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Submitted to



Zadda Jyothi
Regd No. Y201063035

Name of the supervisor

Lecturer in telugu,
2021- 2022

I hereby declare that the Community Service Project work entitled “PUBLIC

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (RATION HOLDERS) has done by me as a requirement to complete

the B.A degree programme in arts has not submitted earlier to any institution either in full or partly

for award of any certificate / degree to the best of knowledge.


Signature of the Student


I am thankful to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh State

Council of Higher Education, Vijayawada for designing such a nice programme.I am very thankful
to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Vijayawada fordeveloping a Standard Operational
Procedure and guidelines, taking utmost carein the execution of the project and taking care of all
necessary arrangements forIntern-ships for our student community development. I am very gratefulto
you sir, for your eorts for our better employment and future

Thanks are extended to our college Principal Dr.D.kalayani. Community Service

Project Co-ordinator srinivas reddy sir, Sri. M.srinivas reddy, mentor of Community Service
Project I.Subhasini for their guidance and support in planning, execution and completion of this
Community Service Project.

I would like to express my heartful thanks to the people of Basannapalem. and Ward
Volunteer for their support in acquiring data for this Project.

I express my thanks to my parents and friends who supported in entire process of my

Community Service Project.

This is to certify that Community Service Project work entitled


Regd No : Y201063035
Sub & Paper: t e l u g u

During the academic year 2021 - 2022 as a requirement to complete the B.Com degree
programme under my supervision.

I. Subhashini

Signature of the Mentor Lecturer


1. Introduction

2. Objective of the Study / Project

3. Methodology

4. Problems identified

5. Recommendations and Conclusion

6. References

The Public Distribution System (PDS) evolved as a system of management of

scarcity through distribution of foodgrains at affordable prices. Over the years,
PDS has become an important part of Government's policy for management of food
economy in the country. Public distribution system in India-evolution, efficacy and need for reforms.
Evolution of public distribution of grains in India had its origin in the 'rationing' system introduced by the
British during the World War II. The ration shops under the PDS system help the population by maintaining
the nutritional status of the people by making food available to the poor people at low prices. Public
Distribution System (PDS) has evolved as a system of management of scarcity through distribution of food
grains at affordable prices. Over the years, PDS has become an important part of Government's Policy for
management of food economy in the country. History. This scheme was first started on 14 January 1945,
during the Second World War, and was launched in the current form in June 1947. The introduction of
rationing in India dates back to the 1940s Bengal famine.

1. To understand the concept of public distribution system

2. To know the Impact of public distribution systems

3. To know & explain the advantages of public distribution system


The methodology is used for the project based on the primary data collected from the door-to-
door survey on Socio Economic of public distribution system
Socio- Economic Surve
Socio- Economic Survey of the Village: I have conducted a door to door survey in the villageThe
Public Distribution System (PDS) evolved as a system of management of scarcity through distribution of
foodgrains at affordable prices. Over the years, PDS has become an important part of Government's policy for
management of food economy in the countryThe basic objective of the public distribution system in India is to
provide essential consumer goods at cheap and subsidised prices to the consumers so as to insulate them from
the impact of rising prices of these commodities and maintain the minimum nutritional status of our population..
Table:1 occupation
b.hon-ñgritulture 17
cothers 10

Chart Title


B occupation of hc<ise hold

Table:2. Ration regularly

Problems identified: While conducting the survey in interactiongeneral, the public distribution
system has following limitations. Identification of poor by the states is not fool proof. A large number

of poor and needy persons are left out and a lot of fake cards are also issued. Fair Price Shop owner gets fake
Ration cards and sell the food grains in the open market. The Public distribution system (PDS) is an Indian
food Security System established under. the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public
Distribution. ▪ PDS evolved as a system of management of scarcity through the distribution of food grains at.
affordable prices.

1. implementation of measures such as door-step delivery of food grains.

2. improving viability of fair price shop operations.
3. greater monitoring and vigilance.
4. improve food grains off take.
5. correct identification of beneficiaries.
Methodology The Public Distribution System (PDS) evolved as a system of
management of scarcity through distribution of foodgrains at affordable prices.
Over the years, PDS has become an important part of Government's policy for
management of food economy in the countryThe basic objective of the public distribution system
in India is to provide essential consumer goods at cheap and subsidised prices to the consumers so as to insulate
them from the impact of rising prices of these commodities and maintain the minimum nutritional status of our

Implementation: As part of implementation, Under the PDS, presently the commodities

namely wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene are being allocated to the States/UTs for
distribution. Some States/UTs also distribute additional items of mass consumption
through the PDS outlets such as pulses, edible oils, iodized salt, spices, etc. PDS ensures
Food and Nutritional Securityof the nation by making the food affordable, accessible and available to the
poorest of the poor. PDS helps to maintain a buffer stock of food grainsensuring flow of food remain active
even during the periods of crisis. Abstract. Public distribution system in India, a government created system
intended to ensure food security and supply of other essentials to the rural poor has failed to protect the interests
of the poor. The failure has been primarily due to corruption in the system.03-Dec-2012
Table: 3. Types of ration card
Table : 4 house hold ration card
TABLE:5. PDS ration retailer
TABLE:6 shop regularly

Problems in public distribution system

 Low offtake of food grains from each household.

 High leakage and diversion of subsidised food grain.

 Adulteration of food grain.

 Lack of viability of FPS due to low margins.

Public distribution system includes only few food grains such as wheat and rice, it does not fulfil the
requirement of complete nutrition. Fair Price Shop owner gets fake Ration cards and sell the food grains in
the open marketvarious problems such as corruption, diversion of commodities, inclusion of people above
the poverty line and exclusion of the desired candidates and wastage of supplies. Leakage of food grains:
(Transportation leakages + Black Marketing by FPS owners) TPDS suffers from large leakages of food grains
during transportation to and from ration shops into the open market.12-Aug-2019Public Distribution System
(PDS) is a government regulated chain of ration shops entrusted with the work of distributing basic food
and non-food commodities to the poorer sections of the society at subsidised prices. Wheat, rice, kerosene,
sugar, etc.
Advantages of public distribution system

 It provides food security to poor people of India.

 It helps in alleviating the poverty level of India.
 It ensures that no person dies because of hunger.

 It helps in stabilizing food prices.

 It ensures the availability of food at affordable and subsidized rates.

implemented under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in all States/UTs. The Act provides for
coverage of upto 75% of the rural population and upto 50% of the urban population for receiving
foodgrains (rice, wheat & coarsegrains) at highly subsidized rates i.e. the uses of public distribution

To protect the low income groups by guaranteeing the supply of certain minimum quantities of food
grains at affordable price. Ensuring equitable distribution. Controlling the price rise of Essential
Commodities in the open market. To attempt socialisation in the matter of distribution of essential
commodities. Under the PDS scheme, each family below the poverty line is eligible for 35 kg of rice or wheat
every month, while a household above the poverty line is entitled to 15 kg of foodgrain on a monthly basis,
remdeemable with a card.

The PDS is a cornerstone of government policy responding to nutrition and food

security. However, it is riddled with inefficiencies that decrease its capacity to
effectively distribute food to those in need.03-Sept-2019Now the Public Distribution System
(PDS) is the key element of the Government's food security system in India. It is an instrument for ensuring
availability of certain essential commodities at easily affordable prices especially for the poor. Public
Distribution System (PDS) of India plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net
by distributing essentials at a subsidised rate.03-Sept-2019

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