Faa-Std-002h FAA Drawing Manual

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September 6, 2017






September 6, 2017

September 6, 2017


This standard was updated by the National Computer Aided Engineering Graphics
(CAEG) Program Office (Air Traffic Control Facilities Operational Services) and has
adopted the nationally accepted drawing practices of the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Military to the extent
specified herein. It will assist in developing a more efficient and effective means for
management and technical data control of drawings prepared by and for the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Airspace System (NAS) Program. This
standard provides:

a. Drawing practices and format material for the preparation of architectural and
engineering drawings.

b. Definitions and examples of the types of facility and standard drawings to be

prepared by and for the Federal Aviation Administration.

c. Procedures for the creation of drawing title blocks.

d. Numbering, coding and identification procedures for drawings, associated lists,

and documents referenced on these drawings and associated lists.

e. Practices applicable to Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD).

Changes from the previous version of this standard focus on:

a. Current technological trends that are gaining widespread acceptance in

government and industry.

b. Greater use of electronic deliverables and delivery media.

c. Synchronization with standard industry practices.

d. Greater FAA-wide standardization to take full advantage of technological


September 6, 2017



3/11/1987 002C
2/21/1997 002D
9/21/1999 002E Major rewrite to address adoption of CADD technology, also introduced
standard title block and drawing numbers.
8/9/2002 002E, change 1
1/23/2004 002E, change 2 Adopted FSEP equipment listing, modified Section Drawing
Number Structure, modified Equipment discipline, added Security
Discipline, added Level/Layer sheets for NAS Equipment and Security
6/17/2005 002F Updated due to technical advances in drafting software. Textural and
illustrative clarifications.
8/29/2008 002G Minor updates to Section 2.1 Government Documents, organized
Orders and Standards list. Section Drawing Number Structure,
expanded the Non-NAS drawing number to contain up to 10 characters
to accommodate the JCN number expansion. Section 4.1.3 Media
Labeling, added the use of FOUO and SSI to the labeling list.
9/6/2017 002H Updates to Section 2 Applicable Documents; minor updates to Section
3; rewrite of Q-Series drawing numbers; addition of True Type Fonts to
Table 3-7 Comparison of Font Types; modifications to Appendix A;
adopted government plain text; updated titles of ANSI standards at
Paragraph 2.1 and 2.2; Table 5-1, all website links are updated. Also,
Paragraph 3.1.2 and others are updated to reflect both MicroStation
and AutoCAD capabilities on models/sheets inside the CAD files.

September 6, 2017

FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................. III

MANUAL REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................ IV

LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................................. VIII

LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................... IX

1. SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 1
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 2
2.1. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 2
2.2. COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTS............................................................................................................... 3
2.3. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE .................................................................................................................... 3
3. DRAWING REQUIREMENTS. ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1. DRAWING PRODUCTION. .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1. Drawing File Format................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2. Creation of CADD Files .............................................................................................................. 5 Drawing Sheet Format ........................................................................................................................... 6 Drawing Sheet Sizes .............................................................................................................................. 6 Sizing Drawing Formats for Scaled Drawings ....................................................................................... 7 Appearance ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.3. Drawing Border and Title Block ................................................................................................. 9 Border .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Title Block ............................................................................................................................................. 9 .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4. Drawing Numbers...................................................................................................................... 11 Drawing Number Structure ................................................................................................................. 11 Location Identifiers. .......................................................................................................................... 12 ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Drawing Sequence Numbers ............................................................................................................. 12 ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.5. Non-NAS Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.6. Arrangement of Drawings ......................................................................................................... 14 Construction Drawing Sets .................................................................................................................. 14 Installation Drawing Sets ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.7. Typical Sheets and Layouts for Construction Drawing Sets...................................................... 19 Cover Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 19 DOT/FAA Logo ................................................................................................................................... 20 Drawing Index Sheet............................................................................................................................ 20 Floor Plan Layout ................................................................................................................................ 21

September 6, 2017 Elevation and Section Plan Drawing Layout ....................................................................................... 22 Detail Sheet Layout.............................................................................................................................. 23 ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 Schedule/Diagram Sheet Layout .......................................................................................................... 24
3.1.8. Layers/Levels ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.9. Text Styles/Fonts ........................................................................................................................ 25 General Text Placement ....................................................................................................................... 26 Text Justification.................................................................................................................................. 26
3.1.10. Line Widths .............................................................................................................................. 27
3.1.11. Color Usage............................................................................................................................. 28
3.1.12. Line Types ................................................................................................................................ 28
3.1.13. Drawing Origins ...................................................................................................................... 29 AutoCAD Working Units and Drawing Origin.................................................................................. 29 MicroStation Working Units and Global Origin ................................................................................ 29
3.1.14. Externally Referenced Files ..................................................................................................... 30 Specific Use of AutoCAD Reference Files ........................................................................................ 30 Specific Use of MicroStation Reference Files ................................................................................... 30
3.1.15. Patterning ................................................................................................................................ 30
3.1.16. Dimensioning ........................................................................................................................... 30 Dimension Text Size and Font Style .................................................................................................. 32 Positioning Dimensions ..................................................................................................................... 32 Leaders............................................................................................................................................... 33 Arrowheads ........................................................................................................................................ 33
3.1.17. Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.18. Drawing Titles ......................................................................................................................... 34 Drawing Subtitles .............................................................................................................................. 34
3.1.19. Sections and Details ................................................................................................................ 35 Sections .............................................................................................................................................. 35 .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Detail Drawings ................................................................................................................................. 38
3.1.20. Revision of Drawings............................................................................................................... 39 Revision Methods .............................................................................................................................. 39 Required Revisions ......................................................................................................................... 39 Drawing Practices ........................................................................................................................... 39 Identifying Revisions on Drawings .................................................................................................... 39 Revision Letters .............................................................................................................................. 39 Multiple Changes ............................................................................................................................ 39 Revision Block................................................................................................................................... 40 Superceded Drawings (formerly “Redrawn or Replaced Drawings”) ................................................ 40 .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2. Drawing Support .......................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.1. File Naming ............................................................................................................................................ 42 ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 ............................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.2. Drawing Configuration Management (CM) .............................................................................. 42
4.0. ELECTRONIC DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................... 43
4.1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1.1. Electronic Delivery Media ......................................................................................................... 43
4.1.2. Compression Software ............................................................................................................... 43
4.1.3. Media Labeling .......................................................................................................................... 43
4.1.4. Electronic File Preparation ....................................................................................................... 43
4.1.5. Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 44
4.1.6. Ownership.................................................................................................................................. 44
4.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................................................................... 44

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4.2.1. Responsibility for Inspection ..................................................................................................... 44 ............................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.0. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1. DRAWING DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.1. Project Drawings....................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.2. Construction Drawings.............................................................................................................. 45
5.1.3. Installation Drawings ................................................................................................................ 45
5.1.4. National Standard Drawings ..................................................................................................... 45
5.1.5. Regional Standard Drawings .................................................................................................... 45
5.1.6. Facility Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 45
5.2. GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................ 46
5.3. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... 48
5.4 FAA, STANDARDS AND CADD WEB SITES ...................................................................................... 49
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................. 50

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List of Figures
Figure Page

FIGURE 3-1, DRAWING APPEARANCE .............................................................................................................. 8

FIGURE 3-2, DRAWING ZONING SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 3-3, DRAWING TITLE BLOCK ............................................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 3-4A, TYPICAL DRAWING NUMBER STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 11
FIGURE 3-4B, DRAWING NUMBER STRUCTURE FOR NON-NAS FACILITIES .................................................. 14
FIGURE 3-5, COVER SHEET LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. 19
FIGURE 3-6, DRAWING INDEX SHEET ............................................................................................................ 20
FIGURE 3-7, FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT ............................................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 3-8, ELEVATION AND SECTION PLAN DRAWING LAYOUT ................................................................. 22
FIGURE 3-9, DETAIL SHEET LAYOUT............................................................................................................. 23
FIGURE 3-10, SCHEDULE/DIAGRAM SHEET LAYOUT ..................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 3-11, STANDARD LINE TYPES ........................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 3-12, TYPICAL CUSTOM LINE TYPES ................................................................................................ 29
FIGURE 3-13, DIMENSIONING STYLES AND DIRECTIONS (NOT TO SCALE) .................................................... 31
FIGURE 3-14, DIMENSION AND EXTENSION LINE SPACING (NOT TO SCALE) ................................................. 31
FIGURE 3-15, TYPICAL LEADERS................................................................................................................... 33
FIGURE 3-16, PLACEMENT OF LEADERS ........................................................................................................ 33
FIGURE 3-17, STANDARD SUBTITLE ANNOTATION ........................................................................................ 34
FIGURE 3-18, STANDARD SECTION ANNOTATION AND BUILDING SECTION .................................................. 36
FIGURE 3-19, ALTERNATE SECTION ANNOTATION, WALL SECTION, OR ELEVATION .................................... 36
FIGURE 3-20, STANDARD SECTION SUBTITLE WITH SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................ 36
FIGURE 3-22, STANDARD DETAIL SYMBOL AND DETAIL SUBTITLE .............................................................. 38
FIGURE 3-23, IDENTIFYING REVISION LOCATIONS ........................................................................................ 40
FIGURE 3-25, REVISION BLOCK EXAMPLE NOTE FOR SUPERSEDED DRAWING ............................................. 41
FIGURE 3-26, FILE NAMING CONVENTION .................................................................................................... 42

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List of Tables
Table Page

TABLE 3-1, SCALE FACTOR AND TEXT HEIGHT CONVERSION TABLE ............................................................. 5
TABLE 3-2, STANDARD DRAWING SHEET SIZES .............................................................................................. 6
TABLE 3-3, DRAWING SCALES AND ASSOCIATED DRAWING FIELD SIZES ....................................................... 7
TABLE 3-4, DRAWING TITLE BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................... 11
TABLE 3-5, CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET................................................................................................... 16
TABLE 3-6, ATCT/TRACON NAS EQUIPMENT DRAWING NUMBER LIST ................................................... 18
TABLE 3-7, COMPARISON OF FONT TYPES..................................................................................................... 25
TABLE 3-8, TEXT HEIGHTS AND LINE WIDTHS.............................................................................................. 26
TABLE 3-9, CADD LINE WEIGHTS AND ASSOCIATED PLOTTED WIDTHS ...................................................... 27
TABLE 3-10, MICROSTATION WORKING UNITS ............................................................................................ 29
TABLE 5-1, INTERNET URLS ......................................................................................................................... 49

September 6, 2017

Changes or suggestions regarding this Standard:

Any change requests to this standard must be submitted through the CAEG Technical
Review Board (TRB). It will be the responsibility of the TRB to determine the merit of
the change request for inclusion into this standard. Changes must be submitted using the
TRB web site:


Omissions of information in this standard does not imply consent to make changes
outside of the TRB authority.

This document should be reviewed and updated every three to five years as changes in
the CADD or Drawing Standards industry warrant.

September 6, 2017


1.1. Standards
This standard prescribes general requirements for the preparation and revision of
architectural and engineering drawings that are prepared for facilities by and for the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), using the two FAA-accepted CADD software suites:
MicroStation by Bentley Systems Inc. and AutoCAD by Autodesk, Inc.

1.2. Classification
This standard shall apply, but not be limited to the following drawing types regardless of

a. Project drawings for design, construction, and installation activities.

b. Facility drawings, including depicting the facility as-built condition.

c. FAA Standard engineering drawings: graphic templates that are reused & modified for
site specific drawings.

d. Drawings generated by Building Informational Modeling (BIM).

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2.1. Government Documents


FAA-STD-058 FAA Standard Practice, Facility
Configuration Management


United States Army CAD/BIM Technology Center for facilities,

Corps of Engineers infrastructure and environment: A/E/C CAD
A/E/C CAD Standard Standard, Release 6.0

Other Publications
NAS-SS-1000 Vol. 6 Facility Requirements for the
National Airspace System
FAA FSEP Facility, Service and Equipment Profile

DOT Order 1360.6 Graphic Standards
DOT Order 1640.5 Chapter 5, For Official Use Only
Information (FOUO)

FAA Order JO 7340.2 Contractions

FAA Order 1800.66 Configuration Management Policy
FAA Order 1600.75 Protecting Sensitive Unclassified
Information (SUI)
FAA Order 6000.55 National Standard Facility Drawing
Library Procedure
FAA Order JO 3900.57 EOSH Requirements for Construction &
Maintenance Activities
FAA Order 7350.9 Location Identifiers

FAA Order 6010.7 Joint Acceptance Inspection (JAI)

NOTE: Check the status and the latest version of Orders’ revision at:

September 6, 2017

2.2. Commercial Documents


ANSI/AWS A2.4 Symbols for Welding & Nondestructive

ANSI/AWS A3.0M/A3.0 Welding Terms and Definitions
ASME B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads
IEEE 91 Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions
ASME Y14.38 Abbreviations and Acronyms for use on
Drawings and Related Documents
ASME Y14.1 Drawing Sheet Size and Format
ASME Y14.2 Line Conventions and Lettering
ASME Y14.5M Dimensioning and Tolerance
ASME Y14.6 Screw Thread Representation
ASME Y14.7.1 Gear Drawing Standards - Part 1 for Spur,
Helical, Double Helical and Rack
ASME Y14.7.2 Gear and Spline Drawing Standards - Part 2
Bevel and Hypoid Gears
ANSI Y14.13M Mechanical Spring Representation
ANSI Y14.15 Electrical and Electronics Diagrams
ANSI Y14.15 Interconnection Diagrams
ANSI Y14.26.3 Dictionary of Terms for Computer-Aided
Preparation of Product Definition Data
IEEE 315 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronic
ASME Y32.4 Graphic Symbols for Plumbing Fixtures for
Diagrams used in Architecture & Building
ANSI Y 32.9 Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and
Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and
Building Construction
AIA CAD Layer Guidelines
U.S. National CAD Standard V6 or current version, published by the
National Institute of Building Sciences

2.3. Order of Precedence

In the event of conflict between the documents referenced in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 and the
contents of this standard pertaining to standard engineering drawing practices, the contents
of this standard shall be considered the superseding requirement. Any contracts let after the
release date of FAA-STD-002H, pertaining to standard engineering drawing practices, shall
adhere to this standard. Any contracts previously awarded shall adhere to the Standard
revision level approved at the time of contract award. See Manual Revision History Table
on page iv for FAA-STD-002, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FAA Standard Engineering
Drawing Preparation and Support approval dates.

September 6, 2017


3.1. Drawing Production.

3.1.1. Drawing File Format.

a. Vector drawings must be created in native MicroStation or AutoCAD file formats (DGN
or DWG). Use of Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) should be avoided. Electronic
drawing deliverables from contractors must comply with Section 4.0, Electronic
Deliverables, of this standard. The preferred delivered drawing file format must be
coordinated with the local CADD Manager.
b. Raster file format drawings must be generated in PDF Format and Tagged Image File
Format (TIFF) Group 4.
c. CADD practices to avoid: custom fonts, custom patterns, custom line types or styles
(other than those depicted in Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12), nested blocks, nested
“Xrefs” or nested reference files and infinite lines.

September 6, 2017

3.1.2. Creation of CADD Files

All models in a CAD file should be created at full-scale (1-to-1). Drawing borders and
text-heights must always be scaled to fit the full-scale drawing model(s). Sheet/Paper
models should be “plotted size” (12” = 1’-0”) and reference models scaled down to fit. For
those instances where the model and sheet references are in a single, full-scale design
model, refer to Table 3-1, Scale Factor and Text Height Conversion Table for standard
engineering, architectural and mapping scale factors and text heights to be used with full-
size drawing models.


Standard Text Heights
Plotted Scale Scale Factor 3/32” 5/32” 1/4”
(0.09375”) (0.15625”) (0.25”)
1/32” = 1’-0” 384 3’ 5’ 8’
1/16” = 1’-0” 192 1.5’ 2.5’ 4’
3/32” = 1’-0” 128 12” 20” 32”
1/8” = 1’-0” 96 9” 15” 24”
3/16” = 1’-0” 64 6” 10” 16”
1/4” = 1’-0” 48 4.5” 7.5” 12”
3/8” = 1’-0” 32 3” 5” 8”
1/2” = 1’-0” 24 2.25” 3.75” 6”
3/4” = 1’-0” 16 1.5” 2.5” 4”
1” = 1’-0” 12 1.125” 1.875” 3”
1 1/2” = 1’-0” 8 0.75” 1.25” 2”
3” = 1’-0” 4 0.375” 0.625” 1”
6” = 1’-0” 2 0.1875” 0.3125” 0.5”
12” = 1’-0” 1 0.09375” 0.15625” 0.25”
1” = 10’-0” 120 0.9375’ 1.5625’ 2.5’
1” = 20’-0” 240 1.875’ 3.125’ 5’
1” = 25’-0” 300 2.34375’ 3.90625’ 6.25’
1” = 30’-0” 360 2.8125’ 4.6875’ 7.5’
1” = 40’-0” 480 3.75’ 6.25’ 10’
1” = 50’-0” 600 4.6875’ 7.8125’ 12.5’
1” = 60’-0” 720 5.625’ 9.375’ 15’
1” = 100’-0” 1200 9.375’ 15.625’ 25.0’
1”=150’-0” 1800 14.0625’ 23.4375’ 37.5’
1” = 200’-0” 2400 18.75’ 31.25’ 50’
1” = 250’-0” 3000 23.4375’ 39.0625’ 62.5’
1” = 300’-0” 3600 28.125’ 46.875’ 75’
1” = 400’-0” 4800 37.5’ 62.5’ 100’
1” = 500’-0” 6000 46.875’ 78.125’ 125’
1” = 600’-0” 7200 56.25’ 93.75’ 150’
1”=800’-0” 9600 75’ 125’ 200’
1” = 1000’-0” 12,000 93.75’ 156.25’ 250’
1 = 10 10 0.9375 1.5625 2.5
1 = 20 20 1.875 3.125 5
1 = 30 30 2.8125 4.6875 7.5

Table 3-1, Scale Factor and Text Height Conversion Table

September 6, 2017 Drawing Sheet Format

FAA-approved drawing sheet formats include common drawing features such as boundary
geometry, title block data, filename, pathname, zoning guides, and title block geometry.
Copies of the approved sheet formats will be provided by the CAEG Program Office (PO)
to both FAA and support organizations. All FAA offices and support organizations are
required to use these formats. Contact the regional CAEG Administrators, who can provide
FAA-STD-002 Standard drawing borders and logos used in creation of engineering
drawings for the FAA. The FAA border, including the title block, for the sheet file can be
‘referenced’ into a drawing file as a seed file (DGN) or a reference block (DWG). Drawing Sheet Sizes

The most commonly used FAA standard drawing sheet size is ANSI-D (22" X 34"). Other
sheet sizes are allowed as needed, and construction drawings for any of the larger facilities
(such as an ATCT and administrative building, or a TRACON) may utilize the E-size sheet.
All drawings within a set should be plotted on the same sheet-size if possible. Drawing
sheet sizes and margins must follow the specifications shown in Table 3-2, Standard
Drawing Sheet Sizes. Apply ASME Y14.1 Drawing Sheet Size and Format for any
information not provided in this standard, but required on drawing sheet, such as border
zoning specifications. The zoning specifications for the FAA D-size sheet are unique in
that, the vertical margins contain eight zones (each measuring 2.75 in.) and the horizontal
margins have eight zones (measuring 4.25 in. each). All zones should be measured from the
edge of the sheet, and be aligned with the zones in the opposing margin.

Size Top Margin and Left Right

Vertical Horizontal
Designation Bottom Margin Margin Margin

B 11” 17” 0.50” 1.50” 0.50”

D 22” 34” 0.50” 1.50” 0.50”
E 34” 44” 0.50” 1.50” 0.50”
F 28” 40” 0.50” 1.50” 0.50”

Table 3-2, Standard Drawing Sheet Sizes

September 6, 2017 Sizing Drawing Formats for Scaled Drawings

Each facility CADD file must be drawn at full size. Table 3-3, Drawing Scales and
Associated Drawing Field Sizes, provides a cross reference of plotted scales to actual
drawing field sizes.

Drawing Field Size (H x W)

Plotted Scale
‘D’ (21” x 24.5”) ‘E’ (33” x 34.5”) ‘F’ (27” x 30.5”)
1/32”=1’-0” 672’ x 784’ 1056’ x 1104’ 864’ x 976’
1/16”=1’-0” 336’ x 392’ 528’ x 552’ 432’ x 488’
3/32”=1’-0” 224’ x 261.3’ 352’ x 368’ 288’ x 325.3’
1/8”=1’-0” 168’ x 196’ 264’ x 276’ 216’ x 244’
3/16”= 1’-0” 112’ x 130.7’ 176’ x 184’ 144’ x 162.7’
1/4”=1’-0” 84’ x 98’ 132’ x 138’ 108’ x 122’
3/8”= 1’-0” 56’ x 65.3’ 88’ x 92’ 72’ x 81.3’
1/2”=1’-0” 42’ x 49’ 66’ x 69’ 54’ x 61’
3/4”=1’-0” 28’ x 32.7’ 44’ x 46’ 36’x 40.7’
1”= 1’-0” 21’ x 24.5’ 33’ x 34.5’ 27’ x 30.5’
1 1/2”=1’-0” 14’ x 16.3’ 22’ x 23’ 18’ x 20.3’
3”= 1’-0” 7’ x 8.17’ 11’ x 11.5’ 9’ x 10.17’
6”=1’-0” 3.5’ x 4.08’ 5.5’ x 5.75’ 4.5’ x 5.08’
12” = 1’-0” 1.75’ x 2.04’ 2.75’ x 2.875’ 2.25’ x 2.54’
1”= 10’-0” 210’ x 245’ 330’ x 345’ 270’ x 305’
1”=20’-0” 420’ x 490’ 660’x 690’ 540’ x 610’
1”=25’-0” 525’ x 612.5’ 825’ x 862.5’ 675’ x 762.5’
1”=30’-0” 630’ x 735’ 990’ x 1035’ 810’ x 915’
1”=40’-0” 840’x 980’ 1320’ x 1380’ 1080’ x 1220’
1”=50’-0” 1050’ x 1225’ 1650’ x 1725’ 1350’ x 1525’
1”=60’-0” 1260’ x 1470’ 1980’ x 2070’ 1620’ x 1830’
1”=100’-0” 2100’ x 2450’ 3300’ x 3450’ 2700’ x 3050’
1”=150’-0” 3150’ x 3675’ 4950’ x 5175’ 4050’ x 4575’
1”=200’-0” 4200’ x 4900’ 6600’ x 6900’ 5400’ x 6100’
1”=250’-0” 5250’ x 6125’ 8250’ x 8625’ 6750’ x 7625’
1”=300’-0” 6300’ x 7350’ 9900’ x 10,350’ 8100’ x 9150’
1”=400’-0” 8400’ x 9800’ 13,200’ x 13,800’ 10,800’ x 12,200’
1”=500’-0” 10,500’ x 12,250’ 16,500’ x 17,250’ 13,500’ x 15,250’
1”=600’-0” 12,600’ x 14,700’ 19,800’ x 20,700’ 16,200’ x 18,300’
1”=800’-0” 16,800’ x 19,600’ 26,400’ x 27,600’ 21,600’ x 24,400’
1”=1000’-0” 21,000’ x 24,500’ 33,000’ x 34,500’ 27,000’ x 30,500’
1=10 210 x 245 330 x 345 270 x 305
1=20 420 x 490 660 x 690 540 x 610
1=30 630 x 735 990 x 1035 810 x 915

Table 3-3, Drawing Scales and Associated Drawing Field Sizes

September 6, 2017 Appearance
Figure 3-1, Drawing Appearance, shows the typical features as applicable for the
appearance of CADD-produced drawings. The figure shows the location of these features in
a construction drawing. These features include:

 Border  Drawing Field  Key Plan  North Arrow

 Title Block  Notes  Graphic Scales  Legend
 Contractor  Plot Stamp   Configuration  Professional
Identification (File name, Date, Management (CM) Engineering
Block Time, User name) Identification Stamp
 Production  For Official Use
Location Only/ Sensitive
Information Text

NOTE: The preferred orientation of the north arrow should be pointing toward the top or
the left-hand side of the sheet. Where more than one scale size is used on the drawing, it is
recommended putting the graphic scales just below the title and written scale descriptions of
each of the views.

Figure 3-1, Drawing Appearance

September 6, 2017

3.1.3. Drawing Border and Title Block Border
The border is the rectangular frame surrounding the drawing. It contains a “zoning system”
that can be used to call-out specific areas of a drawing when changes, or new graphics, are
incorporated. The alphabetic characters are located on the left and right sides and the
numeric characters are on the top and bottom. The zones are referred to using an
alphanumeric description, such as “Zone F6” depicted in Figure 3-2, Drawing Zoning

Figure 3-2, Drawing Zoning System Title Block

The title block shown in Figure 3-3, Drawing Title Block, is used for recording specific
drawing metadata. The title block is located in the lower-right corner and just inside the
drawing zone boundary. It is sub-divided into rectangular areas that contain specific text
data such as drawing title, drawn by, approved by, date and drawing number. All text in the
title block must be in upper-case, except for the electronic signatures, which may be both
upper and lower-case characters.
The title block in Figure 3-3 is subdivided into three main sections. The revision section is
located at the top. The authorizing agency section is located in the middle and the main
section at the bottom. The main section of the title block contains the title, signatures,
drawing identification and the issuing office. All title blocks for drawing sizes D through F
must conform to Figure 3-3. The title block overall dimensions are 7-3/8” x 5-5/16”.

September 6, 2017
Items labeled in Figure 3-3 are described in Table 3-4, Drawing Title Block Descriptions.
The contractor logo must be located to the left of the title block and shall not exceed 2-1/4”
in width. Any Professional Engineering seal should be located to the left of the Contractor
identification block (or to the left of the title block, if the Contractor block is absent) and
must not exceed 2-1/4” in width. The Configuration Management stamp, if needed, is to be
located to the left of any graphic scales, space permitting, as shown in Figure 3-1, Drawing
Title Block.
Every drawing that is designated as For Official Use Only (FOUO) must also include the
text “For Official Use Only” and “Public availability to be determined under 5 USC 552” as
specified in FAA Order 1600.75, Appendix D. When required, the FOUO text must be
placed centered above the drawing title block (see item 28 in Figure 3-3 Drawing Title
When a set of drawings has been designated as “Sensitive Security Information (SSI)”, each
drawing must include the text as specified in FAA Order 1600.75 Appendix E, Marking
Sensitive Security Information. This text will be placed centered above the title block.

Figure 3-3, Drawing Title Block

September 6, 2017

1 Revision Level (Uppercase Letter) 0.100 15 Latest Revision Level 0.1563
2 Revision Approved Date 0.100 16 Drawing Number 0.1563
3 Revision Description 0.100 17 Signature Date 0.100
4 JCN (Authorizing Revision) 0.100 18 Issued By (Division or Organization) 0.132
5 Redline Date (Actual Date Red-lined in Field) 0.100 19 Submitter's Title 0.100
6 Revision Approval (Initials) 0.100 20 Designed By 0.080
7 DOT 0.120 21 Drawn By 0.080
8 FAA 0.150 22 Checked By 0.080
9 Issuing FAA Office, City, State 0.120 23 Submitted By (Signature Block Caption) 0.075
10 Airport or Location 0.100 24 Reviewed By / Date 0.125
11 State (Two-letter Abbreviation) 0.125 25 City 0.125
12 Approved By (Signature Block Caption) 0.075 26 Drawing Title 0.200
13 Approver's Title 0.100 27 Facility Type 0.1875
14 Initial JCN 0.100 28 Security Stamp Text 0.125/0.10

Table 3-4, Drawing Title Block Descriptions

3.1.4. Drawing Numbers

It is essential that the drawing numbering schema be one that:

a. Follows FAA Order 6000.55 National Facility Drawing Library Procedures.

b. Facilitates electronic archiving, retrieval and interchange.
c. Readily relates the drawing of the facility or object being represented.
d. Facilitates unique identification.
e. Promotes reuse of existing drawings. Drawing Number Structure

The drawing number structure for all engineering drawings covered by this standard may
consist of a maximum of 23 characters as shown in Figure 3-4A, Typical Drawing Number
Structure. The portions of the drawing number shown in square brackets ([ ]) are used as
required. The brackets are for reference only and are not to be included in the drawing

Figure 3-4A, Typical Drawing Number Structure

September 6, 2017 Location Identifiers.

The location identifier is assigned to each airport and the FAA facility is listed in the FAA
JO7350.6 Location Identifiers or Facilities, Services Equipment Profile (FSEP) publications.
If a facility has multiple location identifiers associated with different runways, the airport
identifier must be used in all cases.
The drawing sheet size is indicated with an upper-case letter (i.e. D, E or F).
Facilities may be co-located with another facility. More than one facility may be tied to a
single Location ID. Facilities may be related to a runway. Each of the following examples
addresses these unique situations:

a. Facilities co-located with another facility will be assigned the major facility’s
facility-type. An example would be a DME co-located with a GS would use the GS
as the FAC-type.
b. Multiple facilities with the same location identifier must have a letter appended after
the facility-type. An example would be SLC-D-RTRA-XXXX,
c. Facilities related to runways may append the runway number to the facility type. An
example would be SLC-D-GS13L-XXXX.
NAS Equipment Drawing numbers for an ARTCC facility should be numbered with the
equipment acronym used in place of the facility-type. An example, a DMN drawing at the
Seattle ARTCC would be ZSE-D-DMN-Q001. Drawing Sequence Numbers

The Drawing Sequence Number for a construction drawing starts with an upper-case letter
specifying the discipline, followed by a three-digit sequential number. An example of a
construction drawing number is ORD-D-ATCT-A001. The discipline designators are listed
A-architectural G-general Q-NAS equipment Z-contractor
C-civil H-hazardous material R-real estate/lease / shop drawing
D-demolition L-landscape S-structural
E-electrical M-mechanical T-telecommunications
F-fire protection P-plumbing Y-security

NOTE: High-voltage power connections will be shown on the Electrical Discipline (E-
Electrical) drawings and low-voltage power connections will be shown on NAS Equipment
(Q-NAS Equipment) drawings.

September 6, 2017
Any Real Estate drawings will require the use of the Real Estate discipline designation
within the drawing number. Real Estate drawings will utilize levels according to the Civil
Discipline in Appendix A of this Standard. An example of a Real Estate drawing number
would be ATL-D-RCAG-R001.
The drawing number for a Configuration Management baseline drawing must insert a “-BL”
at the end of the drawing number after the Drawing Sequence Number. The drawing
number for a Configuration Management end-state drawing must insert an “-ES” in this
same location. An example of a CM baseline drawing number would be ORD-D-TRACO-
Regional / National Standards must reference the two-letter regional code plus the letters
“SD” representing “standard” in place of the Location Identifier. An example of a national
standard drawing number would be WASD-D-ATCT-C001. The regional codes are as
AL – Alaska CE – Central CT – Technical Center
EA – Eastern GL – Great Lakes NE – New England
MC – Monroney Center NM – Northwest Mountain SO – Southern
SW – Southwest WA – Washington, DC WP – Western Pacific
Refer to the Facility, Service, and Equipment Profile (FSEP) website at
to obtain facility information for the creation of a drawing number. This website contains
all of the authorized facility-types and equipment-types used within the FAA. Drawing
numbers are to be assigned using facility-type acronyms, not equipment-type acronyms. For
example: Terminal Voice Switch (TVS) is a valid equipment-type entry in the FSEP. Small
Tower Voice Switch (STVS) and Enhanced Terminal voice Switch (ETVS) are types of
TVS equipment. However, since TVS is not a facility acronym, the associated drawing
numbers would be assigned the appropriate facility-type acronym (ATCT or TRACON).
Subsets of the FSEP listing can be used at the regional level; however the information used
must be taken from the FSEP listing. Additional facility or equipment-types can be
requested for inclusion into the FSEP by obtaining and filling-out an electronic form from
the CAEG Program Office. The CAEG PO will act as a clearing point for the FSEP office
to avoid duplicate requests. Two additional facility-types not listed in the FSEP will be

a. ALD – Airport Layout Drawing b. LAAS – Local Area Augmentation System

September 6, 2017

3.1.5. Non-NAS Facilities

Non-NAS facility drawings will use a slightly different number configuration, as shown in
Figure 3-4B, Drawing Number Structure for Non-NAS Facilities. Any drawings created for
these facilities must use the format LID-Project Number-Drawing Sequence Number. An
example of a drawing number for the Technical Center at Atlantic City would be ACT-
1234567890-A001 for an architectural drawing.

Figure 3-4B, Drawing Number Structure for Non-NAS Facilities

3.1.6. Arrangement of Drawings Construction Drawing Sets

The drawings in a construction drawing set are listed by discipline in Table 3-5,
Construction Drawing Set. These drawings are commonly used in identifying a complete
set of drawings for the construction of a new facility. Drawing sets for the construction of a
facility modification must consist of a subset of the drawings listed in this table.
Construction drawing sets must be arranged by discipline in the following order:


General G Cover, Index, Abbreviations, Symbols, Staging and

Safety Plans

Real Estate/Lease R Property Boundaries and Legal Descriptions

Civil C Legend
Civil C Site
Civil C Boring Log
Civil C Under Slab Drainage
Civil C Building Site Plan
Civil C Grading Plan
Civil C Utility Plan
Civil C Details, Elevations and Sections
Civil C Site Improvements
Civil C Structural Canopy Details
Civil C Layout, Grading, Draining and Landscaping
Civil C Structural Details

Demolition D Removal of Existing Construction

Hazardous Materials H Hazardous Materials

September 6, 2017


Landscaping L Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Landscaping L Irrigation Plan
Landscaping L Planting
Landscaping L Irrigation and Planting Details

Architectural A Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Architectural A Floor Plan
Architectural A Reflected Ceiling Plan
Architectural A Roof Plan
Architectural A Elevations
Architectural A Sections
Architectural A Details
Architectural A Millwork
Architectural A Equipment
Architectural A Furniture

Structural S Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Structural S Structural Foundation Plan
Structural S Framing And Decking Plan
Structural S Roof Framing Plan
Structural S Structural Details
Structural S Structural Steel Grounding
Structural S Erection Drawings

Mechanical M Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Mechanical M Equipment Schedule
Mechanical M Elevations
Mechanical M Generator and Fan Room Plan
Mechanical M Chiller Room Plan
Mechanical M Mechanical Room Plan
Mechanical M Roof Plan
Mechanical M Sections and Details
Mechanical M Details
Mechanical M Hot and Cold Piping Diagrams
Mechanical M Miscellaneous
Mechanical M Steam Piping Systems

Mechanical - HVAC M Under Floor Plan

Mechanical - HVAC M Floor Plan (Room Area)
Mechanical - HVAC M Ceiling Plan

Plumbing P Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Plumbing P Foundation Plan
Plumbing P Piping Plan
Plumbing P Riser Diagram
Plumbing P Sanitary Riser Diagram
Plumbing P Storm Riser Diagram
Plumbing P Roof Drain System
Plumbing P Details

September 6, 2017


Electrical E Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Electrical E 1st Floor Lighting Plan
Electrical E Power and Communications Plan
Electrical E Grounding Plan
Electrical E Security Plan
Electrical E Equipment
Electrical E Miscellaneous
Electrical E Details
Electrical E Single Line Diagrams
Electrical E Panel Schedules

NAS Equipment Q Refer to Table 3-6, Installation Drawing Number List

Telecommunications T Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Telecommunications T Communications Plan
Telecommunications T Details
Telecommunications T Manhole and Cable Diagrams

Security Y Closed-circuit TV
Security Y Security Cameras
Security Y Communication
Security Y Electrical
Security Y Sensor Locations
Security Y Equipment Details
Security Y Miscellaneous Alarm System

Fire Protection F Legend, Symbols and Abbreviations

Fire Protection F Sprinkler System
Fire Protection F Alarm Systems
Fire Protection F Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire Protection F Stand Pipe System

Contractor Z Shop Drawings

Table 3-5, Construction Drawing Set

September 6, 2017 Installation Drawing Sets

NAS electronic equipment drawings provide technical details for installation and
maintenance of NAS mission equipment in facilities. All these drawings must have the "Q"
designator with three sequential numerals for the drawing numbers, for example, Q001,
Q002, Q003, etc. For arrangement and numbering of Q-series drawings at ATCT and
TRACON facilities, refer to Table 3-6, ATCT/TRACON NAS Equipment Drawing Number
List. All NAS facility equipment drawing sets at ATCT and TRACON facilities should
include index sheets(s) documenting the drawing number sequence, and should reserve
Q001 and Q002 for these index sheets. Each electronic system should include a System
Functional (Block) Diagram as the first drawing in each drawing group. For all other
facilities (except ARTCC facilities, see Section, the NAS electronic equipment Q-
series drawings should be numbered in the following order starting with Q001: Electronic
Equipment Floor Plan, Rack Elevations, Antenna Layout and Details, System Wiring
Diagrams, Connection Block Assignments and others, as needed.
Floor Plans -Q001 to –Q100
Index Sheets (2) (sequential as needed)
Rack Layout Floor Plans (overhead)
Cable Tray/Power Duct Floor Plans
Phone/Data Jack Layout

Equipment Rack Elevations

Rack Elevations
Distribution Frame Elevations

Controller Position Layouts

Plan View
Console Layout

Distribution Cabling System -Q101 to –Q249

Demarcation System Block Diagrams (sequential as needed)
Detailed Block Drawings/Pinouts
Controller Position Demarcation Blocks

Communications -Q250 to –Q649

Fiber Optics Transmission System (FOTS) (sequential as needed)
Voice Switching System (NVS/ETVS/RDVS/STVS)
Voice Recorders (DALR), Time Code Displays/GPS Time
Source, Displays/Generator
Radio Control Equipment
Air-Ground Radio System, Antenna Systems
Emergency Communications Systems
Telco (Service Provider/FTI/DMN)
RCL/Bandwidth Manager

September 6, 2017


Radar and Automation -Q650 to –Q799

Primary Radar (ASR/ARSR) (sequential as needed)
Secondary Radar (ATCBI/Mode-S)
Surface Detection (ASDE/ASSC)
ADS-B/Multi alteration
FDIO/Electronic Flight Strip Systems (AEFS)

NAVAIDS & Weather -Q800 to –Q949

ILS Monitor and Controls (sequential as needed)
RVR System
Lighting Aids (ALSF/PAPI/VASI)
LLWAS/SAWS/Wind Speed/Direction Equipment

PBX System -Q950 to –Q999

System Block Diagram (sequential as needed)
System Drawing


Table 3-6, ATCT/TRACON NAS Equipment Drawing Number List

September 6, 2017

3.1.7. Typical Sheets and Layouts for Construction Drawing Sets

Nearly all construction drawing sets will use one of the following six standard sheets and
layouts described in the following six sub-sections. All of the drawings depicted in this
section are D-size sheets. Cover Sheet
Each construction drawing set must have a cover sheet that clearly identifies the drawing
set. The cover sheet must have a title block containing the requisite information about the
drawing set. See Figure 3-5, Cover Sheet Layout. If the Cover Sheet is part of a set of
drawings that will be delivered outside of the FAA, the drawings may be required to include
sensitive drawing marking information (as specified in FAA Order 1600.75 Appendix D,
Marking FOUO Information), which will be placed centered above the title block. In
addition a back sheet must be included with text as specified in FAA Order 1600.75.

Figure 3-5, Cover Sheet Layout

September 6, 2017 DOT/FAA Logo

The CAEG Program Office will provide the following electronically formatted logos to be
included in CADD products: Department of Transportation (DOT), Configuration
Management (CM) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Drawing Index Sheet
The second sheet of each drawing set should be the Drawing Index Sheet. This lists every
drawing contained in the drawing set. An example is shown in Figure 3-6, Drawing Index

NOTE: If a project consists of 15 drawings or less, the drawing index may be placed
(centered) on the Cover Sheet below the Drawing Set Title.

Figure 3-6, Drawing Index Sheet

September 6, 2017 Floor Plan Layout

The Floor Plan Layout sheet is intended for all plan-type drawings regardless of discipline.
See Figure 3-7, Floor Plan Layout.

Figure 3-7, Floor Plan Layout

September 6, 2017 Elevation and Section Plan Drawing Layout

The elevations details must be stacked in the upper-half of the drawing field. The bottom of
the drawing field is available for details when the detail sheet is full.
See Figure 3-8, Elevation and Section Plan Drawing Layout.

Figure 3-8, Elevation and Section Plan Drawing Layout

September 6, 2017 Detail Sheet Layout

A Detail Sheet Layout is a collection of details that clarify construction or installation
details that cannot be shown at a smaller scale. The detail will cross-reference the detail
with the drawing sheet from which it was taken. The typical layout has six columns,
including an area for Notes and four rows. When the scale calls for a larger detail block, use
surrounding blocks. Try to keep the details in square shaped blocks. Identify the blocks as
shown in Figure 3-9, Detail Sheet Layout.
Details should start with the first detail in the upper left-hand corner and move across the
top of the sheet. Continue to create rows for new details below the first row of details. The
area for Notes must be on the right-hand side of the sheet.
Detail sheets with multiple scales should be scaled according to the primary detail on the
sheet or, if there is no primary detail, according to the scale that represents the majority of
the details. The remaining details should be referenced into the drawing at the correct scale.

Figure 3-9, Detail Sheet Layout

September 6, 2017 Schedule/Diagram Sheet Layout

Figure 3-10, Schedule/Diagram Sheet Layout, shows the format for schedules and diagrams
that are frequently used in drawing sets for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical drawings.
The drawing field may extend above the title block, as long as the notes or legends can be
relocated on the sheet as shown.

Figure 3-10, Schedule/Diagram Sheet Layout

3.1.8. Layers/Levels
CADD levels (MicroStation)/layers (AutoCAD) are analogous to overlays in manual
drafting systems and serve to separate graphic elements according to the design discipline
they represent. MicroStation and AutoCAD allow an unlimited number of levels/layers to be
identified with names. The levels/layers defined within this standard are based on those set
forth in the American Institute of Architects' publication, “CAD Layer Guidelines.” The
AIA “Group” categories were used to develop the Level/Layer Naming Scheme found in
Appendix A of this standard. The Real Estate Discipline (R-Real Estate) will not contain
any levels/layers designations in Appendix A. Any levels/layers required to define any Real
Estate features within a drawing can be found under the Civil Discipline levels/layers
scheme located in Appendix A of this standard.

September 6, 2017

3.1.9. Text Styles/Fonts

Customized text fonts must not be used in FAA drawings. The True Type fonts are
acceptable, if not desirable. Since there is not a direct relationship between MicroStation
resource files and AutoCAD shape files, it is important that font use be reviewed at the start
of a project and decisions made on fonts that are then used consistently throughout the
project by the various disciplines. If a project is to be exchanged between CAD platforms,
either because individual offices require different applications (or because the end-users
require a specific software format) a general guideline is to use True Type fonts. These
fonts will allow direct transitions between the applications, and are specified in Table 3-7,
Comparison of Font Types. When True Type fonts are not utilized such as in older drawing
files, use the fonts that are most compatible (nearly identical in appearance and size)
between MicroStation and AutoCAD which are also defined in Table 3-7, Comparison of
Font Types. These particular fonts do not translate perfectly and some cleanup may be
required after any translation between systems.

Proportional Arial RomanS Working
Monotext Lucinda Console Monotxt Engineering
Standard Tahoma Txt Standard
Roman Triplex Times New Roman RomanT Fancy

Slanted Arial (slanted angle21.8) RomanS (obliquing angle 21.8) Italics

Symbology Symbol GreekS Greek
Filled Arial Black Swiss 721 BT Low_Res_Filled

Table 3-7, Comparison of Font Types

a. Proportional – appropriate for general notes or labels. This font creates text where
the characters are proportionally spaced. In AutoCAD, use the “RomanS” font with
a width factor of 1.0. In MicroStation use Font #1, “Working” font. Also
appropriate for subtitles.

b. Monotext – appropriate when text fields need particular justifications such as in

schedules or title blocks. This font creates text characters that are evenly spaced. In
AutoCAD, use the “Monotxt” font, and in MicroStation, use Font #3, “Engineering”

c. Standard – appropriate for notes, callouts, etc. In AutoCAD, use the “Txt” font. In
MicroStation use Font #0, “Standard” font.

d. Roman Triplex – appropriate for subtitles. In AutoCAD, use the “RomanT” font. In
MicroStation use Font #2, “Fancy” font.

September 6, 2017

e. Slanted – appropriate where certain text needs to be distinguished from other text,
such as bodies of water. This font can be created in AutoCAD by using the
“RomanS” font with the Obliquing Angle set to 21.8 degrees to achieve the
American Standard slope of 2:5 (68.2 degrees). In MicroStation use Font #23,
“Italics” font.

f. Symbology – This font provides special characters for use in labeling electronic
components. In AutoCAD use the “GreekS” font with a width factor of 1.0. In
MicroStation use Font #26, “Greek” font.

g. Filled – The filled font is used primarily for titles and on cover sheets. In AutoCAD
use the Swiss 721 BT font. In MicroStation use Font #43, “Low_Res_Filled”. General Text Placement

All drawing text shall be in upper case, except for special case abbreviations such as “dB”,
“MHz”, and “NiCd”. Abbreviations must not be followed with a period unless that
abbreviation spells another word. General use of abbreviations must be avoided. There
must be no stacked fractions, that is, fractions shall be shown with a slash, e.g. 1/4.
Contrasting text styles or fonts are to be used within a drawing to delineate types of
information. Fonts used within FAA drawings must be restricted to those shown in Table 3-
7, Comparison of Font Types. See Table 3-8, Text Heights and Line Widths, and Section
3.1.10, Line Weights, for appropriate line weights for text. The Annotation Table in
Appendix A defines appropriate levels for text used in FAA drawings.


Titles 0.25 (1/4") Medium

Subtitles 0.15625 (5/32") Medium

Notes; Callouts; etc. 0.09375 (3/32") Thin

Table 3-8, Text Heights and Line Widths Text Justification

Text justification depends upon how the text will be used in a drawing. Call out notes or
local notes, also referred to as “leadered notes”, shall always be left justified regardless of
which direction the leader is pointing.

September 6, 2017

3.1.10. Line Widths

The five line widths defined in Table 3-9, CADD Line Weights and Associated Plotted
Widths, should be sufficient for the majority of A/E/C drawings and must not be expanded
unless an appreciable improvement in drawing clarity or contrast can be realized. Any
deviation shall be coordinated with the local CADD Manager. The line thickness values (in
both millimeters and inches) are to be considered ‘nominal’, as adjustments may be
necessary to the values used in the pen tables, in order to achieve the weights specified in
Table 3-9, CADD Line Weights and Associated Plotted Widths. Typical applications for
each of the line widths are described below:

a. Fine (0.006 in. / 0.15 mm). Fine lines should be used for depicting dimension lines,
extension lines, leader lines, object lines “seen in the distance”, hidden lines, grid
lines and patterning.

b. Thin (0.012 in. / 0.30 mm). Thin lines should be used for depicting minor object
lines, including existing object lines, line terminators (arrowheads, dots, and
slashes), dimension text, text for notes and callouts, and text inside schedules.

c. Medium (0.019 in. / 0.475 mm). Medium lines should be used for depicting
schedule boxes and charts, most object lines, including new object lines, text for
titles and underlining.

d. Wide (0.026 in. / 0.65 mm). Wide lines should be used for object lines requiring
special emphasis and separating portions of drawing.

e. Extra wide (0.032 in. / 0.825 mm). Extra wide lines should be used for border only.

Line Plotted Plotted MicroStation

Thickness Line Width Line Width Line Weight
(mm) (in) Designator
Fine 0.15 0.006 0
Thin 0.30 0.012 1
Medium 0.475 0.019 2
Wide 0.65 0.026 3
Extra Wide 0.825 0.032 5

Table 3-9, CADD Line Weights and Associated Plotted Widths

September 6, 2017

3.1.11. Color Usage

The use of color in CADD files is for on-screen visualization and design aid. Default color
assignments are delineated in Appendix A, Layer/Level Naming Scheme. The use of other
colors is allowed to provide an appreciable improvement in drawing clarity or contrast. The
color yellow is reserved for highlighted graphic entities. The use of color mapping in
AutoCAD drawings to represent line width is discouraged.

3.1.12. Line Types

The line styles applicable to this standard are represented in Figure 3-11, Standard Line
Types. Additionally, typical custom line types are represented in Figure 3-12, Typical
Custom Line Types.

Figure 3-11, Standard Line Types

September 6, 2017


Contour Line

Property Line



Water W W

Gas G G

Telephone T T

Sanitary Sewer S S

Storm Sewer SS SS

Power P P



Figure 3-12, Typical Custom Line Types

3.1.13. Drawing Origins

Consistent origins must be used to ensure ease of translation and attaching of reference files
in both software packages. AutoCAD Working Units and Drawing Origin

AutoCAD has an infinite design plane, eliminating limitations to the space available for
drawing. Working units must be selected according to the discipline of the drawing:
architectural (feet and inches), engineering (feet and tenths), or decimal (metric). AutoCAD
models should utilize real-world coordinates. AutoCAD layouts should position the origin in
the lower-left corner of drawings at the Cartesian coordinate point of 0,0,0. MicroStation Working Units and Global Origin

The global origin must be positioned in the center of the design plane to avoid loss of data
exceeding the design plane. If option for True Scale is available (such as in placing cells, or
attaching references), it is encouraged that the setting be turned on. Otherwise, working
units must be set to those shown in Table 3-10, MicroStation Working Units.
Units MU SU PU
Imperial (A/E/C) 1 (ft) 12 (in) 8000
Imperial (Civil/Site, Civil Works,
Geotechnical, Survey/Mapping) 1 (ft) 100 10

Table 3-10, MicroStation Working Units

NOTE: Working units of 96,000 per foot equals the 12:8000 MU/SU/PU listed above.
September 6, 2017

3.1.14. Externally Referenced Files

The use of externally referenced files by MicroStation and AutoCAD allows for the viewing
of all or part of a drawing file from another drawing file (host file). Only full-scale drawing
files must be utilized as references. Nesting of reference files must be avoided. As files are
created and referenced, reference filenames must not be changed, as it will result in the
inability of the host file to find its reference files. All reference files must be included with
file transfers to and from the FAA. Specific Use of AutoCAD Reference Files

All files referenced in the host file must use the “Attach” option within the XREF command.
AutoCAD users MUST NOT use the "Save Path" method when attaching drawing files for
reference. Specific Use of MicroStation Reference Files

MicroStation users MUST NOT use the "Save Full Path" method when attaching drawing
files for reference.

3.1.15. Patterning
Do not create customized patterns; use the patterns supplied with the CADD software. Use
associative locks when using MicroStation, unless a pattern boundary/border is not desired.

3.1.16. Dimensioning
The labeling units for all A/E/C drawings must be units of feet and inches and fractions of
an inch, with the smallest fraction usually being 1/8" or as decimals in feet, inches, and
hundredths of an inch. Dimensions of less than 12" must be shown in inches or fractions of
inches, and on one line with a space between the whole-inch and fraction. Dimensions
greater than 12" should be specified in feet and inches (i.e., 21 1/2" should be shown as
1'- 9 1/2"; and not as 1'-9 ½"). There should be no stacked fractions. Fractions are to be
shown with a virgule, or “slash”, using numerals that are all of the same height,
e.g., 10 3/4". This applies to any dimensions specified in the general notes of a drawing, as
well. Survey units may be used as required on specific projects. Refer to the ASME
Y14.5M, Dimensioning and Tolerance standard for additional dimensioning information not
provided in this standard. The distance from the object for the first dimension is 1/2" and
each additional dimension is 3/8" further apart as shown in Figure 3-13, Dimensioning
Styles and Directions. Also, there should be a 1/10” space between the object and the
extension lines as illustrated in Figure 3-14, Dimension and Extension Line Spacing.

September 6, 2017

Figure 3-13, Dimensioning Styles and Directions (Not to Scale)

Figure 3-14, Dimension and Extension Line Spacing (Not to Scale)

September 6, 2017 Dimension Text Size and Font Style

All dimensioning text must be placed into the dimension layer/level. The font and size of
dimension text is the same as text in the drawing field. Refer to Table 3-1, Scale Factor and
Text Height Conversion Table, for scaling factors and text heights. Positioning Dimensions

See Figure 3-13, Dimensioning Styles and Directions, for examples. Avoid crossing
dimension lines. Centerlines may be extended and used as extension lines. Longer
dimensions shall be placed outside of shorter ones. Do not cover dimensions with patterns
in sectioned areas. Whenever possible, arrange dimensions so they can be read easily on
one continuous line. Dimensions are always placed on the drawing so that the text may be
read from the bottom or the right. Locate dimension lines so that they do not cross
extension lines. If it is necessary to dimension at an angle, that angle should be in the
quadrant between the horizontal and vertical; so that the text may be read between 0 and 90
degrees. All text must be located above or centered on the dimension lines. The location of
text on the dimension line must be consistent throughout the drawing set. All dimension
and extension lines must be created using the “fine” line weight. Arrowheads and
dimension text must be created using the “thin” line weight. See Table 3-9, CADD Line
Weights and Associated Plotted Widths, for line weight definitions.

September 6, 2017 Leaders
When a note or dimension cannot be placed close to an object, a leader may be used. A
leader consists of a short horizontal line, an angled line and a terminator. See Figure 3-16,
Placement of Leaders. When a leader points to an object, the angled line must terminate
with an arrowhead at its first object line. When the information refers to (applies to, or
points to) the surface of an object, use a small filled dot or tilde. When the information
refers to a bundle or grouping of wires or cables, use a “lasso”. An example of this is shown
in Figure 3-15, Typical Leaders. All leader lines must be created using the "fine” line
weight. Also, arrowheads and other line terminators must be created using the “thin” line
weight. See Table 3-9, CADD Line Weights and Associated Plotted Widths, for line weight

Figure 3-15, Typical Leaders

Figure 3-16, Placement of Leaders Arrowheads
Arrowheads denote termination of dimensions and leader lines and show direction.
Arrowheads should be filled, and must be the same size and style as the arrowheads used
elsewhere in the drawing. Arrowhead size should be a 3:1 ratio for length to width, and in
proportion to any associated text.

September 6, 2017

3.1.17. Symbols
Symbols used in drawings must comply with the National CAD Standard, US Army Corps
of Engineers Standards or ASME Standards at the discretion of the local CADD Managers.
All symbols used in a drawing must be indicated in a legend.

3.1.18. Drawing Titles

Titles must be used on drawings with more than one subtitle to logically group associated
drawing components. Titles must also be used on drawings with multiple views when title
block information is inadequate and additional identification is required. Drawing Subtitles

Subtitles must be used on drawings with more than one view or when sections or details are
required for clarity. Subtitles must also be used on drawings with a single view when title
block information is inadequate and additional identification is required. Subtitles are
always located below and centered on the view to which they apply, except for detail
drawings where the subtitle shall be located to the lower left. Subtitles for plans, standard
details, typical details, etc., which are not referenced in other views, consist of two lines of
text. The first line of text shows the exact title of the view or detail. The second line of text
indicates the scale of the view or detail. The line dividing the first and second lines of text
shall begin with one character space and extend one character space beyond the text of the
first line. Both lines of text must be center justified. See Figure 3-17, Standard Subtitle
Annotation. For Detail Subtitles see Section in this standard.

Figure 3-17, Standard Subtitle Annotation

September 6, 2017

3.1.19. Sections and Details Sections
Sections must be drawn whenever additional clarification is warranted. Sections must be
drawn using the drafting standards shown in Figure 3-18, Standard Section Annotation and
Building Section. When space is limited on a drawing an alternate section marker may be
used as shown in Figure 3-19, Alternate Section Annotation, Wall Section, or Elevation.
The three types of section indicators to be used are short sections, extended sections, offset
sections. These are shown in Figure 3-21, Short Sections, Extended Sections, Offset
Sections, and Alternate Sections. The use of alternate section symbols is also demonstrated.
All sections must be cut toward the top or left side of the drawing except in unusual
situations. In some cases, it may be necessary to cut a short section reading from the left,
but this should be avoided if possible. Sections should appear on the same drawing on
which they are cut. If the section cannot be drawn on the same drawing, it must appear on a
separate drawing reserved for sections. Under no circumstances are sections to be scattered
indiscriminately throughout the set of drawings.
Sectional cuts must be lettered in alphabetical order on each drawing. The letter in the top
half of the circle marker must indicate the section letter. The alphanumeric number in the
lower-half of the circle marker must indicate the drawing on which the section is shown.
Any text used within the circle marker must remain horizontal. Heavy dark lines located in
the position where the section is cut must indicate the location of the cutting plane. Offset
sections may be used only when section clarity requires adjustment of a portion of the
cutting plane. The limits of extended or offset section cuts must be indicated by a circular
marker at both ends of the cutting plane. The limits of short section cuts must be indicated
by a circular marker at one end and by an arrowhead at the opposite end, as shown in Figure
3-21. Sectional cuts must refer to a detail location on only one sheet in the lower-half of the
circular marker. Other references to the detail in the drawing set must be handled with a
callout and notes. See Figure 3-20, Standard Section Subtitle with Specifications, for the
creation of section subtitles.

September 6, 2017

Figure 3-18, Standard Section Annotation and Building Section

Figure 3-19, Alternate Section Annotation, Wall Section, or Elevation

Figure 3-20, Standard Section Subtitle with Specifications

September 6, 2017

Figure 3-21, Short Sections, Extended Sections, Offset Sections, and Alternate Sections

September 6, 2017 Detail Drawings

Detail drawings must be created whenever additional clarification is required and a section
cannot be readily cut. The detail must either be a plan view, an elevation, or an
enlargement. Details must have a numeric designation in the upper-half of the circle
marker. The alphanumeric number in the lower-half of the circle marker must indicate the
sheet number on which the detail resides. The text within the circle marker must remain
horizontal. See detail Figure 3-22, Standard Detail Symbol and Detail Subtitle. When a
detail appears more than once on the same drawing, extend a line off the detail marker,
abbreviate the word typical (TYP), and indicate the quantity in parentheses.

Figure 3-22, Standard Detail Symbol and Detail Subtitle

September 6, 2017

3.1.20. Revision of Drawings Revision Methods

Revisions must be made by the addition or deletion of information on the drawing. In the
case of “As-Built” drawings, graphics may not require modifications. Drawings under
Configuration Management must be revised in accordance with FAA Order 1800.66 and
FAA-STD-058. These documents provide the guidance that needs to be adhered to when
work is being completed on a facility under Configuration Management. Changes to base-
lined facilities under Configuration Management are required to be identified and approved
using the NAS Change Proposal (NCP) process. Required Revisions

After a drawing is signed or revision approved, any subsequent changes must be recorded as
the next revision. Drawing Practices

When revising an existing drawing the most recently approved graphic symbols,
abbreviations, and drawing practices must be used for any changes or revisions. Superseded
symbology, etc., already appearing in the drawing and in accordance with formerly
approved standards, may remain unchanged provided the interpretation is clear and
unambiguous. Drawing entities that do not adhere to an FAA-approved standard must be
updated to comply with current standards. Identifying Revisions on Drawings

Revisions to the drawing must be identified in the revision description area and the revision
letter area in the title block. The most current revision letter must be placed in the “latest
revision level” portion of the title block, to the right of the drawing number, as shown in
Figure 3-3, Drawing Title Block. Revision Letters

Uppercase letters must be used in alphabetical sequence, excluding the letters “I”, “O”, “Q”,
“S”, “X” and “Z”. Revision letters must not exceed one character and numbers must not be
used. The first release or initial issue of a drawing does not require the use of a revision
letter. The first revision to a drawing must be assigned the letter “A”. When a drawing
exceeds the letter revision “Y”, refer to Section, Superseded Drawings, within this
standard. Multiple Changes

The same revision letter must identify all changes to a drawing that are incorporated at the
same time.

September 6, 2017 Revision Block

The revision block size and format must conform to Figure 3-23, Identifying Revision
Locations. Only the four-most recent revisions will be shown in the revision block at any
one time. Each revision must be recorded in the revision block in accordance with the

a. The identifying letter pertaining to the revision must be entered in the “REV”

b. The date the revision is approved must be entered in the “APPROVED DATE”

c. A brief description of the change must be entered in the “DESCRIPTION” column.

The description may contain the drawing zone changed. Alternatively, the
description should refer to the identity number of the document authorizing the
change (e.g. CCD, JON, etc.).

d. The job control number (JCN) authorizing the revision must be entered in the “JCN”

e. The date of the actual redline changes is entered in the “REDLINE DATE” column.

f. Initials of the approving official must be entered in the “APVD” column.

Figure 3-23, Identifying Revision Locations Superceded Drawings (formerly “Redrawn or Replaced Drawings”)

When manual drawings are converted to CADD; when there are extensive changes to a
CADD file or when the revision letter reaches “Y”, the original drawing must be
superseded. The new drawing must contain a specific note referencing the superseded
drawing. The note must be located above the revision block on the new drawing (in upper-
case letters, 3/32-inches tall) stating: “DRAWING _____________, DATED __________
SUPERSEDES DRAWING _____________, REVISION___, DATED __________”.
Revision level for the new drawing shall start with the letter “A”, regardless of the revision
letter of the drawing being superseded. See Figure 3-24, Revision Block Example Note for
New Superseding Drawing.

September 6, 2017

Figure 3-24, Revision Block Example Note for New Superseding Drawing
A note shall also be located above the revision block on the existing, superseded drawing
stating: “DRAWING _____________, REVISION___, DATED __________
SUPERSEDED BY DRAWING _____________, DATED __________.” The note shall be
in upper-case letters, 3/32-inches tall. See Figure 3-25, Revision Block Example Note for
Superseded Drawing.

Figure 3-25, Revision Block Example Note for Superseded Drawing

September 6, 2017

3.2. Drawing Support

3.2.1. File Naming

Duplicate filenames must not be used. Conventions for file naming must be implemented to
ensure that each drawing is uniquely identified. The file naming convention must be based
on the drawing numbering convention in Section, Drawing Number Structure as they
relate to NAS facilities and Non NAS projects.
See Figure 3-26, File Naming Convention, for the format of CADD file names. The
portions of the file name shown in square brackets ([ ]) are used as required. The brackets
are for reference only and are not included in the file name.
The “Drawing Size” field for model files (reference files) must be filled with the letter “M”.
Revision letters do not apply to model files.

Figure 3-26, File Naming Convention

3.2.2. Drawing Configuration Management (CM)

For guidelines on the handling of drawings under configuration management control, see
configuration management documents listed in Section 2.1, Government Documents, in this
standard. FAA Order 1800.66 and FAA-STD-058 documents provide the guidance that
needs to be adhered to when work is being completed on a facility under Configuration

September 6, 2017


4.1. General
The need to exchange electronic drawing or data files, between the FAA and the A/E/C
community, necessitates the requirements stated in this section.

4.1.1. Electronic Delivery Media

Electronic delivery media shall be coordinated with the FAA CADD Manager to ensure
compatibility with the FAA’s hardware. Accepted media or file transfer methods:
a. Establishment of a secure FTP site with support contractors;
b. DVD
c. Email through FAA network in accordance with FAA security policy

4.1.2. Compression Software

Compression methods shall be coordinated with the FAA CADD Manager to ensure the
FAA’s ability to accommodate the compression method used. File compression should be
used when transferring bundles of files to an FTP site. File compression shall not be used
when writing to electronic media other than FTP sites.

4.1.3. Media Labeling

All media shall have a label containing, but not limited to:
a. Preparation date of the media.
b. The project description.
c. Contractor name and contract reference.
d. Contract transmittal number/Logistics contract number
(example: DTFASO-XXX-XXXX)
e. Quantity of files.
f. Operating System and version, and application software used to create the files.
g. The utility or command used to write the files to the media.
h. Files marked SSI shall be labeled as such and shall be hand-delivered, not mailed to
the requesting organization in accordance with FAA Order 1600.75.
i. Job Control Number (JCN)

4.1.4. Electronic File Preparation

All electronic files shall be delivered in the formats described in Section 3.1.1, Drawing File
Format, of this standard. Deliverable file format shall be coordinated with the FAA CADD
Manager to ensure the FAA’s ability to use the delivered files. Before a file is placed on the
electronic delivery media, the following procedures shall be performed:
a. Drawing files shall be in their native format, not DXF, or other neutral format.
b. Only one bordered drawing shall be represented by each CADD file. Also, each
CADD file shall only contain one sheet model/layout/paper space. However,
multiple design models are permissible.
c. Remove all unnecessary graphics outside the drawing border area and set the active
parameters to a standard setting of those in the seed or prototype file.

September 6, 2017

d. Ensure all external reference files are attached without device or directory
specifications. Refer to Section, Specific Use of AutoCAD Reference Files
and Section, Specific Use of MicroStation Reference Files.
e. Include a list of files included in the deliverable in a text document on the media.
f. All deliverables shall be certified virus-free.

4.1.5. Documentation
All drawing packages submitted to the FAA shall include, but not be limited to, a transmittal
containing the same information as on the external media label, and:
a. A hardcopy list of files included in the deliverable, including DGN and/or DWG
electronic format files.
b. A submitted hardcopy that matches with its corresponding final electronic file
c. Person designated as point of contact.
d. Certification in the form of a signed statement, that the delivery data is free of
known computer viruses, including the name(s) and release date(s) of the virus
scanning software used to check the media.

4.1.6. Ownership
A statement similar to the following should be included in each contract with electronic
drawing deliverables:
The FAA shall have UNLIMITED RIGHTS under this contract to all information and
materials developed under this contract and furnished to the FAA and documentation
thereof, reports and listings, and all other items pertaining to the work and services pursuant
to this agreement including any copyright. Unlimited rights under this contract are rights to
use, duplicate, or disclose data and information, in whole or part in any manner and for any
purpose whatsoever without compensation to or approval from Contractor. The FAA will at
all reasonable times have the right to inspect the work and will have access to and the rights
to make copies of the above-mentioned items. All digital files and data, and other products
generated under this contract shall become the property of the FAA.

4.2. Quality Assurance

This section lists the requirements for the inspection and submittal of drawings, and the
engineering data quality assurance system for contractors.

4.2.1. Responsibility for Inspection

The contractor is responsible for providing quality assurance checking of drawings, CADD
files and deliverables according to this standard prior to providing the deliverable to the
The FAA CADD Manager is responsible for assuring that the electronic files are in
compliance with FAA standards. This check would examine files for entities placed in the
proper layer or level, proper drawing and plot parameters, completed and correct title
blocks, and verification that the drawing is free of unwanted entities.

September 6, 2017


5.1. Drawing Definitions

The following sections define general A/E/C drawing types:

5.1.1. Project Drawings

Project Drawings are formal representations used to convey the physical and functional end
product design and/or installation requirements of an item. They may include pictorial,
graphical, schematic or textual presentations.

5.1.2. Construction Drawings

Construction Drawings are engineering drawings, which show the design of buildings,
structures, or the related construction, and are normally associated with the architectural,
construction and civil engineering operations. Construction drawings establish all the
interrelated elements of the pertinent services, equipment, utilities and other engineering

5.1.3. Installation Drawings

Installation drawings are engineering drawings, which show the installation requirements of
NAS mission equipment in facilities.

5.1.4. National Standard Drawings

National standard drawings may be either construction or installation drawings generated
for or by Washington Headquarters Program Offices and depict standard design and
installation requirements.

5.1.5. Regional Standard Drawings

Regional standard drawings are generated and maintained by the Regional Offices,
Aeronautical Center and Technical Center, and are intended for their exclusive use.

5.1.6. Facility Drawings

A master set of Facility drawings is generated to show end-state (or as-built) conditions of a
location once any construction (or modifications) is completed. As new construction or
modifications are finished, the master sets of facility drawings are revised.

September 6, 2017

5.2. Glossary
The following are definitions of terms used in this standard:

AutoCAD—AutoCAD is a full-featured CADD tool produced by AutoDesk Inc. that

handles both 2D and 3D design. The native file format is DWG and AutoCAD also reads
and writes DXF files.

BIM—Building Information Model (BIM), reference to 3D building or facility models

which may contain advanced technologies for building management.

CADD—Computer Aided Design & Drafting. Graphic software used by engineers and
drafters to create and modify drawings in 2D and 3D.

CAEG—Computer Aided Engineering Graphics. The FAA’s technical graphics initiative,

CAEG, includes Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CADD), Computer-Aided
Engineering (CAE), and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The National CAEG
Program Office is structured within the Air Traffic Control Facilities Operational Services

Design Model—A model is a container for elements within MicroStation. Models can be
either 2D or 3D, see Model Space for AutoCAD equivalent.

DGN—MicroStation’s native CADD file format.

Drawing Sheet Format—The sheet boundary lines, zoning system and title block geometry
used to record administrative information about the CADD file.

Drawing Sheet Sizes—Standard sheet sizes are determined by the American National
Standards Institute. Alphabetic characters name sheet sizes such as: D, E and F.

Drawing Zone System—Boundary information that is sub-divided on a sheet for easy

referencing in a revision block.

DWG—AutoCAD’s native CADD file format.

DXF—AutoCAD drawing exchange format for CADD files.

EDMS—Electronic Drawing Management System.

Job Control Number (JCN)—A unique number assigned to each project and tracked by
the Corporate Work Plan (CWP).

MicroStation—MicroStation is a full-featured CADD tool produced by Bentley Systems

Inc. that handles 2D and 3D design. The native file format is DGN and MicroStation also
reads and writes DWG and DXF files.

September 6, 2017

Model File—Model files are to be used to describe the facility’s physical layout and
components. This includes the building’s walls, doors, windows, structural system,
mechanical system, etc. All model files are drawn at full size (1-to-1). Model files can be
2D or 3D.

Model Space—AutoCAD Model Space is where the user creates a 2D or 3D full-size (1-to-
1) drawing. Model file types are created in Model Space. See Design Model for
MicroStation equivalent.

Paper Space/Layouts—AutoCAD Paper Space/Layouts is where the user organizes

different layouts for the purpose of plotting to an appropriate English or Metric drawing
scale. See Sheet Model for MicroStation equivalent.

Plot Stamp—Plots of CADD drawing files should include a plot stamp, which should
include the file name, date, time, and the user name.

ProjectWise—The EDMS deployed by the CAEG Program to manage engineering

drawings, data, and files for FAA facilities.

Raster—a digital image process producing lines made of rectangular dots. Examples of
raster formats are TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, etc.

Reference File—A CADD software capability that allows vector or raster files to be
attached to CADD files and displayed, plotted and (in the case of reference design files)
used for construction purposes. This capability is generally used as a project organization
tool to segregate the sources of project drawing files. Additionally, it allows designers to
share drawing information electronically.

Revised Drawing—A drawing that has been replaced by a newer revision.

Sheet File—MicroStation sheet files are to be used to assemble model files, text, title block
and other information for plotting purposes. Each sheet file represents one plotted drawing.
Generally sheet files are plotted at a 1-to-1 scale.

Sheet Model—A type of model within DGN files that serves as an electronic drawing sheet.
It typically consists of design model references that are scaled and positioned to create a
printable drawing. See Paper Space/Layouts for AutoCAD equivalent.

TIFF—Tagged Image File Format. Raster graphics format developed by a committee

chaired by Aldus Corporation, with contributions from Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. The
FAA standard format is TIFF Group 4.

Vector—Computer graphics represented by points, lines and other geometric entities.

Workflow—the automatic routing of documents to the users responsible for working on


September 6, 2017

5.3. Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following are definitions of acronyms and abbreviations used in this standard:

2D—Two Dimensional

3D—Three Dimensional

A-E – Architect –Engineer

A/E/C—Architectural, Engineering and Construction

AIA—American Institute of Architects

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

BIM – Building Information Model

CCD—Configuration Control Decision

CIFM—Computer Integrated Facilities Management

CM—Configuration Management

CD-R—Compact Disc-Recordable

CSI—Construction Specifications Institute

CWP—Corporate Work Plan

DoD – Department of Defense

DPN—Delphi Project Number

EC—Engineering Center

EDMS—Engineering Drawing Management System

FM – Facility Management

GIS— Geographic Information Systems

GSA—General Services Administration

IAI—International Alliance for Interoperability

IFC—Industry Foundation Class

September 6, 2017

ISO—International Organization for Standardization

IC—Implementation Center

JCN—Job Control Number

NCP—NAS Change Proposal

NIBS—National Institute of Building Sciences

OS—Operating System

PBS—Public Buildings Service

PDF—Portable Document Format

SI—International System of Units (Le Systeme International d’Unites)

UDS—Uniform Drawing System

5.4 FAA, Standards and CADD Web Sites

FAA http://www.faa.gov/
FAA National CAEG http://caeg.faa.gov/
FAA Standards http://caeg.faa.gov/
FAA Acronyms & Abbreviations https://employees.faa.gov/acronyms/

ANSI http://www.ansi.org/
AutoCAD http://www.autodesk.com/
MicroStation http://www.bentley.com/
GSA PBS CAD/CIFM Standard http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104697
National CADD Standard http://www.nationalcadstandard.org/ncs6/content.php
CADD / GIS Technology Center http://www.erdc.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-

Table 5-1, Internet URLs

September 6, 2017

LAYER/LEVEL Naming Scheme

This alphabetical appendix addresses the usage of MicroStation levels and AutoCAD
layers by disciplines. The associated MicroStation and AutoCAD color numbers listed in
the following tables shall be used.
Layers/Levels specified under the ‘Annotation’ discipline (i.e., those named as “ANNO-
xxxx”) are meant to be used in conjunction with all of the other disciplines listed in this
Layer/Level Naming Scheme. Annotation layers/levels are for placing any elements
related to text, notes, dimensions, schedules, labels, etc. There are also five (5) User-
Defined layers/levels to be used for unique elements, as users see fit. Additions to the
level/layer structure are only allowed with the User-Defined levels/layers.

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Annotation

in Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as
a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

ANNO-DIMS 5 Dimensions and Dimensional Leaders 160 17

ANNO-IDEN 12 Identification Tags: Door #s; Hardware group; 7 0
Window #s; Equipment Id #s; Furniture #s;
Component Id.#s
ANNO-KEYN 9 Key Notes 7 0
ANNO-LABL 11 Identification Labels: Room #s, Floor #s, Tenant 7 0
Identification, Area Calculations, Occupant or
employee names, Elevation Id.#s
ANNO-LEGN 4 Legends and Schedules 4 7
ANNO-NOTE 7 Notes 7 0
ANNO-NPLT 8 Non-Plotting Graphic 8 9
ANNO-REDL 2 Redlines 1 3
ANNO-REVS 10 Revisions 4 7
ANNO-SYMB 3 Symbols: Bar Scales; North Arrow; Section 4 7
Symbols; Detail Markers
ANNO-TEXT 1 Text and Text Note Leaders 7 0
ANNO-TITL 13 Drawing Component Titles; Detail Titles; Section 3 2
Titles; Elevation Titles
ANNO-TTLB 6 Border and Title Block 30 6
VIEWPORTS 14 AutoCAD viewport clip window 2 NA
DEFPOINTS 15 AutoCAD dimensioning definition points for NA NA
associative dimensioning
User Defined 16 User Level 1 User Defined Layer /
User Defined 17 User Level 2 User Defined Layer /
User Defined 18 User Level 3 User Defined Layer /
User Defined 19 User Level 4 User Defined Layer /
User Defined 20 User Level 5 User Defined Layer /

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure

Architectural Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will
be used as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

A-CLNG 30 Ceiling information; Ceiling grid; Ceiling/roof 1 3

penetrations; Main tees; Suspended elements;
Ceiling access
A-COLS 31 Columns 1 3
A-CONV 32 Conveying Systems 4 7
A-DOOR 33 Doors: Full-height (to ceiling) doors, swing and leaf 4 7
A-ELEV 34 Elevations 1 3
A-EQPM 35 Equipment; Fixed or Moveable; Equipment access; 1 3
A-FLOR- 36 Elevator cars and equipment 4 7
A-FLOR- 37 Floor or building outlines 4 7
A-FLOR-RAIS 38 Raised floors 1 3
A-FLOR- 39 Toilet partitions; Architectural specialties (toilet 1 3
TPTN room accessories, display cases)
A-FLOR- 40 Architectural woodwork (field-built cabinets and 1 3
WDWK counters); Casework (manufactured cabinets);
Finishes, woodwork, trim, wall-mounted casework
A-FURN- 41 Furniture: freestanding (desks, credenzas, etc.), 5 1
FREE chairs and other seating, file cabinets, plants,
furniture elevations
A-FURN- 42 Furniture: system panels and work surface 1 3
PNLS components, storage components, system
furniture power designations, finish treatments
A-GLAZ 43 Windows; Full and partial-height glazed walls and 4 7
partitions; Windowsills; Glazing and mullions -
elevation views
A-GRID 44 Planning grid or column grid 1 3
A-HVAC 45 Supply diffusers; return air diffusers 1 3
A-LITE 46 Light fixtures 1 3
A-PATT 47 Wall insulation and surfaces; Fire wall patterning; 160 17
Paving, tile, carpet and ceiling patterns; Elevation
textures and hatch patterns
A-ROOF 48 Roof, roof outline, level changes, roof surfaces 4 7
A-SIGN 49 Signage 1 3
A-WALL 50 Full and partial height walls; Door and Window 4 7
headers and jambs; Overhead items (skylights,
overhangs, usually dashed lines)

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Civil

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

C-AFLD 60 Airfields; General Outline of Airports 8 9

C-ATNA 61 Antenna (Comm / Radar) - antenna towers and 1 3
C-BLDG 62 Proposed building footprints, primary structures 4 7
C-BLIN 63 Baseline 4 7
C-BORE 64 Test Borings 1 3
C-BRDG 65 Bridge 4 7
C-CEME 66 Cemetery 8 9
C-CHAN 67 Navigable Channels, Rivers, Lakes, Bodies of Water 22 22
C-COMM 68 Site communications, (Overhead and Underground); 1 3
telephone poles, boxes, towers
C-CTRL 69 Control Points 4 7
C-DFLD 70 Drain Fields 1 3
C-DTCH 71 Ditches or Washes 22 22
C-EROS 72 Erosion and Sediment Control, Riprap 4 7
C-FENC 73 Fences 160 17
C-FIRE 74 Fire protection: hydrants, connections; underground 1 3
C-FUEL 75 Fuel Gas 80 11
C-NGAS 76 Natural gas - manholes, meters, storage tanks, 1 3
underground lines
C-PATT 77 Patterns 160 17
C-PKNG 78 Parking lots, islands, curbs, striping, handicapped 1 3
symbols, drainage slope indications
C-POWR 79 Power: (Overhead and Underground); Poles; boxes, 1 3
C-PROP 80 Property lines, survey benchmarks, retaining walls 4 7
C-PROP- 81 Bearings and distance labels 7 0
C-PROP- 82 Easements, rights-of-way, setback lines, runway 1 3
ESMT approach zones
C-RAIL 83 Railroad 4 7
C-ROAD 84 Roadways, runways, taxiways, curbs, Center lines 4 7
C-SSWR 85 Sanitary sewer -manholes, pumping stations, 1 3
underground lines
C-STEM 86 Steam Systems 1 3
C-STRM 87 Storm drainage catch basins, manholes, underground 1 3
C-TINN 88 Triangulated Irregular Network 1 3
C-TOPO 89 Contour lines and elevations, spot elevations 5 1
C-WALL 90 Noise Barrier, Retaining Wall 4 7
C-WATR 91 Domestic water: manholes, pumping stations, storage 1 3
tanks, underground lines

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Contractor

Shop Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used
as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

Z-CTR 100 Contractor and shop drawings 1 3


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Demolition

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

D-COMM 110 Telephone and data lines, outlets 1 3

D-ELEC 111 Wiring, outlets, fixtures, lighting, equipment 1 3
D-FLOR 112 Floors, stairs, rails, woodwork, casework, trim 1 3
D-HVAC 113 HVAC equipment, ductwork, diffusers 4 7
D-PATT 114 Patterns 160 17
D-PLBG 115 Plumbing fixtures, equipment, drainage and piping, hot 1 3
and cold water supply pipes and equipment
D-SITE 116 Site features, retaining walls, plants, trees, signs, 4 7
D-WALL 117 Full and partial height walls, structural walls, door and 4 7
window headers and jambs, partitions

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Electrical

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

E-1LIN 120 One-line diagram 4 7

E-ALRM 121 Electrical alarm system 1 3
E-AUXL 122 Auxiliary System 12 12
E-COMM 123 Telephone, communications outlets 1 3
E-CTRL 124 Control systems devices and wiring 1 3
E-DATA 125 Data outlets 1 3
E-GRND 126 Ground system, counterpoise, ground rods 4 7
E-INTC 127 Intercom, sound/PA system 1 3
E-JBOX 128 Junction box 4 7
E-LEGN 129 Legend of symbols 4 7
E-LITE 130 Lighting, special lighting, ceiling-mounted lighting, wall- 4 7
mounted lighting, floor-mounted lighting, lighting
outline for optional background lighting, roof lighting,
lighting circuits, emergency and exit lighting, site
E-LTNG 131 Lightning protection system 4 7
E-PATT 132 Patterns 160 17
E- 133 Under floor raceways, cable trays, bus ways 1 3
E- 134 Power panels, equipment, switchboards 4 7
E- 135 Power: wall and ceiling outlets and receptacles 4 7
E-RISR 136 Riser diagram 1 3
E-SWCH 137 Lighting switches 1 3
E-TVAN 138 TV antenna system 1 3

NOTE: High voltage power connections will be shown on Electrical Discipline (E-
Electrical) drawings and low voltage power connection will be shown on NAS
Equipment (Q-NAS Equipment) drawings.

September 6, 2017

Fire Protection

The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Fire

Protection Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be
used as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

F-AFFF 150 Aqueous Film-Forming Foam System 120 12

F-CO2S 151 CO2 sprinkler piping and equipment 1 3
F-HALN 152 Halon piping and equipment 1 3
F-IGAS 153 Inert gas equipment and piping 1 3
F-PATT 154 Patterns 160 17
F-PROT 155 Fire system equipment (fire hose cabinet 1 3
extinguishers), fire alarm, smoke detectors/heat
F-SPRN 156 Fire protection sprinkler system, sprinkler piping, 1 3
sprinkler heads, sprinkler standpipes, fire protection


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure General

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

G-ACCS 160 Access Plan 1 3

G-EVAC 161 Evacuation Plan 1 3
G-PATT 162 Patterns 160 17
G-PLAN 163 Key Plan 1 3
G-VCTY 164 Vicinity Map 1 3

September 6, 2017

Hazardous Material

The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Hazardous

Material Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be
used as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

H-HZMT 170 Hazardous materials on floor and/or site plan 4 7

H-PATT 171 Patterns 160 17


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Landscape

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

L-IRRG 180 Irrigation systems, sprinklers, piping, equipment, 1 3

L-PATT 181 Patterns 160 17
L-PLNT 182 Plant and landscape materials; Trees; Ground 1 3
covers and vines; Rock, bark, and other landscaping
beds; Planting beds
L-SITE 183 Site improvements, fencing, walls, steps, decks, 1 3
bridges, pools, spas, sports fields, play structures,
furnishings, walkways

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Mechanical

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

M-CMPA 190 Plant compressed air systems, equipment and piping 4 7

M-CONT 191 Thermostats, controls and instrumentation 1 3
M-CONT- 192 Low voltage control wiring 1 3
M-CWTR 193 Chilled water system, piping and equipment 4 7
M-DUST 194 Dust and fume collection system, equipment and 4 7
M-ELHT- 195 Electric heat equipment 1 3
M-ENER 196 Energy management system, equipment and wiring 1 3
M-EXHS 197 Exhaust system, equipment and ductwork, roof 1 3
exhaust equipment
M-FUEL- 198 Fuel system tanks, piping, gas process piping, fuel 1 3
GAS gas general piping
M-FUEL- 199 Natural gas systems, equipment and piping 4 7
M-FUEL- 200 Fuel oil process tanks, piping and general piping 1 3
M-HOTW 201 Hot water heating system, equipment piping 4 7
M-HVAC 202 HVAC system, HVAC ductwork and equipment 4 7
M-HVAC- 203 HVAC ceiling diffusers, other diffusers, supply 4 7
DFF diffusers, return air diffusers
M-MACH 204 Machine shop equipment 1 3
M-PATT 205 Patterns 160 17
M-PROC 206 Process/instrument air piping and equipment 4 7
M-RCOV 207 Energy recovery system, equipment and piping 1 3
M-REFG 208 Refrigeration systems, equipment and piping 4 7
M-SPCL 209 Special systems, equipment and piping 1 3
M-STEM 210 Steam systems: Steam systems condensation piping 1 3
and equipment; Low pressure steam piping; Medium
pressure steam piping; High pressure steam piping
M-TEST 211 Test equipment 1 3

September 6, 2017

NAS Equipment

The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure NAS

Equipment Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be
used as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

Q-CABL 220 Cables and Trays (Low voltage) 1 3

Q-CNSL 221 Console 1 3
Q-DTLS 222 Equipment details 4 7
Q-ELEV 223 Equipment elevations 1 3
Q-MNTS 224 Equipment mounts 4 7
Q-PATT 225 Patterns 160 17
Q-PLAN 226 Equipment plans 4 7
Q-POWR 227 Low voltage power connections 1 3
Q-RACK 228 Rack Details 1 3
Q-SCHM 229 Schematic and Block wiring diagram 4 7

NOTE: High voltage power connections will be shown on Electrical Discipline (E-
Electrical) drawings and low voltage power connection will be shown on NAS
Equipment (Q-NAS Equipment) drawings.


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Plumbing

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

P-DOMW 240 Domestic hot and cold water systems and piping 1 3
P-FIXT 241 Plumbing fixtures and equipment 1 3
P-PATT 242 Patterns 160 17

P-SANR 243 Sanitary drainage and piping, floor drains and piping, 1 3
sanitary risers and equipment
P-STRM 244 Storm drainage system, storm drain piping and risers 1 3
P-STRM- 245 Roof drains 8 9
P-WAST- 246 Waste oil systems and piping 1 3

September 6, 2017

Real Estate

The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Real Estate
Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation




The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Security

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

Y-ALRM 250 Miscellaneous alarm system 1 3

Y-CAMS 251 Security cameras 4 7
Y-CCTV 252 Closed-circuit TV 1 3
Y-COMM 253 Security communication 1 3
Y-DTLS 254 Security equipment details 4 7
Y-ELEC 255 Security electrical 1 3
Y-PATT 256 Patterns 160 17
Y-SNSR 257 Security sensor locations 4 7

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure Structural

Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color numbers will be used as a

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

S-BEAM 260 Beams 4 7

S-BRAC 261 Bracing 4 7
S-COLS 262 Columns 4 7
S-DECK 263 Structural floor deck 1 3
S-FNDN 264 Foundation, piles, drilled piers 1 3
S-FNDN- 265 Foundation reinforcing; Slab reinforcing 1 3
S-GRID 266 Column grid outside building, inside building, grid 1 3
dimensions, grid tags, columns
S-JNTS 267 Joints 4 7
S-JOIS 268 Joists 4 7
S-METL 269 Miscellaneous metal 1 3
S-PATT 270 Patterns 160 17
S-PROP 271 Property Lines 4 7
S-SLAB 272 Slab; Edge of slab; Slab control joints 1 3
S-STRS 273 Stair treads, escalators, ladders; Stair risers, balcony 1 3
handrails, guard rails
S-TRUS 274 Trusses 4 7
S-WALL 275 Structural bearing or shear walls 4 7
S-ABLT 276 Anchor Bolts 8 9
S-GRAT 277 Grates 250 8
S-RBAR 278 Reinforcing Bar 22 22

September 6, 2017


The following AutoCAD layers/MicroStation levels shall be used to structure

Telecommunications Drawings. The associated AutoCAD and MicroStation color
numbers will be used as a standard.

Layer / Level Layer / Level Description Layer / Level Color

Name #
AutoCAD MicroStation

T-1LIN 290 One-line diagram 4 7

T-ALRM 291 Alarm system 1 3
T-CABL 292 Cable systems: coax cable, fiber optics cable, multi- 1 3
conductor cable, cable tray and wireway
T-CATV 293 Cable television system 4 7
T-CCTV 294 Closed-circuit TV 1 3
T-DATA 295 Data/LAN system 80 11
T-ELEC 296 Electrical system, telecom plan 1 3
T-EQPM 297 Equipment 4 7
T-FIRE 298 Fire alarm, fire extinguishers 1 3
T-JBOX 299 Junction box 4 7
T-PATT 300 Patterns 160 17
T-PHON 301 Telephone system 1 3
T-RISR 302 Riser diagram 4 7
T-SERT 303 Security system 1 3
T-SOUN 304 Sound/PA system 120 12
T-TVAN 305 TV antenna system 11 19


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