MMC 343 Circular MSC.1 Circ.1163 Last Version of The IMO White List

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PanCanal Building


Republic of Panama
MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-343 Tel: (507) 501-5355
[email protected]

To: Shipowners/Operators, Legal Representatives of Panama-Flag Vessels, Authorized

Maritime Training Centers, Recognized Organizations (RO’s), Merchant Marine
Privative Consulates, Inspectorates, Authorized Offices, Departments/Units/Areas of
the Directorate of Seafarers, Regional Documentation Offices of the Panama
Maritime Authority

Subject: Circular MSC.1/Circ.1163 (last version) of the IMO (White List)

Reference: Circular DGGM-UCYC-049-2016

1. This document has the aim of communicating, to the users of the Panamanian Registry, that in
compliance with the Regulations I/2 and I/10 of the Convention STCW’78, as amended, and in
reference to the Circular MSC.1/Circ.1163 (the latest revision), of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), which lists the State Parties which have demonstrated that full and complete
effect is given to the provisions of the Convention STCW’78, as amended, (White List), this
Maritime Administration will recognize the Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by:
Albania Cambodia Ecuador
Algeria Canada Egypt
Antigua and Barbuda Cape Verde El Salvador
Argentina Chile Eritrea
Australia China* Estonia
Azerbaijan Colombia Ethiopia
Bahamas (the) Comoros Fiji
Bahrain Cook Islands (the) Finland
Bangladesh Côte d'Ivoire France
Barbados Croatia Georgia
Belgium Cuba Germany
Belize Cyprus Ghana
Brazil Czech Republic Greece
Brunei Darussalam Denmark** Guatemala
Bulgaria Dominica Honduras
Hungary Mauritius Seychelles

Prepared by: Lawyer Revised by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Aproved by: Compliance and Enforcement Chief
Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Versión: 06 Date: August 1, 2016 Page 1 of 3
Iceland Mexico Singapore
India Micronesia (Federated States of) Slovak Republic
Indonesia Montenegro***** Slovenia
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Morocco Solomon Islands
Ireland Mozambique South Africa
Italy Myanmar Spain
Israel Netherlands*** Sri Lanka
Jamaica New Zealand Sweden
Japan Nigeria Switzerland
Jordan Norway Thailand
Kenya Oman Togo
Kiribati Pakistan Tonga
Kuwait Papua New Guinea Trinidad and Tobago
Latvia Peru Tunisia
Lebanon Philippines Turkey
Liberia Poland Tuvalu
Lithuania Portugal Ukraine
Luxembourg Qatar United Arab Emirates
Libya Republic of Korea United Kingdom****
Madagascar Romania United Republic of Tanzania
Malaysia Russian Federation United States
Malawi Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Uruguay
Maldives Samoa Vanuatu
Malta Saudi Arabia Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Marshall Islands Senegal Viet Nam
Mauritania Serbia*****

* Includes: Hong Kong, China (Associate Member to the IMO)

** Includes: Faroe Islands (Associate Member to the IMO)
*** Includes: Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten
**** Includes: Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Isle of Man
***** Part of ex. Yugoslavia. As from 4 February 2003, the name of the State of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was
changed to Serbia and Montenegro. Following the dissolution of the State of Serbia and Montenegro on 3 June 2006, all treaty
actions relating to the provisions of the STCW Convention undertaken by Serbia and Montenegro continue to be in force with
respect to the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro with effect from the same date, i.e. 3 June 2006.

2. However, this Maritime Administration, may reserve the right not to recognize the Certificate of
Competency (CoC) and Certificates of Proficiency (CoP) issued by some of the State Parties listed
in the Circular MSC.1/Circ.1163 (the latest revision).

3. Likewise, it is informed that by this Circular are revoked and derogated the:
3.1. Circular DGGM-UCYC-016-2014, of August 14th of 2014, regarding the modifications to the
Circular DGGM-UCYC-014-2014 and its counterpart, the Merchant Marine’s Circular MMC-
295. And,

Prepared by: Lawyer Revised by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Aproved by: Compliance and Enforcement Chief
Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Versión: 06 Date: August 1, 2016 Page 2 of 3
3.2. Circular DGGM-UCYC-014-2014, of July 30th, 2014, concerning the Panamanian
endorsements and certificates, and its counterpart, the Merchant Marine’s Circular MMC-293.

4. Likewise, the Circulars are still revoked and derogated the:

4.1. Circular DGGM-UCYC-004-2014, of January 14th of 2014, concerning the certificate process
for the Government of Antigua y Barbuda.
4.2. Circular DGGM-UCYC-003-2014, of January 14th of 2014, concerning the certificate process
for the Republic of Mata and the Government of New Zealand.
4.3. Circular No.DGGM-UCYC-022-2013, of October 31st of 2013, concerning the certificate
process of the Republic of Singapore, Liberia and Marshall Islands. And,
4.4. Circular No.DGGM-005-2011, February 28th of 2011, concerning the Assessment process
(competency evaluation/assessment).

December, 2016

Inquiries concerning the subject of this Circular or any other request should be directed to:
Compliance and Enforcement Unit
General Directorate of Seafarers
Panama Maritime Authority

Phone: (507) 501-5382 / 5288

Fax: (507) 501-5204
E-mail: [email protected]

Prepared by: Lawyer Revised by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Aproved by: Compliance and Enforcement Chief
Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Versión: 06 Date: August 1, 2016 Page 3 of 3

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