Law and Ethics in Medicine Research Paper

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Law and Ethics in Medicine Research Paper

Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis on the intricate topic of Law and Ethics in
Medicine is no small feat. It demands a profound understanding of legal frameworks, ethical
considerations, and the dynamic interplay between these elements in the field of medicine. As
students delve into the complexities of this subject, they often find themselves grappling with the
intricate balance required to present a compelling and academically rigorous research paper.

One of the primary challenges is the need for an in-depth exploration of legal statutes and ethical
guidelines governing medical practices. Navigating through the intricate web of laws and ethical
standards, and synthesizing this information into a coherent and meaningful narrative requires
extensive research and analytical skills. Moreover, students are tasked with critically examining case
studies, precedent-setting legal decisions, and ethical dilemmas in the medical field, adding another
layer of complexity to their work.

The interdisciplinary nature of the Law and Ethics in Medicine further complicates the thesis-writing
process. Students are required to seamlessly integrate legal principles with ethical theories, ensuring a
cohesive and well-supported argument throughout the paper. This demands a nuanced understanding
of both legal and ethical frameworks, as well as the ability to identify and address potential conflicts
or ambiguities that may arise when these two domains intersect.

Time management is a crucial aspect that exacerbates the difficulty of writing a thesis on Law and
Ethics in Medicine. Juggling coursework, research, and practical experience in the medical field
leaves students with limited time to dedicate to the exhaustive process of thesis writing. The pressure
to deliver a high-quality paper within stringent deadlines can be overwhelming, affecting the overall
quality of the work.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of Law and Ethics in Medicine research
paper writing, the solution lies in seeking professional support. ⇒ ⇔ offers a
specialized service designed to aid students in crafting well-researched and meticulously written
theses. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of legal and ethical
considerations in medicine, the platform provides a reliable avenue for those looking to excel in their
academic pursuits.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students can leverage the expertise of seasoned professionals

to streamline the thesis-writing process. The platform emphasizes the importance of delivering high-
quality, original content tailored to meet the specific requirements of Law and Ethics in Medicine
research papers. For those navigating the challenges of this intricate subject matter, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a trusted partner in the journey towards academic success.
The title of your research paper must be exclusively a short summary to your topic. But ironically,
avoidance of property transforms the subjects of human research into objects that can be owned only
by others, resulting in new forms of oppression and exploitation. With the implementation of human
rights acts, 1998 in 2000 in UK (16), IC in all likelihood would have bailed out the hospital
authorities in the present situation. As the only source of composed info about exactly what really
took place in between the health care and the client service provider, the medical record holds legal
and ethical significance to all stakeholders in the arrangement of care particularly experts, physicians
and clients. Human research subjects are autonomous individuals who should not only possess the
power to contribute their biological materials, but also the right to help control the course of
research, and to share in the resulting benefits or profits. An introduction is essentially the opening
remarks or the opening sentence of any research paper. Depending on the specific facts, a health care
provider working with the provider’s institutional representatives could potentially legally provide
treatment of a minor under implied consent for emergency with documentation of that determination,
16 assume temporary protective custody of. He has applied for a supervisor’s specialist position in a
reference laboratory, in the same city. When submitting your paper, use the designated online
platform provided by the conference organizers. Authors in this issue address thorny subjects that
span borders and patients: from matters dealing with children and vaccination to the language and
perception of consent. It is also permissible for an attorney to provide information that is contained
in public records, such as documents filed with a court. Despite a professional ethical commitment to
honest communication, providers cite a fear of litigation as a reason for non-disclosure. It is
especially helpful in effectuating a patient’s wishes outside the hospital setting, for example, in a
nursing care facility or emergency medical response context. The Essay begins by charting, through
case law and the adoption of the common rule, the evolution of duties to secure fully informed
consent in both research and treatment. They force us to moresystematically define the assumptions
that underlie our decisions about of what is the right action to take in a given situation. Further
discussion with him revealed that he understood that the patient would not be able to recover any
meaningful brain function but he argued that the living will did not apply because her condition was
not imminently terminal. Oral consent from the patient perhaps is not a viable option in the present
situation, as the patient died and the proof for the same was obliterated. The facts are derived from
actual cases which have been modified to allow further exploration of the intersection of the law
with clinical ethics and risk management. If they fail to work in accordance with this legal duty, they
will be deemed to have been negligent in their profession. Nursing case studies - planning a clinical
trial and the importance of docu. Edit and proofread your paper for clarity and coherence. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Risk management is guided
by legal parameters but has a broader institution-specific mission to reduce liability risks.
Additionally, this entire episode suggests that the adolescent’s parents probably were not aware of
their ward’s medical consultations. It allows for the uniform format of all research paper so as to
create an orderly and “clean” looking formatted project. A doctor will continue to study, use, and
advance clinical understanding, keep a dedication to medical education, make pertinent info offered
to clients, coworkers, and the general public, get assessment, and utilize the skills of other health
experts when suggested. Assuming that the medical team is in consensus about withdrawal, they can
communicate their decision to withdraw care at a specific future date and time. Information Sources
Don’t limit your information to things found on the internet. There may be significant differences in
applicable law in different jurisdictions. In case three, the adolescent was administered a substandard
drug which led to the development of a (presumably life threatening) severe respiratory infection.
Hospital authorities definitely caught on the wrong foot again, as a better, albeit costly, drug is
available for the same STD condition and is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical
Excellence (NICE). This is essential in cases entailing medical complications. It is a standardized
format for the submission of a research paper. Indeed, most civil lawsuits, including actions against
health care providers, are settled and never go to trial before a judge or jury. 7 Some cases are
resolved by summary judgment, in which the court decides in favor of one party based on
information derived during the discovery process. Emancipation, in and of itself, does not alter the
requirement that the patient provide informed consent, i.e. be able to understand and weigh the risks
and benefits of the recommended medical treatment and other treatment options, including non-
treatment. Such behaviour in all likelihood can be considered normal of an adolescent who’s
suffering the consequences of his behaviour. As an example of a statutory description of the standard
of care, Washington State currently specifies that a health care provider must “exercise that degree of
care, skill, and learning expected of a reasonably prudent health care provider at that time in the
profession or class to which he belongs, in the State of Washington, acting in the same or similar
circumstances.” 6. A Nurse could see that doing “good” for the patient is to save their life, but to do
“right” is to follow their wishes and beliefs. Statutory laws also apply to judicial cases which the
courts refer to the government for final decisions. 4. Explain what the numbering system in public
law means. Whatever might be the case, this act of the senior doctor not being present at the surgery
wherein a novel technique was utilized and which proved costly, deserves a better explanation. Aim
of almost all of these studies is to find answers to the following questions: Should an IC be obtained.
Probably, restraint from the hospital authorities is advised in such cases. The privacy part of medical
law is worried with client records that detail details about a client’s health and treatment. We sought
to understand local-level implementation decisions of the Massachusetts concussion law. Medical
records, whether in electronic or paper kind, play a vital function in client care and are helpful to not
just the client however likewise the specialists and doctors. Organization: Structure the paper
logically with clear headings. In addition, medical journals (available on the internet or in medical
school libraries) frequently have articles on clinical ethics or policy issues in health care which often
address relevant legal authority. The core values of medical ethics What is the importance of ethics
in medical laboratory sciences. Institutional policies are crafted to provide guidance to providers
within the context of clinical ethics and the relevant laws and should guide decision-making in this
area. Specifically, the fear is that those statements will stimulate malpractice lawsuits or otherwise be
used in support of a claim against the provider. Select the best ideas from your brainstorming with
your group mates. States may also apply different standards to specialists and to general practitioners.
To save this undefined to your undefined account, please select one or more formats and confirm
that you agree to abide by our usage policies. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; Wonderful
are your works. Being honest means that you will not mislead people by giving out falsified test
results and deceiving them because patients typically deal with health professionals that are
trustworthy. With over a thousand five-star reviews, it's easy to see why so many people choose
DILIGENT to get the job done. This is so because proctors can point out topics that are relevant to
your course, they can suggest changes in your drafts, they can help you interview people relevant to
the topic by giving you permission slips, and they can help you when you are unable to think of any
ideas for the topic. As you prepare your submission, keep track of important deadlines, including the
abstract submission date and the final paper submission deadline. What would happen if there were
no ethics involved. Methods: A qualitative multiple-case study approach was utilized.
Junior personnel being stressed to their maximum limits owing to lack of proper supervision,
resulting in errors, at emergencies is not new and can be inferred from the present case as well.
Hippocratic Oath: Modern Version I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this
covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and
gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow. Subpoenas are based upon and
issued to the witnesses contained in the list of the defense or prosecution and are written in letter
form as a “request” for the witnesses presence for a testimony in a case. Such an IC, without
exceptions, becomes mandatory in Austria (15) and in rest of the Europe as well (1, 14, 16). States
may also apply different standards to specialists and to general practitioners. Additionally, consider
the feasibility of data collection and analysis within the given constraints, such as time and
resources. Given the information that a novel technique involving a medical device (Laser
equipment) was utilized in the present situation, and taking into account that the hospital is a
member of the local NHS trust, an IC becomes mandatory, as per the guidelines of the 2000 NHS
plan, (14). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Citation: Properly cite sources using
recognized styles (e.g., APA, MLA). Revision: Edit and revise for clarity, coherence, and
correctness. As such, this belief may appear unacceptable and irrational to others, including health
care providers. You explain the situation to him, including the very real threat to his survival if he
does not have a transfusion. This belief is not generally shared by others in our society. Medical
records, whether in electronic or paper kind, play a vital function in client care and are helpful to not
just the client however likewise the specialists and doctors. Most states have specific laws that
delineate, in order of priority, who can be a legally authorized surrogate decision-maker for another
person. At that time, she may have expressed her ongoing wishes for care. An introduction is
essentially the opening remarks or the opening sentence of any research paper. What should be the
attitude of clinicians in case of neonates, children and young persons. A parent may not be permitted
in certain situations to consent to non-treatment of his or her minor child, particularly where the
decision would significantly impact and perhaps result in death if the minor child did not receive
treatment. Autonomy requires informed consent — the assurance that the research participant is
informed about the possible risks and benefits of the research. Preparing and submitting a research
paper format for an academic conference involves several key steps to ensure a successful
contribution to scholarly discourse. Promises of access to health care invalidate the voluntariness of
informed consent not only because it unduly induces minorities and the economically disadvantaged
to participate in clinical trials to obtain access to potentially life saving health care, but it is also
manipulative because some times the clinical trial is conducted by the very institutions that are
denying minorities and the economically disadvantaged access to health care. It usually starts with
something simple like a short definition of what the topic is about and the definition of key words.
Remember that a well-defined research question narrows your focus and guides subsequent
decisions in your study. However, uncertainty is introduced if a variant of unknown significance
(VUS) is identified. This means that the surrogate must act in accordance with the patient's wishes.
But starting a research paper is as necessary as writing any type of documents. She has performed
postdoctoral studies in medical law at Loyola University Law School in Chicago. He held a card
stating his religious beliefs and that he should not undergo a blood transfusion under any
circumstances. Such determinations are case-specific, and should be thoroughly discussed with
surrogate decision-makers. A Nurse could see that doing “good” for the patient is to save their life,
but to do “right” is to follow their wishes and beliefs.
The Beginnings: a) The Nuremburg Code, 1948 b) Life Magazine article on dialysis selection
committees, November 1962. To encourage the parties to find a resolution to a health care dispute
before trial, a few states require the parties to submit to mediation. 8. It handles who deserves to
access the records, consisting of the client himself. The secondary stakeholders are the patients who
are affected by quality control while the tertiary stakeholder is the hospital. One of the basic
foundations of medical ethics is the tradition of informed consent. Obviously, the senior doctor,
presumably more experienced, cannot be present at two places at the same time. The scientific
development of human pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) triggered a contentious national
stem cell policy debate during the administration of President George W. Bush. The Bush
“compromise” that allowed federal funding to study only a very limited number of ESC derived cell
lines did not satisfy either the researchers or the patient advocates who saw great medical potential
being stifled. Indeed, most civil lawsuits, including actions against health care providers, are settled
and never go to trial before a judge or jury. 7 Some cases are resolved by summary judgment, in
which the court decides in favor of one party based on information derived during the discovery
process. If her interests, in this case, were to save the patients life, she would give the blood
transfusion, thus compromising the patient’s wishes. The third section briefly introduces the issue of
provider-patient communication, and highlights a contemporary dilemma raised in decisions
regarding the disclosure of medical error to patients. The professional code of ethics addresses the
situation and states that the integrity of the profession should be placed above individual and
personal interests. Meanwhile, several states are implementing Medicaid Accountable Care
Organization (ACO) initiatives to reduce health care costs and improve health care quality. Every
law that has actually been passed to safeguard clients has actually developed as an outcome of
ethical factors to consider. Such conflicts implicate clinical ethics, law and risk management. What
should be the stance of hospital authorities in the event of a death in cases wherein an inexperienced
staff adopted novel techniques, and wherein an IC was not obtained. The possibility that the parties
will reach an agreement about the legal claims before or during trial, known as a settlement, means
that the vast majority of initiated claims do not go through all three phases. Oktay Kadayifci -
- professor from the medical Faculty of University of Istanbul titled “Ethical and Legal Aspects of
Abortion”, a philosophical outlook on the topic from “Abortion and the Unborn Life” author Patrick
Lee who holds the John N. Achieving Informed Consent for Cellular Therapies: A Preclinical
Translational Research Perspective on Regulations versus a Dose of Reality. This article concludes by
offering an alternative legislative approach to specifically combat the anti-vaccine movement's
impact on HPV vaccination rates. We reviewed public documents related to Medicaid ACO
initiatives in six states. If this occurs, then he would agree to remove himself from the list of
potential surrogate decision-makers and the next highest level surrogate decision-maker(s) would be
contacted as necessary to provide informed consent for the patient. The treatment team held a series
of meetings with the patient, her parents, and her younger sibling to discuss the patient’s diagnosis,
its implications and treatment availability. He has applied for asupervisor’s specialist position in a
reference laboratory, in the same city. Property is power, yet current law permits everyone except for
those who donate biological materials to possess property rights. More could be done, however, to
pay for language access efforts. With the implementation of human rights acts, 1998 in 2000 in UK
(16), IC in all likelihood would have bailed out the hospital authorities in the present situation.
Irreversible harm may be caused by erroneous tests”, IFCC, Module 16: Professional Ethics 2005.
She has performed postdoctoral studies in medical law at Loyola University Law School in Chicago.
The standard of care would require the use of blood products, to which the patient and her parents
will not consent. For example, minorities and the economically disadvantaged are often unduly
influenced into participating in clinical trials that promise monetary gain or access to health care.
Take note, however, that plagiarism in any form when making a research paper is disapproved and is
usually grounds for demerits or deductions. In case 2, the patient’s younger brother who has
contracted a Sexually transmitted disease (STD), exhibits malicious behaviour. This hospital, being a
member of the local NHS trust, National Service Framework (NSF) guidelines published on 15 Sept
2004, slated to be the first ever in the world (14), apply in the present context. From whom should
the IC be obtained if the patient is incapable of issuing the same. Informed consent for neonates,
children and young people has been a subject of intense research in recent times (3, 4, 18, 19). Every
paragraph should have an indent of one-half inch or seven spaces. Being honest means that you will
not mislead people by giving out falsified test results and deceiving them because patients typically
deal with health professionals that are trustworthy. Ensure that all required documents, such as
author information and affiliations, are complete and accurate. One of the co-workers working in the
evening shifts is faking the quality control figures. However, their decisions will be valid only if they
have the required levels of competence. Case 2. Patient’s brother, aged 16, male, taking medical
consultation for an STD presumably contracted through a one night stand with his girlfriend, exhibits
malicious behaviour. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I
long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help. The services of a hospital chaplain may
also be helpful since the husband had indicated that his religious beliefs played some role in his
perspective of his wife’s situation. The professional code of ethics addresses the situation and states
that the integrity of the profession should be placed above individual and personal interests. Other
barriers to researcher-subject communication include: widely differing beliefs and customs,
semiotics, socioeconomic status, iatrophobia, and dramatically different histories of treatment in the
medical-research arena. Journal of Medical Ethics; Oct 2002; Vol. 28 Issue 3, p313. Confidentiality.
Confidentiality. The doctor patient relation ship is an extremely confidential one All information that
the doctor has acquired professionally should be kept strictly confidential (Professional secrecy).
Start by carefully reviewing the conference guidelines and themes to align your paper with the
event’s focus. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. At that time, she may have expressed her ongoing
wishes for care. It is best not to tell john the he was not recommended for the job in order to
maintain a peaceful, working environment (Jones, 370).Case study 2 I am a worker working in the
night with other technicians in a 300 bed community hospital. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Employing athletic trainers could
pose challenges to school districts with limited financial capacity, as financial assistance from the
state is not provided under the law. If this occurs, then he would agree to remove himself from the
list of potential surrogate decision-makers and the next highest level surrogate decision-maker(s)
would be contacted as necessary to provide informed consent for the patient. If they fail to work in
accordance with this legal duty, they will be deemed to have been negligent in their profession. The
court will toss it out if a medical malpractice claim is not submitted within the time frame. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Use a
standard font and size (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point). The application and impact of laws,
institutional risk management, and clinical ethics can vary widely based on the specific facts
involved, institutional policies, and legal jurisdiction.

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