SDLP-DAY - Eco-Bio 3

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Teaching Intern JESSICA L. SUDIO Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Date MARCH 19, 2024: 9:45-10:45 AM Quarter THIRD

and Time


A. Content standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of;

Understand environmental problems, their effects, and suggest simple ways to help the environment.

B. Performance Standards The learner constantly demonstrates practices to protect the environment for community wellness.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. identify factors contributing to different environmental issues;
2. understand the impact of these on the environment and other living and nonliving organism; and
3. suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment.

Ecosystem: Biodiversity (Environmental Problems and Issues)


A. References

1.Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 246-247

2. Learner’s Material Pages pp. 337-340

3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures:


 Illegal logging Endangers South Philippines


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Show pictures of some of the limiting factors that affect the population growth. Students will identify what limiting factor is
presenting the new lesson (ELICIT) illustrated in the picture. (5 mins)
1. 2. 3. 4.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Ask the students what they know about environmental issues. (3 mins)
(ENGAGE) Motivation (activity#1)
-Each student is asks to identify issues that is related to our environment.

Let's discover the environmental problems and issues of our country, as we move on with our lesson. But before that, let me
present the learning objectives for this lesson.
At the end of the discussion, then you should be able to:
A. identify factors contributing different environmental issues;
B. understand the impact of these on the environment and other living and non living organism; and
C. suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment.

MATERIALS: PPT, Chalk, Chalkboard, SMART TV

C. Presenting examples/instances of the Show the class a video of Environmental Issues of the Philippines. (5mins)
new lesson (ENGAGE/EXPLORE)

D. Discussing new concepts and Ask the following questions about the activity above. (5 mins)
practicing new skill #1 (EXPLORE) 1. What have you observed from the video?
2. How these environmental problems affect the nature?
3. What are these environmental problems?

E. Discussing new concepts and Environmental Problems and Issues (20 mins)
practicing new skill #2 (EXPLORE) The Philippines is considered as one of the biologically richest country in
the world because of its high biodiversity at various levels. Our country has both
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and a high degree of endemism, meaning
high numbers of native species of flora and fauna are found only in tropical
We have all these rich natural biological resources, but we have not truly
protected them. We are losing this global heritage due to habitat destruction,
overuse, and pollution. As our forests are destroyed at a fast rate, the natural
habitats which are dwelling places of plant and animal species are also lost. Our
coral reefs, where the fishes lay eggs, are badly damaged by destructive fishing
methods such as muro-ami, dynamite and fine nets in fishing. In addition,
people hunt animals, collect plants, and sell corals and exotic animals for
livelihood, and other activities that cause the population of these organisms to decrease at a faster rate. Hence, in view of these
harmful human activities, our country is also noted in the world as a hot spot for conservation and protection of species.
The rate of development in some parts of the country is extraordinary. The natural landscape has been changed by tall
buildings, establishments, housing projects, expressways, railway systems and overpasses. Other reclaimed areas have been
converted into industrial structures and techno parks.

Environmental issues in the Philippines and their impacts on organisms

1. Deforestation- widespread logging and urbanization lead to habitat loss for many species, causing declines in populations
and risking extinction.

2. Coral reef degradation- pollution and overfishing damage coral reefs, disrupting marine ecosystems and reducing fish

3. Pollution- industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and plastic pollution contaminate water and soil, harming organisms and
causing health problems.

4. Illegal wildlife trade- trafficking of endangered species threatens their survival and disrupts ecosystems, putting many
organisms at risk of extinction.

Ways to Minimize Human Impact on the Environment

1. Use less, waste less- by reducing consumption, reusing items, and recycling materials, we decrease the demand for new
resources and minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills, which helps conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
2. Save energy- turning off lights and appliances when not in use and using energy-efficient appliances reduce energy
consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and help mitigate climate change.
3. Save water- fixing leaks and using water efficiently reduce water waste, conserve freshwater resources, and maintain healthy
aquatic ecosystems, ensuring water availability for future generations.
4. Choose eco-friendly transportation- walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transportation reduce carbon emissions,
air pollution, and traffic congestion, contributing to cleaner air and less reliance on fossil fuels.
5. Support conservation- getting involved in local environmental projects, supporting green initiatives, and raising awareness
about environmental issues promote conservation efforts, protect biodiversity, and preserve ecosystems for future generations to

F. Developing Mastery (EXPLAIN) Activity: Analyzing Environmental Issues (5 mins)

Directions: Analyze the problems depicted in the pictures that follow. What effects do these problems create on the ecosystem?
What causes these problems? Groups will work on a specific problem scenario depicted on the illustrations. Each group will
share their output.

1. Farmlands are converted into housing projects

2. River ecosystem dumped with garbage from illegal settlers and toxic wastes.
3. Forested area is converted into Technopark.

G. Finding practical applications of Questions to answer: (5 mins)

concepts skills in daily living
(ELABORATE) The teacher will ask,
1. How does turning farmland into homes affect nature, and why does it happen?
2. What happens when garbage is dumped in rivers, and why does it occur?
3. How does turning forests into Technopark harm the environment, and why is it done?

H. Making generalizations and Questions to answer: (5 mins)

abstractions about the lesson
(ELABORATE) 1. What are the environmental problems in the Philippines?
2. How do these problems affect all organisms on earth?
3. How can people help to minimize and protect the environment?

I. Evaluating Learning (EVALUATE) ACTIVITY 3: Let’s try it? (5 mins)

Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Widespread logging and urbanization lead to habitat loss for many species, causing declines in populations and risking
a) Deforestation c) Coral reef degradation
b) Water pollution d) Biome

2. Considered as one of the biologically richest country in the world because of its high biodiversity at various levels.
a) China c) Philippines
b) Singapore d) Limiting factor

3. Industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and plastic pollution contaminate water and soil, harming organisms and causing health
a) Deforestation c) Coral reef degradation
b) Pollution d) Biome

4. Turning off lights and appliances when not in use and using energy-efficient appliances reduce energy consumption resources
c) birthrate
a) Deforestation c) Coral reef degradation
b) Save energy d) Biome

5. What do you call the clearing or thinning of forests by humans.

a) China c) Deforestation
b) Singapore d) Limiting factor

J. Additional activities for application or Make a slogan about environmental issues and make an explanation of the slogan. (2 mins)
remediation (EXTEND)

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed: Noted: Approved:

Teaching Intern Cooperating Teacher HT-III, Science Department Principal IV

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