SpaceX 8 Mars Vision Summary

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SpaceX 8

Musk’s Mars vision , plans , challenges and Summary

Jim Rauf

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1 Introduction: topics , some basics and rocket pioneers
2 SpaceX founding , Musk’s vision, facilities, organization, personnel
3 SpaceX and NASA commercial funding
4 Falcon rockets and engines , Falcon 1, Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy
5 Dragon spacecraft , Cargo Dragon and Crew Dragon
6 Super Heavy booster and engines and Starship spacecraft
7 Starship competition for Artemis Moon Human Landing System
8 Musk’s Mars vision , plans and challenges

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Some Topics
• Rocket basics • Elon Musk and SpaceX founding
• Orbits • SpaceX’s first rocket - Falcon 1
• Escape velocity • Falcon 9 – reusable booster - lower costs to orbit
• Some facts about space travel • Falcon 9 – SpaceX workhorse
• A little rocket history • SpaceX advantages
• Rocket pioneers • Falcon Heavy – SpaceX heavy lift booster
• NASA space programs • SpaceX Starship and Super Heavy booster
• International Space Station (ISS) • SpaceX facilities
• Reusable rockets – Space Shuttle • Artemis Moon program and SpaceX
• Russian flights to ISS • Starship HLS
• U.S. government support for commercial rockets • Musk’s ultimate goal – Mars colony
• “Private” commercial rocket companies • SpaceX Starlink business plan
• Costs to reach space • Mars challenges

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Elon Musk’s Mars Vision

• Musk believes that it is essential for the long-term

survival and advancement of humanity to become a
multi-planetary species
• Musk's vision includes the idea of creating a backup for
humanity in case of catastrophic events on Earth, such as
nuclear war, pandemics, or environmental disasters
• Musk aims to establish a self-sustaining colony on Mars,
starting with a small initial crew and expanding over time
• He sees Mars as the most viable option for this goal due
to its relative proximity and potential for terraforming
• Musk has suggested that over time, Mars could be • Achieving the goal of Mars colonization remains a long-
transformed into a more Earth-like environment through term endeavor
processes like releasing greenhouse gases and generating • It will require extensive resources and commitment
a sustainable atmosphere beyond the resources of SpaceX
• This would make the planet more hospitable for human • It will likely require collaboration with governments,
habitation without the need for life support systems international partners, and the scientific community

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Mars Facts

• Distance from Earth to Mars

• Average 140 million miles
• Closest 34.8 million miles
• Farthest 250 million miles
• Distance from Earth to the Moon
• Average 238,855 miles

• NASA : crewed mission to Mars and back, plus time on

the surface, takes between two and three years

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Earth and Mars

Mars does not have a global magnetic field

Escape velocity (km/s) 11.19 5.03

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Moon versus Mars

• The Moon is much closer to Earth than Mars, with an

average distance of about 238,900 miles
• Crewed lunar missions are relatively short in terms of
travel time.
• Mars is significantly farther away from Earth, with an
average distance of about 140 million miles
• Crewed Mars missions involve much longer travel times
• Crewed Moon missions typically last for a few days to a
couple of weeks. The Apollo missions, for example, were
relatively short-term missions.
• Crewed Mars missions are much more extended in
duration, with expected mission lengths ranging from
several months to over a year. The time spent on Mars
itself could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few

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Moon versus Mars

• Moon landings and takeoffs are relatively

straightforward, as there is no substantial atmosphere to
deal with
• This makes it less challenging to land and depart from the
Moon's surface.
• Mars landings and takeoffs are more complex due to the
thin atmosphere
• This requires specialized entry, descent, and landing (EDL)
systems for safe landings and ascent vehicles for
returning to Earth
• Communication with the Moon is relatively
straightforward, with minimal signal delay (about 1.28
seconds one way).
• Communication with Mars has significant signal delays,
which can range from approximately 4 to 22 minutes one
way, depending on the relative positions of the planets
• This necessitates autonomous systems and careful
mission planning

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Moon versus Mars

• Moon missions require life support systems to provide

crew members with air, water, and food for a relatively
short duration
• The Moon's lack of a substantial atmosphere provides
some protection from cosmic radiation.
• Mars missions require advanced life support systems
capable of sustaining a crew for extended periods
• The thin Martian atmosphere provides minimal radiation
shielding, and the journey to Mars exposes astronauts to
cosmic and solar radiation for an extended time.
• Moon launch windows occur relatively frequently, with
opportunities to send missions about once a month.
• Mars has launch windows that align approximately every
26 months due to the relative positions of the two
• Missions must be carefully timed to take advantage of
these windows

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Moon versus Mars

• The Moon has potential resources like water ice in

permanently shadowed craters especially at the south
• Could be used for life support and rocket fuel ( H2 +O2 )

• Mars has possibility of in situ resource utilization (ISRU)

• For water extraction and fuel production
• Moxie has demonstrated O2 extraction for Martian

• Lunar missions are shorter and relatively more straight • The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization
forward Experiment (MOXIE) technology demonstration on the
• Mars missions are longer and more complex NASA Mars 2020 rover Perseverance investigating the
production of oxygen on Mars
• On April 20, 2021, MOXIE produced O2 from CO2 in the
Martian atmosphere by using solid oxide electrolysis

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Starship Plan

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Getting to Mars

• Spacecraft Design and

Construction: These spacecraft
must be equipped with life
support systems, propulsion
systems, communication
equipment, and various scientific
• Launch: The spacecraft must be
launched into space from Earth
using a powerful rocket- Super
Heavy and Starship
• This involves multiple launches to
fuel the spacecraft in Earth orbit

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Starship Crew Accommodations - Speculation

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Earth to Mars Architecture

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Starships in LEO Ready to go to Mars

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Getting to Mars

• Earth-Mars Transfer Orbit: Mars and Earth

are in constant motion around the Sun, and
the most fuel-efficient time to travel to Mars
is during a "Mars transfer window.“
• These windows occur roughly every 26
months when the two planets are aligned
favorably for interplanetary travel
• The spacecraft is launched during this window
to begin its journey to Mars
• The spacecraft departs Earth orbit at a speed
of about 24,600 mph

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Getting to Mars

• Cruise to Mars: The spacecraft travels through

space on a Hohmann Transfer trajectory that will
intersect with Mars’ orbit
• This cruise phase takes several months, and it's
during this time that astronauts must contend
with the challenges of long-duration space travel,
such as radiation exposure, muscle atrophy, and
psychological stress


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Getting to Mars
• Arrival at Mars: As the spacecraft approaches Mars, it
needs to slow down to be captured by Mars' gravity
• This is typically achieved through a series of engine burns • Starship will enter Mars’ Starship
• The spacecraft must also go through an entry, descent,
and landing (EDL) phase to safely reach the Martian
will enter Mars’ the physics of
surface Mars entry for Starship.
• Starship will enter Mars’ atmosphere at 7.7 km/sec and
decelerate aerodynamically
• The vehicle’s heat shield is designed to withstand
multiple entries, but the vehicle is going into Mars’
atmosphere so hot , we still expect to see some ablation
of the heat shield
• Numerous Starship vehicles will deliver equipment for
manufacture of LOX and LCH4 for refueling the crewed
Starship’s return flight to Earth

• Starship will enter Mars’ atmosphere at 7.5 kilometers
per second and decelerate aerodynaicaStarship.
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Getting to Mars

• Surface Operations: astronauts will spend time on the

Martian surface, conducting experiments and explorations
• They will need habitats, life support systems, and spacesuits
for surface activities
• SpaceX intends to manufacture propellant on Mars for
return flight to Earth
• Return to Earth: After completing their mission on Mars, the
astronauts must return to Earth
• This involves launching from the Martian surface, and then
embarking on the journey back to Earth
• Return flight is via Hohman Transfer trajectory
• Departure at Earth - Mars launch window

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Getting to Mars

• Earth Reentry and Landing: The

Starship reenters Earth's
atmosphere decelerating
• Its heat shield protecting its
structure during reentry
• Starship lands vertically at Boca
• “Caught” by arms of Catch Tower

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Challenges of Crewed Mars Missions

• Long Duration Space Travel: Mars missions will require • Life Support Systems: Creating reliable life support
astronauts to spend several months in space systems capable of sustaining a crew for an extended
period in a closed environment is essential
• The extended duration of the journey increases the risks
associated with radiation exposure, psychological stress, • These systems need to provide oxygen, water, and
and physiological changes in microgravity remove carbon dioxide, waste, and pollutants
• Radiation Exposure: Astronauts traveling to Mars will be • Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL): Safely landing
exposed to higher levels of cosmic radiation and solar on Mars is a significant challenge due to the thin Martian
radiation compared to Earth's protective magnetosphere atmosphere and the need to slow down spacecraft during
• Microgravity Effects: Prolonged exposure to microgravity
can lead to muscle atrophy, bone loss, and other • Habitat and Environmental Control: Designing and
physiological changes. building a habitat on Mars that can protect astronauts
from harsh Martian conditions while providing a
comfortable and safe living space is a complex task
• The habitat must maintain a stable environment with
temperature, pressure, and radiation protection

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Challenges of Crewed Mars Missions

• Resource Utilization: Mars missions may benefit from • Emergency Medical Care: Being so far from Earth makes
utilizing local resources, such as producing oxygen from emergency medical care challenging
the Martian atmosphere, extracting water from the
Martian soil, and generating power from local resources • Mission planners must develop medical protocols and
equipment to handle various health emergencies and
• Developing and testing these technologies is crucial for injuries that may occur during the mission
long-term sustainability on Mars.
• Robotic Precursor Missions: Before sending humans to
• Communication Delays: Mars is far from Earth, and Mars, it is crucial to conduct robotic missions to gather
communication can experience significant delays due to essential data about the Martian environment,
the varying distances between the two planets resources, and potential landing sites
• This can impact real-time decision-making and • Delivery and set up of O2 and CH4 extraction and
emergency response capabilities liquification equipment for Starship propellant
• Human Factors: The psychological and social challenges • International Collaboration: Mars missions are likely to
of living and working in a confined space with a small involve multiple space agencies and international
crew for an extended duration can be significant cooperation.

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Challenges of Crewed Mars Missions

• The Delta-v (Δv) required for a crewed trip from Earth to • Mars Capture and Arrival: As the spacecraft approaches
Mars depends on several factors, including the specific Mars, it will need to perform a capture burn to slow
mission profile, spacecraft design, propulsion technology, down and be captured by Mars' gravity
and mission objectives
• This requires another delta-v of about 0.7 to 1.3 km/s to
• Typically, a crewed mission to Mars would require a delta- enter Mars' orbit or to land on the planet's surface
v in the range of 6 to 8 kilometers per second (km/s) or
possibly more • The spacecraft will also require additional delta-v for any
orbital maneuvers, rendezvous and docking with other
• This delta-v requirement encompasses various phases of spacecraft
the journey:
• It will require 5.03 km/s to escape Mars’ gravity and
• Earth Departure: To escape Earth's gravity and leave return to Earth
Earth's orbit, the spacecraft will require a velocity change
of approximately 3.6 to 4.1 km/s • Mission planners aim to optimize the trajectory to
minimize delta-v requirements and travel time, while
• Transfer Orbit to Mars: After departing from Earth, the ensuring the safety and well-being of the crew
spacecraft will follow a transfer orbit to Mars, requiring
an additional delta-v of approximately 0.7 to 1.3 km/s to
reach the appropriate trajectory for Mars

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Challenges of Missions to Mars Earth to the Moon

• With has a mean orbital

velocity around the Earth of
2,286 miles/hr

• Moon’s orbital circumference

~747,700 miles

• Apollo XI trip time ~3 days

• Moon moved ~80,110 miles

(~10% of its orbital

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Challenges of Missions to Mars Earth to Mars
• Earth orbits Sun at ~67,000 miles/hr

• Mars orbits Sun at ~ 54,200 miles /hr

• Path to Mars is “Minimum Energy


• Distance is ~300 million miles

• Velocity is ~24,600 mph

• Time is 259 days

• At landing on Mars - Earth is well ahead

of Mars

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Space Flights to Date
Falcon 9 Falcon Heavy Dragon Capsule
Launches 269 8 42
Landings 227 15 38
Re-flights 202 12 20

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Bing Videos

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Rockets and Spacecraft

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Summary – The First 21 Years
• Basis for “Private” Commercial space companies • Manufacturing methods
• Commercial Space Launch Act, enacted on October 30, • Combine new technologies with proven technologies
• SpaceX emphasis on low costs
• Elon Musk vision of colonizing Mars
• NASA Commercial Contracts support for:
• Ambitious
• Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets
• Wealth from previous businesses
• Merlin and Raptor rocket engines
• SpaceX founded 2002
• Dragon cargo and crew capsules
• Rocket and vehicle Reusability Videos
• Artemis Moon program – commercial contracts
• Musk hired experienced people
• SpaceX Starship HLS
• Falcon 1 –SpaceX funded
• Starlink and Starshield communications satellite
• Retirement of Space Shuttle in 2011 constellation
• NASA needed transport to ISS • SpaceX builds on its successes and learns from its failures

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