated.
Unless specifically requested within the question, any appendices will count towards the
maximum word limit. Tenderers must not simply attach marketing materials in lieu of
answering the question. Please adjust the size of the response box to accommodate your
In the event you are unclear with regards to any of this section, please don’t
hesitate to contact ESPO through the eProcurement Portal.

1. Ethical Sourcing
How do you ensure ethical sourcing throughout your supply chain?
Your response should include information on:
 How you drill down into your supply chain to ensure ethical sourcing
throughout all levels of your supply chain.
 Examples of approach such as audits, confidential helpline, interviews with
workers, etc.
 If you have attended or are you due to attend any accredited modern
slavery training programmes and/or completed the Modern Slavery
Assessment Tool (MSAT)
 How you encourage and enable employees to report suspected wrongdoing
in the workplace and seek to protect ‘Whistleblowers’
 How you ensure your organisation complies with paying the national living
(Weighting 10) – All Lots / Sub-Lots
2. Sustainability Considerations
Please describe (and do not simply cross refer to documents appended) the
sustainability improvements that your organisation has provided or plans to
provide in line with the Goods and/or Services tendered for.
Your response should include information on:
 Details of your organisation’s commitment to recycling and minimising the
environmental impact of your products / services
 Details of your carbon reduction goals, plan and progress to date for your
products / services
(Weighting 8) – All Lots / Sub-Lots

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3. Contract Management
Please explain how you will manage and accurately record the turnover that goes
through your business under this framework in order to comply with contractual
MI/Rebate procedures?
Your response should include examples such as:
• Central points of contact to set up accounts
• Email address to capture all ESPO customers e.g. [email protected]
• Systems/processes you will use to capture spend through the framework
(Weighting 7) – All Lots / Sub-Lots
4. Customer Engagement
Please outline your strategy for promoting and increasing the usage of the
framework, thus demonstrating your commitment to supporting the framework. If
awarded, as a framework supplier what measures would you take to support the
framework, retain current and attract new customers?
(Weighting 7) – All Lots / Sub-Lots
5. Value for Money
Please demonstrate how you can ensure the cost of school uniform is kept as low
as possible whilst maintaining the highest quality and durability of garments.
(Weighting 6) - Lot 4 only

METHOD STATEMENTS For Information only – All Lots / Sub-Lots

6. Available Services
Please state whether your company can offer any of the following Services:
 Manpack service - this is where personalised workwear/uniform is
individually packed and labelled for the end-user
 Heat seal transfers service
 Screen printing service
 Embroidery Service
 Managed service - this is where clothing is collected and then cleaned and
repaired before being delivered back to the customer
This information will be made available to Customers under this Framework on a
Price on Application basis should the Tenderer be successful.
7. Returns Policy
Please state whether your company has a returns policy. If so, please provide
details of your policy below or as an attachment. This information will be made
available to Customers under this Framework should the Tenderer be successful.
8. Accreditations
Please state what, if any, accreditations you hold in relation to PPE & clothing,

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including workwear, schoolwear and body armour, for example, British Safety
Industry Federation (BSIF). Any accreditations listed in your response must be
supported by providing a copy of your certification. This information will be made
available to Customers under this Framework should the Tenderer be successful.

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Social Value Questions
Tenderers are required to submit responses to 2 Social Value questions below to describe how
they intend to deliver Social Value to ESPO and its Customers. Tenderers are referred to
Appendix B of the Invitation to Tender document for information about Social Value.
The evaluation of the responses to these questions is detailed in section 4 of the Invitation to
Tender, Evaluation of Tenders.
For each question there is a maximum word limit of 500 words. Where a Tenderer submits a
response that exceeds the word limit, the text over the limit will not be evaluated. Unless
specifically requested within the question, any appendices will count towards the maximum
word limit. Tenderers must not simply attach marketing materials in lieu of answering the
question. Please adjust the size of the response box to accommodate your response.
In the event you are unclear with regards to any of this section, please don’t hesitate to contact ESPO
through the eProcurement Portal.


SV1 Social Value Commitment
Please describe your organisation’s commitment to delivering Social Value.
In addressing this question, your response should include:
 Any Social Value policies you currently have in place within your organisation
 Any schemes you currently have in place that positively impact on the
economic, social, and environmental well-being of the areas of the UK in
which you and Customers operate.
(Weighting 3)
SV2 Social Value Proposition
Please describe the Social Value initiatives that you will provide to Customers using
the Framework.
In addressing this question, your response should include:
 How you will ensure you can deliver these Social Value initiatives to
Customers under the Framework
 How you will monitor and measure the effects of these Social Value
initiatives delivered to Customers through the Framework.
(Weighting 3)

Social Value Percentage % - for Information Only

This section will not be evaluated but must be completed by the Tenderers.
Tenderers are asked to submit in the table below what percentage of Customer’s Contract
value they typically deliver as Social Value to Customers during the life of the Contract.
Social Value % offered to
Customer Contract Value Band
£0.01 - £50,000 …….%
£50,001 - £100,000 …….%
£100,001 - £200,000 .…..%
£200,001 - £400,000 …….%
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£400,001+ …….%

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Tenderers are required to detail in the attached Excel spreadsheet ‘Appendix D - Pricing
Schedule’ their prices for supplying the Goods and are advised to ensure they fully
understand the evaluation methodology to be used to assess price, as described in section 4
of the Invitation to Tender, Evaluation of Tenders.
Tenderers must take care to ensure they provide a price for each item/element of the pricing
schedule as specified. Failure to complete the pricing schedule in full may result in the Tender
being rejected.
Tenderers are reminded of ESPO’s statutory obligation to recover its cost and of the
Retrospective Rebate methodology it uses to do so (see section 1 Introduction and clause 16
of the terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement. Tenderers must allow for any
Retrospective Rebate in submitting their Tender and Tenders will be evaluated on the basis
you have done so.
In the event you are unclear with regards to any of this section, please do not
hesitate to contact ESPO through the eProcurement Portal.
Further Pricing Information
Please provide in the box below any further information you feel necessary to support your
Pricing Schedule (Appendix D) which you have not provided elsewhere. This could be any
additional information that is relevant, a summary of any assumptions made, or any
statements to support the information provided in the sections of the Pricing Schedule
(Appendix D) attached.

Typically invoices are settled within 30 days. However, ESPO/the Customer may choose to
settle invoices earlier in the event a discount can be offered. Please confirm below whether
you are prepared to offer any discount below. If so, please then detail any invoice discount
settlement terms you can offer.

Discount settlement terms from receipt of invoice YES / NO

Payment within 7 days 8…..%
Payment within 14 days …5..%
Payment within 21 days …3..%

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Within this section, Tenderers are required to provide information which they consider to be
useful for a Customer making a call-off without competition under the Framework. This
information will not be evaluated, but will be provided to Customers within the Framework
web page which will be available to them via the ESPO website.
Please provide in the box below any information useful for a Customer making a call-off
without competition under the Framework. This could be a statement about the benefits your
organisation can offer Customers under this Framework, a link to a website which
demonstrates the benefits of your organisation’s Goods/Services, or any other information
which the Tenderer considers to be useful in this respect.
Tenderers are encouraged to use this section to provide ESPO with information regarding any
value-added services that they can provide to Customers.

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144_23 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Clothing, Including
Workwear, Schoolwear and Body Armour
Tenderers’ attention is drawn to the Conditions of Tender and the Terms and Conditions of the
Framework Agreement.
As a public body, ESPO is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) in respect of information it holds (including third-party information). Any member of
the public or other interested party may make a request for information.
ESPO shall treat all Tenderers' responses as confidential during the procurement process, but
may receive requests for information after the Framework Agreement is awarded which it will
need to consider, applying the principles of the FOIA. More information is available on
Tenderers are advised to refer to the FOIA to determine what they are entitled to identify as
confidential or commercially sensitive. Simply stating that the entire document is confidential
or commercially sensitive is unlikely to be acceptable and Tenderers should note that ultimate
disclosure of information is at the sole discretion of ESPO. While ESPO aims to consult with
third-party providers of information before it is disclosed, it cannot guarantee that this will be
done. Therefore, Tenderers are responsible for ensuring that any confidential or
commercially sensitive information is identified to ESPO below.
Tenderers should state below which items of information (if any) supplied by them in their
Tender they regard as confidential or commercially sensitive or which should not be disclosed
in response to a request for information under the FOIA. Tenderers should state why they
consider the information to be confidential or commercially sensitive.
Where the answer to a question is ‘None’ or ‘Not Applicable’ you must state this in the
relevant box. None or Not Applicable will be ESPO’s default position if you do not complete a
You must Sign and Date where it asks you to do so at the end of this Schedule.
Confidential or commercially sensitive information
I believe that the following information is commercially sensitive:


The information above should not be disclosed to any third party for the following reasons
(references to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 would be helpful):

The information should be treated as confidential or commercially sensitive until the following date(s):

Name of Signatory:ASHYLEIGH................................................................................
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In response to the Invitation to Tender for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) & Clothing, Including Workwear, Schoolwear and Body Armour dated 01 June 2023,
I/We, the undersigned, confirm that in submitting a Tender against this contract that I/We
1 declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the answers submitted and information
contained in this document are correct and accurate.
2 understand that the information submitted within this questionnaire will be used in the
selection process to assess my/our organisation’s suitability to be invited to participate
further in this procurement.
3 understand that ESPO may reject this submission in its entirety if there is a failure to
answer all the relevant questions fully, or if false/misleading information or content is
provided in any section.
4 certify that I/We have not done, and I/We will not, at any time before the notification of
tender results, do any of the following:
4.1 Communicate to any person other than the person calling for the Tenders the
amount or approximate amount of the proposed Tender, except where the
disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the Tender is necessary to
obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the Tender;
4.2 Enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person that he/she shall refrain
from tendering or as to the amount of any Tender to be submitted;
4.3 Offer to pay or give or agree to pay any sum of money or valuable consideration
directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having
caused to be done in relation to this or any other Tender or proposed Tender for the
said work any act or thing of the sort described above. In the context of this clause
the word ‘person’ includes any persons and any body or association, corporate or
unincorporated; and ‘any agreement or arrangement’ includes any such transaction,
formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not.
5 undertake that this offer shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of 120
days from the date of submission unless specifically withdrawn in writing.
6 understand that ESPO is not bound to accept any Tender it receives.
7 contract and agree, on the acceptance of this Tender, in whole or part, to supply the
Goods/perform the Services detailed in the Specification, at the prices and terms quoted,
and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement.
8 accept the terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement set out in the Invitation to
Tender, to which this Tender is my/our response, and I/we undertake to perform any
contract awarded as a result of this Tender in strict conformity with those terms and
9 understand that my/our responses to the questions posed in this Invitation to Tender
including any explicit or reasonably implied undertakings, will form part of any contract
subsequently entered into between myself/ourselves and ESPO.
10 confirm that if our Tender is accepted we will, if required, upon request and without
(a) Produce evidence that all relevant insurances and compliance certificates with
relevant legislation and policy are held and in force;
(b) Sign a formal contract document if required;

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11 confirm that I/we understand and will comply with the Retrospective Rebate provision as
detailed in section 1, Introduction of the Invitation to Tender, supported by clause 16 in
the terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement.
12 agree that unless and until a Framework Agreement is prepared and executed, this
Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract
between us.
13 certify that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and
I/we accept the conditions and undertakings requested in this Invitation to Tender. I/We
understand that false information could result in my/our exclusion from further
participation in this and future tender processes.
14 Am/are aware of the consequences of serious misrepresentation.
This Tendering Declaration should be signed by a director, partner or other senior
authorised representative in his/her own name and on behalf of the organisation.

Name of signatory:ASHYLEIGH KUDA MASANGO.........................................................
Job title of signatory: CEO.......................................................................................
Email address of signatory: : [email protected].......................................................
Telephone number of signatory: +447367460627 .........................................................
Name of organisation: Novattione Group LTD.................................................................

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To ensure your Tender submission is evaluated properly ESPO needs to have a complete
response from you.
If you fail to complete any of the items in the below checklist your Tender may be
deemed non-compliant by ESPO.


Please ensure that you have: Tick Below

Completed the Selection Questionnaire in full online.

If applicable have completed and uploaded the Supporting

Organisation Selection Questionnaires for any organisations you seek
to rely upon to meet the Selection Criteria.
Completed your Lot Selection in full, having indicated which Lots/Sub-
Lots you wish to bid for (You must ensure that you have clearly
indicated all of the Lots/sub-lots you wish to bid for as your Tender
will be evaluated on this basis)

Answered all questions in section 1, Response to Requirement and


Provided responses to the method statement questions in section 2,

Quality – Method Statements

Provided responses to all questions in section 3, Social Value

Completed the Pricing Schedule (Appendix D) in full as directed

Completed section 5 Additional Benefits For Customers in full as


Completed and signed the Freedom of Information Exclusion

Schedule, in section 6

Signed the Tendering Declaration page (NB it must be signed by

suitably senior personnel as directed), in section 7

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ESPO reference
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) &
Clothing, Including Workwear,
Schoolwear and Body Armour
Framework Period

07 September 2023 – 06 September 2025

Supporting Organisation
Selection Questionnaire
(Annex 1)

Company Registration No: : 14671313


Company Registration No: : 14671313

ESPO Framework Reference 144_23 June 2023

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This Annex 1 is for completion separately by each Supporting Organisation which the
Tenderer (Lead Organisation) is relying on to meet the selection criteria for the above
Upon completion, it should be returned to the Tenderer for inclusion in their Tender

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All contracting authorities, bound by the Public Contract Regulations 2015, have to use a
standard selection questionnaire as part of any procurement exercise which exceeds the
thresholds set out in the UK public procurement law. The Crown Commercial Service
publishes this questionnaire and ESPO has included it within this document as part of this
particular procurement exercise.
You have been sent this Supporting Organisation Selection Questionnaire by a Lead
Organisation who proposes to tender for this Framework, and who in doing so, is relying upon
you in support of their Tender submission.
The supplier Selection Questionnaire is a self-declaration by you, (as a Supporting
Organisation that the Tenderer is relying upon to meet the tender selection criteria) that you
do not meet any of the grounds for exclusion1. If there are any grounds for exclusion, there
is an opportunity to explain the background and any measures you have taken to rectify the
situation (we call this self-cleaning).
ESPO confirms that it will keep confidential and will not disclose to any third parties any
information obtained from a named customer contact, other than to the Cabinet Office and/or
contracting authorities defined by the regulations, or pursuant to an order of the court or
demand made by any competent authority or body where the authority is under a legal or
regulatory obligation to make such a disclosure.
All questionnaires must be clearly labelled and cross referenced to the main Tenderer and
must be included by the Tenderer as part of their complete Tender submission. You must
therefore complete this questionnaire and return it to the Lead Organisation for them to
submit as part of their Tender.
Notes for completion:
1. “You” / “Your” refers to the potential Supporting Organisation completing this Selection
Questionnaire i.e. the legal entity responsible for the information provided. The term
“potential Supplier” is intended to cover any economic operator as defined by the Public
Contracts Regulations 2015 (referred to as the “regulations”) and could be a registered
company; the lead contact for a group of economic operators; charitable organisation;
Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE); Special Purpose Vehicle; or other
form of entity.
(i) Please answer every question.
(ii) Questions must be answered in English.
(iii) When posed with Yes / No questions, please either circle your answer or delete as
(iv) All other questions will require you to input text or numbers, or to tick boxes.
(v) Any figures requested should be stated in full (i.e. £4,000,000 not £4m) and in GBP.
Where information relates to foreign accounts, amounts in alternative currencies
may be stated, but must also be converted to GBP.
(vi) If the question does not apply to you please write N/A; if you don’t know the
answer please write N/K.
(vii) Should you need to provide additional information in response to the questions,
please submit a clearly referenced appendix.

For the list of exclusions please see https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/551130/
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Information and Exclusion Grounds: Parts 1 and 2
 Part 1 requires you to provide details about you.
 Part 2 asks you to respond to a range of questions concerning the grounds for
When completed, this questionnaire should be returned to the Tenderer (Lead Organisation)
for them to include in their complete Tender submission.
Consequences of misrepresentation
If you seriously misrepresent any factual information in filling in the Selection Questionnaire,
and so induce ESPO to enter into a contract, there may be significant consequences. You
may be excluded from the procurement procedure, and from bidding for other contracts for
three years. If a contract has been entered into you may be sued for damages and the
contract may be rescinded. If fraud, or fraudulent intent, can be proven, you or your
responsible officers may be prosecuted and convicted of the offence of fraud by false
representation, and you must be excluded from further procurements for five years.



1.1(a)(i) Name (if, registered, please give the registered name).

1.1(b)(i) Registered address (if applicable) or head office address

1.1(b)(ii) Registered website address (if applicable)

1.1(c) Trading status:

a) - public limited company
b) - private limited company
c) - limited liability partnership
d) - other partnership
e) - sole trader
f) - third sector
g) - other (please specify your trading status)

1.1(d) Date of registration (if applicable) or date of formation

1.1(e) Registration number (company, partnership, charity, etc - if applicable)

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1.1(f) Registered VAT number

1.1(g)(i) Are you registered with the appropriate professional or trade register(s)
specified for this procurement and as set out in the procurement
documents in the member state where your organisation is established?
If YES please provide the relevant details, including the name of the
register and registration number(s) and, if evidence of registration is
available electronically, please give the website address, issuing body
and reference number.

Yes ▢
No ▢
N/A ▢

1.1(g)(ii) If you responded yes to 1.1(g)(i), please provide the relevant details,
including the name of the register and registration number(s), and if
evidence of registration is available electronically, please provide
- the website address,
- issuing body
- reference number.

1.1(h)(i) For procurements for services only, is it a legal requirement in the

country where you are established for you to:
a) possess a particular authorisation, or
b) be a member of a particular organisation,
to provide the requirements specified in this procurement?

Yes ▢
No ▢

1.1(h)(ii) If you responded yes to 1.1(h)(i), please provide additional details of

what is required, confirmation that you have complied with this and, if
evidence of compliance is available electronically, please give the
website address, issuing body and reference number.

1.1(i) Relevant classifications (state whether you fall within one of these, and
if so which one):
a) Voluntary Community Social Enterprise (VCSE)
b) Sheltered Workshop
c) Public service mutual

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1.1(j) Are you a Small, Medium or Micro Enterprise (SME) 1?

Yes ▢
No ▢

1.1(k) Details of Persons of Significant Control (PSC)2, where appropriate3:

Date of birth:
Country, state or part of the UK where the PSC usually lives:
Service address:
The date he/she became a PSC in relation to the company:
Which conditions for being a PSC are met:
- Over 25% (up to and including) 50%
- More than 50% and less than 75%
- 75% or more
(Please enter N/A if not applicable)

1.1(l) Details of your immediate parent company:

Full name of immediate parent company:
Registered office address
Registration number
Head office DUNS number
Head office VAT number
(Please enter N/A if not applicable)

1.1(m) Details of ultimate parent company:

Full name of ultimate parent company
Registered or head office address

See EU definition of SME: http://ec.europa.eu/growth/smes/business-friendly-environment/sme-definition
UK companies, Societates European (SEs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are required to identify and record the people
who own or control their company. Companies, SEs and LLPs are required to keep a PSC register, and must file the PSC
information with the central public register at Companies House. See PSC guidance. Overseas bidders are required to provide
equivalent information.
Only information that relates to the persons with powers of representation, decision or control within the meaning of regulation
57(2) can be considered in relation to the mandatory exclusion grounds and other details are requested for information only.
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Registration number (if applicable)

VAT number (if applicable)
(Please enter N/A if not applicable)

Please note: A criminal record check for relevant convictions may be undertaken for the
preferred supplier and all relevant persons and entities (as described above).
Part 2 Exclusion Grounds
ESPO must exclude Supporting Organisations from the procurement process if any of the
mandatory exclusion grounds for rejection apply, unless the Tenderer can provide satisfactory
evidence of measures taken to rectify the situation (we call this self-cleaning).
Please see Part A of the Invitation to Tender for more details.
ESPO may exclude organisations from this procurement process if any of the discretionary
grounds for exclusion apply, unless the Tenderer can provide satisfactory evidence of measures
taken to rectify the situation (we call this self-cleaning).
‘What is self-cleaning’?
A potential Supporting Organisation who has been excluded from public procurement can
have the exclusion ended if they effectively ‘self-clean’.
Potential Suppliers are required to demonstrate that they have taken remedial action, to the
satisfaction of ESPO, in each case. In order for the evidence provided to be sufficient it must,
as a minimum, prove that the potential Supplier has ‘self-cleaned’ as follows:
 Paid or undertaken to pay compensation in respect of any damage caused by the criminal
offence or misconduct;
 Clarified the facts and circumstances in a comprehensive manner by actively collaborating
with the investigating authorities; and
 Taken concrete technical, organisation or personnel measures that are appropriate to
prevent further criminal offences or misconduct.
The measures taken by the Supporting Organisation shall be evaluated taking into account
the gravity and particular circumstances of the criminal offence or misconduct. Where the
measures are considered by ESPO (whose decision will be final) to be insufficient, the Lead
Organisation shall be given a statement of the reasons for that decision.


Section 2 Grounds for mandatory exclusion

2.1(a) Within the past five years, anywhere in the world, have you or any person
 is a member of the supplier’s administrative, management or
supervisory body or
 has powers of representation, decision or control in the supplier 4
been convicted of any of the offences within the summary below and listed in

see Notes for Completion
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full on the webpage?

Participation in a criminal Yes ▢

organisation. No ▢

Corruption. Yes ▢
No ▢

Terrorist offences or offences Yes ▢

linked to terrorist activities No ▢

Money laundering or terrorist Yes ▢

financing No ▢

Child labour and other forms Yes ▢

of trafficking in human beings No ▢

Any other offence within the Yes ▢

meaning of Article 57(1) of No ▢
the Directive as defined by
the law of any jurisdiction
outside England, Wales or
Northern Ireland.

Any other offence within the Yes ▢

meaning of Article 57(1) of No ▢
the Directive created after
26th February 2015 in
England, Wales or Northern

2.1(b) If you have answered yes to any part of question 2.1(a), please provide
further details, including:
 date of conviction and the jurisdiction
 which of the grounds listed the conviction was for,
 the reasons for conviction,
 the identity of who has been convicted.
 If the relevant documentation is available electronically please
 the web address,
 issuing authority,
 precise reference of the documents.

2.1(c) If you have answered yes to any part of the question above please explain
what measures been taken to demonstrate your reliability of the despite the
existence of relevant grounds for exclusion (self-cleaning).

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Section 3 Mandatory and discretionary grounds relating to the payment of
taxes and social security contributions

The detailed grounds for mandatory and discretionary exclusion of a supplier for non-
payment of taxes and social security contributions, are set out on this webpage4, and
should be referred to before completing these questions.

3.1(a) Please confirm that you have met all your obligations relating to the payment
of taxes and social security contributions, both in the country in which you
are established and in the UK.
If documentation is available electronically please provide:
 the web address,
 issuing authority,
precise reference of the documents

Yes ▢
No ▢
If you have answered no to 3.2(a) please provide further details including the
 Country concerned,
 what is the amount concerned
 how the breach was established, i.e. through a judicial or
administrative decision or by other means.
 if the breach has been established through a judicial or administrative
decision please provide the date of the decision,
if the breach has been established by other means please specify the means.

3.2 Please also confirm whether you have paid, or have entered into a binding
arrangement with a view to paying, the outstanding sum including, where
applicable, any accrued interest and/or fines.
Yes ▢
No ▢
Please Note: We reserve our right to use our discretion to exclude your bid where we can
demonstrate by any appropriate means that you are in breach of your obligations relating
to the payment of taxes or social security contributions

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Section 4 Grounds for Discretionary Exclusion

4.1 Within the past three years, anywhere in the world, have any of the
situations summarised below and listed in full on the webpage5 applied
to you?

Yes ▢
No ▢

4.1(a) Breach of environmental

Yes ▢
To note that environmental
law obligations include No ▢
Health and Safety
obligations. See webpage.

4.1(b) Breach of social law Yes ▢

obligations? No ▢

4.1(c) Breach of labour law Yes ▢

obligations? No ▢

4.1(d) Bankrupt or subject of Yes ▢

insolvency? No ▢

4.1(e) Guilty of grave professional Yes ▢

misconduct? No ▢

4.1(f) Distortion of competition? Yes ▢

No ▢

4.1(g) Conflict of interest? Yes ▢

No ▢

4.1(h) Been involved in the Yes ▢

preparation of the
procurement procedure? No ▢

4.1(i) Prior performance issues? Yes ▢

No ▢

4.1(j) Do any of the following statements apply to you?

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4.1(j)(i) You have been guilty of Yes ▢
serious misrepresentation in No ▢
supplying the information
required for the verification
of the absence of grounds
for exclusion or the
fulfilment of the selection

4.1(j)(ii) You have withheld such Yes ▢

information. No ▢

4.1(j)(iii) You are not able to, without Yes ▢

delay, submit supporting No ▢
documents if/when

4.(j)(iv) You have undertaken to Yes ▢

unduly influence the No ▢
decision-making process of
the contracting authority to
obtain confidential
information that may confer
upon you undue advantages
in the procurement
procedure, or to negligently
provide misleading
information that may have
a material influence on
decisions concerning
exclusion, selection or

4.2 You are a relevant commercial organisation subject to Section 54 of

the Modern Slavery Act 2015 if you carry on your business, or part of
your business in the UK, supplying goods or services and you have an
annual turnover of at least £36 million.
If you are a relevant commercial organisation please -

 confirm that you have Yes ▢

published a No ▢
statement as
required by Section
54 of the Modern
Slavery Act.

 confirm that the Yes ▢

statement complies No ▢
with the
requirements of
Section 54 and any
guidance issued
under Section 54.
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4.3 If your latest published statement is available electronically please
 the web address
 precise reference of the documents

4.4 If you have answered YES to any of the questions in 4.1, or NO to

question 4.2, please explain what measures have been taken to
demonstrate your reliability despite the existence of a relevant
ground for exclusion (self cleaning).

4.5 Please indicate if, within the past five years you, your organisation
been convicted of any modern slavery or human trafficking offences
anywhere around the world?

Yes ▢
No ▢

4.6 If you have answered yes to question 4.5, please provide further
 Date of conviction and the reasons for conviction
 Identity of who has been convicted
If the relevant documentation is available electronically please provide
the web address, issuing authority, precise reference of the

4.7 Please outline below in no more than 250 words your due diligence
procedure to ensure there is no modern slavery in any part of your
supply chain?


I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted and information
contained in this complete document are correct and accurate, including parts 1, 2 and
part 3.
I declare that, upon request and without delay I will provide the certificates and/or
documentary evidence referred to in this document except where this documentation can
be accessed by the contracting authority via a national database free of charge or the
contracting authority already possesses the documentation.
I understand that the information will be used in the selection process to assess my
suitability to participate further in this procurement.
I understand that the authority may reject this submission in its entirety if there is a
failure to answer all the relevant questions fully, or if false/misleading information or
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content is provided in any section.
I am aware of the consequences of serious misrepresentation.

Signature (electronic is acceptable) ASHYLEIGH

Date 26072023

Contact details of those making the declaration:


Name of organisation

Role in organisation CEO

Phone number UK +44-736-746-0627

Email address : [email protected]

Postal address 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden,


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