Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice

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What a teacher expects students to learn from the course is called

Learning method
Learning module
Learning outcome
Learning types

Learning outcome statements help the learner to identify

the cognitive load of the course
the efforts the teacher needs to make to teach the course
the program outcomes
the curriculum design principles

Blooms taxonomy was originally proposed in the year ________


According to the revised Blooms taxonomy, the lowest effort is needed to ___

A characteristic feature of learning outcome is ____

It contains a noun
It contains an observable verb
It contains an adjective
It contains a non-observable verb

How does active learning differ from traditional passive learning methods?
It involves no interaction between students and instructors
It encourages student engagement and participation in the learning process
It relies solely on textbooks and lectures
It eliminates the need for assessment and evaluation

Following statements were made about cooperative group learning.

A) Group members who are less skilled improve their abilities through peer
B) Group members who are more skilled get better clarity when they explain to
other members.
C) Group members who are less skilled improve their abilities by self-learning.
Which of the following combination of the above statement is correct?
A, B, and C
B and C
A and C
A and B

In cooperative learning, the formation of small groups plays a crucial role. Which of
the following statements about the instructor are valid for group formation?
Assigns a group leader and reporter
Ensures equal contribution from all group members
Provides a clear agenda with problem statement
Provides no help

Cooperative learning not only improves academic skills but also enhances social

Which of these statements correctly describes the think-pair-share strategy?

Each student is supposed to think and share a pair of questions with the teacher
Questions and answers are shared to students by the teacher
The teacher provides a question and the students are given unlimited time to think
individually, without further group discussion
The students are asked to think individually and, then cross-check/discuss the
solution with each other.

The learning strategy, “Think – pair – share”, is a method of

Asking every student to solve a problem only independently and then merely share
the answer with others
Asking a single student to work out a problem and share the solution with all the
A pair of students is involved; one student solves the given problem and the other
student reports the solution to the entire class
Allowing to students to work out a problem, discuss the solutions and revise them
if needed

Which of the following statements are valid for informal groups?

They are formed by students sitting nearer to each other in the class for easy
communication and discussion
Less skilled students can improve their learning
More skilled can get more clarity on the concept
Only the assigned leader will contribute to solve the given task

Which of the following scenarios are examples of active learning?

Listening to the lecture by the teacher in class and taking notes
Derivations of important equations done in class during which the students work out
parts of the derivation in a guided fashion
Problem based learning with students being guided in the solution of the problem
Calculations toward a well-defined goal done by students in class
Identify the appropriately designed learning outcome statement from the below
Students will be able to understand first law of thermodynamics
Students will be able to learn first law of thermodynamics
Students will be able to know the first law of thermodynamics
Students will be able to state first law of thermodynamics

Which of the following statements are correct?

A course can have learning outcomes from all six levels of Blooms taxonomy
A course does not necessarily have learning outcomes from all six levels of Blooms taxonomy
A course should have minimum 10 learning outcomes
A course should have learning outcome only from create level

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