Lan Nhi 5 Bài Essay

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Outline 1

In modern life these days, changing jobs among young

people is more and more popular with the general public.
Besides the positive effects that it brings to our lives, there are
a lot of negative effects discussed in the following essay.
It is clear that changing jobs, usually among young people,
has a lot of positive effects on our lives. One of the most
important positive effects is that they will have many
opportunities to learn many new things. When they do many
different jobs, they will meet many people such as colleagues,
and managers. In addition, another important positive effect is
that they will have more choices to find the most suitable job
for them. Take my brother as an example, after many times he
changed jobs at many different companies, he realized that
computer engineer was the most suitable for him. Therefore,
these are a lot of meaningful advantages of changing jobs
usually among young people which can make our lives better
and better.
On the other hand, there are also many negative effects of
this problem, one of the most serious negative impacts is that
they will not have many opportunities to get job promotions.
Because they don't work for a long time at a company, they
won't have enough job experience like other people. In
addition, another serious disadvantage that we need to take
into consideration is that their lives will not be stable. It
means that when they change jobs, they may have troubles in
life. Therefore, there are many serious disadvantages that we
should solve as soon as possible.
In short, many people think that changing jobs usually
among young people, is becoming more and more popular
with the general public. There are a lot of positive and negative
effects. In my opinion, the positive effects always outweigh
the negative ones.
Outline 2

Ving => Sit

=> children playing ….. is………

In modern life these days, children play computer games is

more and more popular with the general public. There are a lot
of serious problems and important solutions to solve them
discussed in the following essay.
It is clear that children play computer games brings us a lot
of serious problems in our lives. One of the most important
negative effects is that children using the internet too much can
affect their health. It can cause eye sick. It is very dangerous.
In addition, another important negative effect is that it is a
waste of time if children abuse the internet. Children will
become addicted to the Internet. It is not good for children's
learning. Therefore, there are a lot of serious effects of
children play computer games which can make our lives more
and more difficult.
Because there are many serious problems, there are also
many important solutions to these problems. One of the most
important solutions is that parents should control children's
play time. it is very necessary. In addition, another important
solution that we need to take into consideration is that parents
should encourage children to participate in extracurricular
activities and activities that are good for their health. It is very
useful. Therefore, there are many important solutions that we
should solve as soon as possible.
To sum up, many people think that children play computer
games is becoming more and more popular with the general
public. There are a lot of serious problems and important
solutions to solve them. In my opinion, everyone, consisting of
families, schools, and the government, should raise awareness
and work together to solve this issue completely.

Outline 3
In modern life these days, brain drain is more and more
popular with the general public. There are a lot of important
causes and specific solutions to solve this problem discussed in
the following essay.
It is easy to see that there are many important causes for
this problem. One of the most important causes is that they
want a better job. That is because the working environment
abroad is better. Higher salary. It is very good for their life.
Another serious cause is that in foreign countries, especially in
developed countries, the quality of life is better. There are
many policies to support workers. It is very necessary.
Therefore, there are many important causes that we should
solve as soon as possible.

Because of its serious causes, there are also many

important solutions to this problem. One of the most important
solutions is that the government should create more job
opportunities for everyone, especially young people. It is very
useful. In addition, another important solution that we need to
take into consideration is that the government should create
more policies to support working people. For example, better
working environment, higher salary. It is very important.
Therefore, there are many important solutions that we should
solve as soon as possible.

To sum up, many people think that brain drain is becoming

more popular with the general public. There are a lot of
important causes and specific solutions to this problem. In my
opinion, everyone, consisting of families, schools, and the
government, should raise awareness and work together to
solve this issue completely.
Outline 5
In modern life, it is believed that joining a package tour is
the better choice. While some people argue that planning on
your own is the most suitable for them. From my own
perspective, I would rather join a package tour than plan on my
own because of the following typical reasons.
On the one hand, joining a package tour brings a lot of
benefits to our lives; the main advantage of this is that a
package tour is suitable for new travelers. We don't need to
prepare much for the trip. It helps us save time. It is very
wonderful. Another positive effect is that it is very safe. We
will go with many people. We can make new friends. We can
help each other when we lose our way. It is very necessary.
These are some major reasons for my choice.
On the other hand, we cannot deny the positive effects of
planning on your own. One of the most outstanding advantages
is that it is very comfortable. We can go where we want, we
can take photos anywhere. We can eat the foods we like. We
can stay in the hotel we want. Another important one is that we
can change the plan. We don't have to care about time and do
things we like. We can stay longer if we like.
All in all, joining a package tour is the perfect choice for
many people while planning on your own also brings us
considerable advantages. As far as I am concerned, however, I
am still more convinced by the idea of joining a package tour
than planning on your own.
Outline 6
In modern life, it is often argued by many people that
computers are being used more and more in education, so there
will soon be no role for the teacher in education. I completely
disagree with that idea because of the following reasons
It is clear that there are many reasons why I strongly
disagree with this matter. One of the most important reasons is
that teachers have a lot of experience helping students
understand lessons easily. In fact teachers can help students
answer questions to help them understand the lesson faster.
Teachers can find suitable solutions for each of their students.
It is very wonderful. Besides, another typical reason is that
teachers can interact with students. It is because teachers can
talk and share to become closer to students. Teachers can
participate in extracurricular activities with students, helping
students learn many skills.
However, there are various reasons why we cannot deny
the benefits of computers. One of the most important reasons
is that the computer is a wonderful tool. In addition, teachers
can use computers to display videos and images to help them
learn more interestingly. Another reason is that many schools
also use computers for teaching. It means that the school uses
computers to display images of national heroes, various
diagrams, and so on. It makes the lesson more interesting.
All in all, from what has been discussed above, I disagree
with this idea. As far as I am concerned, therefore, it is
sensible that such controversial issues should be viewed from
various aspects.
Outline 7
In modern life, one of the most important concerns for the
general public is learning English. From my own perspective,
there are many benefits of learning English that we need to
discuss in the following essay.
It is clear that one of the most important benefits of
learning English is that it helps us expand our knowledge. To
learn English, you can start watching a lot of English movies
and listen to music, you can practice speaking English so it
helps you understand a new culture. It will help you feel
comfortable after a hard day's work. Besides, another typical
benefit of learning English is that we will feel more confident
when learning English. Learning a new language is difficult,
so you may make mistakes. You can improve these mistakes
by talking to foreigners. This will help you feel more confident
and make many new foreign friends.

Another benefit that can be seen by everyone is that we

can study abroad in the future. That is because English is used
at many famous universities in the world. When you learn
English well, you can study in these schools. After graduating,
you can find a high-paying job to help your family.
Additionally, you can travel to many countries. To show an
example, there are many students who have studied abroad.
They can communicate very easily with foreigners, and they
also make many new friends.
All in all, learning English has various benefits. From my
own perspective, we should try to learn English well. It can
help us in studying as well as finding jobs in the future.

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