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Medical english

1. which suffix means abnormal softening? A.- Malacia

2. in the term perinatal, which part is the suffix? C. -Al
3. which of these suffixes requires the use of the combining vowel? C. -rrhea
4. Which prefix means within or inside? B.intra-
5. Postoperative means ______________ C.after surgery
6. Which combining form means red? A. erythr/o
7. A vertebra is bone in the spine. What is the plural of vertebra? C.
8. Which suffix means a surgical puncture to remove fluid for diagnostic purposes?
9. Which combining form means both spinal cord and bone marrow? C. myel/o
10. The blural of phalanxis _______________ B. phalanges
11. Which suffix means the process of recording a picture? B. -graphy
12. What suffix means surgical repair? C. -plasty
13. In the term otorhinolaryngology, which word root ( comining form ) means ear?
A. ot/o
14. Pain, which can be observed only by the patient is a ___________
15. Which term means any disease of the stomach? A.
16. Which term means vomiting of blood? C.hematemesis
17. Which suffix means medicine/treatment? B.-iatry
18. ______________means without a breast C.amastia
19. What comining form means kidney? B. nephr/o
20. If the singular term ends in the suffix -is the plural is usually formed by changing
the ending to ____ A.-es
21. Which term describes any inflammatory condition of the mouth? A
22. Which term means fixation of a joint? B.arthrodesis
23. In the term osteochondritis the comining form is__________ A.oste/o
24. ___________ means bile vessel C.cholangi/o
25. Which term means uterus? C. hyster/O
26. What does hepatocyte mean? A.liver cell
27. In the term arthrocentesis, -centesis is_______ C.suffix
28. What does osteomalacia mean? C. softening of bone
29. Which term means abnormal condition of the skin? A. dermatosis
30. In the term hyper /calc/emia, calc means B. calcium
31. Which prefix means above/upon? C.epi-
32. Infracostal means ________________ A.below the ribs
33. the meaning of the prefix ad-is B.toward
34. A homograft, also called an ________, is a transplant of tissue obtained from a
member of the patient’s own species C.allograft
35. In the term polydipsia, poly-means ___________ A. many
36. Which term means rapid breathing? A.tachypnea
37. Which term describes difficult childbirth? B.dystocia
38. Macrocyte means ________ A.large blood cell
39. Which term describes discharge or flow from the ear? B.otorrhea
40. In the term encephalomeningitis, which term means brain? A.encephal/o
41. Which of the following terms means forming an opening into the trachea? C.
42. Mastestomy is __________ A. excision of a breast
43. What term means excessive? C. hyper
44. Tumor of the bone is _________ B. osteoma
45. Which root means fingers, toes? A. dactyl/
46. ‘-tripsy’ is a _________ suffix C.surgical
47. Which prefix means same? A. homo
48. In the term gastrodynia, -dynia means __________ A.pain
49. What does the prefix uni-mean? C. one
50. Which term means abnormal secretion of large amounts of urine? B.diuresis
Term building:
51. Surgical punctureof a joint : arthrocentesis
52. Excision of hemorrhoids : hemorrhoidectomy
53. Surgical repair of tendons : tenoplasty
54. Incision of the trachea : traheotomy
55. Dilation of a bronchus : bronchiectasis
56. Abnormal condition of the skin: dermatosis
57. Paralysis affecting one side: hemiplegia
58. Herniationof the liver : hepatocele
59. Pertaining to abovethe kidney:suprarenal
60. Difficulr childbirth : dystocia
61. rapid breathing : tachypnea
62. many fears : polyphobia
63. slow heartbeat:bradycardia
64. inflammation of many joints: panarthrilis
65. surgical fractureof a bone to correct a deformity: osteoclasis
66. most word roots are derived from greek or latin language
67. A medical word consists of some or all of the following elements: Word root,
combining form, suffix, prefix
68. Word root in the foundation of a medical term and contains its primary meaning
69. A prefix is a word element located at the beginning of a word
70. The combining form enables two word elements to be connected
71. A suffix is added to the end of a word root or combining form
72. Suffixes are also used to denote singular and plural forms of a word as well as
a part of speech
73. Pathological suffixes describe abnormal condition or disease
74. Radiographic terms, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound
(US) are now used to describe current diagnostic procedures
75. The medical term meaning inflammation of the stomach and intestine is
76. Name the major types of prefixes Prefixes of position number,measurement,
and direction
77. The study of the ears, nose and throat is otorhinolaryngology
78. lythotripsy Is a surgical procedure for eliminating a stone in
the kidney, ureter, bladder, or gallbladder
79. Angiography is the radiographic imaging blood vessels
80. Anesthesia
81. Nephromegaly C.Enlargement of the kidney
82. Osteomalacia A.softening of the bones
83. Cholelith N. gallstone
84. Neurolysis B. loosening of nerve
85. Dermatome H. instrument to cut skin
86. Hysteropexy D. fixation of the uterus
87. Enterolysis F. separation of intestinal adhesions
88. Erythropenia J
89. Myorrhaphy I. suture of a muscle
90. Hemorrhage L. a profuse discharge of blood
91. Thoracic E. pertaining to the chest
92. Aphasia G.
93. Primigravida O. woman during her first pregnancy
94. Nevus K. any congenital anomaly of the skin
95. Axillary M. pertaining to the armpit
96. F - many current medical word elements originatedas early as the 1st century
A.D., when hippocrates practiced medicine
97. F- words cannot contain more than one word root
98. F- the suffix intra-means between or among
99. F- prefixes of position indicate a pathway or route
100. T- the term thrombolysis means destruction of a blood clot
101. T- the singular term of ganglia is ganglion
102. T- the medical term ‘encephalomeningitis ‘ has two word roots
103. F- the word root of postnatal is natal
104. F- A combining vowel is usually an e.
105. F- Diagnostic suffixes describe a type of invasive procedure performed
on a body part
106. T- there are three basic rules for building medical words
107. T- the suffix -algia means pain
108. F- malnutrition refers to any disorder resulting from difficult digestion
109. T- substituting one prefix for another alters the meaning of the word
110. T- prognosis is the prediction of the course and end of a disease and
the estimated chance of recovery
111. If the singular term ends in the suffix- is, the plural is usually formed by
changing the ending to-es\
Хэрэв ганц тоо төгсөхдөө Is дагавараар
112. Mastopexy, an elective surgery, is performed to affix sagging breasts in a
more elevated position, commonly improving their shape
🇲🇳Мастопекси хэмээх сонгомол мэс засал нь хөхөө илүү өндөр байрлалд
байрлуулж, хэлбэрээ сайжруулдаг.
113. The microscope is an optical instrument that greatly magnifies minute
🇲🇳маш жижигхэн юмыг томруулж харах боломжтой төхөөрөмжийг микроскоп
114. Whenever you change the suffix, you change the meaning of the word
🇲🇳 Дууны дагаврыг өөрчлөх бүртээ тухайн үгийн утгыг өөрчилдөг
115. In the term macro/cyte macro-is a prefix meaning large:-cyte is a suffix
meaning cell
🇲🇳 Макро / цит гэсэн нэр томъёо нь том утгатай угтвар юм: -цит гэдэг нь эс
гэсэн утгатай дагавар юм
116. Грек гаралтай үгийн үндэс нь ерөнхийдөө өвчин, түүний хэв шинж,
эмчилгээ оншилгоог илэрхийлсэн үгсийг бүтээхэд хэрэглэгддэг.
🇱🇷 The root of the word of Greek origin is generally used to construct words for the
diagnosis of a disease, its type and treatment.
117. Латин гаралтай үндэс нь анатомийн бүтцийг тодорхойлсон үгийг
бүтээхэд ашиглагддаг

🇱🇷The Latin root is used to form a word that describes anatomical structure
118. Анагаахын үг хэллэгийг таньж тодорхойлохын тулд эхлээд үгийн
үндсийг таних хэрэгтэй

🇱🇷 To identify a medical term, one must first identify the root word
119. Дотоод шүүрлийн булчирхай нь цусны эргэлтэнд шууд байдлаар
шүүрэл ялгаруулдаг булчирхай юм
🇱🇷 The endocrine gland is a gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream
120. Анагаахын нэр томъёонд мэргэших үр дүнтэй арга бол гол чухал
залгаваруудыг ангилж сурах
🇱🇷 An effective way to specialize in medical terminology is to learn to classify key
Chapter 2
1. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form spondyl/o C.
2. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form dactyl/o? B.
3. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form lumb/o? A.loins
4. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form pod/o? C. foot
5. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form kyph/o? B. humpback
6. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form chondr/o? A. cartilage
7. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form cost/o? B. ribs
8. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form pub/o? C. pelvis
9. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form acromi/o? C.acromion
10. Which is the correct meaning of the combining form clavicula/o? A. clavicle
11. Which is the correct meaning of the suffix-porosis? B. porous
12. Which is the correct meaning of the suffix-syn? B. union
13. Which term means an abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic
spine as viewed from the side? A. kyphosis
14. Which term means an inflammation of bone and bone marrow? B.
15. Which term describes an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the
sternum? B. costochondritis
16. Which term is a disorder occurring in children characterized by softening and
weakening of the bone? B. rickets
17. Which term is also known as the hip socket? C. acetabulum
18. Which term means the slipping of the vertebra from its normal position in
relationship to the vertebra below it? B. spondylolisthesis
19. Which term is the death of bone tissue? C. osteonecrosis
20. Which term means abnormal softening of the cartilage? B. chondromalacia
21. which term is the replacement for a diseased or missing part of the body? B.
22. which condition, also known as low back pain? A. lumbago
23. which term means the surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity?
24. Which term means an abnormal lateral curvature of the lumbar spine? C.
25. Which term means surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint? A. arthrolysis
26. Which term means surgical repair of the skull? B. cranioplasty
27. Which term describes a fracture in which the bone is splintered into pieces? A.
28. Which form of bone marrow is hemopoietic? B. red bone marrow
29. Which term means an opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves,
and ligaments pass? B. foramen
30. Which is the smaller bone of the forearm? B.Radius
31. Red bone marrow manufactures red blood cells, white blood cells, thrombocytes,
and hemoglobin. Which term describes this process? B. hemopoietic
32. Which technique is used to examine the internal structure of a joint? A.
33. The largest bone in the human body is the: A.femur
34. Which structures connect bones to bones? A.ligaments
35. which structure is part of the hip? B. iluim
36. which term means a surgical fusion of two bones to stiffen a joint? A.
37. which structure forms the upper portion of the sternum? A. manubrium
38. which tissue covers only the joint surface of bones? C. cartilage
39. which term describes movement of the arm toward the body? B.adduction
40. which term is disorder occurring in children characterized by softening and
weakening of the bone? B. rickets
41. he joints______made up of several parts A. are
42. the tibia and fibula ______up the ankle joint with talus C.make
43. Skeletal muscles are composed _________ fibers C. of
44. the skeletal system _______ 206 bones A. is made up of
45. 600 muscles ________ about 40-45% of the body is weight B. are
46. the skull is comprised ________ 22bones that are fused together except for
mandible C. of
47. skeletal muscles_______ fibers A. consist of
48. In a human, the axial skeleton _________ the 80 bones of the head and body
that are organized into five parts C. includes
49. 49. light, spongy bone located at the roof and sides of the nose ______ the
ethmoid bone
50. Although the pelvis ____________ several bones they are tightly fused as one
bone C. contains
51. Surgical fracture of a bone osteoclasis
52. softening of cartilage Chondromalacia
53. inflammation of a tendon Tendinitis
54. tumor of fibrous tissue fibroma
55. excision of phalanges phalangectomy
56. pain in lumbar region, lumbago lumbodynia
57. incision of the cranium Craniotomy
58. toward the head Cephalad
59. bones marrow cell myelocyte
60. care of feet pedicure
61. abnormal bending of the spine scoliosis
62. pertaining to the clavicle clavicular
63. inflammation of the vertebrae spondylitis
64. pain in the arm brachialgia
65. visual examination of a joint arthroscopy
66. Short bones consist of spongy bone, also known as cancellous enclosed in a
thin surface layer of compact bone
67. Long bones are found in the appendages of the body such as the legs, arms
and fingers
68. Eight skull bones, also known as the cranium , enclose and protect the brain and
the organs of hearing and equilibrium
69. All facial bones, with the exception of the mandible are joined together by
sutures and are immovable
70. Two paired lacrimal bone are located at the corner of each eye
71. The vomer is a single, thin bone that forms the lower part of the nasal septum
72. The internal organs of the chest, also known as thorax are enclosed and
protected by a bony rib cage
73. The femur is the largest bone in the body and the only bone of the thigh region
74. Joints that allow movement are called synovial joints
75. The tarsals are a group of seven small bones that form the posterior end of the
foot and heel
76. The pelvic girdle is a basin shaped structure that attaches the lower limbs to
the axial skeleton
77. The sternum which is also known as the breast bone, is a flat dagger shaped
bone located in the middle of the chest
78. Hinge joints such as the knee are formed by a series of ligaments that permit
movement in different directions
79. The last two pairs of false ribs, which is called floating ribs are not joined to the
sternum but attach posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae
80. The pectoral girdle consists of two bones, the anterior clavicle and the posterior
81. Cartilage C. firm elastic flexible type of connective tissue
82. sinus H. recess cavity or channel
83. ligament J. band of tissue serving to connect bones
84. limb K. part of the body distinct from the head and trunk as a leg, arm
85. maxilla I. jaw or jawbone, especially the upper
86. fracture A.the breaking of a bone
87. suture F. A fairly rigid joint between two or more hard elements of an
88. dislocation D. the act of displacing or the state of being displaced
89. ribs B. one of series of curved bones that are articulated with the
90. tibia M. larger and stronger of the two bones in the leg, below the knee
91. ilium L. uppermost and largest of the hip bone
92. ischium E. lower and back part of the hip bone
93. fibula G. smaller bone of the two bones in the leg, below the knee
94. periosteum O. membrane that covers the outer surface of all bones,
except at the joints of long bones
95. sacrum N. large triangular bone at the base of the spine
96. T short bones can be found in the wrists and ankles
97. F Irregular bones can be found in the vertebrae and wrists
98. F. movement is possible because ligaments provide points of attachment for
muscles and tendons
99. F. greenstick fracture results from compression of two bones driven into each
100. T. Crepitation is the grating sound heard when the ends of a broken bone
move together
101. T. if the maxillary bones do not fuse properly before birth, a congenital
defect called cleft palate results
102. F. the paired temporal bones are located on the side of the face below the
eyes and form the higher portion of the cheeks
103. F. the spinal column protects the brain
104. T. intervertebral discs act as cushions to absorb shock
105. F. thorax, is a thin, knife-shaped bone located along the midline of the
anterior side of the thoracic region of the skeleton
106. F. the female pelvis only supports the enlarged uterus
107. F. a baby is born with around 206 bones
108. T. the bladder is located behind the symphysis pubis
109. T. the manubrium is the bony structure that forms the upper portion of the
110. F. the bones of the foot include the metacarpals, which consist of five
small long bones
111. As their name implies, the frontal, ethmoidal, spenoidal and maxillary
sinuses are named after the bones in which they are located
• Тэдний нэрнээс харахад урд, этмоидаль, спеноид, дээд булчирхайн
синусууд байрладаг ясныхаа нэрээр нэрлэгдсэн байдаг.
112. Flat bones provide broad surfaces for muscular attachment or protection
for internal organs
•Хавтгай яснууд нь булчингийн хавсаргах эсвэл дотоод эрхтний
хамгаалалтын өргөн гадаргууг өгдөг
113. A healthy normal spine has four curves that help make it resilient and
maintain balance
•Эрүүл хэвийн нуруу нь уян хатан, тэнцвэрийг хадгалахад тусалдаг дөрвөн
муруйтай байдаг
114. Each temporal bone projects downward to form the mastoid process
• чамархайн яс бүр доош түрж хөхлөгийн сэртэнг бий болгодог.
115. The ends of the bones that comprise these joints are encased in a sleeve
like extension of the periosteum called the joint capsule
•ясны төгсөглүүд нь үсний гэр гэж нэрлэгдэнэ ясны хальснаас үргэлжилсэн
үсийг хамцуйлан хучсан бүтцээс бүрддэг.
116. Тэнхлэгийн ясанд гавал, багана нуруу , хавирга, өвчүү орно.
•Axial skeleton contains skull, rib cage sternum and vertebral column
117. Гавлын ясанд агаараар дүүрсэн 4 хос хөндий байх ба нийтэд нь
хамар орчмын дайвар хөндий гэнэ.
•there are 4 paired sinus in a skull and they named paranasal sinuses
118. Хэмт бус ясанд нурууны нугаламын яснууд болон дунд чихний яснууд
•irregular bones include vertebrae and the bones of the middle ear
119. Булчин чангарах үед шөрмөс болон холбоосууд ясыг түлхэж, араг
ясыг хөдөлгөдөг.
•as muscles contract, tendons and ligament pull on bones and cause skeletal
120. Мөр нь хос мөрний бүтэц болон тэдгээрт холбогдох булчингууд
мөрний яснаас тогтоно.
• the pained pectoral structures and their ossociated muscles form the shoulders
of the body
1. Which condition is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart?
2. Which is the thin inner lining of the lumen of the artery? C. tunica
3. Which vessels return blood to the heart? B. vein
4. Which is the structure within the vein that prevents the backflow of blood?
5. Which vein carries pure oxygenated blood? A. pulmonary
6. Which of the following valve is located between the right atrium and the right
ventricle? B. tricuspid
7. Which node is located in the upper portion of the right atrium? C.sinoatrial
8. Which term describes the abnormal hardening of an artery? C.
9. Which term describes the membrane that encloses the heart? A.
10. Which combining form means heart? A. cardi/o
11. Which term is also known as high blood pressure? B. hypotension
12. What is a foriegn object circulating in the blood? B. embolus
13. Which of the following terms is also known as red blood cells? C.
14. Which term means inflammation of a vein? C. phlebitis
15. Which term is the name of the inner layer of the heart? A. endocardium
16. Which term describes a localized, balloonlike enlargement of an artery? B.
17. Which term describes an abnormally rapid heartbeat? B. tachycardia
18. Which term means an abnormally slow heartbeat? A. bradycardia
19. Which combining form means blood or lymph vessels? C. angi/o
20. Heart murmurs __________ defective heart valves B. often result
21. Pernicious anemia _________ a lack of protein C. is due to
22. Emboli in venous circulation may _______ death C. result in
23. The heart infection can result ______ bacteria and viruses B. form
24. Which circulation pumps blood to the entire body? C. systemic
25. Blood clot that obstructs a vessel is _______ B. thrombus
26. Which term means excessive amount of lipids? B. hyperlipidemia
27. A hollow, muscular organ located in the mediastinum is _______ A. the
28. Which of the following term means the narrowing of the aorta A.
29. which of the following term means the tubular space within the vessel or any
structure of the body? B. lumen
30. which means the destruction of a blood clot using anticlotting agents called
clotbusters? A. thrombolysis
31. which node is located at the base of the right atrium? B. atrioventricular
32. which of the following is not the factor that influences blood pressure?
C.eating habit
33. which vessel collects blood from the upper body and carries it to the right
atrium? A. superior vena cava
34. two upper chambers of the heart are known as __________ A. atria
35. which vessel enables the exchange of water, gases, and wastes between the
blood and nearby cells? C. capillary
36. what does HTN stand for? C. hypertension
37. the right and left ventricles are divided by the structure known as
________________ B.interventricular septum
38. which receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through the four pulmonary
veins? A.left atrium
39. which cells defend the body against infection? A. leukocytes
40. which are the smallest formed elements of the blood? C. thrombocytes
41. A radiographic process of producing picture of the blood vessels is
__________ B. angiography
42. The loss of a large amount of blood in a short time is ________ B.
43. A fatty substance that travels through the blood and found in all parts of the
body is _______ A. cholesterol
44. Which of the following contains high concentration of carbon dioxide? B.
45. Bacteria can result ___________ endocarditis
46. Atherosclerosis ______________ the vessel to lose elasticity B. causes
47. Obesity can ________________ to the cardiovascular disease B. lead
48. Lack of exercise and high blood cholesterol may ___________
arteriosclerosis C. be responsible for
49. Many risk factors ___________ the cardiovascular problems A. cause
50. Increase in the number of abnormal leukocytes __________ leukemia B.
results in
51. Tumor of fatty plaque artheroma
52. Abnormal condition of a blood clot in a vein phlebothrombosis
53. Pertaining to a vein venous
54. Spasm of a vein venospasm
55. Rupture of the heart cardiorrhexis
56. Poisonous to the heart cardiotoxic
57. Enlargement of the heart cardiomegaly
58. Softening of a vessel (wall) angiomalcia
59. Tumor of a vessel angioma
60. Beginning or formation of a blood clot clotthrombogenesis
61. Abnormal condition of a blood clot thrombosis
62. Abnormal condition of narrowing or structure of the aorta aortostenosis
63. Puncture of the heart cardiocentesis
64. Suture of an artery arterorrhaphy
65. Removal of an embolus embolectomy
66. The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary artery, which carries it to
the lungs
67. An inflammation involving several arteries is known as polyarteritis
68. The term used to describe all diseases of the heart muscles is
69. The right and left atria are divided by the septum
70. Arteries carry blood from the heart to all cells of the entire body
71. Repair of a vein is phleloplasty
72. An abnormal increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood is
73. Valvulitis is also known as an inflammation of valve
74. The loss of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat is arrhythma
75. Veins return blood to the heart
76. Capillaries are microscopic vessels that join the arterial system with the
venous system
77. Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the right atrium
78. Aorta contains the aortic valve that permits blood to flow in only one direction
79. The sinoatrial node is located in the upper portion of the right atrium and
possesses its own intrinsic rhythm
80. Cardiac rate may be altered by impulses from the autonomic nervous system
81. Superior vena cava D. brings oxygen- poor blood from upper body to
the right atrium
82. Aorta E. the left ventricle sends blood into this vessel
83. Pulmonary vein A. brings oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left
84. Inferior vena cava C. brings oxygen-poor blood from the lower body to
the right atrium
85. Pulmonary artery B. carries venous blood out of the right ventricle into
the lungs
86. Coronary artery G. supplies oxygen rich blood to the myocardium
87. Carotid artery F. carries blood upwardto the head
88. Arteriole I. branch of artery that delivers blood to the capillary
89. Venule H. smallest vein that joins to form the larger vein
90. Capillary J. is only one epithelial cell in thickness and smallest vessel
91. Left ventricle N. pumps oxygenated blood to the entire body
92. Oxygen M. tasteless, odorless, and colorless gas essential for human
93. Heart L. is divided into four chambers
94. SA node P. is located upper portion of the right atrium
95. AV node O. is located at the base of the right atrium
96. T blood pressures measures the force of blood against the arterial walls
during the two phases of a heartbeat
97. F deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the left atrium
98. T purkinje fibers extend up the ventricle walls
99. T systole produces the maximum force, diastole, the weakest
100. T anemia is a lower than normal number of erythrocytes in the blood
101. F hypertension is lower than normal arterial blood pressure
102. T the flow of blood only between the heart and lungs is pulmonary
103. F the cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and lymph
104. T the aorta contains the aortic semi lunar valve
105. F A blood pressure of 120/80 mm hg means only diastolic pressure
106. T decreased blood pressure is called hypotension
107. F the walls of ventricles are thinner than those of atria because the
ventricles pump blood throughout the body
108. T the atria contract while the ventricles relax during normal the heart beat
109. T the right ventricle pumps blood for the pulmonary circulation, then blood
from the right ventricle passes to the lungs
110. T blood pressure in capillaries is lower than in arterioles
111. Capillaries merge to form larger blood vessels called venules, which then
combine to form veins that return blood the heart
🇲🇳хялгасан судас нь том цусны судсуудыг хооронд нь холбох,
венулуудыг залгадаг бөгөөд венийн хэлбэрээр зүрхэнд цус орж ирдэг
112. The walls of large arteries have three layers to provide toughness and
🇲🇳 Том артерийн хана нь хатуу, уян хатан байдлыг хангах гурван
давхаргатай байдаг
113. Oxygenated blood travels to smaller arteries called arterioles and finally to
the smallest vessels, the capillaries
• 113. Хүчилтөрөгчтэй цус нь артериол гэж нэрлэгддэг жижиг артериуд,
эцэст нь хамгийн жижиг судаснууд болох хялгасан судасруу дамждаг
114. Blood continuously circulates from the heart to the lungs so that carbon
dioxide can be exchanged for oxygen .
• Цус нь зүрхнээс уушиг руу тасралтгүй эргэлддэг тул нүүрстөрөгчийн
давхар ислийг хүчилтөрөгчөөр сольж өгдөг
115. During contraction of the ventricle, the tricuspid valve closes to prevent a
backflow of blood to the right atrium
• Ховдолын агшилтын үед трикуспид хавхлаг нь баруун тосгуур руу цус
орж ирэхээс сэргийлдэг.
116. Зүрх нь дотор давхарга, булчинлаг давхарга, гадна давхарга гэсэн 3
давхаргаас тогтоно
• The heart consists of three layers: the inner layer, the muscular layer, and the outer
117. Зүрх судасны тогтолцоо нь зүрх, цус, цусны судаснаас тогтоно.
• The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
118. Артерийн судас нь зүрхнээс биеийн бүх эсүүдэд цусыг зөөвөрлөдөг.
• Arteries carry blood from the heart to all the cells in the body
119. Зүрх нь цээжний хөндийд баруун зүүн уушгины хооронд байрладаг
• The heart is located in the thoracic cavity between the right and left lungs
120. Хялгасан судасны хана маш нимгэн байдаг. Учир нь хялгасан нь
ердөө нэг давхар хучуур эсээс бүрддэг
• The capillary wall is very thin. This is because the capillary consists of only one layer
of epithelium
Chapter 4
1. Which term describes the first part of the small intestine? A.Duodenum
2. Which is the name of the physician who specializes in treating disorders of the
colon, rectum an anus? C. proctologist
3. What kind of digestion happens in the mouth? B.ingestion
4. Which term describes disease of the colon? C. colopathy
5. Which is the correct spelling of the term meaning the presence of gallstones?
6. which term describes suture of the jejunum? A. jejunorrhaphy
7. which term describes the direct visual examination of the inner A.colonoscopy
8. Who is the specialist on stomach on intestine? C.Gastroenterologist
9. Which structure controls the flow from the stomach to the small? B. pyloric
10. Which term describes spasm of the esophagus? B.esophagospasm
11. Which term means excessive vomiting? B.hyperemesis
12. Which term means rupture of the stomach? A.gastrorrhexis
13. Which is a yellowish-green fluid that is made by the liver? B.bile
14. The body’s longest internal organ is the small intestine at an average length of
about: A.20 feet
15. Which term is also known as labia? C.lips
16. Which term describes a series of wavelike contractions of the smooth muscles in
a single direction ? C.peristalsis
17. Which term describes an inflammation of the large intestine? B.colitis
18. Which term means pertaining to the liver? A.hepatic
19. Which term means vomiting blood? B.hematemesis
20. ____________ is the process of physically breaking down food into smaller
pieces.A.mechanical digestion
21. Which is strong muscle that is anchored to the floor of the mouth? C.tongue
22. Which term means paralysis of the anus (anal muscle)? A.proctoplegia
23. Which term describes inflammation of the small intestine? B.enteritis
24. What does the digestive system do? B.turning food into energy
25. Which is a last part of the digestive tract? A.anus
26. ___________ are the pancreas, lives and gallbladder.B.accessory disegtive
27. Which is the flexible posterior portion of the palate? C.soft palate
28. Which is a sac-like organ composed of the fundus, body ,and antrum?
29. Which is the name of surgical removal or diseased gingival tissue?
30. Which term describes loss of appetite? B.anorexia
31. Choose the correct list which is the order of the locations that food passes
through in the digestive system. B.mouth, esophagus , stomach , small
intestine, and large intestine
32. What two locations in the digestive system mechanically break down food?
C .mouth, stomach
33. Which term means enlargement of the liver? C.hepatomegaly
34. Which is a long tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach?
35. Which is a tiny fingerlike projections in the small intestine? A.villi
36. This part of the digestive system removes solid wastes such as feces from the
body. A.large intestine
37. The opening at the end of the digestive tract in which solid wastes are
38. Which terms describes inflammation of the mouth ? A.stomatitis
39. ___________ is the flap that covers the trachea during swallowing,so the food
does not enter the lungs . B.epiglottis
40. Where is the liver located? A.right upper quadrant (RUQ) of the abdominal
41. The colon is ____________ ascending transverse , descending and sigmoid
portions.C.divided into
42. The stomach ________ a food reservoir. B.serves as
43. The large intestine ________ the end of the small intestine to the
anus.C.extends from
44. The pancreas ______ ___ posterior and slightly inferior to the stomach .A.lies
45. The stomach __________ with the mucous membrane. lined
46. The patient’s stomach had slow digestion__________ it was very painful for
47. No disgestion _________ in the large intestine. C.takes place
48. Small intestine ________ duodenum ,jejunum and ileum.A.consists of
49. The lips have important roles……………. breathing , speaking, and the
expression of
50. The mouth is formed ……………. The cheeks ,lips ,teeth, tongue , hard and soft
palates. A.By

Build the word that mean:
51. Middle portion of the small intestine jejunum
52. Enlargement of the liver hepatomegaly
53. Inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis
54. First portion of the small intestine duodenum
55. Pain in the esophagus esophagalgia
56. Narrowing or constriction of the rectum rectostenosis
57. Disease of the stomach gastropathy, gastralgia
58. Spasm of the esophagus esophagospasm
59. Surgical repair of small intestine Jejunoplasty
60. Removal of part or all of stomach gastrectomy
61. Fixation of the small intestine enteropexy
62. Yellowing skin cholelithiasis
63. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy EGD
64. Immediately stat
65. Extreme weight loss anorexia
66. Ileostomy is the creation of an opening between the ileum and the abdominal
67. Jejunorrhaply is a suture of the jejunum
68. Mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed is called bolus
69. The abbreviation of hepatitis B virus is referred as HBV
70. Ententis means inflammation of the small intestine enterits
71. S-shaped structure of the large intestine is the sigmoid colon
72. Another word for naming a bad breath is halitosis
73. The bile duct is produced by the liver
74. The pancreas and the liver secrete enzymes into the small intestines
75. mustication breaks food down into smaller pieces
76. simulation -digested food products are converted into the fluid and solid parts of
a cell/tissue
77. The rectum, the last part of the GI tract, terminates at the anus.
78. The stomach extends from the esophagus to the first part of the small intestine,
the duodenum
79. The tongue assists in the chewing process by manipulating the bolus of food
during chewing
80. Beneath the enamel is dentin, the main structure of the tooth
81. Mouth D. is known as the buccal cavity
82. Gingiva G. is a pink fleshy tissue known as gums that embeds the teeth
83. Pulp F. is the innermost part of the tooth
84. Saliva E. contain digestive enzymes that starts chemical breakdown
85. Teeth C. mechanically break down food into smaller pieces
86. Deglutition H. means to move to the back of the mouth for swallowing
87. Trachea B. is a cartilaginous tube also known as the windpipe
88. Soft palate A.forms a partition between the mouth and the nasopharynx
89. Gallbladder M. a saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver
90. Esophagus O. is a muscular tube connecting the throat with the stomach
91. colon J. absorbs water, minerals and eliminate undigested material
92. liver N. is the largest glandular organ in the body
93. fundus I. is the upper portion of the stomach
94. peristalsis L. is a coordinated, rhythmic muscle contractions of GI
95. villi K. is a fingerlike projection
96. F depression, diabetes, coronary artery disease are symptoms of dysentery
97. F the initial stages of digestion starts in the esophagus
98. T food is broken down both physically and chemically
99. T gastroscopy is the visual examination of the stomach
100. T stomach serves as a food reservoir
101. F tongue doesn’t assist in chewing process
102. T mucus is produced by glands in the stomach
103. F the gallbladder serves as a storage area for bilirubin
104. F the lips, which are also known as the labia surround the opening to the
small intestine
105. T the uvula plays an important role in snoring and formation of speech
106. F buccal means pertaining to the throat
107. T dyspepsia is an epigastric discomfort felt after eating
108. F sublingual means pertaining to the area above the tongue
109. F smooth projections on the surface of the tongue are called papillae
110. T sense of taste is intricately linked with sense of smell, making taste
perception very complex
111. Хоол боловсруулах үйл ажиллагаа амны хөндийгөөс эхлэх бөгөөд
уруул, шүд, хэл, эрүүний булчин, шүлсний булчирхайн оролцоотойгоор
хоолыг жижиглэн бутална
🇱🇷Digestive process begins in the mouth and involves the crushing of food by the lips,
teeth, tongue, jaw muscles, and salivary glands.

112. Ходоод нь хэвлийн хөндийн зүүн дээд хөндийд байрлах ба хоол

боловсруулах замын хамгийн өргөн хэсэг юм
🇱🇷 The stomach is located in the upper left part of the abdomen and is the widest part of
the digestive tract

113. Амны хөндийд шүлс ялгаруулдаг 3 том булчирхай байна

🇱🇷 There are three large salivary glands in the mouth

114. Зажилсан хоол улаан хоолойгоор дамжин ходоодонд орж, ходоодны

хүчилтэй холилдоно
🇱🇷 Chewed food enters the stomach through the esophagus and mixes with stomach
115. Нойр булчирхай нь холимог шүүрлийн булчирхайд ордог.
🇱🇷 The pancreas is a mixed secretory gland.

116. The liver, the largest glandular organ in the body, weighs approximately 3
to 4 lbs
🇲🇳элэг нь хүний биеийн хамгийн том булчирхай, ойхолцоогоор 3-4lbs
117. The duodenum is largely responsible for the continuous breaking-down
process, with the jejunum and ileum mainly responsible for absorption of
nutrients into the bloodstream
🇲🇳 Бөөрний булчирхай нь тасралтгүй задрах процессыг хариуцдаг бөгөөд jejunum
ба ileum нь гол төлөв цусны урсгалд шим тэжээлийг шингээх үүрэгтэй байдаг.
118. Food passing along the GI tract is mixed with digestive enzymes and
broken down into nutrient molecules, which are absorbed in the bloodstream
🇲🇳 GI сувгийн хажуугаар өнгөрөх хоолыг хоол боловсруулах ферменттэй хольж,
шим тэжээлийн молекулуудад задалдаг тул цусны урсгалд шингээдэг.

119. The teeth play an important role in initial stages of digestion by

mechanically breaking down food into smaller pieces as the mix it with saliva
🇲🇳 The teeth play an important role in initial stages of digestion by mechanically
breaking down food into smaller pieces as the mix it with saliva

120. As the bolus is pushed by the tongue into the pharynx, it is guided the soft,
fleshy, v-shaped structure called the uvula
🇲🇳 Бөөмийг хэлээр залгиур руу түлхэж байх үед энэ нь зөөлөн, махлаг, v
хэлбэрийн бүтэц рүү чиглэнэ.
1. Which term means surgical repair of the nose? B.rhinoplasty
2. What is the term for the physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating
diseases and disorders of the respiratory system? A.otolaryngologist
3. Which term means paralysis of the vocal cords? A.laryngoplegia
4. Which are the smallest branches of the bronchial tree? C. bronchioles
5. Which division of the pharynx is visible when looking into the mouth?
6. Which term means the act of drawing air into the lungs as the diaphragm
contracts? C. inspiration
7. Which structure is commonly known as the windpipe? C. trachea
8. Which term means for the space between visceral and parietal membranes? A.
pleural cavity
9. What is the term for inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by
stabbing pain? B. pleurisy
10. Which term means for the deficiency of oxygen in tissues in the human body? A.
11. Which structure is the fine hair like projections from certain cells such as those in
the respiratory system? C. cilia
12. Which term means normal breathing? B. eupnea
13. Which term means temporary loss of breathing? A. apnea
14. What is the instrument used for measuring oxygen? C. oximeter
15. Which condition is breathing in a straight or upright position? A. orthopnea
16. Which division of the pharynx is diverted into the opening of the larynx?
17. Which term means for the deficiency of oxygen in the blood? B. hypoxemia
18. Which term means an inflammation of the pharynx? A. pharyngitis
19. Which is the condition of inflammation of the lungs? C. pneumonia
20. What is the instrument used for measuring breathing? C. spirometer
21. Which structure found at the end of terminal bronchioles and surrounded by
capillaries? B. alveo.i
22. Which term means the act of taking out air as the diaphragm relaxes?
23. What is the term for slow breathing? B. bradypnea
24. What is the term for rapid breathing? B. tachypnea
25. What is the term for the physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating
diseases and disorders of lungs? A. pulmonologist
26. Which term means bleeding from the trachea? C. tracheorrhagia
27. Which term describes the surgical incision into the chest walls to open the pleural
cavity for biopsy or treatment? A. thoracotomy
28. Which term means dilation of the bronchi? B. bronchiectasis
29. Which lung has three lobes? B. right lung
30. What organ lies between the chest and abdominal cavities? A. diaphragm
31. Which term means for the surgical puncture of the pleural cavity? C.
32. Where is the oxygen carried in your blood to? A.cells
33. Which term means incision of any tissues? A. sinusotomy
34. What abnormal condition occurs commonly in childhood? C. croup
35. Which term describes collapsed or airless state of the lung? B. atelectasis
36. Which term means nosebleed? A. epistaxis
37. Which lung has two lobes? A. right and left lungs
38. Which structure connects the throat to the stomach? A.
39. Which term means excision of the adenoids? B. adenoidectomy
40. Which term means abnormal condition of coal dust in the lungs? B.
41. Many American teenagers ___________ cigarettes C. smoke
42. The palatine tonsils, more commonly known as tonsils, ________ the oropharynx
C.are located in
43. The trachea is a short passage that ________ the pharynx with the trachea
(windpipe) A. Joins
44. The nasal cavity _______ into a right and lift side by vertical partition of cartilage
called the nasal septum C. is divided
45. The pulmonary capillaries _______ next to the thin tissue membranes of the
alveoli B. lie
46. Carbon dioxide ______ from the blood within the pulmonary capillaries A.
47. The diaphragm _________ is changing the volume of the thoracic cavity to
produce the needed pressure differential for ventilation A
48. The pleural cavity ___________ a small amount of lubricating fluid B.
49. My cousin’s asthma __________ by secondhand smoke A. is aggravated
50. The space between the right and left lungs __________ the mediastinum C. is
51. Discharge from the nose rhinorrhea
52. Inflammation of ( mucous membranes of the ) nose rhinetis
53. Visual examination of larynx laryngoscopy
54. Inflammation of larynx laryngitis
55. Structure or narrowing of the larynx laryngostenosis
56. Dilation or expansion of the bronchus bronchiectasis
57. Disease of the bronchus bronchopathy
58. Spasm of the bronchus bronchospasm
59. Air in the chest (pleural space) pheumothorax
60. Inflammation of lungs pulmonitis pheumoxoibs
61. Specialist in lung ( disease) pulmonologist
62. Pertaining to the lungs pulmonary
63. Difficult breathing dyspea
64. Slow breathing bradypea
65. Rapid breathing tachypnea
66. The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen(O2) and
carbon dioxide (CO2)
67. olfactory neurons are receptors for the sense of smell
68. Air passes from the nasal cavity to the pharynx a muscular tube that serves as a
passageway for food and air
69. The pharynx consists of three sections: the (1) nasopharynx, posterior to the
nose; the (2) oropharynx; posterior to the mouth; and the (3) laryngopharynx
superior to the larynx
70. The trachea and bronchi are composed of mucous membrane(mucosa)
embedded with cilia
71. The lungs are divided into lobes : three lobes in the right lung and two lobes in
the left lung
72. Mediastinum contains the heart, aorta, esophagus and bronchi
73. External respiration which is the exchange of oxygenand carbon dioxide
between the alveoli and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries
74. Internal respiration which is the exchange of O2 and CO2 between body cells
and the blood in systemic capillaries
75. The visual examination of the larynx by inserting a scope though the mouth is
known as laryngoscopy
76. Epiglottis seals off the air passage to the lungs during swallowing
77. The diaphragm is relaxed during expiration
78. The surgical removal of the larynx is known as a/an laryngectomy
79. Air enters the body through the nose and passes through the nasal cavity
80. The lungs and airways bring in fresh, oxygen enriched air and expel waste CO2
by a process called breathing
81. Tachypnea D. rapid respiration
82. Hemoptysis K. coughing up or spitting of blood
83. Spirometer F. instrument for measuring breathing
84. Dysphonia A. bad or impaired voice quality
85. Hypoxemia C. deficiency of oxygen in the blood
86. Emphysema B. excessive fluid in the lungs
87. Pleurisy J. inflammation of the pleural membrane
88. Hypoxia G. deficiency of oxygen in tissues
89. Apnea H. temporary loss of breathing
90. Epistaxis I. nosebleed, nasal hemorrhage
91. Cartilage P. tough, elastic connective tissue
92. Cilia Q. any hair like structure
93. Atelectasis N. produced by body cell
94. Diffuse O. moving or spreading out of a substance at random
95. Mucous membrane L. moist tissue layer lining hollow organs and cavities
of the body
96. F the right lung is smaller than the left lung
97. T the larynx is muscular and cartilaginous structure lined with mucous
membrane at the upper part of the trachea
98. T descend means go or pass from a higher to a lower place, move or come down
99. F the second function of respiration is to obtain oxygen for use by the body’s cell
100. T the similarity of these structures to an inverted tree, this is referred to as
the bronchial tree
101. F the alveoli are not cup shaped structures found at the end of the
terminal bronchioles
102. F the adam’s apple is most commonly enlarged and visible in human
103. F the epiglottis is a muscular funnel that extends from the esophagus
104. T air inhaled through the oral cavity enters the pharynx at the oropharynx
105. F pertussis is acute infectious disease characterized by a high fever
106. T pleurisy is inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a
stabbing pain that is intensified by coughing or deep breathing
107. T septum is wall consisting of two cavities, such as the nasal septum
which separates the two nostrils
108. f serous membrane is wide layer of tissue that covers internal body
cavities, the cells of which secrete a fluid that keeps the membrane moist
109. T asphyxia is condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen
110. T atelectasis is collapsed or airless state of the lung, which may be acute
or chronic and affect all or part of a lung
111. A leaf-shaped structure on the of the larynx is called the epiglottis
• Салст бүрхүүлийн навч хэлбэрийн бүтцийг эпиглотит гэж нэрлэдэг
112. Olfactory neurons are receptors for the sense of smell and are covered
with a layer of mucus
• Хуучин үнэртэй мэдрэлийн эсүүд нь үнэрийн мэдрэмжийг хүлээн авагч
бөгөөд салст бүрхэвчээр бүрхэгдсэн байдаг
113. The trachea is composed of smooth muscle embedded with C-shaped
• Мөгөөрсөн хоолой нь C хэлбэрийн мөгөөрсөөр суулгагдсан гөлгөр
булчингаас бүрдэнэ
114. The pharynx is a muscular tube that serves as a passageway for food and
• Залгиур нь хоол хүнс, агаарт нэвтрэх гарц болж өгдөг булчингийн хоолой
115. Failure or deficiency of respiratory and cardiovascular system has the
same effect on the body
• . Амьсгалын болон зүрх судасны тогтолцооны дутагдал, дутагдал нь биед
ижил нөлөө үзүүлдэг
116. Гуурсан хоолой нь мөгөөрсөн хоолойнорс цааш үргэлжлэх мөн хагас
цагирган мөгөөрснөөч тогтсон хэсгийг хэлдэг.
• . The trachea is the part of the trachea that extends beyond the trachea and is formed
by a semicircular cartilage.

117. Цагаан мөгөөрсөн хоолой нь 2 хэсэгт хуваагддаг

• The trachea is divided into two parts

118. Амьсгалын замын болон уушгины өвчин, эмгэгийг судалж, эмчилдэг

нарийн мэргэжлийн эмчийг чих, хамар, хоолойн эмч гэдэг.
• . An ear, nose and throat doctor is a specialist who studies and treats respiratory and
lung diseases.

119. Амьсгал гэдэг нь бие махбод гадаад орчин 2-н хооронд тасралтгүй
явагддаг хийн солилцоо юм
• Breathing is the continuous exchange of gases between the body and the environment

120. Салст бүрхэвч нь цусны судсаар маш баялаг, олон тооны уураглаг
булчирхайнуудыг агуулдаг
Хэвийн амьсгал авалт бол амьсгалын булчингийн хүчээр явагдах идэвхитэй
үйл явц юм.
• The mucous membrane is very rich in blood vessels and contains a large number of
protein glands
Normal breathing is an active process carried out by the force of the respiratory

Chapter 6
1. Which term describes the enlargement of adrenal glands? C.
2. Which term describes the bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the orbit A.
3. What is a hormone that helps the body react to a sudden threat or stress?
B. adrenaline
4. What is a bodily system that uses hormones to regulate the body’s functions?
B. endocrine
5. What is a bodily organ that creates a substance and releases it, often in the
bloodstream? B.gland
6. What is a small gland in the brain that produces the hormone melatonin? C.
pineal body
7. What is a gland in the brain that emits numerous hormones to control body
processes such as growth, blood pressure, and sex organ functions? B.
pituitary gland
8. What happens when melatonin production is high? A. a delay in puberty
9. How do hormones influence their target cells? C. by binding to receptors
10. Which term describes the excision of adrenal glands? C. adrenalectomy
11. What disease is caused by deficiency in the secretion of adrenocortical
hormones? A. addison disease
12. Which term describes the abnormally low level of glucose in the blood? C.
13. What is a hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreas? B. insulin
14. What is a hormone produced by alpha cells of the pancreas? A. glucagon
15. Which term describes the state of equilibrium in the internal environment of
the body? C. homeostasis
16. What is a large gland in the neck that controls how the body uses energy and
controls proteins? C. thyroid gland
17. What is a hormone produced in the bodies of women which prepares the
body to become pregnant? B. progesterone
18. Which hormone reduces the diameter of blood vessels in the periphery? C.
19. Which term describes the excessive thirst? B.polydipsia
20. Which of the following functions is not controlled by the pituitary gland? C.
21. Where is the pineal body located? A. in the brain
22. Where is the pituitary gland located? C. below the hypothalamus
23. What does melatonin regulate? A. glucose level
24. What causes the kidneys to conserve sodium and excrete potassium? A.
25. Which term describes the tumor of the islets of langerhans of the pancreas?
A. insulinoma
26. What does the thyroid hormone increase? C. the rate of oxygen
27. Which of the following hormones is not an iodine containing hormone? B.
28. Which term describes the hypothyroidism in adulthood? A. myxedema
29. Where is the thyroid gland located? A. in the neck
30. What is a condition in which the thyroid is too active, making the heart
function too quickly? B. hyperthyroidism
31. What is the term resembling a normal thyroid gland? B. euthyroid
32. What is a condition in which you don’t have enough of insulin? A.
33. What does the parathyroid hormone help to regulate? A. calcium balance
34. Which of the following hormones is not a sex hormone? C. aldosterone
35. Which hormone influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins? A. cortisol
36. Which term describes the decreased concentration of sodium in the blood?
B. hyponatremia
37. Which of the following symptoms is not a symptom of the addison disease?
A. hair growth
38. What is a hormone that may inhibits the activities of the ovaries? B.
39. What is the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the
endocrine system? A. hypothalamus
40. What is the hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland? C.
41. Which word describes the excessive accumulation of fat? C. obesity
42. Choose the sentence that maintains a parallel structure throughout B. I
wore the white coat, left the room, and examined the patient
43. A. epinephrine is responsible for maintaining blood pressure, keeping
airways open wide and raising blood levels
44. C. the teacher said that ha was a poor student because he waited until
the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problem in a
careless manner, and lacked motivation
45. C. important functions of the adrenal glands include helping regulate
metabolism and interacting with the sympathetic nervous system in
response to stress
46. C. succeeding in school is all about reading closely, thinking
critically, and making it to class on time
47. A this insulin production causes glucose to enter body cells to be
used for energy and acts to clear glucose from the blood by promoting
its storage as glycogen
48. B. I am allergic to the dog’s hair and its smell
49. C. the pituitary gland is the master gland because it regulating many
body activities and stimulates other glands to secrete their own specific
50. A. main functions of the skeletal system are to support the body,(to)
protect the internal organs and (to) make the body movements
51. Blood condition of excessive glucose Hyperglycemia
52. Blood condition of deficiency of glucose hyperglycemia
53. Formation of glycogen glucogenesis
54. Inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis
55. Destruction of the pancreas pancreatlysis
56. Disease of the pancreas pancreatopathy
57. Inflammation of the thyroid gland thyroiditis
58. Enlargement of the thyroid thyroidomegaly
59. Resembling a normal thyroid gland euthyroid
60. Excision of a parathyroid gland parathyroidectomy
61. Removal of the adrenal gland adrenalectomy
62. Abnormal increase in the volume of plasma in the body hypervolemia
63. Abnormally low level of glucose in the blood hyperglycemia
64. Glucose in the urine glucosuria
65. Excessive urination polyuria
81. euthyroid D. resembling
82. homeosrasis F. state of equilibrium in the internal environment of the
83. target G. structure, organ or tissue to which something is
84. parathyroidectomy H.excision of ( one or more of the) parathyroid
85. hyperthyroidism M. condition of excessive thyroid gland
86. myxedema N. hypothyroidism in adulthood
87. humulin A. a form of insulin
88. type I diabetes B. the body does not produce sufficient insulin,
usually diagnosed in children and young adults and was previously called
juvenile diabetes
89. glyeosuria E. abnormal amount of glucose, in the urine
90. thymoma O. tumor of the thymus gland
91. hormones L. chemical substances produced by specialized
cells of the body
92. antagonistic C. acting in opposition; mutually opposing
93. morbid obesity I. body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater, which is
generally 100 or more pounds over ideal body weight
94. target K. structure, organ, or tissue to which something is
95. acromegaly J. chronic metabolic disorder characterized by a
gradual, market enlargement and thickening of the bones of the face and
96. F. the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an apple sized organ located at the
base of the body
97. F the thyroid gland is the smallest gland of the endocrine system
98. T. thyroid hormone (TH) is the body’s major metabolic hormone
99. T TH is actually four active iodine containing hormones, thyroxine (T4)
and triiodothyronine (T3)
100. F. the parathyroid glands consist of at least six separate glands located
on the posterior surface of the lobes of the thyroid gland
101. T. the only hormone known to be secreted by the parathyroid glands is
parathyroid hormone ( PTH)
102. T. the adrenal glands are paired organs covering the superior surface of
the kidneys
103.F. the adrenal cortex secretes many types of stcroid hormones
104. T. glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol, influence the metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
105.T. cortisol also stimulates the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue and
releases fatty acids into the blood
106.F. the pancreas lies inferior to the rectum in a bend of the duodenum
107.F. A. large pancreatic duct runs through the liver, carrying metabolism
108.T the pineal gland is attached to the posterior part of the third ventricle
of the brain
109.T. when melatonin production is high, ovulation is blocked, and there may
be a delay in puberty
110. T. the endocrine portion of the pancreas consists of groups of cells called
islets of langerhans
111. unfortunately, there are times when the body’s regulating mechanism does
not operate properly and hormone levels become excessive or deficient, causing
various disorders
• харамсалтай нь бие махбодийн зохицуулах механизм хэвийн
ажиллахгүй байх, гормоны хэмжээ хэт их эсвэл дутагдалд орж янз
бүрийн эмгэг үүсгэдэг
Chapter 7
1. Which combining form means vagina? a.gynec/o
2. which combining form means uterus? a.hyster/o
3. 3.which combining form means breast? a.mamm/o
4. which combining form means menstruation?
5. which term means inflammation of the breast? a.mastitis
6. which combining form means fallpian tube? c.salping/o
7. which term means disease of the uterus ? a.metropathy
8. which term means describes vaginal hemorrhage? a.colporrhagia
9. which term describes surgical incision into the perineum? b.episiotomy
10. .which combining form means hernia of an ovary? c.ovariocele
11. which term means imaging of the breast? b.mammography
12. which term means surgical removal of the uterus? c.episiotomy
13. which term means hernia in the perineum? c.perineocele
14. .which term means surgical repair of the uterus? b.uteroplasty
15. which term means surgical repair of fallopian tube? a.salpinoplasty
16. which term describes production of eggs? a.oogenesis
17. which term means inflammation of the vagina c.vaginitis
18. which term means inflammation of the vulva b.vulvitis
19. which term means inflammation of the glans penis? a.balanitis
20. which term means any disease peculiar to men ? a.andropathy
21. which term means examination of the vagina with a colposcope ? A.colposcopy
22. which term means examination of the pelvic cavity using an endoscope?
23. which term means x ray of the uterus and uterine tube after a contrast medium
has benn injected? a. hysterosalpingography
24. which term means examination of the uterus using a hysteroscope? C.
25. which term means taking a fluid sample from the base of the pelvic cavity to see
if an ectopic pregnancy has ruptured? A.culdocentesis
26. which term describes removal of the uterus? a.hysterectomy
27. which term describes removal of the a breast tumor? b.mastectomy
28. which term means plastic surgery to reconstruct the breast? b.manmoplasty
29. which term means removal of fibroids from the uterus? b.hysterectomy
30. which term means removal of an ovary? a.oophorectomy
31. which term means removal of a fallopian tube? b.salpingectomy
32. which term means incision into the fallopian tube? a.salpingotomy
33. which term means observation of semen for viability of sperm? C. vasectomy
34. which term describes x ray of the urethra and prostate? a.urethragram
35. which term means removal of the testicles? b.prostatectomy
36. which term means removal of the foreskin? a.circumcision
37. which term means removal of the prostate? c.prostatectomy
38. which term means removal of the vas deferens to prevent conception?
39. the__is the female reproductive organ in which a fertilized ovum implants and
develops uterus B.Ovary
40. in addition to fertilization,female reproduction is controlled by hormones,such
as__and__. A.glucagon, insulin
41. __signals the end of the ovulation/menstruation cycle and,therefore,the end of
the childbearing years.A.menopause
42. the neck of lower region of the uterus is the a.cervix A.cervix
43. .a fold of mucous membranes,the __partically covers the external opening
(introitus) of the vagina B.hymen
44. the outer layer of uterus is the C. perimetrium
45. the middle layer of uterus is the C.perimetrium
46. the inner mucous membrane of uterus is the A.endometrium
47. the space between the bottom of the labia majora and the anus is called
48. amenorrhea means B. lack of menstruation
49. Anovulation means A. lack of ovulation
50. Dysmenorrhea means C. painful menstruation
51. surgical removal of the uterus
52. inflammation of the glans penis
53. surgical repair of the uterus
54. hernia of an ovary
55. imaging of the breast
56. incision into the fallopian tube
57. cessation of menstruation
58. sperm production
59. examination of the vagina
60. measurement of the pelvis
61. removal of an ovary
62. rupture of the amniotic membrane
63. narrowing of the uterine cavity
64. suture of the perineum
65. ovarian tumor

81.afterbirth b.placenta and membranes that are expelled from the uterus after
82.chorion h. outermost membrane of the sac surrounding the fetus during
83.copulation i.sexual intercourse
84.follicle k.hormone necessary for maturation of oocytes and ovulation
85.fundus portion of the uterus
86.introitus m.external opening or entrance to a hollow organ such as vagina
87.labia minora c. two folds of skin between the labia majora
88.menarche d.first menstruation
89.oocyte j.immature ovum produced in the gonads
90.flagellum e.tail at the end of sperm that helps it move
91.glans penis n.sensitive area at the tip of the penis gallstone
92.lumpectomy g.removal of the a breast tumor
93.urethrogram f.x ray of the urethra end prostate
94.myomectomy o.removal of fibroids from the uterus
95.conization a. removal of a cone-shaped section of the cervix for examination
96.within the ovaries are cells,also known as gametes T
97.the major parts of the male productive system are the ovaries fallopian
tubes,uterus,and vagina F the monthly cycle of egg production described below ,one ovary usually releases
only two mature ovum F
99.the sec cells have the potential to become fertilized and develop T
100.when the ovum is fertilized,the lining of the uterus is released during the monthly
cycle,known as menstruation F
101.the fertilized ovum attaches to the lining of the uterus where it develops during
pregnancy T birth,most females have from 200.000 to 400,000 immature ova in each ovary T
103.Menstruation is the cyclical release of the uterine lining usually occurring every
28days T
104.Fertilized or not,the ovum does not move by contractions of the tube to the uterus T
105.cells from the distal part of cervical canal are collected during a routine pap smear
106.a fold of mucous membranes,the hymen,partically covers the internal opening of
the vagina F
107.the uterus stretches during pregnancy T
108.fertilization may also take place through artificial insemination T
109.the period of the time immerdiately after the birth of the infant is known as chorion F
110.the sperm then travel to the seminal vesicles and to the ejaculatory duct leading to
the prostate gland and the ejaculatory duct leading to the prostate gland and the urethra

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