Mste 3 April 2024 - Problems

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1. Ten friends met and each shook hands with mile long, what is the radius of the
every other. How many handshakes were circle? Use 1 mile = 5280 ft.
there? A. 1437’ B. 1734’ C. 1347’ D. 1374’
A. 90 B. 10 C. 45 D. 5 12. Two casks A and B were filled with two
2. 10 business executives and 7 chairmen kinds of sherry. In cask A, the ratio of
meet at a conference. If each business the two kinds of sherry is 2:7 while in
executive shakes the hand of every other B, it is 1:5. How many gallons will be
business executive and every chairman taken from each cask to form a mixture
once, and each chairman shakes the hand which shall consist of 2 gal of one kind
of each of the business executives but and 9 gal of the other?
not the other chairmen, how many A. 3 gal from A; 8 gal from B
handshakes would take place? B. 2 gal from A; 9 gal from B
A. 144 B. 131 C. 115 D. 90 C. 2.5 gal from A; 8.5 gal from B
D. 3.5 gal from A; 7.5 gal from B
3. A father and his son can dig a well if
the father works 6 hours and his son works 13. A man passed one-sixth of his life in
12 hours, or they can do it if the father childhood, one-twelfth in youth, and one-
works 9 hours and the son works 8 hours. seventh more as a bachelor. Five years
How long will it take for the father to after his marriage, a son was born who
dig the well alone? died four years before his father at half
A. 13hrs B. 15hrs C. 20hrs D. 17hrs his father’s final age. What was the
man’s final age?
4. It is known that the probability that a A. 90 B. 94 C. 84 D. 80
bulb will last beyond 100 hours is 0.7
and the probability that it will last 14. Samuel Pepys wrote Isaac Newton to ask
beyond 150 hours is 0.28. Given that a which of three events is more likely: that
bulb last beyond 100 hours, determine the a person get (a) at least 1 six when 6
probability that it will last beyond 150 dice are rolled, (b) at least two sixes
hours. when 12 dice are rolled, or (c) at least
A. 0.20 B. 0.70 C. 0.40 D. 0.28 3 sixes when 18 dice are rolled. What is
the answer?
5. A machine has a probability of producing A. Pepys will do better with 18-dice
a defective equal to 0.05 every time it wager than 6 or 12
produces a product. If three of its B. Pepys will do better with 12-dice
products are selected randomly and wager than 6 or 18
independently during a shift, what is the C. Pepys will do better with 6 dice
probability that a quality engineer will wager than 12 or 18
find no defective in the three? D. None of the above
A. 0.857 B. 0.045 C. 0.950 D. 0.903
15. The number of defective welds in a length
6. Find the value of x + y in the equation of pipe is 0 through 6 with the following
(x + yi)(1 – 2i) = 7 – 4i probabilities.
A. 5 B. 3 C. 7 D. 9
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7. If a radio-active element has a half-life
of 3 hours, then x grams of the element P(X) 0.6 0.3 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
dwindle to x/2 grams after 3 hours. If a Find the expected value of the number of
nuclear reactor has 400 grams of that defective welds.
radioactive element, find the amount of A. 0.17 B. 0.84 C. 0.14 D. 0.61
radioactive material after 12 hours.
A. 25 grams C. 12.5 grams 16. If 2 marbles are removed at random from a
B. 50 grams D. 100 grams bag containing black and white marbles,
the chance that they are both white is
8. Company vice president must visit four of 1/3. If 3 are removed at random, the
the twelve subsidiaries that the company chance that they all are white is 1/6.
has. How many sets of four companies are How many black balls are there?
there from which the vice president can A. 6 B. 7 C. 5 D. 4
pick set to visit?
A. 95040 C. 11880 17. In November 1994, Intel announced that a
B. 495 D. 792 “subtle flaw” in its Pentium chip would
affect 1 in 9 billion division problems.
9. Compute the value of b if A and B are Suppose a computer perform 20 million
perpendicular. divisions (a not reasonable number) in
A = 2i + bj + k; B = 4i – 2j – 2k the course of a particular program. What
is the probability of no error? Of at
A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 least one error?
10. In Nigeria the rate of deforestation is A. 0.00000000111, 0.00222
5.25% per year. If the decrease in forests B. 0.99778, 0.00222
in Nigeria is exponential, how long will C. 0.99999999989, 0.00000000111
it take until only 25% of the current D. 0.00000000111, 0.99999999989
forests are left? [ Hint: Use the formula 18. A boat is being pulled into a dock by a
A = Ao e-rt ] rope attached to it and passing through a
A. 24.41 years C. 26.41 years pulley on the deck, positioned 6 meters
B. 25.41 years D. 23.41 years higher than the boat. If the rope is being
11. A new kind of atom smasher is to be pulled in at a rate of 3 m/sec, how fast
composed of two tangents and a circular is the boat approaching the dock when
arc which is concave toward the point of there is 10 meters of rope out?
intersection of the two tangents. Each A. 3.75 m/sec C. 6.24 m/sec
tangent and the arc of the circle is 1 B. 4.32 m/sec D. 5.81 m/sec

Review Innovations Baguio § Cebu § Davao § Manila

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