RFQ For Monroe Convention Hotel March 27 2024
RFQ For Monroe Convention Hotel March 27 2024
RFQ For Monroe Convention Hotel March 27 2024
The Monroe County Capital Improvement Board of Managers (CIB) seeks statements of
qualifications from qualified Respondents who are interest in and qualified to construct using the
design build method allowed by Indiana Code 5-30-5 et al.: a full-service hotel with a minimum
of 200 rooms to support an expanded convention center. See attached presentation regarding the
Monroe County Indiana market.
Specifically with regard to the hotel: the Respondent should be affiliated with a recognized
brand with a national quality reputation and serve as the primary convention center event host
hotel which includes a group business agreement defining sales and booking policies.
Depending upon the final development agreement, the Respondent may serve as the manager of
the full-service hotel and, therefore, must be capable of performing such service.
A hotel and convention center marketing space must be available and, in addition to a minimum
of 200 sleeping rooms, the hotel must offer concierge, valet parking and bellhop services, in
addition to an independent restaurant, a lounge, and a fully developed room service. A roof-top
or exterior setting with a modern, adult-type atmosphere offering locally sourced food, beer,
wine, and spirits is preferred. The hotel must connect to the current, or expanded, convention
center space.
The Respondent must demonstrate capability of providing flexible ballroom space, attractive
corporate boardrooms, multiple breakout spaces, as well as an aesthetically pleasing, safe,
welcoming, enclosed, climate-controlled connection to the current convention center space.
Local art or art highlighting the local area should be used as a part of the hotel and convention
center space decoration.
The Respondent must be able to show the ability to and experience in developing projects that
are designed to a specific community with an iconic exterior and interior and not merely be a
generic off-the-shelf product. The more experience in developing such a product, the better.
Ultimately, CIB is seeking an end-product which will be a proud community landmark made in
part with locally sourced materials, tastefully decorated, which is highly visible, easily
accessible, and, which creates interior and exterior photo opportunities for end users.
CIB shall attempt to adhere to the following schedule in the receipt, review, and evaluation of
RFQ Submittals. In order to clarify, CIB is intending to use the Transfer statute as found in IC
36-1-11-4.2. All dates are tentative and subject to change at CIB’s sole discretion. CIB
reserves the right to cancel or amend the process at its sole discretion.
2. Project Approach. Describe the proposed methods which will be undertaken to perform
the requested conceptual scope of work. Include in your submission proposed timelines
and other exhibits illustrating the general schedule of activities.
3. Past Experience. Provide specific examples of projects that are relevant and similar to
the conceptual scope of work required for this project. Include methods utilized to receive
public comment.
4. Personnel and Staffing Plan. Identify and provide resumes for all personnel who will
have responsibility for performing the conceptual scope of work. Describe the
organization of the proposed team and designate the proposed Project Manager. If the
Proposal involves a team submission, explain its organization to ensure efficiency and
accountability to CIB during the course of the project. CIB is most interested in relevant
experience and qualifications related to this specific project.
5. References. Provide a list of past clients, with contact information, for which the
Respondent has performed work of a similar nature. Minimum three (3), maximum five
(5) referenced required.
FORMAT OF RFQ SUBMITTAL: CIB is limiting the size of the RFQ submittal. Please
submit one (1) hard copy, with one (1) electronic copy. All documents submitted must be clearly
identified with the name of the Respondent or Development Team submitting.
COSTS OF RFQ SUBMITTAL: Any costs incurred by the Respondent to this RFQ in
anticipation of receiving a contract award shall be the responsibility of the entity submitting the
response. CIB shall not reimburse the Respondent for any expenses.
OWNERSHIP OF RESPONSES: All responses submitted become the property of CIB and
will not be returned and be subject to Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act.
FINAL REVIEW AND SELECTION: CIB shall develop a final review and selection process
at its own sole discretion.
FUNDING: The determination on how the hotel shall be funded, if at all, is not complete and
will be a part of the negotiation process with the selected Respondent partner.
CIB reserves the right to enter into further discussions with any or none of the Responders based
upon the initial response to the RFQ and the right to negotiate the cost with the selected
Responder(s) if it is deemed to be in the best interest of CIB.
January 17, 2024
Capital Improvement Board of Managers
presentation from:
Visit Bloomington – Destination Marketing
Convention & Visitors Bureau of Monroe
County Inc (DBA - Visit Bloomington).
Established in 1977.
Strong Tourism Industry
“Check out Bloomington, Indiana for a fun trip to
one of America’s best university towns. There’s
great food and drink, college sports, outdoor
adventure, live music, cool art, and good times
to enjoy daily. Everyone is welcome here.”
#4 – group services.
Monroe Convention Center Operations
DBI team and Convention Center
Management Company.
Mike McAfee
Visit Bloomington
[email protected]